
Fall 2013 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Oh no... after the summer of a lifetime on the west coast of North America, it's back to monsoon season, falling leaves and the threat of snow on higher trails.  Time to think about layering those club t-shirts, packing a headlamp on long afternoon runs and digging-out the gloves.

First, a big, fat "Thank you!" for your response to our little survey about the future of Club Fat Ass.  We're at a crossroads as a club... possibly victims of our own success.  Of the roughly 100 thoughtful responses, all wanted to see the Club continue.  Just about all wanted to keep our "online clubhouse" and were happy with paying modest membership dues to pay for the infrastructure. Nobody offered to manage the Club website, however, and several steering committee roles remain unfilled.

Your Steering Committee has given this a lot of thought.   Our conclusion: The Club needs to be self-managing.

Some changes you can anticipate for 2014:

  • there will be no annual membership dues
  • the "online clubhouse" will move to Facebook

If you are a Facebook guru and could spare a bit of time, we'd sure appreciate some coaching.  We're also looking for enthusiastic runners with a bit of spare time to participate on the Steering Committee.  Please contact me if you can lend a hand.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge. 1 April - 25 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  Start racking up points now by bagging the snowless Howe Sound Island peaks.   Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of previous bagging adventures to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo left: Andy being silly...or is he trying to tell us something....

Photo right: Finding a route around a rather large puddle on Ann's Get Your FA Off the Couch course

Ann's Get your FA Off the Couch: 20 October - North Vancouver, BC. A fun run on winding trails and back roads of lower Seymour Mountain. Two distance options, the "Old Chesterfield" 20 km or the "Cushy Couch" 10 km. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. Not a member yet, take out a free trial membership to see what we are all about.   More info and registration here

Photo left:  Karl, the event host,  toughing it out along a beautiful shoreline during a previous Seawall 100.  

Seawall 100: 26/27 October - West Vancouver, BC.  An urban 100 miler, mostly on the Seawall path from the Dundarave Park in North Vancouver to UBC. Enjoy an ultramarathon challenge with minimal concerns for wild beasts, altitude or elevation gain. 'Could be described as the easiest 100 miler in North America if there is such a thing as an easy 100 mile run. Custom distances of 25-50-75 miles. Find out more here.

Photo right: Negotiating the rocky, rooty, muddy and wonderful trails of the North Shore during the Sweet Go Deep.

Sweet Go Deep: 3 November - North Vancouver, BC. Join Event Host, Reagan White on a challenging but beautiful 20 km or an easier, but equally stunning 12km course on lower Seymour Mountain.  Register here.

Photo left: Action Jackson whipping up a mean "no beans" Texas chili.

Silly Chili Triathlon. 10 November (date to be determined, might also be on the 11th) - North Vancouver, BC.  This event is both something athletic and social to do with your family on the Remembrance Day holiday.  It involves a short run, an even shorter swim and a chili cook-off.  Beans or no beans.  Veggie or road kill.  Mild or burns through plate steel.  Give it your best shot!  Limited space, so please register here soon.

Seymour Super Fun Run: 23 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge on and around the trails of Mount Seymour.  Tell your Mama you'll be coming home all wet and muddy. Check it out here.;">


The Future of The Club.  Yes, changes in the wind... but not until 2014.

First, a big, fat "Thank you!" for your response to our little survey about the future of Club Fat Ass.  We're at a crossroads as a club... possibly victims of our own success.  Of the roughly 100 thoughtful responses, all wanted to see the Club continue.  Just about all wanted to keep our "online clubhouse" and were happy with paying modest membership dues to pay for the infrastructure. Nobody offered to manage the Club website, however, and several steering committee roles remain unfilled.

Your Steering Committee has given this a lot of thought.   Our conclusion: The Club needs to be self-managing.

Some changes you can anticipate for 2014:

  • there will be no annual membership dues
  • the "online clubhouse" will move to Facebook
If you are a Facebook guru and could spare a bit of time, we'd sure appreciate some coaching.  We're also looking for enthusiastic runners with a bit of spare time to participate on the Steering Committee.  Please contact me if you can lend a hand. 

Two for One Shirt Sale.  Cheaper than shopping at the Sally Ann! Next year might see different Club colors... or no colors at all.  We're blowing out the controversial "I may be a Fat Ass, but I'm in front of you!" blue and black technical t-shirts.  Limited quantities and colors.  A "must-have" for every ultrarunner's t-shirt drawer.  A great gift for your Mom.  Ther perfect present for that friend or co-worker who needs a kick in the tail to get active.  Get your Club Fat Ass colours now for only $25 for 2. Buy now here.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



Winter 2013 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Changes are underfoot as we run quickly toward a new year!

First, your "online clubhouse" is moving....

Starting in January, all of your Club's online activity will happen on our Facebook group.  It's free.  It's as easy as pie to share comments and photos.  It's up and running with most upcoming events already highlighted. 

Like any move, this one has taken a lot of planning and preparation. Please be patient and generous with your comments as we make the transition.  

"What about the exisiting website?", you ask.  It will be archived, but you'll still be able to access the rich history of results, photos and stories.  To elminate confusion between the Facebook pages and groups, we'll delete the older Facebook page.  Given Facebook automatically sends updates to group members, there's no need for this newsletter, either, so it will be discontinued.  

So, don't miss a step, join the Club Fat Ass Facebook group now! 

Second, 'tis the season for gift-giving...

The Club's gift to you?  No more $50 annual membership dues!   

Starting 1 January 2014, the Club is moving to "membership by donation" with a fundraising event or two to help keep the lights on.  

Our first fundraising run is less than a month away on 1 January 2014.  Registration is only $25.  Make your New Years resolution to kick off 2014 with an invigorating run with some nice people followed by a brisk dip in the Pacific.  Join us for the 21st running of the classic Vancouver New Year Day Fat Ass 50km Run and Freeze Your Fat Ass Swim! 

"Thanks, but I'll be nursing a hangover on the beach!", you say? No worries... in lieu of membership dues, you can chip-in a little something to support the Club.

As you reflect on your year, I hope it includes good thoughts of your adventures with Club Fat Ass.  With all of the positive changes underway in the Club, we're so excited about the possibilities for 2014 we could burst!  I hope you agree and that we see a lot of you out there on the trails in the near future.

Merry Christmas.  Happy Holidays.  Happy New Year.  Happy Trails!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Weekly Winter Training Night.  12 December 2013. North Vancouver, BC. Let's get together for a training run through festively lit neighborhoods. We will be running for about 10km at a 5:30-6min /km pace. Course is on roads, relatively flat (considering this is North Vancouver) with one steepish, but short hill. Bring your lights and be ready to run at 19:00 hours from the Yellow Beacon on Fairmont Road (address provided upon request). Please join here

Photo right: Crossing the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge during the Pure Satisfaction Run

Pure Satisfaction: 15 December - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails... a perfect way to start the busy Christmas season!  Bring your jingle bells and wear your Santa hat to this one, too! Details here.

Photo left.  A great day and gorgeous sunny city and mountain views greeted runners for the 2011 Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run

Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2014 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 
km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. It's now a Club fundraiser.  More details here!


The Online Clubhouse is Moving.  
Starting in January, all of your club's online activity will happen on our Facebook Group.  We've been testing exhaustively over the past few months.  A big, fat, "Thank You!" to Doris Leong and Emma Levez Larocque for your help, suggestions and feedback.

We're bound to have overlooked something, though.  Sorry!  Please be generous with your suggestions and feedback over the next couple of months as we settle-in.

It's free.  It's easy to use.  Try it, you'll like it.  Don't delay... join the Club Fat Ass Facebook group today!

Santa Claus is Coming to Town.  
Ho ho ho.  Have you been a good boy or girl?  How about a free membership in Club Fat Ass for Christmas? Regardless of whether you've been naughty or you've been nice, there are no more $50 annual membership dues!

Membership in the Club will be by donation in 2014.  Chip-in what you can to help us keep the lights on.

A few select events will also serve as fundraisers for the club.  Our first fundraising event happens to be on the first day of the year.  In a world where your typical run can cost up to $100, this one is only $25. Join us for the Vancouver New Year Fat Ass 50km Run and Freeze Your Fat Ass Swim

Help with Your Christmas Shopping List?  
Worn-out your Club colors or left them in a drop bag somewhere?
Looking for a gift for that special friend or co-worker who needs a subtile kick in the behind?  Get a controversial,  "I may be a Fat Ass, but I'm in front of you!" technical t-shirt!   A "must-have" for every ultrarunner's t-shirt drawer.  A great gift for your Mom.  Limited quantities in blue and black.  Christmas special:  Two (2) for $25.  


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebook


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



June 2013 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Success is killing us.  Over the past 10 years, CFA has hosted over 500 free events.  We've learned that there is a place in this world for free, low-key events that challenge us athletically, but emphasize fun, mentorship and camaraderie over competition. 

We've also learned that "free" comes a cost.  That cost is the love the CFA Event Host puts into their event and the many, many hours the Steering Committee invests behind the scenes to pull it all together.

That burden on the Steering Committee has been building over the past few years.  It has now reached the point where it's no longer possible to continue the Club as in the past... there are simply not enough hours in the day for those who do the work to get it all done.

The options we're considering range from transferring management of the Club to someone with more resources... to shutting down the Club altogether. They include moving the "online clubhouse" (website) to our Facebook page, reducing the number of CFA events, taking some events "pro", and/or completely doing away with Club dues and with the end of dues, eliminating anything that takes administrative time or costs money.

As a Club member or supporter, what do you think?

With almost 10,000 newsletter subscribers, Facebook friends, Twitter followers and website visitors and 200 full members, we figure the best way to organize your advice is with a brief survey.  There are 2 questions:

  • What do you think the Steering Committee should do?
  • What are you prepared to do to help?

Click here to take the survey now:   

We'll leave the survey up until the end of June so everyone who has a thought has lots of time to share it. 

Whatever the future direction of the Club, nothing will change until the end of this year, so be sure to get the most out of your membership by attending as many of the 17 remaining CFA events in 2013... and be sure to get one of the few remaining Club t-shirts in inventory before they become collectors' items on eBay!

Enjoy the summer!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge. 1 April - 25 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  Start racking up points now by bagging the snowless Howe Sound Island peaks.   Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of previous bagging adventures to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo left: Eric Rannaud sporting his canary yellow club shirt on the Howe Sound Crest Trail last summer.

Flash - 5Peaks Cypress Warm Up. July 14 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. 11 July - North Vancouver, BC.  A fun and free group orientation run on for the 6 km and 14km courses of the  5Peaks Cypress Mountain Race. Combination of single track, technical hiking trails and alpine ski runs.   There will be faster and slower pace groups on each course, so there's something for everyone.  Get to know the trail you will race on so you can kick some butt on race day!  Of course, you are welcome to run with us even if you are not registered for the 5Peaks race.  Details and free registration here. If you are able to lead a group, please contact 

Sibylle.Photo right: EH Carlos (with Teagirl Katie) showing off the trails and views in his backyard. 

The Monty. 20 July - Victoria, BC, Canada. Can you do the Full Monty? 25km or 50km on beautiful single track trails. Amazing views. Check it out here.

Pansyman Ultra Triathlon. 21 July - Vancouver, BC, Canada. An urban triathlon right here in Vancouver! 3.8km swim, 181.5km bike ride, 50km ULTRA!  Finisher Medals for everyone! Winners of categories get a "bouqet" of pansies! Tattoos included!  Details here.

Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails: 27 July - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A beautiful hike up Lynn Peak in the afternoon and/or an easy evening run in memory of our friend and Club member Mary Leliveld. Emphasis is on camaraderie rather than competition. We would like to see this be a group hike where we celebrate the life of a friend who can't join us.  We end the evening with a pot luck dinner and post-hike/run party. Non runners are welcome to join in! This is also a fundraiser for a bursary in Mary's name. Registration and more information here.  

Photo left:  Ascending on the Baden-Powell Trail from the Lynn Headwaters to Mountain Highway

Bill's Great Peak Ascent. 28 July - North Vancouver, BC. With Kneeknacker over and done with and Squamish 50 coming up, Bill's Great Peak Ascent offers a great group training opportunity for those with upcoming races or just to wanting to get some more off-road mileage in. Find Out more here.

Full Moon Frenzy. 17/18 August - Manning Park. An epic adventure for the very brave and crazy.  Details here.

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night's Dream. August 24 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Don't miss this night running classic followed by a garden party and potluck extravaganza. Details here.

Go Home via the Hanes Valley. August 31 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Chose between a nice and easy 14km trail or tough, backcountry wilderness runs of 18km or 30km length.  More here;">


The Future of The Club.  Yes, changes in the wind... but not until 2014.  Be sure to share your thoughts on the direction of the Club at:

Two for One Shirt Sale.  Cheaper than shopping at the Sally Anne!  Next year might see different Club colors... or no colors at all.  We're blowing out the controversial "I may be a Fat Ass, but I'm in front of you!" blue and black technical t-shirts.  Limited quantities and colors.  A "must-have" for every ultrarunner's t-shirt drawer.  A great gift for your Mom.  Ther perfect present for that friend or co-worker who needs a kick in the tail to get active.  Get your Club Fat Ass colours now for only $25 for 2. Details here.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



April/May 2013 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

With spring in full swing, I hope your training is going well and you are enjoying the great outdoors.

A record number (almost 200 people) participated in the 29K Marathon Shuffle this past weekend in beautiful Powell River, BC.  Was it the beautiful weather, the stunning Sunshine Coast Trail or the free pint from Townsite Brewing that caused records to fall?

The name is without doubt intimidating.  If you or your friends are still scared taking out a Club Fat Ass membership, be sure to mark the North Shore Enduro in your calendar for this coming Saturday at 8:00. At only 7.6 kilometers to the lap, this event is perfect for the beginning trail runner... and the price is right.

"I'm looking for something a bit longer and more challenging," you say?  Keep running laps for up to 6 hours! Gary Robbins' record of 9 laps in 6 hours is said to be soft.

The Enduro is one of the Club's 2 annual open house runs.  CFA virgins of all abilities benefit from a free trial membership, so no reason for not toeing the line.  Please preregister.  Details below.  

Looking for a birthday gift for that special someone?  Looking to get an early start on Christmas presents?  Just love a deal?  While inventory lasts, the Club is offering a "Two for One" spring-cleaning t-shirt sale.  Get your Club Fat Ass colours now! Details here.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge. 1 April - 25 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  Start racking up points now by bagging the snowless Howe Sound Island peaks.   Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of previous bagging adventures to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo left: Eric Rannaud sporting his canary yellow club shirt on the Howe Sound Crest Trail last summer.

Photo right: On the trail during the North Shore Enduro

North Shore Enduro. 4 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Take advantage of a free membership trial offer for Fat Ass virgins: A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains, the Enduro is on a 7.6 km loop course that lasts up 
to 6 hours. A safe and challenging first trail run featuring some easy and some technical terrain. A great social event for the team runner (2-6 runners can form a team). A tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner. More info and registration here

Photo left:  Mike Wardas making his way up the debris chute on the return trip of last year's Vancouver 100.

Vancouver 100. 1-2 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. The toughest 100 km in Canada... maybe the world! Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation for the full 100 km is by invitation only.  Anyone can participate, however, by running part of the course with the 100 km participants, coming out to the aid station/picnic area at Cleveland Dam or crewing for a runner. More info and applications here.

Flash - 5 Peaks Squamish Warm Up. 2 June - Squamish, BC Canada. A fun and free group orientation run on the Sport and Enduro courses of the 5Peaks race in SquamishCombination of single track and technical hiking trails.  There will be faster and slower pace groups on each course, so there's something for everyone.  This event is for trail runners who are registered or thinking of signing up for the popular 5Peaks race in Squamish in June.  Get to know the trail you will race on so you can kick some butt on race day! Of course, you are welcome to run with us even if you are not registered for the 5Peaks race. Details and free registration here.  If you are able to lead a group, please contact me.

Vancouver Skyline XTC. 11 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This trail run with a twist explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit their abilities. Runners will experience approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.


Two for One Shirt Sale. To get you motivated, for a limited time only we are offering a "Two for One" shirt sale.  Get your Club Fat Ass colours now. Details here.

Steering Committee. Any time is a good time to give back to the community you love.  Club Fat Ass is member-driven.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club in 2013.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



March 2013 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Your Steering Committee has been busy planning an adventure-packed agenda of spring and summer events for you.    For something a bit different  pack your bags for the Spaghetti Tree Run, a 16km or 12km trail course along the wilds of the west coast of Vancouver Island the end of March,  or the Marathon Shuffle, a 32K (or 12km Half Shuffle) run on the Sunshine Coast Trail near Powell River, BC the end of April.

Factoid:  Hundreds of people from around the world subscribe to this newsletter, but many have never participated in a Club event!

We've heard mere mortals tremble at the thought of running with the Fat Asses.  While it's true that some Fat Asses are a little out there on the overachiever scale, most are just like you.  If you've been watching from the sidelines, waiting for the chance to run with the big dogs without having to keep up with them, be sure to mark the North Shore Enduro in your running calendar for early May. 

At only 7.6 kilometers to the lap over a nice variety of trails, this event is perfect for the beginning trail runner.  It's also a great way to expose your kids to the sport without killing them. "I prefer something longer," you say?  Divide and conquer by making it a team effort... or keep running for up to 6 hours and try to beat the current solo record of 9 laps! 

The Enduro is one of the Club's 2 annual open house runs, so first time participants are entitled to a free trial membership.  Take the plunge and tell a friend.  You can do it!

And if you don't want to wait that long, join us tomorrow for the classic Spring Mountain Highway Madness.  Mike Kuiack, our new Event Host, is pretty sure we'll have less snow than last year!

Lastly, a reminder that  all memberships expired December 31st.  If you haven't renewed yet, take a moment to do it now:  

2013 Membership Registration + Renewal.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Photo left: Dave Cressman of Distance Runwear having fun during last year's snowy Spring Mountain Highway Madness run.

Mountain Highway Madness - Spring Edition. 17 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic).  Details.

Photo left:  Stunning coastal views will reward you during the Spaghetti Tree run!

Spaghetti Trees. 30 March  - Victoria, BC, Canada.  Teagirl Katie, the girl who runs in a dress (and stockings) shows off the best our west coast has to offer.  Find the elusive Spaghetti Trees on the 12km or 16km trail  loop run in East Sooke Regional Park.  Skip past ancient copper mines and gorgeous west coast vistas.  Get to the start via an optional bike ride along the Galloping Goose trail from the ferry.  Play along with Katie's antics along the course and finish the day with a pint of local micro brew in a 116-year-old pub. Why is it called Spaghetti Trees? We'd love to hear your guesses :).  Find out more here

Burnaby Mountain Run. 14 April - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around the Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Details here.

Photo right: Above the clouds on Burnaby Mountain

Photo left: A group of hikers enjoying the old growth forest on the Sunshine Coast Trail during the Marathon Shuffle

Flash - Marathon Shuffle. 28 April - Powell River, BC  Canada.  A fun, low key shuffle (hike or run) on a 29 km section of the Sunshine Coast Trail. Half Shuffle (12km) option. Hosted by the PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society), the Powell River Hikers and the BOMB (Bloody Old Men's Brigade) Squad to promote the beauty of the Sunshine Coast Trail. Great trails through old growth, temperate rain forests, along creeks and lakeshore. Magnificent vistas of the Sunshine Coast, adjacent islands, nearby lakes and the city.  Free for members and non-members, a donation to PRAWS is suggested. Details here


Steering Committee. Any time is a good time to give back to the community you love.  Club Fat Ass is member-driven.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club in 2013.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



February 2013 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

One might think that wintertime is a slack time for an outdoors-oriented club.  Not so with this one!  

Karl Jensen and Mark Schmitz have been busy Event Hosts. The new Burnaby Lake series and the Seymour  Sundays provide much needed motivation during these dreary days of winter.  

Over the last couple of month, many Club members have been busy preparing for the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival (VIMFF) Trail Running night in early February. It was an inspiring evening of  great adventures and accomplishments and an outstanding way to catch up with friends.  Thanks to everyone who came by the CFA table.  I feel very lucky to be part of this great trail running community.

Don't miss the Capilano Canyon Night Run Mardigras this coming weekend.  It's one of the original Club events.  The post event festivities are legendary.  If you like snowshoe running or would like to give it a try, join us at the Squamish Scrambler the following weekend.  Details for all upcoming events are in the newsletter below.

Lastly, a reminder that  all memberships expired December 31st.  If you haven't renewed yet, take a moment to do it now:  

2013 Membership Registration + Renewal.

Happy Valentine's Day,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Capilano Canyon Night Run. 16 February - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner, or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs are followed by a pool party, a potluck party as a celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to the first 50, so please register early!

Photo right: At the start of last years Carpilano Canyon Night Run
Photo left: A playful raven watches out over snowshoers in the coastal mountains

Squamish Scrambler. 23 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savor spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.

Flash - Burnaby Lake 80K2 March - Burnaby, BC Canada. A Fool has signed up for the Pacific Rim 24 hour run in mid-March and thinks that a little training might be of some value in that endeavour.   Anyone wanting an early season 80K on a nice, flat 10K loop is welcome to join...of course, in true Club Fat Ass tradition you may run whatever distance you wish.  Details.

Photo right: As splendid sunset at Burnaby Lake

Photo left: We anticipate less snow during this years Spring Mountain Highway Madness run.

Mountain Highway Madness - Spring Edition. 17 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic).  Details.

Spaghetti Trees. 30 March  - Victoria, BC, Canada.  Teagirl Katie, the girl who runs in a dress (and stockings) shows off the best our west coast has to offer.  Find the elusive Spaghetti Trees on the 12km or 16km trail  loop run in East Sooke Regional Park.  Skip past ancient copper mines and gorgeous west coast vistas.  Get to the start via an optional bike ride along the Galloping Goose trail from the ferry.  Play along with Katie's antics along the course and finish the day with a pint of local micro brew in a 116-year-old pub. Why is it called Spaghetti Trees? We'd love to hear your guesses :).  Find out more here

Photo right: Sibylle and porker, the club mascot, enjoyed the ferry ride to an earlier edition of the Spaghetti Tree run near Victoria.


Steering Committee. Any time is a good time to give back to the community you love.  Club Fat Ass is member-driven.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club in 2013.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



January 2013 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

A belated "Happy New Year!"

I hope you got the year off to a running start and are working on resolving your New Year's Resolutions.

Thanks to all who renewed their membership or joined the Club over the holidays. Woo-hoo... it's going to be a great year!  Registration is ongoing, so if you plan on participating in any of our countless events over the year, please join the club and our community of friendly trail runners and outdoor enthusiasts.

Your Club Steering Committee is about to launch into another year.   This group will meet about 7 times in 2013 to manage the Club.  Our goals are simple:  more events and more members to enjoy them.  Many thanks to Ran Katzman, Reagan White, Ean Jackson and most recently Marc Schmitz and Carlie who were active not only on the trails in 2012, but also behind the scenes to keep Club Fat Ass running. 

Can you spare a couple of hours a month this year to help improve and grow the Club?  No heavy lifting or experience necessary.  To join us on Monday 18 February, please contact me!  

'Hope to see you at one of the Seymour Sundays group run, the Vancouver Mountain Film Festival Trail Running Night, the Squamish Scrambler or the Capilano Canyon Night Run in the next few weeks. 

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Vancouver Mountain Film Festival  - Trail Running Show. 10 February - Centennial Theatre, North Vancouver, BC Canada. A multimedia evening featuring tales, movies and images from the Westcoast Trail Running Scene. Details here.

Photo left: taking a dip in the frigid Pacific after the Vancouver New Year's Fat Ass Run.

Photo right: Startline at last year's Capilano Nightrun Mardigras.  Don't forget your headlamps for this year's edition, February 16th.


Capilano Canyon Night Run. 16 February - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner, or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs are followed by a pool party, a potluck party as a celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to the first 50, so please register early!

Squamish Scrambler. 23 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savor spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.


2013 Membership Registration.  At the stroke of midnight December 31st, all 2012 memberships expired.  If you haven't renewed your membership yet, please do so here.  If you can't  remember if you signed up for 2013 already, just check the 2013 Member Directory

Business Members.  We are happy to welcome Melissa Pace and Landsea Tours  Adventures to our ranks of business members.  LTA's year-round tours feature the best sightseeing that Vancouver, North Shore, Whistler and Victoria have to offer, as well as the ability to plan and reserve private charter itineraries; whereby all our tours can be customized to suit your needs.  Melissa was an early member and Event Host of Club Fat Ass.  After years of adventure racing and a break from extreme sports following an injury, she now is looking forward to getting back into trail running.  

Steering Committee. Any time is a good time to give back to the community you love.  Club Fat Ass is member-driven.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club in 2013.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



December 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

With Christmas behind us and New Year in a couple of days, 'tis the season to wrap-up the year gone by and think about all we might look forward to in the year ahead.

Looking back on 2012, it gives me great pleasure to recognize those overachievers in the Club who have earned special recognition in our annual Club contests (see below).  Congrats to you!  Prizes will be awarded with much hoopla and speeches at the festivities following our first Club event of 2013 on New Years Day.

Looking forward to the new year, if you're resolving to accomplish great athletic things in 2013, be sure to note them online so your friends and fellow Club members can hold your feet to the fire.  You might even be recognized with a prize this time next year!

2013 is shaping up to offer even more events and challenges.  Don't forget to renew or join the Club before the end of December... it's not only the best deal going, Club events are fun and better for you than eating more broccoli.

Speaking of new years resolutions, if you haven't yet resolved to begin the year with your Club's classic suffer-fest, it's about time you get on it: the Vancouver New Year's Day 50km Run is in 2 days!

Peace on earth and happy trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2013 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 
km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!

Photo left.  Unlikely we will run in snow during the 2013 Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run

Photo right. On dark trails during the Capilano Canyon Night Run. 

Capilano Canyon Night Run. 16 February - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner, or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs are followed by a pool party, a potluck party as a celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to the first 50, so please register early!

Photo left: Running through fresh pow during the Squamish Scrambler

Squamish Scrambler. 23 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savor spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.


2013 Membership Registration.  At the stroke of midnight December 31st, 2012 comes to an end... and so does your 2012 membership in the Club.  Especially if you plan to be part of the Vancouver New Year's Fat Ass 50km a few hours later, please be sure to join the Club or renew your membership,   Can't remember if you signed up for 2013 already?  Just check the 2013 Member Directory

Contests(Drum roll...)  I am happy to announce the winners in the annual Club contests.  

Craig Moore took the crown in the 
2012 Point Series. Craig will receive a refund on his 2013 membership fees.  

A pair of Vibram Five Fingers from Distance Runwear goes to Gottfried Grosser in the Refer a Friend Contest for signing up the most new Club members. Way to go Gottfried! 

Marc Schmitz managed to accomplish most of his 2012 New Year's resolutions as documented in the New Year's Resolution Contest, beating out Action Jackson who once again, bit off more than he could chew.

Lastly, the photo of Eric Rannaud on a summer peak bagging expedition rose to the top of Flickr's "interestingness scale" and will take the prize, a gift pack, from Distance Runwear in the Traveling Colours Contest. Photo credit goes to Reagan White.

A big, fat "Thank you!" to business member, Dave Cressman at Distance Runwear for the contest prizes and his support and enthusiasm over the past year.

Prizes will be awarded at the festivities after the Vancouver New Year's Day 50km Run.

Business Members.  We are happy to welcome Shem Sharifi to our community of business members.  Shem is a Massage Therapist at Burrard Massage Therapy. When he is not tending to sore muscles or teaching massage, he can be found running the trails in and around Vancouver. Next time you need relief from tense muscles, give him a call.

Steering Committee. Any time is a good time to give back to the community you love.  Club Fat Ass is member-driven.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club in 2013.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



November 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

It's more than halfway through November... Yikes, where has the year gone?  With days full of gray and lots of running in the rain, it's time to think positive and start planning our training and racing for 2013.

Club registration and renewal for 2013 is now open.  As an incentive, if you get your club registration in before 1 December you will be included in the draw for a membership refund.

Heads-up that winners of the Club's 2012 contests will be determined on 20 December.  While the time for your 2012 running resolutions is past and it's a bit late in the season for earning Club participation points, everyone still has a chance to win a membership refund or a nice prize from our business member, Distance Runwear.  Make sure you have your photo contributions up on Flickr (or send it to me) and promote them with your friends for the best chance to win.  More about Club contests in the newsletter below.

As 2012 comes to a close, we're over-the-top excited about 2013.  Many events are in their 10th year and we are looking to add new courses and events to the calendar.  If you have a favorite trail run you'd like to share with fellow members, please contact me.  On that note, you should know  that event hosts receive a free membership in the year following their first scheduled event.

Happy trails!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


CFA VIP Christmas Party: 23 November, North Vancouver, BC.  A special annual event for the special people who help keep your Club "running".  Celebrate the end of a great year with good friends, good food and tales from the trails.  Club VIPs include Event Hosts, Business Members and Steering Committee members and their partners.  You know who you are!  If you’ve not received a VIP invitation and would like one next year, host an event or help improve the Club by contributing some of your expertise.  Contact us with your thoughts.

Seymour Super Fun Run: 24 November - North Vancouver, BC.

A late fall challenge on and around the trails of Mount Seymour.  Tell your Mama you'll be coming home all wet and muddy. Check it out here.

Photo left: Crossing the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge during the Pure Satisfaction Run

Pure Satisfaction: 9 December - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails... a perfect way to start the busy Christmas season!  Bring your jingle bells and wear your Santa hat. Details here.

Photo right.  A great day and gorgeous sunny city and mountain views greeted runners for the 2011 Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run

Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2013 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 
km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!


2013 Membership Registration Now Open. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.

Contests. Our 2012 contests are winding down, but it is not too late to participate for a chance to win one of the fine prizes provided by Dave Cressman from DistanceRunWear.

Please submit your Travelling Colours photos soon and make sure you check out submissions to date.  The winner will be determined by the photo sharing site Flickr so make sure you'll comment on the photos you like and "favourite" the ones you like best.
Point collection for both the Refer a Friend contest and Point Series is ongoing until the 10th of December.  Points earned after that date, will count toward your 2013 tally.  The winner of the Refer A Friend contest will get their sweaty feet into a pair of Vibram Five Fingers and the 
Point Series winner will receive a full refund on their 2013 membership.  For those who dared to share their New Years' Resolutions way back when, please take a moment to review and rate how you did.

With less than 5 weeks 'till Christmas, it's time to start thinking about the gift you'll give that special someone.  Consider a Club membership or t-shirt!  

As a special incentive to recognize those members who share the love, any member who signs up 3 new members (Fat Ass virgins) from now until Christmas will get their Club colors for free! 

Steering Committee. Any time is a good time to give back to the community you love.  Club Fat Ass is member-driven.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



North Shore Bagger Challenge. Once again, it was an intense battle for the Pippa Quaich.  In the end the reigning champion, Carolyn King, took the crown, but second-placed Jess Dagg with baby Sierra in tow sure made her work hard for it!  In the Munro Quaich division, Bill Maurer won again and topped this accomplishment by bagging all 57 peaks in the challenge in one season. The Harry Quaich for the under 16 crowd went to Harry Crerar while Tundra the Wonderdog took home the Tundra Quaich in the canine division.  The Dagg family and Team Healey-Thorpe were awarded the Twisted Quaich for introducing the next generation to the joy of mountains.  Check out the winners here.

Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
2012 Travelling Colours Contest.  Pictures of your 2012 adventures wearing your Club t-shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here

2012 Point Series. Up-to-date standings are

 here.   Learn how to collect points here, or try to pry some secrets from Des the next time you see him at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



October 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

No doubt about it... fall has fallen.  The air is crisp and its full-on monsoon season.  For most, our best races of 2012 are behind us.  Time to start thinking about (gulp!) our goals for 2013.

Yes, it's decision time again.  Club registration for 2013 opened this week.  Do I save the money and pork-up? Do I invest in myself and my athletic goals and join or renew with CFA for the upcoming year?  If you've been waiting for the ideal time to become a Fat Ass, join today and get free events for the rest of this year and all of next! 

I would like to extend a big welcome and Thank You to our new Event Host and Membership Steering Committee Chair, Marc Schmitz.  Marc has been with Club Fat Ass for only a year. He's been an active member participating in a number of events and hosting the Seymour Sunday's flash events last winter and spring.

Your Steering Committee has been confirming event dates with our Event Hosts and making sure CFA events are in all of the major run calendars for 2013.  If 2013 is the year you'd like to step up and host an event, please drop me a line ASAP so your event gets promoted in print calendars.  

As race season winds down, be sure to take advantage of a full slate of social events in October and November.

If you were part of the peak-bagging frenzy, be sure to attend the 4th Annual Bagger's Banquet for a feast and traditional themed cake, peaty libations and the awarding of the coveted quaiches.   

Another social and culinary highlight, the Silly Chili Triathlon in mid-November, is certain to test your athletic limits and burn your taste buds.  Participation is on a first register, first serve basis and limited to about 10 chefs.  

As the year comes to a close, the people who do the heavy lifting in the Club (Event Hosts, business members and Steering Committee members... you know who you are) are invited to the annual Club VIP party on November 23rd to celebrate another year of great outdoor events and a big "Thank You" for all you did throughout the year. (Separate VIP invite to follow).

Last but not least, don't forget that our contests are winding down.  Dave Cressman at DistanceRunWear has stepped-up with some very nice prizes.  Details on how to get involved and perhaps win something nice are posted below.  

With all the socializing, don't forget to get wet and muddy.  Your club has a great line-up of fall events with distances ranging from 10 km to 100 miles.  See below for details.

Happy trails!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Lynn Peak from South NeedleBagger Challenge. 1 April - 25 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag before the end of the week.  Check out the competition and find out more here. 

Photo left: three young baggers enjoying the first dusting of snow on the North Shore Mountains this past weekend. 

Photo right: Norma and Craig navigation the puddles during last year's Seawall 100.

Seawall 100: 27/28 October - West Vancouver, BC.  An urban 100 miler, mostly on the Seawall path from the Dundarave Park in North Vancouver to UBC. Enjoy an ultramarathon challenge with minimal concerns for wild beasts, altitude or elevation gain. 'Could be described as the easiest 100 miler in North America if there is such a thing as an easy 100 mile run. Custom distances of 25-50-75 miles. Find out more here.

Photo left: Action Jackson whipping up a mean "no beans" Texas chili.

Silly Chili Triathlon. 10 November - North Vancouver, BC.  This event is both something athletic and social to do with your family on the Remembrance Day holiday.  It involves a short run, an even shorter swim and a chili cook-off.  Beans or no beans.  Veggie or road kill.  Mild or burns through plate steel.  Give it your best shot!  Limited space, so please register here soon.

Photo left: Negotiating the rocky, rooty, muddy and wonderful trails of the North Shore during the Sweet Go Deep.

Sweet Go Deep: 17 November - North Vancouver, BC. Join Event Host, Reagan White on a challenging but beautiful 20 km or an easier, but equally stunning 12km course on lower Seymour Mountain.  Register here.

Seymour Super Fun Run: 27 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge on and around the trails of Mount Seymour.  Tell your Mama you'll be coming home all wet and muddy. Check it out here.


2013 Membership Registration Now Open. Club membership registration and renewal for 2013 now open. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.

Contests. Our 2012 contests are winding down, but it is not too late to participate for a chance to win one of the fine prizes provided by Dave Cressman from DistanceRunWear.

Please submit your Travelling Colours photos soon and make sure you check out submissions to date.  The winner will be determined by the photo sharing site Flickr so make sure you'll comment on the photos you like and "favourite" the ones you like best.
Point collection for both the Refer a Friend contest and Point Series is ongoing until the 10th of December.  Points earned after that date, will count toward your 2013 tally.  The winner of the Refer A Friend contest will get their sweaty feet into a pair of Vibram Five Fingers and the 
Point Series winner will receive a full refund on their 2013 membership.  For those who dared to share their New Years' Resolutions way back when, please take a moment to review and rate how you did.

With only 8 weeks 'till Christmas, it's time to start thinking about what you'll give that special someone.  Consider a Club membership or t-shirt!  As a special incentive, we'll be offering a complimentary Club shirt to any member who signs up 3 new members (Fat Ass virgins) from now until Christmas. 

Steering Committee.  I would like to extend a big welcome and Thank You to our new Event Host and Membership Steering Committee Chair, Marc Schmitz.  Marc has been with Club Fat Ass for only a year. He's been an active member, participating in a number of events and hosting the Seymour Sunday's flash runs last winter and spring.

Any time is a good time to give back to the community you love.  Club Fat Ass is member-driven.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
2012 Travelling Colours Contest.  Pictures of your 2012 adventures wearing your Club t-shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here

2012 Point Series. Up-to-date standings are

 here.   Learn how to collect points here, or try to pry some secrets from Des the next time you see him at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.




Please sign-up here.

This newsletter is free to past and current members of Club Fat Ass, as well as anyone who is interested in the Club. In keeping with our privacy policy, we will only sent the newsletter to people who specifically ask (opt-in) to receive it. We've taken this approach to make sure we never send you email you don't want. To start receiving the newsletter, please complete the form above and press "Submit".


Unsubscribing is very easy. Just click on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any newsletter.

What Will I Miss if I Don't Opt-in?

You will not receive reminders of new and upcoming free endurance sports events and notices of new Club Fat Ass member benefits. We hope the occasional reminder will help you get off the couch so you get the most value from your membership, but if you don't want the reminders, you can still find the information in our newsletter archives.

Newsletter Archives

CFA Newsletter April 2005.pdf85.71 KB
CFA Newsletter March 2005.pdf635.85 KB
CFA Newsletter February 2005.pdf792.73 KB

August 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

Summer is the toughest time of the year for your newsletter team.  It's hard to stay indoors and write when the weather is perfect for playing outdoors.  With so many Club activities to chose from, it's also tough to pick which ones to write about!

I hope you join us this weekend for the Sunshine in September run.  We'll walk onto the ferry in Horseshoe Bay and start running right at the terminal in Langdale.  The course is a lovely out and back on rolling trails through old growth forests.  A perfect day away from the hustle of the city.  Find details and registration below.

Be sure to remember the traveling t-shirt contest and Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures while you are out and about this summer.  We are looking forward to your crazy photos of your Club colors and video of your outdoor pursuits

Happy trails and happy (rest of)summer!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Lynn Peak from South NeedleBagger Challenge. 1 April - 10 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag between now and Thanksgiving.  With the higher peaks now clear of snow, it's now prime bagging season.  Check out the competition and find out more here. 

Photo left: Rick's  view of Lynn Peak from the South Needle on a recent bagging expedition.

Photo right:  Views from the ferry terminal at the start of the Sunshine in September trail run.

Sunshine in September. 2 September - Langdale, BC Canada. 20km or 26km on beautiful, mostly single track trails just off the ferry terminal in Langdale on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. Run in forests of grand old trees and gigantic mushrooms. Easy logistics with carpooling, walk on the ferry, run off the ferry and a lovely post-run get together with super views on the ferry ride back. As close to a get a way in a day as you can get! More details here.

Photo left:  Our mascot, Piggy Porker, having  fun at last year's Mountain Highway Madness post run get-together

Piggy Porker having  fun at the post event get-togetherFall Mountain Highway Madness: 11 September - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Need some hill training?  This one is for you.  Details here.

5Peaks Buntzen Lake Warm-Up. 22 September - Anmore, BC Canada.  Details here.


Steering Committee.  Now is the time to get off your duff and start thinking about joining the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee.  We'll have an open meeting in October, but if you been meaning to give back, why not start now?  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2012 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.

Photo: At the start of Go Home Via The Hanes Valley



Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
2012 Travelling Colours Contest.  Pictures of your 2012 adventures wearing your Club t-shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here

2012 Point Series. Up-to-date standings are

 here.   Learn how to collect points here, or try to pry some secrets from Des the next time you see him at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



July 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

I guess, summer has arrived somewhere, but the poor folks on the wet coast of Canada are still waiting for the trails to dry up and the skies to clear.  Check out our list of upcoming events to cheer you up!  

I like to especially draw your attention to Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run and Bill's Great Peak Ascent this weekend and the Capilano Canyon Night Run and Go Home Via the Hanes Valley in August (details and links below.)

With the low clouds and slippery trails, I'd like to take the opportunity to remind you to stay safe while running and exploring the back country.  There are some great resources about playing safe and being prepared on the Club Fat Ass website and from North Shore Rescue.  Please take a minute to review the information before you head out on those long training runs or peak-bagging expeditions. 

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge. 1 April - 25 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can bag in a summer.  There's something for all ages and abilities.  Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of previous bagging adventures to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo Left.  Approaching a Howe Sound Peak

Photo left. Wendy at the TCT Pavillion on Granville Island in Vancouver

TCT Social Club. 1 April - 3 September - Trans Canada Trail (TCT), BC, Canada. See how far you can run on the TCT from Horseshoe Bay to the Coquihalla Summit.  Self guided. Details here.


Photo right: Last years starters at Mary's Run

Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails: 28 July - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A beautiful hike up Lynn Peak in the afternoon and/or an easy evening run in memory of our friend and Club member Mary Leliveld. Emphasis is on camaraderie rather than competition. We would like to see this be a group hike where we celebrate the life of a friend who can't join us.  We end the evening with a pot luck dinner and post-hike/run party. Non runners are welcome to join in! This is also a fundraiser for a bursary in Mary's name. Registration and more information here.  

Photo left:  Ascending on the Baden-Powell Trail from the Lynn Headwaters to Mountain Highway

Bill's Great Peak Ascent: 29 July - North Vancouver, BC. With Kneeknacker over and done with and Squamish 50 coming up, Bill's Great Peak Ascent offers a great group training opportunity for those with upcoming races or just to wanting to get some more off-road mileage in. Find Out more here.

Full Moon Frenzy Ultra. 4-5 August - South Chilcotins - Gold Bridge, BC.  This years event will take place during the weekend closest to the first Full moon of August, which happens to be the long weekend. Perfect for an epic adventure. The event will take place in the Spruce Lake Wilderness Area of the Southern Chilcotins.  Starting on the Pearson Creek FSR, the course will run over 70km to the Relay Creek FSR, crossing 4 high mountain passes along the way.  It will feature incredible scenery, amazing alpine terrain, beautiful singletrack, and vast wilderness. Details here.

Photo left: Making your way through Capilano Canyon

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night's Dream. August 18 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Don't miss this night running classic followed by a garden party and potluck extravaganza.  New trail section for competitive runners!  Details here.

Photo left: Views during the Go Home via the Hanes Valley backcountry run

Go Home via the Hanes Valley. August 25 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Chose between a nice and easy 14km trail or tough, backcountry wilderness runs of 18km or 30km length.  More here




Steering Committee.  The current Steering Committee has been on duty for a number of years now and is looking to hand over reigns for next year. If you have a passion for oddball events and grassroot trail running and can spare a few hours a month, please contact Sibylle to discuss.

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2012 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.


Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
2012 Travelling Colours Contest.  Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2012 adventures wearing your Club t-shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here

2012 Point Series. Up-to-date standings are

 here.   Learn how to collect points here, or try to pry some secrets from Des the next time you see him at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



May 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

It looks like that at least our west, spring has finally sprung and the upcoming  upcoming month offers a large buffet of choices for runners of every ability.

Choices aside, I'd like to take the opportunity to remind you to stay safe while running and exploring the back country.  There are some great resources about playing safe and being prepared on the Club Fat Ass website and from North Shore Rescue.  Please take a minute to review the information before you head out on those long training runs or peak-bagging expeditions. 

Speaking about North Shore Rescue,  check out our members' efforts in support of the Kneeknacker North Shore Trail Race's call to fundraise for this local non-profit.  There are a couple of Fatass Boot Camps planned by Marc Schmitz and Action Jackon is collecting your pennies in his "Saving Lives - One Penny at a Time".

'Looks like the word has finally gotten out that we Fat Asses are not all crazed endurance junkies who enjoy pulling the lungs out of unfortunate newbies who dare come out for a Club run.  There have been a large number of new people joining the Club over the last few months and we saw a few trial members at the North Shore Enduro.  Please join me in welcoming our new members by introducing yourself and lending a helping hand when you see an unfamiliar face at a Club event.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge. 1 April - 25 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  Start racking up points now by bagging the snowless Howe Sound Island-  and  "front row" peaks.   Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of previous bagging adventures to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo Left.  Approaching a Howe Sound Peak
TCT Social Club. 1 April - 3 September - Trans Canada Trail, BC Canada. See how far you can run on the TCT from Horseshoe Bay to the Coquihalla Summit.  Self guided. Details here.

Photo right. Wendy at the TCT Pavillion on Granville Island in Vancouver

Photo left: On the Chuckanut Calf Cramper course

Chuckanut Calf Cramper28 May - Bellingham, WA USA. Something special for our members in Washington and Lower Mainlanders ready for a change of trails between filling the tank and buying cheese.  Join Event Host, Genissa, for a 16 to 32km run on well maintained dirt and gravel trails.  Option to turn around earlier and run fewer miles. Enjoy the beauty of the Chuckanut mountains while toning those calves! Details and registration here

Photo right: Craig, the Event Host for the Vancouver 100

Vancouver 100. 4-5 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. The toughest 100 km in Canada... maybe the world! Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation for the full 100 km is by invitation only.  Anyone can participate, however, by running part of the course with the 100 km participants, coming out to the aid station/picnic area at Cleveland Dam or crewing for a runner. More info and applications here.

Vancouver Skyline XTC. 11 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This trail run with a twist explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit their abilities. Runners will experience approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.


Event Host Needed.  We still are looking for an event host for the Fluffy Bunny, June 16.  I seem to remember a conversation I had with an eager prospect.  Please let Sibylle know if you can host this event.

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2012 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.

Photo: At the start of the Spring Mountain Highway Madness



Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
2012 Travelling Colours Contest.  Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2012 adventures wearing your Club t-shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here

2012 Point Series. Up-to-date standings are

 here.   New member Marc is giving Action Jackson a run for his money by hosting weekly training runs and racking up the points.  Learn how to collect points here, or try to pry some secrets from Des the next time you see him at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



April 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

With spring in full swing, I hope your training is going well and you are enjoying the great outdoors.

There's an interesting variety of events on your Club roster this month. For something a bit different, there's the new TCT Social Club the Vancouver book launch for "A Dream Of Giants" and of course familiar classics like the Bagger Challenge and the Marathon Shuffle.

If you or your friends are still scared about taking out a Club Fat Ass membership, be sure to mark the North Shore Enduro in your calendar.  At only 7.6 kilometers to the lap, this event is perfect for the beginning trail runner.  "I'm looking for something a bit longer and more challenging," you say?  Keep running laps for up to 6 hours!  The Enduro is one of the Club's 2 annual open house runs.  CFA virgins of all abilities benefit from a free trial membership, so no reason in the world for not toeing the line. Please find details below.

Last call to submit your designs for the Club Fat Ass Youtube and Twitter pages.  Contest closes 31 April and the winner will receive a Club Fat Ass Wear collectors shirt.  Details here.  Talking about winning, we are still looking for a couple more volunteer run leaders for the 5Peak Warm Up Run series.   Volunteers will be entered into a draw for the new 5Peaks 50 Miler, Meet Your Maker, in September.  Contact Sibylle

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge. 1 April - 25 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  Start racking up points now by bagging the snowless Howe Sound Island peaks.   Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of previous bagging adventures to share with all Baggers this year.

TCT Social Club. 1 April - 3 September - Trans Canada Trail, BC Canada. See how far you can run on the TCT from Horseshoe Bay to the Coquihalla Summit.  Self guided. Details here.

Photo Left.  Last year's Baggermeister, bill Maurer, enjoying the vistas.

Photo right. Wendy and Ean at Harry Jerome's statue on the TCT in Stanley Park.

A Dream Of Giants - Book Launch Extravaganza. 18 April. Vancouver, BC Canada. Join us for the Vancouver launch of "Dream of Giants", a book about the Sunshine Coast Trail, by Emma Larocque. Bob Davey, one of the original trail builders, will cover highlights of the trail and first hand information about the trail and the upper Sunshine Coast area for hikers, runners, canoeists, kayakers, environmentalists and others who might be interested in taking an adventure holiday close to the lower mainland. The event is free for members and non-members alike. More info here.

Flash - Penrose Bay Pentathlon, Potluck and Pre-Marathon Shuffle Party.  28 April - Powell River, BC Canada.  Details here.

Flash - Marathon Shuffle. 29 April - Powell River, BC  Canada.  A fun, low key shuffle (hike or run) on a 29 km section of the Sunshine Coast Trail. Half Shuffle (12km) option. Hosted by the PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society), the Powell River Hikers and the BOMB (Bloody Old Men's Brigade) Squad to promote the beauty of the Sunshine Coast Trail. Great trails through old growth, temperate rain forests, along creeks and lakeshore. Magnificent vistas of the Sunshine Coast, adjacent islands, nearby lakes and the city.  Free for members and non-members, a donation to PRAWS is suggested. Details here

Photo left: A group of hikers enjoying the old growth forest on the Sunshine Coast Trail during the Marathon Shuffle

North Shore Enduro. 5 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Take advantage of a free membership trial offer for Fat Ass virgins: A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains, the Enduro is on a 7.6 km loop course that lasts up to 6 hours. A safe and challenging first trail run featuring some easy and some technical terrain. A great social event for the team runner (2-6 runners can form a team). A tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner. More info and registration here


Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2012 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.

Photo: At the start of the Spring Mountain Highway Madness



Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
2012 Travelling Colours Contest.  Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2012 adventures wearing your Club t-shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here


2012 Point Series. Up-to-date standings are

 here.   New member Marc is giving Action Jackson a run for his money by hosting weekly training runs and racking up the points.  Learn how to collect points here, or try to pry some secrets from Des the next time you see him at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



March 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

You might have noticed the doors of our "online clubhouse" were closed for a while this month.  It wasn't spring cleaning, but rather a nasty computer virus that took the website down. Thanks to Dale Marthaller's persistence and expertise and a lot of behind the scenes efforts of your Steering Committee, everything about the website is back to where it should be. Thank you for your thoughts, suggestions and patience during the downtime.

Technical hiccups aside, your Steering Committee has been busy planning an adventure-packed agenda of spring and summer events for you.  Check-out the impressive calendar of trail events this month.  For something a bit different, consider an evening of outdoor culture and check out the upcoming Dream of Giants book launch about the Sunshine Coast Trail... then pack your bags for the Marathon Shuffle a 32K run on the Sunshine Coast Trail near Powell River, BC.

Factoid:  Hundreds of people from around the world subscribe to this newsletter, but many have never participated in a Club event!

We've heard mere mortals tremble at the thought of running with the Fat Asses.  While it's true that some Fat Asses are a little out there on the overachiever scale, most are just like you.  If you've been watching from the sidelines, waiting for the chance to run with the big dogs without having to keep up with them, be sure to mark the North Shore Enduro in your running calendar for early May. 

At only 7.6 kilometers to the lap over a nice variety of trails, this event is perfect for the beginning trail runner.  It's also a great way to expose your kids to the sport without killing them. "I prefer something longer," you say?  Divide and conquer by making it a team effort... or keep running for up to 6 hours and try to beat the current solo record of 9 laps! 

This will be a special 10th anniversary of the North Shore Enduro.  The Enduro is one of the Club's 2 annual open house runs, so first time participants are entitled to a free trial membership.  Take the plunge and tell a friend.  You can do it!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Club Fat Ass Event - Marc and Ean at Mystery FallsFlash - Seymour Sunday. Only two more - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Join Marc on 90min training runs on the trails around Seymour Mountain.  All abilities.  Please check the event calendar for upcoming Seymour Sundays or click here.  If your friends are not members, this is a great, free way to get introduced to the Club.

Photo left: Marc and Ean during a recent Seymour Sunday at Mystery Falls

Flash - Quicksilver Spring Run Off.  17 March - Cochrane, AB, Canada. Join Margaret in the Big Hill Springs Provincial Park on a 5km out and back course. Go for as long as you want up to 6hrs.  Open to non-members.  More details here.

Photo right: Birch Forest in Big Hill Springs Provincial Park. Photo by buzz.bishop on Flickr

Photo left: Snowy trails and blue skies during a past Mountain Highway Madness run.

Mountain Highway Madness - Spring edition. 18 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). We'll have a couple of runners from Fort St. John join us, so come on out to show them a good time. Details.

Spaghetti Trees. 31 March  - Victoria, BC, Canada.  Carlos has kindly agreed to take over hosting duties for this years run and will be showing off the best our west coast has to offer.  Find the elusive Spaghetti Trees on the 12km or 16km trail  loop run in East Sooke Regional Park.  Skip past ancient copper mines and gorgeous west coast vistas.  Finish the day with a pint of local micro brew in a 116-year-old pub. Why is it called Spaghetti Trees? We'd love to hear your guesses :).  Find out more here

Photo right: Refuelling on the trails of the Spaghetti Tree run

Photo left:  Magical trails and riggedy bridges on the Sunshine in Springtime course

Flash - Sunshine in Springtime. 7 April - Langdale, BC, Canada.  Join Jackie on beautiful Sunshine Coast trails in preparation for the overconsumption that will accompany Easter Sunday to preburn those calories.  Logistics are easy with walk on ferry access and an out and back course for any distance up to 24km.  Details here.

Photo right: Views from the trails of the Burnaby Mountain course

Burnaby Mountain Run. 14 April - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around the Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Details here.

A Dream Of Giants - Book Launch Extravaganza. 18 April. Vancouver, BC Canada. Join us for the Vancouver launch of "Dream of Giants", a book about the Sunshine Coast Trail, by Emma Larocque. Eagle Walz, father of the Sunshine Coast Trail and author of "The Sunshine Coast Trail", will cover highlights of the trail and first hand information about the trail and the upper Sunshine Coast area for hikers, runners, canoeists, kayakers, environmentalists and others who might be interested in taking an adventure holiday close to the lower mainland. The event is free for members and non-members alike. More info here.

Flash - Marathon Shuffle. 29 April - Powell River, BC  Canada.  A fun, low key shuffle (hike or run) on a 29 km section of the Sunshine Coast Trail. Half Shuffle (12km) option. Hosted by the PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society), the Powell River Hikers and the BOMB (Bloody Old Men's Brigade) Squad to promote the beauty of the Sunshine Coast Trail. Great trails through old growth, temperate rain forests, along creeks and lakeshore. Magnificent vistas of the Sunshine Coast, adjacent islands, nearby lakes and the city.  Free for members and non-members, a donation to PRAWS is suggested. Details here

Photo left: A group of hikers enjoying the old growth forest on the Sunshine Coast Trail during the Marathon Shuffle


Steering Committee.  We need your help, ideas and feedback. Now is the time to get off your rear end and start thinking about joining the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.  Our next Steering Committee Meeting will be announced in the Upcoming Events section.

Website Hints and Tips.  There are several ways to stay in touch with what is happening at Club Fat Ass.  The newsletter is sent out monthly to subscribers and you can subscribe or unsubscribe from your "My Newsletter" setting on you web account.  You may also subscribe to new content on the Club Fat Ass website directly, either via the links at the bottom of blog posts or event pages, or via your "Supscriptions" settings on your web account.  Our Facebook page and Twitter feed are also great tools to find out about upcoming events and to spread the word.

Contest.  We are looking for a new, spiffy background for our Twitter and Youtube accounts. Do you have the creative ideas and skills needed?  Winning design wins bragging rights and a Club Fat Ass shirt. Contact Sibylle if you'd like to submit a design.


FacebookClub Fat Ass Store





For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.

2012 Travelling Colours Contest.  Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2012 adventures wearing your Club t-shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here

Photo:  Why did this member and his 2012 collectors shirt end up in a snow cave?

2012 Point Series. Up-to-date standings are

 here.   New member Marc is giving Action Jackson a run for his money by hosting weekly training runs and racking up the points.  Learn how to collect points here, or try to pry some secrets from Des the next time you see him at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



February 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

The wait is over!  If you ordered a shirt with your Club membership, you should have received it in the mail by now.  Our choice of colors was a bit risky, but I've received lots of thumbs-up so far.  What do you think?  Remember to take lots of photos for the Travelling Colours Contest

Our new business members, Dave and Meghan at Distance Runwear, are giving away a $25 gift certificate to the 5th CFA member visiting their new store on Vancouver's Mainstreet in their new club colours. Details and address below!  

One might think that wintertime is a slack time for an outdoors-oriented club.  Not so with this one!  

A big, fat, "Thank you!" to the members who make-up the backbone of our club: your Event Hosts.  Thanks to them, there have been 12 Club events in the 7 weeks since New Year's Day.  If you do the math, that translates to almost 2 events per week.

We are especially happy to see Marc's informal weekly training runs, the Seymour Sundays, in the event calendar.  You can find more info about these free runs in the Seymour Mountain area of North Vancouver below and in the Upcoming Event section.

The first Steering Committee Meeting of the year is behind us and the second one is approaching fast.  Thanks to the members who have come forward to offer their time and expertise on the Steering Committee or for special projects.  If you have a few hours to spare and would like to help shape the direction Club Fat Ass is going, please get in touch with me. 

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Discover the gnarly trails of Seymour Mountain with Club Fat AssFlash - Seymour Sunday. Ongoing - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Join Marc on a 90min training run on the trails around Seymour Mountain.  All abilities.  Please check the event calendar for upcoming Seymour Sundays or click here.  If your friends are not members, this is a great, free way to get introduced to the Club.

Photo right: Discover the gnarly trails on Seymour Mountain during the Seymour Sundays

Photo left: Run around sparkling Buntzen Lake and up a mountain during the aptly named Run to the Clouds

Run around Beautiful Buntzen Lake at the Club Fat Ass "Run to the Clouds"Run to the Clouds. 3 March - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. A 12.5km or 25km run, all on trails with some gravel road sections. Come see and run around beautiful Buntzen Lake and surrounding mountains. A challenging route with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600 metres) of elevation gain/loss. Fantastic views of Buntzen Lake and the Greater Vancouver area. Details here.

Flash - Quicksilver Spring Run Off.  17 March - Cochrane, AB, Canada. Join Margaret in the Big Hill Springs Provincial Park on a 5km out and back course. Go for as long as you want up to 6hrs.  Open to non-members.  More details here.

Photo right: Big Hill Springs Provincial Park. Photo by D'Arcy Norman on Flickr.

Photo right.  Sometimes there is lots of snow on Mountain Highway!

Lots of snow at the Club Fat Ass Spring Mountain Highway MadnessMountain Highway Madness - Spring edition. 18 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). We'll have a couple of runners from Fort St. John join us, so come on out to show them a good time. Details.

Gorgeous west coast vistas during the Club Fat Ass Spaghetti Trees Run in East Sook Provincial Park near Victoria BCSpaghetti Trees. 31 March  - Victoria, BC, Canada.  Teagirl Katie, the girl who runs in a dress (and stockings) shows off the best our west coast has to offer.  Find the elusive Spaghetti Trees on the 12km or 16km trail  loop run in East Sooke Regional Park.  Skip past ancient copper mines and gorgeous west coast vistas.  Get to the start via an optional bike ride along the Galloping Goose trail from the ferry.  Play along with Katie's antics along the course and finish the day with a pint of local micro brew in a 116-year-old pub. Why is it called Spaghetti Trees? We'd love to hear your guesses :).  Find out more here

Burnaby Mountain Run. 14 April - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around the Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Details here.


Dudes in kilts and snowshoes at the Club Fat Ass Snowshoe for the Haggis eventWin with Distance Runwear. As a kick off to Distance Runwear's support for Club Fat Ass Dave and Meghan, the owners, are offering a prize of a $25 gift card to the fifth (5th) CFA member that comes by their new shop at 4800 Main Street in Vancouver. You need to be wearing your shirt. Don't dispair if you aren't the fifth they'll still have something for you... a little nourishment for your next run.

Photo right:  Dudes in kilts and snowshoes...during the recent Snowshoe for the Haggis outing and Burns dinner.

2012 Club Colours and Membership Registration.  We have pre-ordered special Fat Ass Wear t-shirts this year. I still have all sizes available, but numbers are limited.  If you'd like a new, no-stink, short shirt sleeve, pumpkin colour 2012 collector shirt, better not procrastinate and renew your membership now.  

Photo left: Can you spot the 2012 orange Club Fat Ass Wear collectors shirt at the start of the Mardigras Night Run?

Steering Committee.  We need your help, ideas and feedback. Now is the time to get off your rear end and start thinking about joining the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.  Our next Steering Committee Meeting is scheduled for 28 February in North Vancouver.

New Event Hosts. Get Your FA Off The Couch has a new event host!  Gottfried Grosser, RD for the Tenderfoot Boogie and Frosty, is taking on a new challenge, hosting the Get the Fat Ass Off the Couch, October 20th.  

Photo right: Showing of alternate footwear at the recent Squamish Scrambler Snowshoe run


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store




Club Fat Ass' mascot, piggy porker, being roasted = pork roastPhoto:  Our mascot, Piggy Porker, and Squamish Scrambler newbie, Andrew,  preparing for a pork roast

For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Refueling after a Club Fat Ass running adventureRefer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.

2012 Travelling Colours Contest.  Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2012 adventures wearing your Club t-shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here

Posers with a view on Indian River look out at the Club Fat Ass Seymour Sundays RunsPhoto right: Refuelling after the Squamish Scrambler.  Eat up, Eric!

Photo left.  Posing on Indian River look-out during a Seymour Sundays run.

2012 Point Series. Up-to-date standings are

 here.   New member Marc is giving Ean a run for his money by hosting weekly training runs and racking up the points.  Learn how to collect points here, or try to pry some secrets from Des the next time you see him at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



January 2012 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

A belated "Happy New Year!"

I hope you kicked off 2012 on the right foot, got the year off to a running start and are resolved to give Des Mott some serious competition for being the most active CFA member in 2012.

Thanks to all who renewed their membership or joined the Club over the holidays. Woo-hoo... it's going to be a great year!

If you ordered a special 2012-edition Fat Ass Wear t-shirt, I expect them back from the sewing place and then the screener by mid February and will mail them then.

Your Club Steering Committee is about to launch into another year.   This group will meet about 7 times in 2012 to manage the Club.  Our goals are simple:  more events and more members to enjoy them.  Many thanks to Ran Katzman, Reagan White, Kristin Ohm-Pedersen and Ean Jackson who were active not only on the trails in 2011, but also behind the scenes to keep Club Fat Ass running.  

Can you spare a couple of hours a month this year to help improve and grow the Club?  No heavy lifting or experience necessary.  To join us on Tues 17 January, please contact me!  

'Hope to see you at one of the Seymour Sundays, the Snowshoe For The Haggis, the Squamish Scrambler or the Capilano Canyon Night Run in the next few weeks.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Flash - Seymour Sunday. Ongoing - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Join Marc on a 90min training run on the trails around Seymour Mountain.  All abilities.  Please check the online club house for upcoming Seymour Sundays or click here.

Flash - Snowshoe for the Haggis. 4 Februrary - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A 10km snowshoe run/hike followed by a full-on traditional  Robbie Burns celebration with elements of poetry, music, address to the haggis, feasting, and drinking of Scotch whiskey. More details here.

Photo left: Running through fresh pow during the Squamish Scrambler

Squamish Scrambler. 11 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km 1/2 marathon). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head depending on conditions and your motivation. Savor spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.
Photo right. The Capilano Canyon Night Run is as much a social affair as a run.

Capilano Canyon Night Run. 18 February - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner, or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs are followed by a pool party, a potluck party as a celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to the first 50, so please register early!


2012 Club Colours and Membership Registration.  We have pre-ordered special Fat Ass Wear t-shirts this year. I still have all sizes available, but numbers are limited.  If you'd like a new, no-stink, short shirt sleeve 2012 collector shirt, better not procrastinate and renew your membership now.  

Photo left: Eric Rannaud in the winning photo of the Travelling Colours Contest.

Contests.  (Drum roll...)  I am happy to announce the winners in the annual Club contests.  Des Mott took the crown in the 2011 Point Series. Des ran away with a pair of Montrail trail running shoes. He scored an impressive 46 points by skillfully accumulating bonuses through event participation, hosting the Go Deep via the Hanes Valley run in August and picking garbage off the trail. 

A pair of Brooks trail runners and a video gait analysis went to David Papineau in the Refer a Friend Contest for for signing up the most new Club members. Way to go Paps! 

Photo right: Amber McMinn perched on a mountain peak to take second place in the Travelling Colours Contest.

Reagan White managed to accomplish most of his 2011 New Year's resolutions as documented in the New Year's Resolution Contest. He won a pair of Solomon shoes and a gait analysis from Kintec.

Lastly, Eric Rannaud took way the prize, a refund for his 2012 membership, with his winning photo in the Traveling Colours Contest.  Amber McMinn placed second and won a Sole footcare package and gait analysis.

A big, fat "Thank you!" to Kintec Footlabs for the contest prizes... and a reminder that Kintec supports you year-round with a 20% discount on useful stuff.  Be sure to mention that you're a member of CFA and print out the coupon to take advantage of the offer. 

Business Members. We are happy to welcome some new business members to the Club this year.  

Tom Mills is President of West Coast Grouting.  He has been a supporter of Club Fat Ass for many years, most notably as crew during the adventures of the city boys on the Sunshine Coast Trail and during the Stein Valley assault.  

Dave Cressman is an elite runner and cyclist who includes a top finish in the Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50 and was one of the city boys Tom supported on the Sunshine Coast Trail.  In February Dave is opening Distance Runwear, a new boutique running store near Main Street in Vancouver.  One of his New Year's resolutions is to run more, so be sure to pick his brains about running gear at the next CFA event.

If you are interested in a business membership, please check out what Club Fat Ass can offer you here.

Steering Committee.  We need your help, ideas and feedback. Now is the time to get off your rear end and start thinking about joining the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.  Our next Steering Committee Meeting is scheduled for 17 January in North Vancouver.

Tech Tips - Your Member Profile.  The start of a new year is a good time to dust-off your member profile.  Does your photo reflect the real you?  Are your goals and background up-to-date? 

New Event Hosts. XTC has a new and eager event host.  Wendy Montgomery, race director extraordinaire,  is taking on a new challenge, hosting the Vancouver Skyline XTC, June 9th.  Join her on the TransCanada Trail for 25km up, 25km down or the full 50km.  

The Fluffy Bunny is also looking for a new Event Host.  Jess Dagg, who fine tuned the routes over the last few years, is off on maternity leave and would like to hand the hosting task over while she has her hands full with her new bundle of joy.  Congratulations, Jess and Bill.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store




Photo:  It must be love!  Ran kisses the fire hydrant after completing 50K on New Years Day.

For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.

2012 Travelling Colours Contest.  Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2012 adventures wearing your Club t-shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here

2012 Point Series. Up-to-date standings are

 here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Des the next time you see him at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



December 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


I'd like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2012.

It's been a great year of running and camaraderie.  With one more more Flash adventure coming up between Christmas and New Year, there's still an opportunity to squeeze in a run with your friends before 2011 comes to a close!

As you wrap-up the current year, be sure to take a moment to see how your efforts stacked-up against those of your hyperactive friends.  Does the Point Series include all of the Club events you participated in?  Are the best moments between you and your CFA t-shirt reflected in the Travelling Colours Contests?  If you are gunning for a prize, be sure you're up-to-date by 27 December.  Winners are announced on the website and prizes awarded at the party after the Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50km Run.

2012 is shaping up to offer even more events and challenges.  Don't forget to renew or join the Club before the end of December.  If you're planning great athletic accomplishments in 2012, be sure to note them online so your friends and fellow Club members can hold your feet to the fire.  You might even win a prize.

Rather run than shop 'till you drop?  Get that special someone a Club membership ($75), a signature t-shirt ($25) or check out our cheeky merchandise at the Club Fat Ass store as a way to say you care about friends and fitness.

Merry Christmas, peace on earth and happy trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Kal Lake Park View by richardvignola on Flickr

Flash - Cheers for Beers.  27 December - 1 January - Vernon BC.  6 Marathons in six days could be called a Canadian six-pack, eh?  Check out the line-up of courses host Lorie has in mind here.

Photo left: Beautiful Kal Park is one of the 6 locations for the Canadian Six Pack line-up of marathons. Original photo is posted here.

Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2012 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 
km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!
Photo left.  One never knows what the weather holds in store for the Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run...

Photo right: Trish plays the agony pipes at the Run for the Haggis

Flash - Snowshoe for the Haggis. Sometime in Februrary - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A snowshoe run/hike followed by a full-on traditional  Robbie Burns celebration with elements of poetry, music, address to the haggis, feasting, and drinking of Scotch whiskey. More details will be posted on the website soon.

Photo left: Running through fresh pow during the Squamish Scrambler

Squamish Scrambler. 11 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savor spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.
Photo right. The Capilano Canyon Night Run is as much a social affair as a run.

Capilano Canyon Night Run. 18 February - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner, or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs are followed by a pool party, a potluck party as a celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to the first 50, so please register early!


2012 Club Colours and Membership Registration.  We have pre-ordered special Fat Ass Wear t-shirts this year. I still have all sizes available, but numbers are limited.  If you'd like a new, no-stink, short shirt sleeve 2012 collector shirt, better not procrastinate and renew your membership now.  

Business Members. We are happy to welcome back Active Life Physio and Kintec.  Both businesses have been long time supporters of Club Fat Ass. Please consider them when you need physio treatment or anything related to your feet and shoes.  

If you are interested in a business membership, please check out what Club Fat Ass can offer you here.

Steering Committee.  We need your help, ideas and feedback. Now is the time to get off your rear end and start thinking about joining the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.

Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



All our annual contests will  wrap-up on 31 December at midnight.  Check how you're doing in the Club Point Series.  'Still time to make your way to the top of the leader board by submitting all your wandering t-shirt photos.  Ask your friends to favorite them.  Rope your friends into becoming Fat Asses. See how you've done with your New Years Resolutions...

Refer A Friend Contest. Jess Dagg, Carlos Castillo and David Papineau are in a tie for a pair of trail shoes kindly provided by business member Kintec. They better refer a couple more friends to Club Fat Ass to claim the prize!  Should we still have a tie December 27th, we will draw a winner.  Check out how you can win next year by sharing the love in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.

Travelling Colors Contest.  It is not too late for submissions. Instructions  on how to participate are posted here. If you have already submitted a photo, make sure you tell your friends about it.  The more attention an image receives, the better chance it has to be the most popular photo in the contest and win. The winner of the 2011 Travelling Colours Contest will receive a full refund on the 2011 membership dues. Second place will go home with a Sole Footcare Package kindly sponsored by businessmember Kintec Footlabs.  A gallery of current submissions are posted here.

Club Point Series.   We seem to have a winner, but then again it is not too late to earn some strategic points by submitting photos of you and your favorite club shirt in non-CFA event, refering new members or hosting a Flash Event.  All points need to be submitted by 27 December.  Check-out who is going for the prize - a pair of trail shoes from Kintec here. Learn how to collect points for next year. 


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



November 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

It's more than halfway through November!  Yikes, where has the year gone?  With gray days and lots of running in the rain, it's time to think positive and start planning our training and racing for 2012.

Club registration and renewal for 2012 is now open. If you'd like a collector's edition no-stink, shirt-sleeve 2012 Club Fat Ass Wear t-shirt, be sure to sign-up to the Club soon as unlike in previous years, we have preordered shirts and numbers are limited. As an added incentive, if you get your club registration in before 1 December you will be included in the draw for a membership refund.

Don't forget that winners of our 2011 contests will be determined at the end of December.  While the time for 2011 running resolutions is past and it is late in the season for earning Club participation points, everyone still has a chance to win a membership refund in the travelling t-shirt contest or a prize from ourour friends at Kintec Footlabs in the Refer a Friend contest.  Make sure you have your photo contributions up on Flickr (or send it to me) and promote them with your friends for the best chance to win.  More about Club contests in the newsletter below.

As 2011 comes to a close, we're over-the-top excited about 2012.  Many events are in their 9th or even 10th year and we are looking to add new courses and events to the calendar.  If you have a favorite trail run you'd like to share with fellow members, please contact me.  On that note, you should know  that event hosts receive a free membership in the year following their first scheduled event.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


CFA VIP Christmas Party: 25 December, North Vancouver, BC.  A special annual event for the special people who help keep your Club running.  Celebrate the end of a great year with good friends, good food and tales from the trails.  Club VIPs include Event Hosts, Business Members and Steering Committee members and their partners.  You know who you are!  If you’ve not received a VIP invitation and would like one next year, host an event or help improve the Club by contributing some of your expertise.  Contact us with your thoughts.

Photo left: A record crowd came out last year to fight the elements and have fun at the Seymour Super Fun Run.

Flash - Run For Safety: 25 November - Vanccouver, BC. Being able to run at night is absolutely exhilarating. The darkness gives a sense of calm and peace, but running in the darkness is also dangerous admist the crazy city traffic. Lets join together to create greater awareness for safety - don a costume and receive a free coffee at Terra Breads after the run. More details here.

Seymour Super Fun Run: 26 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge on and around the trails of Mount Seymour.  Not to be missed. Check it out here.

Photo right:  The north shore trails are a muddy, but fun affair in the fall and winter month.

Flash - Crimson Lack Luster Laps: 26 November - Rocky Mountain House, AB. Come on out for a late season run on the beautiful trail system around Crimson Lake. The Amerada Trail makes a 10km loop around the lake. This trail is by no means challenging or technical, just a lovely loop around the lake. There is virtually no elevation gain, just some small hills on groomed trails. Come prepared to run bare trails or in two feet of snow. More info here.

Flash - Foolish Gerbil 100 Mile Trail Run: 3-4 December - Vancouver, BC.  Great 10km loop, easy access to vehicle and washroom on each loop. More details here here

Pure Satisfaction: 11 December - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails... a perfect way to start the busy Christmas season!  Bring your jingle bells and wear your Santa hat. Details here.

Photo left: Crossing the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge during the Pure Satisfaction Run

Photo right.  A great day and gorgeous sunny city and mountain views greeted runners for the 2011 Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run

Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2012 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 
km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!


Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2012 is now open and you should have received your renewal/registration email in your inbox.  If not, find out what's new here.

2012 Club Colours.  We have pre-ordered special Fat Ass Wear t-shirts this year, so numbers will be limited.  If you'd like a new, no-stink, short shirt sleeve 2012 collector shirt, better not procrastinate and renew your membership now.  

Steering Committee.  We need your help, ideas and feedback. Now is the time to get off your rear end and start thinking about joining the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.

Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win a pair of trail shoes in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
Travelling Colors ContestShare photos of your adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) on Flickr.  Get your pals to "like" your submissions and win awesome prizes! Instructions here.  A gallery of current submissions are posted here.

North Shore Bagger Challenge. It was an intense battle for the Pippa Quaich.  In the end the reigning champion, Carolyn King, took the crown again, but second placed Christine Moric sure gave made her work hard for it.  In the Munro Quaich division, Bill Maurer took an early lead and was never really threatened by previous champions Ken Legg and Ean Jackson.  The aptly named Harry Quaich for the under 16 crowd went to Harry Crerar and Tundra the wonderdog took home the Tundra Quaich in the canine division.  2009 champion, Ken Legg, was awarded the Twisted Quaich.

Congratulations to all that gave it their best and had fun in the mountains. Final results are listed here.

Club Point Series.  Up-to-date standings are here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Regan or Jess the next time you see them at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



October 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

No doubt about it... the fall has fallen.  The air is crisp, the monsoons are upon us and for most, our best races of the year are behind us.  Time to start thinking about (gulp!) what we want to accomplish in 2012.

Yes, that means it's also time to get off your fattening behind and join or renew with CFA for the upcoming year.  Registration will open in a few days, and I will send out an email then.  The good news is that the cost of your Club dues for a year of trail goodness will remain the same.  

We've been planning feverishly for the 2012 club shirt.  (You have no idea!)  One change you will see is that we will pre-order shirts.  This means that you better not procrastinate on your membership registration for 2012 as you might not get the shirt in the size you want.  On the positive side, the wait for the shirts won't be as long as in previous years. 

Looking ahead to 2012 and confirming event dates with our Event Hosts, we'd love to see more members step up and host an event.  If you have a course in mind and want to share it with other members, please drop me a line.  On that subject, Jess will be caring for a new little trail runner next year and is looking for somebody to take over her Fluffy Bunny run at Buntzen Lake and Action Jackson is looking for someone to love and nurture the XTC.

As race season winds down, be sure to take advantage of a full slate of social events in October and  November:   Ever wondered who runs the Club or what goes on in a board meeting?  Find out when you join us for the Steering Committee Open House on October 25. Don't miss the Second Annual Fat Ass Film Festival scheduled for 3 November at Kintec Footlabs in North Vancouver.  Lastly, another social and culinary highlight, the Silly Chili Triathlon, will burn your taste buds 11 November (participation is on a first register first serve basis and registration will close once we have enough cooks and tasters).  

With all the socializing, don't miss the great line-up of fall events with distances ranging from 10 km to 100 miles and including a free trial membership for Fat Ass virgins to Get Your Fat Ass Off the Couch.

Details for all events below.

Happy trails!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge. Extended! 1 April - 27 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  The snow is melting fast on the peaks, so if you've been holding back, now's a great time to get bagging.   Find out more here. 

Photo right:  Eric Rannaud on a recent bagging expedition. View of the Lions in the the background.

Photo left: Our mascot, piggy "Porker" running through fall leaves during last year's Anne's Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch Run.

Ann's Get your FA Off the Couch: 15 October - North 

Vancouver, BC. A fun run on winding trails and back roads of lower Seymour Mountain. Two distance options, the "Old Chesterfield" 20 km or the "Cushy Couch" 10 km. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. Not a member yet, take out a free trial membership to see what we are all about.  New membership registration for all remaining events in 2011 and all of 2012 opens after Ann's run. More info and registration here

Photo: Karl on his second loop of a past Seawall 100.

Seawall 100: 22/23 October - West Vancouver, BC.  An urban 100 miler, mostly on the Seawall path from the Dundarave Park in North Vancouver to UBC. Enjoy an ultramarathon challenge with minimal concerns for naughty beasts, altitude or elevation gain. Could definitively be described as the easiest 100 miler in North America if there is such a thing as an easy 100 mile run. Custom distances of 25-50-75 miles. Find out more here.

CFA - Steering Committee Mixer: Tuesday 25 October - North Vancouver, BC. There are so many things we could do to make the Club even better... if only a few more people would chip in a few hours per month.  If being a part of the management of the Club is something you'd consider, please join us for a Steering Committee Mixer.  We'll talk about plans for next year and you'll have the opportunity to ask questions about the roles of the different Steering Committees.  
We really need you!  We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to chair the Event Host, Marketing and Sponsorship committees. More info here here. Please drop me a line if you can attend.

Second Annual Fat Ass Film Festival.  3 November - North Vancouver, BC. Join us and our friends at Kintec for an exclusive screening of videos from CFA runs and peak bagging expeditions throughout the year.  Who knows... you might be a movie star?  Cat-calling and throwing of insults allowed, although we ask that you not hurl peanuts or popcorn unless you plan to stick around and help with the cleanup.  There will be voting and awards. If you are willing to risk running the gauntlet of paparazzi and groupies, at 9:00pm we reconvene with the esteemed directors and movie stars next door at the Taylors Crossing Pub. 

If you would like to enter a movie (1-5 minutes) in the festival, please contact Sibylle.  This evening is free for members and non-members of CFA, but please sign-up soon as space is limited...  Just click here.

Silly Chili Triathlon. 11 November - North Vancouver, BC.  This event is both something athletic and social to do with your family on the Remembrance Day holiday.  It involves a short run, an even shorter swim and a chili cook-off.  Beans or no beans.  Vegi or road kill.  Mild or burns through plate steel.  Give it your best shot!  Limited space, so please register here soon.

Photo right: Jackson whipping up a wicked chili at last year's Silly Chili Triathlon.

Photo left: Negotiating the rocky, rooty, muddy and wonderful trails of the North Shore during the Sweet Go Deep.

Sweet Go Deep: 12 November - North Vancouver, BC. Join our  Event Host, Reagan White on a challenging but beautiful 20 km or an easier, but equally stunning 12km course on lower Seymour Mountain.  Register here.

Rescheduled - Sunshine in September. 19 November - Langdale, BC Canada. 20km or 26km on beautiful, mostly single track trails just off the ferry terminal in Langdale on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. Run in forests of grand old trees and gigantic mushrooms. Easy logistics with carpooling, walk on the ferry, run off the ferry and a lovely post-run get together with super views on the ferry ride back. As close to a get a way in a day as you can get! Changes this year include a new Event Host, bag drop and no more running on the highway. More details here.
Seymour Super Fun Run: 26 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge on and around the trails of Mount Seymour.  Not to be missed. Check it out here.



2012 Club Colours.  Horrah!... the "ayes" have it:  We will continue the tradition of a FatAssWear garment for 2012.  For you newer members, FatAssWear is a home grown garment that is based on the antimicrobial, environmentally-friendly Chitosante fabric.  Vanessa Fors is again designing the pattern and stick handling the manufacturing in Vancouver.   This year you can expect a short sleeve performance shirt in an eye popping colour in a bit lighter fabric that is aimed at summer activites.  

One change you will see is that we will pre-order shirts in November rather than order in January.  The good news is that you won't have to wait until March to get your shirt.  The bad news is that sizes will be limited, so best to join the Club for 2012 and get your shirt order in right away! 

Steering Committee.  Now is the time to get off your rear end and start thinking about joining the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee.  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2012 is planned to open up mid October in a few days.  Look for your renewal email in your inbox.

Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Second Annual Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures.  Don't be shy:  Share your short videos of awesome adventures with fellow Club members and the world at the Fat Ass equivalent of the Oscars.  All submissions will be acknowledged, those with the top votes will make it to the final screening in November.  If you have submissions, please upload them to YouTube, then embed it into a blog post on the CFA site. Check out details here.

Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win a pair of trail shoes in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
Travelling Colors ContestShare photos of your adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) on Flickr.  Get your pals to "like" your submissions and win awesome prizes! Instructions here.  A gallery of current submissions are posted here.
North Shore Bagger Challenge. Last few weeks of the Bagger Challenge.  Still time to join in and hike a peak or two.  Check out the banter and the leader board!

Club Point Series.  Up-to-date standings are here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Regan or Jess the next time you see them at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



September 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

As we savor the last glorious weeks of summer, I hope you find time to hit the great outdoors and your favorite trails and mountain peaks.  September and October promise a busy event schedule featuring an extension to the The Bagger Challenge and everything from short, easy trail runs to a 100-mile road run.

Be sure to also remember the traveling t-shirt contest and Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures while you are out and about.  There are some great prizes for the most crazy photo of your Club colors and the best short adventure video. 

I am happy to announce that during last week's Mary Leliveld's Happy Trail Run in memory of a friend and CFA member who left us too early, her friends and the club raised $334 toward a Tri-BC fund set up in Mary's name.  Thanks to everybody who participated and contributed. Please remember that anybody can donate to the fund all year round.  Information about the fund is posted here.

Last year (2010) Tri-BC awarded three athletes with $250 each: Connor Foreman (junior), Clarke Lindt and James Cook (age groupers).

A reminder to please add all your event, travelling colour and bagger photos on Flickr to the CFA Flickr group and tag them appropriately.  Instructions on how to do that are posted here.

Happy trails!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge. Extended! 1 April - 27 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  The snow is melting fast on the peaks, so if you've been holding back, now's a great time to get bagging.   Find out more here. 

Photo left: Eric savoring the views during a recent climb.

Fall Mountain Highway Madness: 11 September - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Join us for a crazy hill workout that is sure to bust your quads. Check it out here.

Mutha's Nature Trail Run: 2 October - Vancouver, BC Canada. Join Event Host Ryan Conroy for 10km, 25km or 50km on relatively easy trails with moderate elevation gains. More here.

Photo right: On the last 100m of Mutha's Nature Trail Run

Photo left: Finding a route around a rather large puddle on Ann's Get Your FA Off the Couch course

Ann's Get your FA Off the Couch: 15 October - North Vancouver, BC. A fun run on winding trails and back roads of lower Seymour Mountain. Two distance options, the "Old Chesterfield" 20 km or the "Cushy Couch" 10 km. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. Not a member yet, take out a free trial membership to see what we are all about.  New membership registration for all remaining events in 2011 and all of 2012 opens after Ann's run. More info and registration here

Photo: Al en route to the turn around during a past Seawall 100.

Seawall 100: 22/23 October - West Vancouver, BC.  An urban 100 miler, mostly on the Seawall path from the Dundarave Park in North Vancouver to UBC. Enjoy an Ultra marathon challenge with minimal concerns for naughty beasts, altitude or elevation gain. Could definitively be described as the easiest 100 miler in North America if there is such a thing as an easy 100 mile run. Custom distances of 25-50-75 miles. Find out more here.


Steering Committee.  Now is the time to get off your rear end and start thinking about joining the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee.  We'll have an open meeting in October, but if you been meaning to give back, why not start now?  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2011 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.  Membership for 2012 is planned to open up mid October.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store



For the latest reports and results, please click here.



Second Annual Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures.  Don't be shy:  Share your short videos of awesome adventures with fellow Club members and the world at the Fat Ass equivalent of the Oscars.  All submissions will be acknowledged, those with the top votes will make it to the final screening in November.  If you have submissions, please upload them to YouTube, then embed it into a blog post on the CFA site. Check out details here.

Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win a pair of trail shoes in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
Travelling Colors ContestShare photos of your adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) on Flickr.  Get your pals to "like" your submissions and win awesome prizes! Instructions here.  A gallery of current submissions are posted here.
North Shore Bagger Challenge. A lingering snow pack has added a few extra challenges this year, but there's still plenty of time and lots of lower peaks to bag.  Check out the banter and the leader board!

Club Point Series.  Up-to-date standings are here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Regan or Jess the next time you see them at an event!


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



August 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

Summer is the toughest time of the year for your newsletter team.  It's tough to stay indoors and write when the weather is perfect for playing outdoors.  With so many Club activities to chose from, it's also tough to pick which ones to write about!

With long summer days, July and August are traditionally the busiest months for CFA members and their friends.  This summer, the Club is offering everything from your traditional trail runs in the forest, to night runs, to peak-bagging extravaganzas.

A heads-up that your Steering Committee is planning two major upgrades for your online clubhouse (the website) over the next few months.  One will happen behind the scenes and might require us to take the website down for a few hours.  The other will see your online clubhouse get a bit of a reno and a new coat of paint.  If you have any suggestions about how we might improve the look of the website, the features or how the site is organized, please contact me with your thoughts.

Be sure to remember the traveling t-shirt contest and Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures while you are out and about this summer.  There are some great prizes for the most crazy photo of your Club colors and the best short adventure video. 

Happy trails and happy summer!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge. 1 April - 10 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  Given that most peaks in this cold west coast summer are still covered with snow and ice, we strongly advise to focus on the lower Howe Sound island peaks and to only head above the snowline if you carry the appropriate alpine winter gear (and know how to use it).   Find out more here. 

Photo left: Bagger's Michael, Ryan and Ean enjoying the sunshine on a recent day in the mountains.

Photo right: Action Jackson on the Sea to Sky Highway during the Easter Edition of the Fat Ass Fondo

Fat Ass Fondo. 13 August - Vancouver to Whistler, BC Canada. Join us for a 120-kilometer road bike ride in the cyclosportive tradition along a challenging and beautiful stretch of road on the GranFondo Whistler course. The ride is:  a solid training ride for triathletes, a piece of cake ride for randonneurs, a mid-summer shakedown for those who are planning to participate in the GranFondo Whistler in September, a low-cost, bare bones alternative to the GranFondo Whistler.  If you have a truck and can organize transport back for the bikes, please get in touch with the organizers.  More info here.

Photo left:  A group of Fat Asses during a Stein Valley traverse a few years ago.

Full Moon Frenzy Ultra. 13/14 August - Stein Valley, BC Canada. A new annual ultramarathon with a twist.  The location will change every year and the location for the following year, will be announced at the preceding years race.  This year, the race will take place in the Stein Valley.  Starting at the bottom of the Lizzie Lake FSR, the course will run over 100km to the Lytton trail head. It will feature incredible scenery, amazing alpine terrain, beautiful singletrack, vast wilderness, and ever-lasting memories.  Find out more here.

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night's Dream. August 20 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Don't miss this night running classic followed by a garden party and potluck extravaganza.  Details here.

Photo right: Running along the Capilano Canyon during the Night Run.

Photo left: Views during the Go Home via the Hanes Valley backcountry run

Go Home via the Hanes Valley. August 27 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Chose between a nice and easy 14km trail or tough, backcountry wilderness runs of 18km or 30km length.  More here

Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails: 28 August - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A beautiful hike up Lynn Peak and/or an easy eveing run in memory of our friend and club member Mary Leliveld. Emphasis is on camaraderie rather than competition. We would like to see this be a group hike where we celebrate the life of a friend who can't join us. Expect a challenging ascent to breathtaking views followed by a pot luck dinner and post-hike party. Non runners are welcome to join in! This is also a fundraiser for a bursary in Mary's name. Registration and more information here.

5Peaks Buntzen Lake Warm-Up. 3 September - Port Coquitlam, BC Canada.  Details here.

Sunshine in September. 4 September - Langdale, BC Canada. 20km or 26km on beautiful, mostly single track trails just off the ferry terminal in Langdale on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. Run in forests of grand old trees and gigantic mushrooms. Easy logistics with carpooling, walk on the ferry, run off the ferry and a lovely post-run get together with super views on the ferry ride back. As close to a get a way in a day as you can get! More details here.

Fall Mountain Highway Madness: 11 September - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Check it out here.


Steering Committee.  Now is the time to get off your rear end and start thinking about joining the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee.  We'll have an open meeting in October, but if you been meaning to give back, why not start now?  Please contact Sibylle if you can contribute a little bit of love and enthusiasm to helping manage the club.

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2011 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store



For the latest reports and results, please click here.

Photo: At the start of Bill's Great Peak Ascent.


Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win a pair of trail shoes in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
Travelling Colors ContestShare photos of your adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) on Flickr.  Get your pals to "like" your submissions and win awesome prizes! Instructions here.  A gallery of current submissions are posted here.
North Shore Bagger Challenge. A lingering snowpack has added a few extra challenges this year, but there's still plenty of time and lots of lower peaks to bag.  Check out the banter and the leader board!

Club Point Series.  Up-to-date standings are

here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Regan or Jess the next time you see them at an event!

Second Annual Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures.  Don't be shy:  Share your short videos of awesome adventures with fellow Club members and the world at the Fat Ass equivalent of the Oscars.  All submissions will be acknowledged, those with the top votes will make it to the final screening in November.  If you have submissions, please upload them to YouTube, then embed it into a blog post on the CFA site. Check out details here.


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



May 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

Spring, what spring?  In spite of the cool temperatures and abundant liquid sunshine of late, Scheduled and Flash events have been popping-up like mushrooms after a warm rain.  Congrats to all Club members and friends who have braved the elements and remained active outdoors. You think April/May were good months for CFA events?  The upcoming month represents an even bigger buffet of choices!

Choices aside, I'd like to take the opportunity to remind you to stay safe while running and exploring the back country. Join Club Fat Ass and North Shore Rescue for an evening about Backcountry Safety on Thursday 26 May. There also are some great resources about playing safe and being prepared on the Club Fat Ass website and from North Shore Rescue.  Please take a minute to review the information before you head out on those long training runs or peak-bagging expeditions. 

'Looks like the word has finally gotten out that we Fat Asses are not all crazed endurance junkies who enjoy pulling the lungs out of unfortunate newbies who dare come out for a Club run.  There have been a record number of new people joining the Club over the last few months and we saw a bunch of trial members at the North Shore Enduro.  Please join me in welcoming our new members by introducing yourself and lending a helping hand when you see an unfamiliar face at a Club event.

Very, absolute, final last call to pick-up your 2011 Club colours.  Did you order a world-famous CFA t-shirt when you signed up for 2011?  If you did and you don't have it yet, please touch base with Sibylle ASAP as all shirts not yet picked up at your local Kintec Footlabs store will be returned in the next few days.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Club Fat Ass Events 2010, Bagger Challenge, trail running, ultrarunning, Howesound IslandsBagger Challenge. 1 April - 10 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  Start racking up points now by bagging the snowless Howe Sound Island peaks.   Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of last years bagging extravaganza to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo left: Bagger Ken goofing around during last year's Tour de Howe Sound.

Photo right: Views of Indian Arm from Burnaby Mountain

Flash - 5 Peaks Burnaby Mountain Warm Up. 22 May - Burnaby, BC Canada. A fun and free group orientation run on the Sport (6.3K) and Enduro (9.8K) courses of the 5Peaks Simon Fraser University Race.There will be faster and slower pace groups on each course, so there's something for everyone.  This event is for trail runners who are registered or thinking of signing up for the popular 5Peaks race on Burnaby Mountain in June.  Get to know the trail you will race on so you can kick some butt on race day! Of course, you are welcome to run with us even if you are not registered for the 5Peaks race. Details and free registration here.  If you are able to lead a group, please contact me.

Safe Running in the BackCountry - Speaker Event. 26 May - North Vancouver, BC Canada. An informative seminar by Allan McMordie (North Shore Rescue) and Ken Legg (winner of the 2010 Bagger Challenge) on how to reduce the chances of coming to grief the next time you're in the back-country. Details here.

Photo left: On the Chuckanut Calf Cramper course

Chuckanut Calf Cramper. 28 May - Bellingham, WA USA. Something special for our members in Washington and Lower Mainlanders ready for a change of trails between filling the tank and buying cheese.  Join Event Host, Genissa, for a 16 to 32km run on well maintained dirt and gravel trails.  Option to turn around earlier and run fewer miles. Enjoy the beauty of the Chuckanut mountains while toning those calves! Details and registration here

Lord of the Loops. Date TBD - North Vancouver, BC.  Something for the whole family.  Our youngest Event Host, Max, will host this fun run and picnic. Find out more.

Vancouver 100. 4-5 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. The toughest 100 km in Canada... maybe the world! Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation for the full 100 km is by invitation only.  Anyone can participate, however, by running part of the course with the 100 km participants, coming out to the aid station/picnic area at Cleveland Dam or crewing for a runner. More info and applications here.

Photo right: Craig, the Event Host for the Vancouver 100

Club Fat Ass Events, Vancouver Skyline XTC, trail running, ultrarunning

Photo left: Rick on a rather rickety bridge during a past XTC

Vancouver Skyline XTC. 11 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This trail run with a twist explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit their abilities. Runners will experience approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.

Club Fat Ass Events, trail running, ultra running, slackass50, EdmontonThe Slack Ass 50. 12 June - Edmonton, AB, Canada. Join Event Host Alli Conroy for 13 or 50 miles of Edmonton's extensive trail system along a beautiful river valley. A mix of forest trails and pavement, the trail will follow rolling, well-established trails through major parks for most of the route. There will be some steeper cross country style terrain to mix it up a bit so be prepared. Start/finish at the main pavilion at Hawrelak Park. Find out more and register here.

Photo right  Event Host Alli taking a break during the Slack Ass in Edmonton


Club Shirts. If you ordered, but haven't received your Club colours yet, please pick your t-shirt up at the Kintec store location you specified on your registration form.  All shirts not picked up by 20 May will be returned.

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2011 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store



For the latest reports and results, please click here.

Photo: Piggie, the Club mascot pigging out at an aidstation


Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win a pair of trail shoes in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
Travelling Colors ContestShare photos of your adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) on Flickr.  Get your pals to "like" your submissions and win awesome prizes! Instructions here.  A gallery of current submissions are posted here.

Club Point Series.  Up-to-date standings are

here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Regan or Jess the next time you see them at an event!

Second Annual Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures.  Don't be shy:  Share your short videos of awesome adventures with fellow Club members and the world at the Fat Ass equivalent of the Oscars.  All submissions will be acknowledged, those with the top votes will make it to the final screening in November.  If you have submissions, please upload them to YouTube, then embed it into a blog post on the CFA site. Check out details here.


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



April 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 


With spring in full swing, I hope your training is going well and you are enjoying the great outdoors.

There's an interesting variety of events on your Club roster this month. For something a bit different, there's Fat Ass Fondo bike ride to Whistler or the Safe Running in the Backcountry Speaker Event.

If you or your friends are still scared about taking out a Club Fat Ass membership, be sure to mark the North Shore Enduro in your calendar.  At only 7.6 kilometers to the lap, this event is perfect for the beginning trail runner.  You prefer something longer, you say?  Keep running laps for up to 6 hours!  The Enduro is one of the Club's 2 annual open house runs and CFA virgins of all abilities get a free trial membership. Please find details below.

Our new Event Promotion Chair, Kirsten, needs you for the BMO Vancouver Marathon Cheer Challenge.  Are you or your friends going to be cheering on the runners?  Why not come by the Club Fat Ass cheer section in Kits Point at the corner of Odgen and Maple Street.  More details here.

Last call to pick-up your 2011 Club colours.  Did you order a t-shirt when you signed up for 2011?  If you did and you don't have it yet, chances are it's patiently waiting for you at your local Kintec Footlab store.  Please make some time this week to pick-up your shirt, as those not claimed by the end of the month will go back into the Club inventory and will be made available to new members.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Weekly Training Runs.   They're popping up like mushrooms in the forest after a spring rain!  Please check the CFA website for details, as dates, times and locations may change from week to week.

Fat Ass Fondo. 23 April - Vancouver - Whistler.  A 120-kilometer road bike ride along a challenging and beautiful stretch of road on the GranFondo Whistler course. A solid training ride for triathletes - a piece of cake for randonneurs. An early-season shakedown for those who are planning to participate in the GranFondo Whistler in September or the GranFondos in Victoria or Kelowna.  A low-cost, bare bones alternative to the GranFondo Whistler. Details and registration here

Photo left. Action Jackson training for the Fat Ass Fondo..

The Great Unknown.  23 April - Egmont, BC Canada. Check out some new trails on the Sunshine Coast. Details here.

Photo right. Happy runners on Enduro trails.
North Shore Enduro
. 30 April - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Take advantage of a free membership trial offer for Fat Ass virgins: A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains, the Enduro is on a 7.6 km loop course that lasts up to 6 hours. A safe and challenging first trail
run featuring some easy and some technical terrain. A great social event for the team runner (2-6 runners can form a team). A tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner. More info and registration here.

Photo left: Wear your Club shirt and bring your piggy props for the Cheer Challenge.

BMO Vancouver Marathon Cheer Challenge. 1 May, Kits Point (corner of Odgen and Maple Street), Vancouver, Canada.  Come out, wear your CFA shirt and cheer on the runners.  Details here.

Photo right: Pushing up Burnaby Mountain

Flash - 5 Peaks Burnaby Mountain Warm Up. 22 May - Burnaby, BC Canada. A fun and free group orientation run on the Sport (6.3K) and Enduro (9.8K) courses of the 5Peaks Simon Fraser University Race.  There will be faster and slower pace groups on each course, so there's something for everyone.  This event is for trail runners who are registered or thinking of signing up for the popular 5Peaks race on Burnaby Mountain in June.  Get to know the trail you will race on so you can kick some butt on race day!  Of course, you are welcome to run with us even if you are not registered for the 5Peaks race.  Details and free registration here. If you are able to lead a group, please contact me.

Photo left: Chuckanut Mountains

Chuckanut Calf Cramper. 22 May - Bellingham, WA USA. Something special for our members in Washington.  Join new Event Host, Genissa, for a 20 mile run on well maintained dirt and gravel trails.  Option to turn around earlier and run fewer miles. Enjoy the beauty of the Chuckanut mountains while toning those calves! Details and registration here.

Photo right. Lost on Gambier?

Photo left:  On the Lord of the Loops trail.

Safe Running in the BackCountry - Speaker Event. 26 May - North Vancouver, BC Canada. An informative seminar by Allan McMordie (North Shore Rescue) and Ken Legg on how to reduce the chances of coming to grief the next time you're in the back-country. Details here.

Lord of the Loops. Date TBD - North Vancouver, BC.  Something for the whole family.  Our youngest Event Host, Max, will host this fun run and picnic.  Find out more.


Club Shirts. If you haven't received your Club colours yet, please pick it up at the Kintec store location you specified on your registration form.  Any shirts not picked up by the end of April will be returned!

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2011 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.

Photo: Photo op with Vancouver Island runners during this year's Spaghetti Tree event


Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win a pair of trail shoes in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
Travelling Colors ContestShare photos of your adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) on Flickr.  Get your pals to "like" your submissions and win awesome prizes! Instructions here.  A gallery of current submissions are posted here.

Club Point Series.  Up-to-date standings are

here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Regan or Jess the next time you see them at an event!

Second Annual Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures.  Don't be shy:  Share your short videos of awesome adventures with fellow Club members and the world at the Fat Ass equivalent of the Oscars.  All submissions will be acknowledged, those with the top votes will make it to the final screening in November.  If you have submissions, please upload them to YouTube, then embed it into a blog post on the CFA site. Check out details here.


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



March 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

Spring is at our doorsteps.  I can't wait to run in shorts again! 

Your Steering Committee has been busily planning behind the scenes to offer you an adventure packed spring and summer. 
Check out the upcoming speaker events, Tales from the Trails: 50 Hints and Tips on Running a First Ultramarathon; and Backcountry Preparation.  

Baggermeister Crerar has been adding finishing touches to the 2011 Bagger Challenge, which kicks off this year on, you guessed it, April Fools Day!

5Peaks and Club Fat Ass have again partnered to offer  course orientations  for a number of their 5Peak races in BC.  The first "warm-up" run is scheduled for mid-April in Golden Ears Provincial Park.  If you would like to lead a group, please contact me.  Run leaders will receive a free entry to a 2011 5Peaks race and a Single Day Membership in Club Fat Ass.

We are also still looking for a couple of enthusiastic folks to host training runs for the STORMY 50-miler and relay.  All the Squamish B2B on the weekend of the 25/26 of June and the Squamish Crawler, on the evening of July 16th need is a little bit of your love.  Let me know if you are interested in trying your hand at being an Event Host.

If you or your friends are still scared about taking out a Club Fat Ass membership, be sure to mark the North Shore Enduro in your calendar.  At only 7.6 kilometers to the lap, this event is perfect for the beginning trail runner.  You prefer something longer, you say?  Keep running laps for up to 6 hours!  The Enduro is one of the Club's 2 annual open house runs, so first time participants of all abilities get a free trial membership. 

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Weekly Training Runs.   They're popping up like mushrooms in the forest after a spring rain!  Please check the CFA website for details, as dates, times and locations may change from week to week.

Flash - Thunder & Lightning Snowshoe Run. 26 March - Manning Park, BC Canada. Details here.

Photo right: Kat, Carlos, Reagan, Sibylle and Claudia enjoying the vistas on the Spaghetti Tree Run

Spaghetti Trees
. 2 April - Victoria, BC Canada.  The newest offering on the Club Fat Ass calendar features a 12km or 16km trail run in East Sooke Regional Park past ancient copper mines and gorgeous west coast vistas. Get to the start via an optional bike ride along the Galloping Goose trail from the ferry.  Play along with antics along the course and finish the day with a pint of local micro brew in a 116 year-old pub. Why is it called Spaghetti Trees? We'd love to hear your guesses :).  Find out more here

Tales From the Trails: 50 Hints and Tips on Running a First Ultramarathon. 5 April - North Vancouver, BC Canada.   An entertaining and informative evening about how to run ultramarathons by 2 local characters who, combined, have run 250 of them. This event is free for members and non-members alike, but because of limited space, please reserve your spot.  More details and registration here.

Burnaby Mountain Run. 9 April - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around the Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Details here.

Photo right: Action Jackson enjoys the views and memories of Brokeback Peak during last year's Burnaby Mountain Run

Flash - 5Peaks Golden Ears Warm-Up. 16 April - Golden Ear Provincial Park, BC Canada. Join us for fun and free group runs with some old friends and maybe some new ones. 8.8km and 14km distances on mostly single track trails.  Please invite your friends and register here.

Flash - Marathon Shuffle. 17 April - Powell River, BC  Canada.  A fun, low key shuffle (hike or run) on a 29 km section of the Sunshine Coast Trail. Half Shuffle (12km) option. Hosted by the PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society), the Powell River Hikers and the BOMB (Bloody Old Men's Brigade) Squad to promote the beauty of the Sunshine Coast Trail. Great trails through old growth, temperate rain forests, along creeks and lakeshore. Magnificent vistas of the Sunshine Coast, adjacent islands, nearby lakes and the city.  Details here

Photo left: A group of hikers enjoying the old growth forest on the Sunshine Coast Trail during the Marathon Shuffle

Photo right: Steering Committee members and newly minted ultra runner, Reagan White, at the start of the Run to the Clouds

Fat Ass Fondo. 23 April - Vancouver - Whistler.  A 120-kilometer road bike ride along a challenging and beautiful stretch of road on the GranFondo Whistler course. A solid training ride for triathletes - a piece of cake for randonneurs. An early-season shakedown for those who are planning to participate in the GranFondo Whistler in September or the GranFondos in Victoria or Kelowna.  A low-cost, bare bones alternative to the GranFondo Whistler. Details and registration here.  


Steering Committee.  We are always looking for enthusiastic folks to join us and contribute with great ideas and actions. Contact Sibylle for details. 

Club Shirts. If you haven't received your Club colours yet, please pick it up at the Kintec store location you specified on your registration form.  Any shirts not picked up by the end of April will be returned!

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2011 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.

Business Members.  Are you a business owner?  Want to share the gift of fitness or connect with outdoor enthusiasts? Consider joining Club Fat Ass as a Business member.  For a low annual fee you'll see your banner rotating on the Club Fat Ass website, have a web page on the Club Fat Ass site, featuring your product or services and receive 2 personal annual memberships for your staff.  Details here.

A word from Active Life Physiotherapy…. 
Pain along the front or inside edge of the shinbone (tibia) is commonly referred to as shin splints. The problem is common in athletes who run and jump. It is usually caused by doing too much, too quickly. The runner with this condition typically reports a recent change in training, such as increasing the usual pace, adding distance, or changing running surfaces. People who haven't run for awhile are especially prone to shin splints after they first get started, especially when they run downhill. Shin splints on the front of the tibia are called anterior shin splints. Posterior shin splints cause pain along the inside edge of the lower leg.  To learn more click here

You may also be interested in Active Life Physiotherapy’s Core Stability and Functional Strength Course designed by our own physiotherapists to increase endurance athletes’ core stability and develop strong functional movement patterns to improve performance and keep injuries at bay. Thursdays April 21-June 9, 2011, 6-7pm at the John Braithwaite Community Centre. More info.

A word from Trail Runner Magazine... 
Trail Runner offers members of Club Fat Ass a special discounted subscription price. You  can go to and enter the promotion code CCFA0411 to get $5 off a regular subscription price for 7 annual issues.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest reports and results, please click here.


Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win a pair of trail shoes in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
Travelling Colors ContestShare photos of your adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) on Flickr.  Get your pals to "like" your submissions and win awesome prizes! Instructions here.  A gallery of current submissions are posted here.

Club Point Series.  Up-to-date standings are

here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Regan or Jess the next time you see them at an event!

Second Annual Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures.  Don't be shy:  Share your short videos of awesome adventures with fellow Club members and the world at the Fat Ass equivalent of the Oscars.  All submissions will be acknowledged, those with the top votes will make it to the final screening in November.  If you have submissions, please upload them to YouTube, then embed it into a blog post on the CFA site. Check out details here.


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



February 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

One would think that wintertime is a slack time for an outdoors- oriented club.  Not so with this one!  

A big, fat, "Thank you!" to the members who are the backbone of our club, the Event Hosts, who put on 20 events in the 8 weeks since New Year's day.  If you do the math, that translates into 2.5 events per week.

We are especially happy to see 3 informal weekly training runs in the event calendar.  You can find more info about these free runs below and in the Upcoming Event section of the online club house.

On the subject of Event Hosting, for the past several years, Club Fat Ass members have organized training runs for the Stormy Trail Race.  We are currently looking for enthusiastic members to take on the Squamish B2B on the weekend of the 25/26 of June and the Squamish Crawler, on the evening of July 16th.  Let me know if you are interested.

The first Steering Committee Meeting of the year is behind us and the second one is approaching fast.  I might be jumping the gun, but it appears we have a new committee chair, Kirsten Ohm-Pedersen.  Kirsten will be in charge of Event Promotion.  Welcome Kirsten.  If you have a few hours to spare and would like to help shape the direction Club Fat Ass is going, please get in touch with me. 

Lastly, we are planning for the 2nd Annual Fat Ass Film Festival.  If you like to participate and submit videos of CFA events, check out details in the contest section below.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Weekly Training Runs.  I'm pleased to announce that, due to popular demand, your Club now offers 3 weekly group runs in convenient locations around Vancouver, BC.  The Pacific Nights are led by Ran in Pacific Spirit Park near UBC, usually on a Monday.  The Capilano Nights are led by Sibylle in and around Capilano Canyon in North Van.  The Burnaby Mountain Down Up Run is hosted by Rachel on the Burnaby Mountain SFU campus.  Please check the website for details, as dates and times may change from week to week.

Flash - Pure Foolishness 50km.  26 February - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Join foolish Karl for a 50K run between Deep Cove and Lynn Canyon.  Since this is a Fat Ass event you may, of course, run whatever you distance like. There is no fee and you don't need to be a member of Club Fat Ass to participate in a Flash event, however whining is not allowed. No registration is required but please indicate your participation via the comment form on the event page here.

Photo right: Crossing the floating bridge across Buntzen Lake during Run To the Clouds

Run to the Clouds. 6 March - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. A 12.5km or 25km run, all on trails with some gravel road sections. Come see and run around beautiful Buntzen Lake and surrounding mountains. A challenging route with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600 metres) of elevation gain/loss. Fantastic views of Buntzen Lake and the Greater Vancouver area. Details here.

Photo left: Some young Fools charging down Mountain Highway

Spring Mountain Highway Madness. 20 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). Check it out here!

Photo right: Kat, Carlos, Reagan, Sibylle and Claudia enjoying the vistas on the Spaghetti Tree Run

Spaghetti Trees. 2 April - Victoria, BC Canada.  The newest offering on the Club Fat Ass calendar features a 12km or 16km trail run in East Sooke Regional Park past ancient copper mines and gorgeous west coast vistas.  Get to the start via an optional bike ride along the Galloping Goose trail from the ferry.  Play along with antics along the course and finish the day with a pint of local micro brew in a 116-year-old pub. Why is it called Spaghetti Trees? We'd love to hear your guesses :).  Find out more here

Club Fat Ass Event - Burnaby Mountain Run in BurnabyPhoto left:  Amazing views on a clear day during the Burnaby Mountain Run.

Burnaby Mountain Run. 9 April - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around the Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Details here.



Steering Committee.  Please help me to welcome Kristin Ohm-Pedersen to the CFA Steering Committee.  Kristin will be the chairing the Event Promotion Committee.

Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2011 is ongoing. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.

Photo right: participants in the Squamish Scrambler breaking trail

Business Members.  Are you a business owner?  Want to share the gift of fitness or connect with outdoor enthusiasts? Consider joining Club Fat Ass as a Business member.  For a low annual fee you'll see your banner rotating on the Club Fat Ass website, have a web page on the Club Fat Ass site, featuring your product or services and receive 2 personal annual memberships for your staff.  Details here.

New Initiatives.  So many ideas, so little time...  We are hoping to offer regular informal training runs throughout the year as well as another free, short course, Check-Us-Out run.  Reagan is planning to update our "Help" files with video.  Action Jackson is working on the film festival and we're hoping to spiff-up the Club website before Christmas.  If you like to be involved in any of these projects, or have an idea for something you'd like to do to improve your Club, please let us know.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest results, please click here.


Refer A Friend Contest. Check out how you can win a pair of trail shoes in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
Travelling Colors ContestShare photos of your adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) on Flickr.  Get your pals to "like" your submissions and win awesome prizes! Instructions here.  A gallery of current submissions are posted here.

Club Point Series.  Up-to-date standings are

here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Regan or Jess the next time you see them at an event!

Second Annual Fat Ass Festival of Outdoor Adventures.  Don't be shy:  Share your short videos of awesome adventures with fellow Club members and the world at the Fat Ass equivalent of the Oscars .  All submissions will be acknowledged, those with the top votes will make it to the final screening in November.  If you have submissions, please upload them to YouTube, then embed it into a blog post on the CFA site. 


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



January 2011 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

A belated "Happy New Year!"

I hope you kicked off 2011 on the right foot, got the year off to a running start and are resolved to give Reagan White and Jess Dagg some serious competition for being the most active CFA member in 2011.

Thanks to all who renewed their membership or joined the Club over the holidays. Woo-hoo... All shirts ordered before Christmas are either in the good hands of Canada Post or waiting for you at a Kintec store.  Please let me know if it doesn't arrive by mid- January.

Your Club Steering Committee is about to launch into another year.   This group will meet about 7 times in 2011 to manage the Club.  Our goals are simple:  more events and more members to enjoy them.

Many thanks to Ran Katzman, Reagan White, Jackie Montgomery and Ean Jackson who were active not only on the trails but also behind the scenes to keep Club Fat Ass the best deal going.  

Can you spare a couple of hours a month this year to help improve and grow the Club?  Lots of rewards.  No heavy lifting or experience necessary.  Please contact me!  

'Hope to see you at one of the Foolish Gerbil and Pacific Nights runs, the Squamish Scrambler or the Capilano Canyon Night Run in the next few weeks.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Flash - Pacific Nights. 12 January - Vancouver, BC Canada. A mid-week group trail run in the dark. Expect mud, rain, cold temperatures, total darkness, slippery roots and stairs. Possibility of magnificent views of lights on the ocean, north shore mountains, and downtown Vancouver. More details here.

Flash - Foolish Gerbil 80K Trail Run
. 22 January - Vancouver, BC Canada. Train with The Fools on a great 10km loop in Pacific Spirit Park.  Do 1 or 2 loops or the whole 80km.  More details here

Photo right: Trish plays the agony pipes at the Run for the Haggis

Flash - Ride for the Haggis.
5 February - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A road ride of approximately 80 kms followed by a full-on traditional  Robbie Burns celebration with elements of poetry, music, address to the haggis, feasting, and drinking of Scotch whiskey. Find out if you have what it takes here.

Flash - Foolish Gerbil 100k Trail Run. 6 February - Vancouver, BC Canada.  Run with The Fools.  Do 10km, 20km 30km or the whole foolish thing.  Details.

Photo left: The views during the Squamish Scrambler hardly ever disappoint

Squamish Scrambler. 12 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savor spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.
Photo right. The Capilano Canyon Night Run is as much a social affair as a run.

Capilano Canyon Night Run. 19 February - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner, or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs are followed by a pool party, a potluck party as a celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to the first 50, so please register early!


2011Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2011 is open. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers. 

Great news for renewing members:  Your annual Club membership dues won't change and the number and variety of Club events continues to grow.  Tell a friend so you'll never run alone again.

Photo left: Rachel, winner of the Refer A Friend Contest

Club Shirts. All Club t-shirts ordered before Christmas are ready for pick-up at the Kintec store you selected.  Shirts ordered after Christmas will be available for pick-up in about 2 weeks.  

Photo right: Reagan and Jess, Champions of the Point Series

Contests.  (Drum roll...)  I am happy to announce the winners in the annual club contests.  Reagan White and Jess Dagg share the crown in the 2010 Point Series. Reagan walked away with a pair of Salomon trail running shoes. Both scored an impressive score of 60 by skillfully accumulating points through event participation, good sportsmanship, submitting race photos in their Club Fat Ass shirt, by referring their friends to the Club and by hosting scheduled and flash events.

A pair of Montrail trail runners went to Rachel Fouladi in the Refer a Friend Contest for for signing up the most new Club members. Way to go Rachel! 

Jason Eads of Tampa, Florida, managed to accomplish most of his 2010 New Year's resolutions as documented in the New Year's Resolution Contest. He won a Sole Footcare package and a gait analysis.

Lastly, Bill Dagg took way the prize, a sock package and gait analysis, in the Traveling Colours Contest with his very creative squat while on safari in Africa.  All annual prizes were kindly sponsored by Kintec.

Photos left and right: Bill Dagg playing with elephant poop, winner of the 2010 Traveling Colours Contest

Club Fat Ass - Traveling Colours Contest - Bill and Elephant - Safari Africa

Business Members.  Are you a business owner?  Want to share the gift of fitness or connect with outdoor enthusiasts? Consider joining Club Fat Ass as a Business member.  For a low annual fee you'll see your banner rotating on the Club Fat Ass website, have a web page on the Club Fat Ass site, featuring your product or services and receive 2 personal annual memberships for your staff.  Details here.

New Initiatives.  So many ideas, so little time.  We are hoping to offer training runs in the new year as well as another free, short course, Check-Us-Out run.  If you like to be involved in rolling this out, please let us know. 

Photo left: Resolution Contest winner Jason and Action Jackson hamming it up during the 2010 Bagger Challenge


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


For the latest results, please click here.

Photo left: Ryan during the Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50km - before he wiped out and bruised some ribs.


Refer A Friend Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Check out how you can win a pair of trail shoes in the Refer a Friend Contest.  Current standings here.
2010 Travelling Colours Contest.  Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2010 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

2010 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date stands are 

here.  Learn how to collect points, or try to pry some secrets from Regan or Jess the next time you see them at an event!



Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


December 2010 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  Troll the malls or hit the trails?  Decisions, decisions... 

With a couple of more Flash Adventures coming up in the next few of weeks, there are still opportunities to squeeze in more Club runs before Santa comes to call.

It's been a great year of running and camaraderie and 2011 is shaping up to offer even more Club events and challenges.  Don't forget to renew or join the Club before the end of December.

Rather run than shop 'till you drop?  Get that special someone a Club membership ($75), a signature t-shirt ($25) or check out our cheeky merchandise at the Club Fat Ass store as a way to say you care about friends and fitness.

Already figured-out who has been naughty and who has been nice?  Think about documenting your athletic goals for 2011 in the New Years Resolution contest and kicking the year off on the right foot with a resolution run and polar bear swim on New Years day. 

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and peace on earth!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Flash - Cinny Bun Run. 18 December - Vancouver, BC Canada. Join Reagan on a training run for the Vancouver New Year's Fat Ass 50.  The course will wind it's way over 15km from Spanish Banks through Pacific Spirit Park and back.  More details and registration here.

Photo left. Reagan hamming it up during last years Pure Satisfaction Run.

Flash - Boxing Day 25km.  26 December - Vancouver, BC Canada. Run off the holiday treats with Jess and Bill Dagg as they are training for the Orcas 50km.  Details here.

Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2010 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!

Photo right.  Slush and ice on the course of the Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run

Flash - Ride for the Haggis. 5 February 2011 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Ride for the Haggis. A road ride of approximately 80 kms followed by a full-on traditional Robbie Burns celebration with elements of poetry, music, address to the haggis, feasting, and drinking of Scotch whisky. Find out if you have what it takes here.

Squamish Scrambler. 12 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savor spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.

Photo left. Views during the Squamish Scrambler hardly ever disappoint.  
Photo right. The Capilano Canyon Night Run is as much a social affair as a run.

Capilano Canyon Night Run. 19 February - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs followed by a potluck party and celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to first 50 entrants, so please register early!


2011 Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2011 is open. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join the Club or renew your membership so you can benefit from all of the sweaty pleasures CFA offers.

Great news for renewing members:  Your annual Club membership dues won't change and the number and variety of Club events continues to grow.  Tell a friend so you'll never run alone again.

Membership Draw.  I am happy to announce that my friend and former Steering Committee member, Michele Sherstan, won the membership draw for renewing her membership before the end of November. Michele won a full refund on her dues.  No, it wasn't fixed... honest!

Newsletter.  After years of talking, we finally moved to a different newsletter management service. This is the first newsletter sent out using the new system. Please let us know if you notice anything aggrivating or unusual.  You can now subscribe or unsubscribe from the Club newsletter directly from your user account on the Club Fat Ass website.

Business Members.  

We are happy to welcome back Active Life Physio and Kintec.  Both business have been long time supporters of Club Fat Ass. Please consider them when you need physio treatment or anything related to your feet and shoes.

A word from Active Life Physiotherapy… Ever been hit by a muscle cramp while out on a fantastic trail run?  Exercise associated muscle cramping (EAMC) can be a debilitating event. Exercise-associated muscle cramps presents with acute pain, muscle stiffness, and soreness. The muscles affected most often include the hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf. The muscles on both sides of the body are often involved.  Find out what the latest research says about treating muscle cramps and what the experts at Active Life Physiotherapy recommend here.

New Initiatives.  So many ideas, so little time.  We are hoping to offer training runs in the new year as well as another free, short course, Check-Us-Out run.  If you like to be involved in rolling this out, please let us know. 


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


 For the latest results, please click here.

Photo left: Start of the Seymour Super Fun Run


All our annual contests will  wrap-up on 31 December at midnight.  Check how you're doing in the Club Point Series.  'Still time to make your way to the top of the leader board by submitting all your wandering t-shirt photos.  Ask your friends to favorite them.  Rope your friends into becoming Fat Asses. See how you've done with your New Years Resolutions...

Photo right: Reagan having an animated conversation with Piggy the Active Porker, our mascot.
Refer A Friend Contest. Rachel and Jackson are leading, closely followed by Craig, Bill and Julie.  
There still is alomost a month left 
to collect points for refering your friends. The winner will win a pair of Montrail Trail Running Shoes kindly provided by business member Kintec.  Up-to-date standings here. Check out how to participate in the Refer a Friend Contest.
Photo left. Jackson and Eric sporting their club colours during the Seymour Super Fun Run
2010 Traveling Colours Contest It is not too late for submissions.  If you have already submitted a photo, make sure you tell your friends about it.  The more attention an image receives, the better chance it has to be the most popular photo in the
 contest and win. The winner of the 2010 Travelling Colours Contest will receive a full refund on the 2011 membership dues. Second place will go home with a sock package kindly sponsored by businessmember Kintec Footlabs. Currently, Bill Daggs photo of him and an elephant in Africa is in the lead.

Photo right.  Bill admiring an elephant from a safe distance.

Pictures of your 2010 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here

2010 Point Series.  Through a strategic mix of wearing her Club Fat Ass shirt in non CFA events, signing up early for events, collecting garbage and referring new members, Jess Dagg has gained ground on Ean, Reagan, Des and Sibylle.  However, the race is still on, watch your back, Jess! The winner will win bragging rights and a pair of new runners!  Read about how to collect points. Up-to-date standings here.

Photo left. Pat's first bag of the year, Hollyburn Mountain.


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.




CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.














October 2010 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

No doubt about it... fall has arrived.  The air is crisp, some white stuff has fallen in the higher regions and for most, our best races of the year are behind us.  Time to start thinking about (gulp!) what we want to accomplish in 2011.

Yes, that means it's also time to get off your fattening behind and join or renew with CFA for the upcoming year.

Great news for renewing members:  No inflation in your annual Club membership dues while the number and variety of Club events continues to grow.

Great news if you're thinking about joining:  New members who join in October get 2 extra months of CFA events to enjoy.

New to the Club or returning, be sure sign up before the end of December so you don't miss out on the hot, new 2011 Club garment.  Everyone who registers between now and the end of November also gets included in a draw for a refund of their dues, so if you're planning to sign up, sign up now!

As race season winds down, be sure to take advantage of a full slate of social events in November:  This year our Club social has an entertaining new theme.  Don't miss the First Annual Fat Ass Film Festival!  It's on 3 November at Kintec Footlabs in North Vancouver.  Ever wondered who runs the Club or what goes on in a board meeting?  Find out when you join us for the Steering Committee Open House on November 9.  Lastly, another social and culinary highlight, the Silly Chili Triathlon, is on 11 November.  Details for all events below.

With all the socializing, don't miss the great line-up of fall events with distances ranging from 10km to 50km. 

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


First Annual Fat Ass Film Festival. Wednesday 3 November - North Vancouver, BC. Join us and our friends at Kintec for an exclusive screening of videos from CFA runs and peak bagging expeditions throughout the year.  Who knows... you might be a movie star?  Cat-calling and throwing of insults allowed, although we ask that you not hurl peanuts or popcorn unless you plan to stick around and help with the cleanup.  There will be voting and awards. If you are willing to risk running the gauntlet of paparazzi and groupies, at 9:00pm we reconvene with the esteemed directors and movie stars next door at the Taylors Crossing Pub. 

If you would like to enter a movie (1-5 minutes) in the festival, please contact Sibylle.  This evening is free for members and non-members of CFA, but please sign-up soon as space is limited...  Just click here.

CFA - Steering Committee Mixer: Tuesday 9 November - North Vancouver, BC. There are so many things we could do to make the Club even better... if only a few more people would chip in a few hours per month.  If being a part of the management of the Club is something you'd consider, please join us for a Steering Committee Mixer.  We'll talk about plans for next year and you'll have the opportunity to ask questions about the roles of the different Steering Committees. 

We really need you!  We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to chair the Event Host, Marketing and Sponsorship committees. Please drop me a line if you can attend.

Silly Chili Triathlon. 11 November - North Vancouver, BC.  This event is both something athletic and social to do with your family on the Remembrance Day holiday.  It involves a short run, an even shorter swim and a chili cook-off.  Beans or no beans.  Vegi or road kill.  Mild or burns through plate steel.  Give it your best shot!  Limited space, so please register here soon.

Go Deep: 13 November - North Vancouver, BC. Join our new Event Host, Reagan White on a challenging but beautiful 20 km or an easier, but equally stunning 12km course on lower Seymour Mountain.  Register here.

Seymour Super Fun Run: 27 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge on and around the trails of Mount Seymour.  Not to be missed. Check it out here.



2011 Membership Registration. Club membership registration for 2011 is now open. Yes, that means it's time to get off the couch and join or renew with CFA for the upcoming year.

Great news for renewing members:  Your annual Club membership dues won't change and the number and variety of Club events continues to grow.

Great news if you're thinking about joining:  New members get 14 months of free CFA events to enjoy.

Be sure sign up before the end of December so you don't miss getting the hot new Club garment.  Everyone who registers between now and the end of November also gets included in a draw for a refund of their dues, so sign up now!


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


 For the latest results, please click here.


Refer A Friend Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Check out how to participate in the Refer a Friend Contest.
2010 Traveling Colours Contest Pictures of your 2010 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here. The winner of the 2010 Travelling Colours Contest will receive a full refund on the 2011 membership dues. Second place will go home with a sock package kindly sponsored by business member Kintec Footlabs.

2010 Point Series.  Through a strategic mix of wearing her Club Fat Ass shirt in non CFA events, signing up early for events, collecting garbage and referring new members, Jess Dagg has gained ground on Ean, Reagan, Des and Sibylle.  However, the race is still on, watch your back, Jess! The winner will win bragging rights and a pair of new runners!  Read about how to collect points. Up-to-date standings here.


Club Fat Ass and our members support a variety of charities, causes and events.  Please check them out here.

If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.





July/August 2010 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Summer is the toughest time of the year for your newsletter team.  Tough to stay indoors and write.  With so many Club activities to chose from, tough to pick which ones to write about.

With long, summer days and beautiful weather, July and August are traditionally the busiest months for CFA members and their friends.  This summer, the Club is offering everything from your traditional trail runs in the forest, to night runs, to peak-bagging extravaganzas... 

Our recent poll on how you prefer to stay in touch with Club Fat Ass revealed that most Club members prefer checking-on at our "online clubhouse" (the website) closely followed by Facebook and this monthly newsletter.  Great that the website has become such a hub and source of information and inspiration.  Thanks for your thoughts and feedback.  If you didn't get around to it, you can still participate in the poll and influence how the Club might better serve you.

New to Club Fat Ass or haven't been out in a while?  Be sure to check out our New Member FAQ's.  Also, be sure to take advantage of our new Ambassador Program.  Details below. 

Happy trails and happy summer!


Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Club Fat Ass Events- Bagger Challenge - South Needles HikeBagger Challenge. 1 April - 10 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.    Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of last years bagging extravaganza to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo left: Wandering around on top of the South Needles 

Photo right: Views from the Howe Sound Crest trail

Photo left: Sunset over Capilano River  during the Midsummer Night Run.

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night's Dream. August 21 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Don't miss this night running classic followed by a garden party and potluck extravaganza.  Details here.

Go Home via the Hanes Valley. August 28 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Chose between a nice and easy 14km trail or tough, backcountry wilderness runs of 18km or 30km length.  More here

Flash - Duel at the Pool - 2010.  September 3 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 5K swim in Kits Pool. At 8 complete laps to the kilometer, that makes this challenge 20 return laps, or 40 lengths of the world's best pool. Meet the Whale and Mako sharks here

Sunshine in September. 4 September - Langdale, BC Canada. 20km or 26km on beautiful, mostly single track trails just off the ferry terminal in Langdale on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. Run in forests of grand old trees and gigantic mushrooms. Easy logistics with carpooling, walk on the ferry, run off the ferry and a lovely post-run get together with super views on the ferry ride back. As close to a get a way in a day as you can get! Changes this year include a new Event Host, bag drop and no more running on the highway. More details here.

5Peaks Buntzen Lake Warm-Up. 4 September - Port Coquitlam, BC Canada.  Details here.

Fall Mountain Highway Madness: 12 September - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Check it out here.



New Member Welcome.  New to the Club? We've heard the word on the street is that CFA is only for the big dogs... you know, the ones that run all day and run all night and eat their young.  Our new New Member Welcome page is intended to dispel a rumor or two and help you find your way around, pick the events that are right for you and to connect with fellow members. 

Ambassador Program.  Also oriented at helping new Club members mingle with the old dogs, we're ramping-up an Ambassador Program.  The idea is to get you outgoing, positive and highly experienced big dogs to "adopt" a new club member.  Make them feel welcome.  Make sure they don't get lost.  Share some of the finer elements of CFA culture with them, like picking up trash and encouraging them to share their experiences and photos with other members in our online clubhouse.  Curious about becoming an Ambassador?  Contact CFA Membership person,  Jackie Montgomery.  You might just make some new friends and earn club points on the way!

Foursquare Game.  When not out there running with you, members of the Club's Steering Committee are constantly looking for ways to make the Club more fun and engaging for you.  We're currently evaluating Foursquare, an online game-thing that uses GPS data from your smartphone.  

Got an iPhone or similar phone with GPS?  Interested in social media stuff?  We'd love to involve you in testing how this might work for CFA events!  Please drop me a line if interested in being a tester.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  We'd especially like to hear from enthusiastic folks to help as Event Host Chair and with PR and marketing.  Please drop me a line. For a couple of hours a month, you can make a big difference (and we actually have a lot of fun!)

2010 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2010 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole summer and fall of free events.


Image Uploading.  By popular demand here are some pointers on how to get your images into your blog and to the various slideshows on the website.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


Check out the latest event reports here


Refer A Friend Contest. Up-to-date standings here. Check out how to participate in the Refer a Friend Contest.

2010 Traveling Colours Contest.  Pictures of your 2010 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

Jess and Pat looking happy at the Fat Dog 100 finishPhoto right:  Ali running through dandelion meadow during the Slack Ass in Edmonton

Photo left: Jess and Pat happy to reach the finish of the Fat Dog 100

Photo right: Craig collecting bagger and shirt points


2010 Point Series. Jess has taken the lead with a steady diet of CFA events and wearing her favorite shirt during other races.  There is still time for you to participate, win bragging rights and a pair of new runners!  Read about how to collect points. Up-to-date standings here.

Bagger Challenge.  Peak bagging season is in full swing, trash talk is at new heights and Craig has used his holidays to tie with last year's winner, Ken Legg, and slowly close in on the leaders, Killaine and Ean.  Time for Craig to get back to work!  Have a look at the standings and links to how it all works here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.















June 2010 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

With so many choices between Scheduled or Flash events in the past few weeks, there are no excuses for Fat Asses and their friends to not stay active in the outdoors. 


If you think your options for outdoor adventures were aplenty last month, the upcoming month represents an even bigger buffet of choices! 


Choices aside, I'd like to take the opportunity to remind you to stay safe while running and exploring the back country. There are some great resources about playing safe and being prepared on the Club Fat Ass website and from North Shore Rescue.  Please take a minute to review the information before you head out on those long training runs or peak-bagging expeditions.

'Looks like the word has finally gotten out that we Fat Asses are not all crazy endurance junkies who enjoy pulling the lungs out of unfortunate newbies who dare come out for a Fat Ass run!  There have been a record number of new members joining the Club over the last few months.  Please join me in welcoming our new members by introducing yourself and lending a helping hand when you see an unfamiliar face at a Club event.

Of note to new members:  almost all Club events have a "custom" distance category for runners looking to ease their way into the longer distances.  Veteran Fat Asses enjoy your company during Club events as much as you appreciate theirs, so don't be shy... ask if you might buddy-up.  Be sure to share the love and let your friends know that just about anyone can be a Fat Ass!

Finally, CFA member and RD of the STORMY Trail Race, Wendy Montgomery, is looking for some help.  If you're not running and have some time for a great, non-profit event this August, please consider helping out.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Club Fat Ass Events 2010, Bagger Challenge, trail running, ultrarunning, Howesound IslandsBagger Challenge. 1 April - 10 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  Start racking up points now by bagging the snowless Howe Sound Island peaks.   Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of last years bagging extravaganza to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo left: Ken holds up a tree during the Tour De Howe Sound 

Photo right: Rick on a rather rickety bridge during a past XTC

Club Fat Ass Events, Vancouver Skyline XTC, trail running, ultrarunningVancouver Skyline XTC. 12 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This trail run with a twist explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit their abilities. Runners will experience approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.

Club Fat Ass Events, trail running, ultra running, slackass50, EdmontonThe Slack Ass 50. 13 June - Edmonton, AB, Canada. Join Event Host Alli Conroy for 13 or 50 miles of Edmonton's extensive trail system along a beautiful river valley. A mix of forest trails and pavement, the trail will follow rolling, well-established trails through major parks for most of the route. There will be some steeper cross country style terrain to mix it up a bit so be prepared. Start/finish at the main pavilion at Hawrelak Park. Find out more and register here.

Photo left:  Event Host Alli taking a break during the Slack Ass in Edmonton

The Squamish Brick. 19/20 June - Squamish, BC Canada. Two back-to-back trail running days from Hell on the STORMY 50/100-mile course. Most 100-mile runners will agree that bricks (back-to-back long runs) build character and stamina. This little jog in the woods ought to do that. Run one day or run both. For anyone who is planning to run the STORMY 50-mile or 100-mile race in 2010 or otherwise. Great familiarization run and perfect timing at 7 weeks before the big event. More info here. Please note that to avoid any possible conflict with the Test of Metal bike race, the start on Saturday has been changed to 7:30am.

Club Fat Ass Events, Bagger Challenge, peaks, mountain running, fast packing, trail running

Photo above: Peaks to bag...

Flash - 5Peaks Mount Seymour Warm-Up. 11 July - North Vancouver, BC.  A fun and free group orientation run on the 6.3km and 9.8km courses on the 5Peaks course on Seymour Mountain. Combination of single track, technical hiking trails and alpine ski runs.   There will be faster and slower pace groups on each course, so there's something for everyone.  Get to know the trail you will race on so you can kick some butt on race day!  Of course, you are welcome to run with us Club Fat Ass Event, Full Monty, trail running, ultrarunning, Vancouver Islandeven if you are not registered for the 5Peaks race.  Details and free registration here. If you are able to lead a group, please contact me.

Photo left:  Event Host Carlos showing off the views and trail of the Full Monty 

The Full Monty: 17 July - Victoria, BC, Canada. Can you do the Full Monty? 25km or 50km on beautiful single track trails. Amazing views. Check it out here.



Business Member.  Please help me to welcome Pushpa Chandra, who has joined us as a Business Member.  Be sure to check out Pushpa's naturopathic services in sports medicine.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  We'd especially like to hear from enthusiastic folks to help as Event Host Chair and with PR and marketing.  Please drop me a line. For a couple of hours a month, you can make a big difference (and we actually have a lot of fun!)

2010 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2010 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole summer and fall of free events.


Staying In Touch. Your Options.  Lots of choice when it comes to staying in touch with Club Fat Ass. From the website to the newsletter, RSS feeds to Twitter and Facebook, there is no reason to miss what's new or an upcoming event.  You can find more about your options and tell me what you prefer here


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


Mike Wardas during the Vancouver 100km run - exhaustionVancouver 100. Event Host - Craig Moore.  The skies cleared for what might be the toughest 100km run out there, helping to accomplish a high finisher rate.  We had 10 runners attempting the full enchilada, with a total of 51 athletes participating in one way or another.  You can check out photos, comments and results here.

Photo right: Mike battling exhaustion during the Vancouver 100

Photo left:  Chad and Kirsten getting off course during the Vancouver 100

Escape to Egmont. Event Host - Jackie Montgomery. With a brief break that allowed us some nice weather, we ran the first Escape to Egmont yesterday. With nine starters, we had fair representation of the communities of the sunshine coast. Powell River, Sechelt and Earls Cove runners made the trip to the Earls Cove ferry terminal for the 8:30am start. After starting off with a fairly long uphill along the highway, we made our way along Egmont road (past the brand new firehall!) and onto the forest service road that took us up to Klein Lake. For a full report and results, click here.


Chilly Willy 2 into the Heat. Event Host - Lorie Alexander. Well!  Chilly Willy 2 into the "heat" was Chilly Willy into the "rain". Karl did you do a rain dance! Full results here

trail running, Bellingham, ClubFatAssEvents, Chuckanut Calf CramperChuckanut Calf Cramper. Event Host - Genissa Sygitowicz. Fun was had by all at the inaugural Chuckanut Calf Cramper! We had beautiful, sunny weather, cool and perfect for running. After 5 hours on the trails, we were anxious for a cold homebrew and some BBQ. The course proved to be challenging even for the RD, who decided to turn herself around early and hightail it for the keg! Next year's event will be held on Saturday, May 28th (4th Saturday in May) and feature shorter run options in addition to a longer (30k ish) route.  Results, photos and videos here.

Photo left: Genissa Sygitowicz and her hound on the trails during the Chuckanut Calf Cramper.

Photos right: starters at the Burnaby Mountain Warm Up run

Club Fat Ass Events, 2010,  Burnaby Mountain Warm Up run, trail running, 5Peaks, Vancouver5Peaks CFA Burnaby Mountain Warm Up. Event Host - Craig Moore. We had a nice cool day for a group run on top of Burnaby Mountain. In fact it was only about 8C with a breeze that lacked the warmth of the previous few days when temperatures where up to double that. I for one kept my sweatshirt on until we started to run.  Starting in parking lot C was the right place to be for access to the race day course, but, as many of us hadn't been there before it was a little fun to find. Slowly everyone trickled in after driving in circles a bit and making phone calls to help locate the lot. Then we had the challenge of buying a parking ticket to steer clear of the campus security forces that I saw driving around. Actually, that was a nice way for some of us to get a little warm up run because the ticket meter was quite a distance from the area where we parked.  Read on here

Club Fat Ass Events, Tour De Howe Sound, DolphinsFlash - Foolishly Yours 50km. Event Host - Karl Jensen.  Results are posted here.

Flash - Tour De Howe Sound. Event Hosts - old time FA's, newbies and future FA's. Photos and videos of the weekend are posted here.

Photo left: Schools of dolphins delight the crew of the Tour De Howe Sound yachts


Club Fat Ass, traveling colours contest, yellow, technical running shirtRefer A Friend Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Check out how to participate in the Refer a Friend Contest.
2010 Traveling Colours Contest.  Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2010 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

Photo left:  Christina in Switzerland wishes for more Fat Asses in her neighborhood.

2010 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year and new contenders.  Reagan is stealthily working on his New Years Resolutions and temporarily surpassed Action Jackson and yours truly.   Currently, we have a tie for 2nd between Des, Jess and Ean, but there's still time for you to win bragging rights and a pair of new runners!  Read about how to collect points. Up-to-date standings here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.





May 2010 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

With spring in full swing and summer is overtaking, I hope your training is going well and you are enjoying the great outdoors.

There's an interesting variety of events on your Club roster this month. For something a bit different, don't miss the 2nd Annual Bagger Challenge, the 5Peaks Warm-Up at Burnaby Mountain (contact me if you like to lead a group), the Chuckanut Calf Cramper in Bellingham, Lorie's Chilli Willy 2 "Into the Heat" 100 miler and the Escape to Egmont on the Sunshine Coast.  Please find details below.

Last call to pick-up your 2010 Club colours!  Did you order a t-shirt when you signed up for 2010?  If you did and you don't have it yet, chances are it's patiently waiting for you at your local Kintec Footlab store.  Please make some time this week to pick-up your shirt, as those not claimed by the summer will go back into the Club inventory and will be made available to new members.

From the "Ask and you shall receive" file, you can thank Jackie for pointing out that it would be good to have a simple, easy-to-use  member directory for car-pooling, road trips and follow-ups with those interesting fellow members you meet at Club events.  Take a moment to check it out now.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel


Bagger Challenge. 1 April - 10 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer.  Start racking up points now by bagging the snowless Howe Sound Island peaks.   Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of last years bagging extravaganza to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo left: On the Howe Sound Crest Trail near Brunswick Lake. 

Photo right: Lynn Loop Trail

North Shore Enduro. 8 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains, the Enduro is on a 7.6 km loop course that lasts up to 6 hours. A safe and challenging first trail run featuring some easy and some technical terrain. A great social event for the team runner (2-6 runners can form a team). A tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner. More info and registration here.

Flash - Ultra Fuel Cook Off. 13 May - East Vancouver, BC Canada.  Get that skinny ass some padding.  Details here.

Tour de Howe Sound.  14-16 May, Howe Sound, BC, Canada. A sailing, trail running/hiking weekend adventure.  Featuring a sailboat "race" around the outside of Bowen, Anvil, Gambier and Keats Islands, Fell Running: 4 peaks on 4 islands, approximately 46 km of trails, 8,300m vertical climb and plenty of freshly-brewed ultra-fuel.  Room for one more boats that can sleep 4+!  Find out how to enter your boat and crew here.

Chuckanut Calf Cramper. 22 May - Bellingham, WA USA. Something special for our members in Washington.  Join new Event Host, Genissa, for a 20 mile run on well maintained dirt and gravel trails.  Option to turn around earlier and run fewer miles. Enjoy the beauty of the Chuckanut mountains while toning those calves! Details and registration here

Photo right: Chuckanut Mountains

Photo left: Pushing up Burnaby Mountain

Flash - 5 Peaks Burnaby Mountain Warm Up. 22 May - Burnaby, BC Canada. A fun and free group orientation run on the Sport (6.3K) and Enduro (9.8K) courses of the 5Peaks Simon Fraser University Race.  There will be faster and slower pace groups on each course, so there's something for everyone.  This event is for trail runners who are registered or thinking of signing up for the popular 5Peaks race on Burnaby Mountain in June.  Get to know the trail you will race on so you can kick some butt on race day!  Of course, you are welcome to run with us even if you are not registered for the 5Peaks race.  Details and free registration here. If you are able to lead a group,please contact me.

Flash - Chilly Willy 2 "Into the heat" 100 miler. 29 May - Vernon, BC. Tough but pretty. Figure 8 loops in beautiful Kalamalka Provincial Park. Fatass style with one major aid station for your drop bags. Details here.

Vancouver 100. 5-6 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. The toughest 100 km in Canada... maybe the world! Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation for the full 100 km is by invitation only, but everyone can still participate by running part of the course with the 100 km participants, coming out to the aid station/picnic area at Cleveland Dam or crewing for a runner. More info and applications here.

Photo right:  Event Host Craig Moore powering down the Baden Powell Trail during a past Vancouver 100 adventure.

Photo left:  Angus Mclellan, film maker of the XS-NRG documentary about the Sunshine Coast Trail and the attempt of 4 city boys to run it's entire length non-stop taking a rest at one of the many beautiful bridges on the Sunshine Coast Trail.

Flash - Escape to Egmont. 6 June - Egmont, BC, Canada. A part-road/mainly-trail out and back run from the Earl's Cove Ferry Terminal, past Klein Lake to Ruby Lake. An excuse to check out the northern-end-of-the-lower-Sunshine-Coast (have I confused you yet? Anticipated distances are approx. 15k and 25k (but custom distances easily accommodated).  More here.


Vancouver Skyline XTC. 12 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This trail run with a twist explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit their abilities. Runners will experience approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.



New Member Chair.  Please join me in welcoming your new Membership Chair, Jackie Montgomery.  Jackie joined Club Fat Ass late last summer and promptly jumped in to rescue the Sunshine in September run. She enthusiastically is planning an array of new member initiatives and a flash event every month of the summer on the Sunshine Coast. Please don't hesitate to contact Jackie with thoughts and suggestions about your membership in Club Fat Ass.

Member Directory.  Thanks to Jackie's idea and Ran's coding magic, I am very excited to introduce our first online member directory. A few things you should know about the member directory:

  • Privacy.  We assume that you do not want to share your basic contact information outside of the Club.
  • Members only.  For privacy reasons, we felt that this was best.  Only current Club members can access the directory.  
  • Logged in.  Please make sure you enter your website user name and password before consulting the member directory. 
  • What information is shared?  The member directory shows your Username, First Name, Last Name, City, Province/State and Country. 
  • Accuracy.  The information about you in the directory comes from the information you provided when you set up your web account. 
  • Updates to Your Member Profile.  Say you  spelled your name wrong when you joined the Club or you have moved.  Whatever the reason, it's easy to change what shows in the member directory!  First, go to your user  profile.  Click on the "Edit" tab, then "Personal Info".  Finally, select the information you'd like to change. 
  • Note: To save you time (autofill), the information in your profile is also used when you register for Club events.  Beneath each field you will find an explanation as to who can see the information.  (e.g. the information in the "city" field is visible to logged in members, postal code and phone number is only visible to admin users and is used when you register for events to autofill your registration form)

Member Initiatives.  We've had a record numbers of new members over the past month.  Please be sure to say, "Howdy!" and do what you can to make our new members feel welcome if you see a new face at the next Club event.  To keep the drive alive and add even more value to your membership, we are planning a number of initiatives. Keep your eyes peeled for the new member Welcome Wagon, Member Ambassadors, Bring a Friend program, Member of the Month feature and Student Memberships.  If you're outgoing and would like to contribute, please let me know.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  We'd especially like to hear from enthusiastic folks to help as Event Host Chair and with PR and marketing.  Please drop me a line. For a couple of hours a month, you can make a big difference (and we actually have a lot of fun!)

2010 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2010 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole summer and fall of free events.


Website Help
.  The list of help topics is ever expanding.  What would you like to see demystified to make your enjoyment of our events and website even greater?  Email us with suggestions for the help pages, please.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


Fluffy Bunny. Event Host - Jess Dagg.  The sun started to shine just after we finished! But..... the rain held off at the beginning, so we all enjoyed cruising around the Buntzen Lake area. A new member, John Pickles, came out for his first CFA event, and I must have done alright, as he says he'll be back :-) Doug and Bill tackled the new "long" course I developed, and my estimate was thankfully correct at 27km. A good challenge they said, especially since this was Doug's longest trail run ever. He shortened it a bit, but still...Congrats Doug! He also won a Trail Runner subscription at the post-event coffee locale so that should keep him going. Thanks Trail Runner mag and other sponsors for prizes. Photo and results are posted here.

XS-NRG - the movie.  Six years ago, a handful of club members set out to run a 180-kilometer wilderness trail.  Their attempt became the subject of this documentary film that was shown to a select, sold-out audience this month.  While it was very cool to see so many familiar faces in the film, critics agreed that it was a great story about a famous trail, about friendship and about teamwork.  It was also quite funny!  The filmmakers plan to take it on the festival circuit.  Check here for the next viewing opportunity


Marathon Shuffle. Event Host - Eagle Walz.  The Marathon Shuffle on the Sunshine Coast is quickly proving to be one of the more popular Club Fat Ass events.  Over 75 starters explored the beautiful Sunshine Coast Trail, the trail work and new shelters by Eagle and his friends.  We hope that the attention will help to stop the clear cut logging of the old growth forest.  Mark this event on your calendar for next year. Results and photos here

5Peaks Bunzten Lake Warm Up. Event Host - 5Peaks (Eric Lorenz) and Club Fat Ass (Sibylle Tinsel) It was a perfect day for a run in a rain forest.  The sky was overcast when our car pool arrived at the parking lot near Alouette Lake in Golden Ears Provincial Park.  Soon excited chatter bonded the runners trying to figure out which group to sign-up for. We had 9 run leaders for about 30 runners, not a bad ratio.  
There were two different distances, 8.8km Sports- and 14km Enduro to choose from.  We set out together on the Valley Trail, following Eric, who had devilish fun guiding via his GPS.  The rest of us leaders navigated from our memory of the course from years past and maps.  Photos and participants list here.

Burnaby Mountain Run. Event Host - Tara Haddad. We had a good crowd out, with a number of newbie members testing the waters and Event Host, Tara, testing her baby jogger with one of her twin boys along for the ride.  The weather was beautiful.  If memory serves right, this was the first and only Burnaby Mountain Run, when the rains were not torrential and we even got to enjoy the touted view ;-)  Des had registered, but wasn't toeing the startline - a bunch of point hounds were jubilant, only to discover, that Des had put in an early start and collected points alright.  Almost everybody scooped litter of the trail to do their good deed of the day and of course keep up with Des and Reagan in the Point Series.  More here.

Foolishly Yours 50km. Event Host - Karl Jensen.  Results here.


Refer A Friend Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Check out how to participate in the Refer a Friend Contest.
2010 Travelling Colours Contest Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2010 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

Photo left:  What did the nurses say, John?

2010 Point Series. 
Same contest, same rules, new year. With Reagan, Des, Jess, Sibylle and Ean almost head to head, it promises to be a heated battle.  There's still time for you to win bragging rights and a pair of new runners, though!  Read about how to collect points. Up-to-date standings here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.




April 2010 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Spring has definitely sprung... and that means by now you should have received your bright yellow 2010 Club colours in the mail or at your local Kintec Footlab store.  Be sure to give it a good workout and let me know what you think of it.  Take lots of action photos of you in it, too, as there are good prizes in the Travelling Colours Contest this year!

Good news, bad news.  The good news?  The Club calendar of events is getting ever more crowded with awesome free events.  Bad news?  You can't do them all! 

I'd especially like to draw your attention to the 2nd Annual Bagger Challenge, the 5Peaks Warm-Up runs (contact me if you like to lead a group), and the Film World Premier of the XS-NRG documentary about four ultra-marathon athletes (some of whom you might just know) who attempt to conquer the 180km Sunshine Coast Trail, non-stop. Details below.

Last, but not least, have you met The Porker yet?  Find out what  our corpulent mascot has been up to recently in the newsletter below... and be sure to let me know if you'd like to be the first to take him out on a long run!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel


Bagger Challenge. 1 April - 10 October - North Shore Mountains, BC Canada.  See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer. Until 21 June only the snowless Howe Sound Island peaks qualify.   Find out more here.  We are also looking for GPS data of last years bagging extravaganza to share with all Baggers this year.

Photo right: View of Howe Sound during a past Bagger adventure

Burnaby Mountain Run. 10 April - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Details here

Photo right: Moody vistas at a previous Burnaby Mountain Run

Flash - 5Peaks Golden Ears Warm-Up. 17 April - Golden Ears Park, BC Canada. A fun and free group orientation run on the 8.8km Sports- and the 14km Enduro Course. There will be faster and slower pace groups on each course, so there's something for everyone.  This event is for trail runners who are registered or thinking of signing up for the popular 5Peaks race at Golden Ears Provincial Park on Saturday 24 April 2010.  Get to know the trail you will race on so you can kick some butt on race day!  Of course, you are welcome to run with us even if you are not registered for the 5Peaks race.  Details and free registration here. If you are able to lead a group, please contact me.

Film World Premiere - XS-NRG. 24 April - Powell River, BC Canada.  The Sunshine Coast Trail is a relatively undiscovered gem of a trail that stretches 180 kilometers from Sarah Point in the north to Saltery Bay in the south on the upper Sunshine Coast near Powell River, British Columbia. A few years ago, four city boys from Vancouver threatened to run the entire 180K trail non-stop.  Locals said it couldn't be done.  The attempt was filmed. The world premier of the film has now been scheduled for release in Powell River on the Marathon Shuffle weekend in April.  A week later, on 1 May, the film will premier in Vancouver. Find out what happened on the trail in this never before seen footage by film maker Angus McLellan and run the Marathon Shuffle the following morning to discover the trail firsthand. Buy your ticket here.

Flash - Marathon Shuffle. 25 April - Powell River, BC, Canada. The Marathon Shuffle is a new CFA event with a long standing history. Since 1991, Eagle Walz has hosted the "Shuffle" as a fund-raiser for the Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society (PRPAWS).  A CFA member is the only person to have run the whole SCT and CFA members are threatening to take back the current course records for the Marathon Shuffle, a 30km run or walk through beautiful terrain and remaining stands of old growth rainforest.  A Half Shuffle distance is also possible.  In support of Eagle and his environmental and social goals, CFA has "adopted" the Marathon Shuffle as a Flash Event.  (Free for members and non-members of Club Fat Ass).  More info here.

Photo right: On the Sunshine Coast Trail

Photo left: Suspension Bridge over Buntzen Lake during the Fluffy Bunny

Fluffy Bunny Trail Run: 1 May - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. Are you tough enough for the Fluffy Bunny? 9.5km, 15km and  27km options provide fun distances for the whole family. Go for a dip in Buntzen Lake afterward.  Find out more here!

Photo right: On Lynn Loop Trail during the Enduro

North Shore Enduro. 8 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains, the Enduro is on a 7.6 km loop course that lasts up to 6 hours. A safe and challenging first trail run featuring some easy and some technical terrain. A great social event for the team runner (2-6 runners can form a team). A tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner. More info and registration here.

Tour de Howe Sound.  14-16 May, Howe Sound, BC, Canada. A sailing, trail running/hiking weekend adventure.  Featuring a sailboat "race" around the outside of Bowen, Anvil, Gambier and Keats Islands, Fell Running: 4 peaks on 4 islands, approximately 46 km of trails, 8,300m vertical climb.  Boats that can sleep 4+ needed!  Find out how to enter your boat and crew here.



2010 Club Garment and Poster Children.  By now you should have received your 2010 Club colours in the mail or at your local Kintec Footlab store.  Give it a workout.  Let me know what you think of it and please take lots of action photos of you in it for the Travelling Colours Contest!

Our very photogenic 2010 t-shirt poster children were chosen spontaneously at the Mosquito Creek Grill after running the Mountain Highway Madness in March.  Sarah Anderson and Noal Cattone from Seattle are enthusiastic new members of Club Fat Ass. They believe in their trademark, "Movement is Medicine" and claim not not to set any new land speed records. "Our next adventure is the Diez Vista 50k. We hope to get our Bad Ass Fat Ass shirts MUDDY!!!" Check out their FA style Urban Trail Race and website.

ActivePorker iphone App. If you have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, please download the free ActivePorker app to stay connected to the club while you're on the go.  We are excited and encouraged by the steadily increasing usage of the app and are working on a few updates to be released in the coming months.   If you like the app, please leave a review on iTunes and let us know what you think.  You can also become a fan on the ActivePorker Facebook Fan page, to get the latest info about the app and to follow the hog-wild antics of our traveling club mascot.

The Porker.  "The Porker" is Club Fat Ass's official mascot. He has a rich history and is manifested in several forms: our "golden" mascot, our Club logo and most recently, the ActivePorker iPhone app (see above).  Our Club mascot is made of brass.  He's a bit bigger than a loaf of bread and weights a ton!  (Well, figuratively, anyway.  You can read all about his history here.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  We'd especially like to hear from enthusiastic folks to help with PR and marketing and someone to represent the voice of Club members.  Please drop me a line. For a couple of hours a month, you can make a big difference.

2010 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2010 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole year of free events.


Website Help
.  The list of help topics is ever expanding.  What would you like to see demystified to make your enjoyment of our events and website even greater?  Email us with suggestions for the help pages, please.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


Please click here for recent results, photos and reports.

Photo right: The mainlanders under Carlos' expert guidance posing at the Spaghetti Tree run in East Sooke Regional Park.


Refer A Friend Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Check out how to participate in the Refer a Friend Contest.
2010 Travelling Colours Contest Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2010 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

2010 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.




March 2010 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

One would think that wintertime is a slack time for an outdoors- oriented club.  Not so with this one!  

A big, fat "Thank you!" to our newest Event Hosts: Jason in Kirkwood, Missouri (International Ozark Foothills Trail Hopper), Glenissa Sygitowicz in Bellingham, Washington (Chuckanut Calf Cramper) and Katie Longworth of Victoria, BC (Spaghetti Trees). Looks like there will be more road trips this year!

Club members in the lower mainland of British Columbia were treated to an unseasonably warm early spring and the once-in-a-lifetime excitement of the winter Olympics and Paralympic games.  Some CFA members took the opportunity to invite Olympic guests out for a run on our beautiful trails. Thanks for all of you who volunteered to play tour guide and we look forward to sharing the the trails with more visitors during the Paralympics.

They're almost ready!  Good news for all who have patiently waited for the 2010 no stink, long sleeve collectors shirt.  First dibs if you're attending the Capilano Night Run this Saturday.  For all others, look for an email with pick-up or mailing information next week.  If you have time to help with packaging one evening (Sunday), that would be lovely.

Speaking of shirts, we have a deal for you:  Buy a classic blue or black short sleeve Club Fat Ass shirt and get a box of PowerBar Sport bars or gel chews.  You can order yours here.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel


Club Fat Ass Events: Capilano Canyon Night RunRun with A Local.  Club Fat Ass' contribution the the Olympic and Paralympic excitement matching locals and visitors up for runs. Details here.

Capilano Canyon Night Run. 13 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs followed by a potluck party. More info here!

Photo right: a chain of bobbing lights on the trail of Capilano Canyon during last year's night run.

Photo left: Some young Fools charging down Mountain Highway

Spring Mountain Highway Madness. 21 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). Check it out here!

Photo right: Crossing the floating bridge across Buntzen Lake during Run To the Clouds

Run to the Clouds. 27 March - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. A 12.5km or 25km run, all on trails with some gravel road sections. Come see and run around beautiful Buntzen Lake and surrounding mountains. A challenging route with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600 metres) of elevation gain/loss. Fantastic views of Buntzen Lake and the Greater Vancouver area. Details here.

Spaghetti Trees. 3 April - Victoria, BC Canada.  The newest offering on the Club Fat Ass calendar features a 12km or 16km trail run in East Sooke Regional Park past ancient copper mines and gorgeous west coast vistas.  Get to the start via an optional bike ride along the Galloping Goose trail from the ferry.  Play along with antics along the course and finish the day with a pint of local micro brew in a 116-year-old pub. Why is it called Spaghetti Trees? We'd love to hear your guesses :).  Find out more here

Photo right:  Amazing views on a clear day during the Burnaby Mountain Run.

Club Fat Ass Event - Burnaby Mountain Run in BurnabyBurnaby Mountain Run. 4 April - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around the Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Details here.

Flash - 5Peaks Golden Ears Warm-Up. 17 April - Golden Ears Park, BC Canada. A fun and free group orientation run on the 8.8km Sports- and the 14km Enduro Course. There will be faster and slower pace groups on each course, so there's something for everyone.  This event is for trail runners who are registered or thinking of signing up for the popular 5Peaks race at Golden Ears Provincial Park on Saturday 24 April 2010.  Get to know the trail you will race on so you can kick some butt on race day!  Of course, you are welcome to run with us even if you are not registered for the 5Peaks race.  Details and free registration here.

Film World Premiere - XS-NRG. 24 April - Powell River, BC Canada.  The Sunshine Coast Trail is a relatively undiscovered gem of a trail that stretches 180 kilometers from Sarah Point in the north to Saltery Bay in the south on the upper Sunshine Coast near Powell River, British Columbia. A few years ago, four city boys from Vancouver threatened to run the entire 180K trail non-stop.  Locals said it couldn't be done.  The attempt was filmed. The world premier of the film has now been scheduled for release in Powell River on the Marathon Shuffle weekend in April.  A week later, on 1 May, the film will premier in Vancouver. Find out what happened on the trail in this never before seen footage by film maker Angus McLellan and run the Marathon Shuffle the following morning to discover the trail firsthand. Buy your ticket here.

Club Fat Ass Event  - Marathon ShuffleFlash - Marathon Shuffle. 25 April - Powell River, BC, Canada. The Marathon Shuffle is a new CFA event with a long standing history. Since 1991, Eagle Walz has hosted the "Shuffle" as a fund-raiser for the Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society (PRPAWS).  A CFA member is the only person to have run the whole SCT and CFA members are threatening to take back the current course records for the Marathon Shuffle, a 30km run or walk through beautiful terrain and remaining stands of old growth rainforest.  A Half Shuffle distance is also possible.  In support of Eagle and his environmental and social goals, CFA has "adopted" the Marathon Shuffle as a Flash Event.  (Free for members and non-members of Club Fat Ass).  More info here.

Photo left:  Views before the last descent down to Powell Lake and well deserved refreshments at the Shinglemill Pub after the Marathon Shuffle.



2010 Club Garment.  They're almost ready!  Good news for all who have patiently waited for the 2010 no stink, long sleeve collectors shirt.  First dibs if you're attending the Capilano Night Run this Saturday.  For all others, look for an email with pick-up or mailing information next week.  If you have time to help with packaging one evening (Sunday), that would be lovely.

Speaking of shirts, we have a deal for you:  Buy a classic blue or black short sleeve Club Fat Ass shirt and get a box of PowerBar Sport bars or gel chews.  You can order yours here.  A big thanks to MEC's Lori Moody for facilitating this.

Photo right: an enthusiastic Swiss member, Christina Prati, sporting her CFA shirt at a race finish

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  We'd especially like to hear from enthusiastic folks to help with PR and marketing and someone to represent the voice of Club members.  Please drop me a line. For a couple of hours a month, you can make a big difference.

2010 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2010 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole year of free events.


Website Help
.  The list of help topics is ever expanding.  What would you like to see demystified to make your enjoyment of our events and website even greater?  Email us with suggestions for the help pages, please.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


Please click here for recent results, photos and reports.


Refer A Friend Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Check out how to participate in the Refer a Friend Contest.
2010 Travelling Colours Contest Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2010 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

2010 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.




January 2010 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

A belated "Happy New Year!"

I hope you kicked off 2010 on the right foot, got the year off to a running start and are resolved to give Craig Moore some serious competition for being the most active CFA member in 2010.

Thanks to all who renewed their membership or joined the Club over the holidays. Woo-hoo... your 2010 club t-shirts have been ordered and they are going to be really nice. I am looking forward to getting them in your hands by early March.

This year has already seen an exciting innovation for Club Fat Ass:  an application on the iPhone!   Club Fat Ass is possibly the first and only running club to offer an iPhone app to provide news right on your phone.  If Santa brought you an iPhone, be sure to download the free ActivePorker and let us know what you think. Thanks to new member Reagan White!

Your Club Steering Committee is about to launch into another year.   This group meets about 7 times in 2010 to help manage the Club.  Our goals are simple:  more events and more members to enjoy them.

Many thanks to Ryan and Vanessa, your outgoing Marketing and Event Host chairs.  Ryan, who hosts the popular Squamish Scrambler and Mutha's Nature Trail run events, has served on the committee for 2 years.  Vanessa will continue to make sure our  club t-shirts are the pick of your collection.

Can you spare a couple of hours/month this year to help improve and grow the Club?  Lots of rewards.  No heavy lifting or experience necessary.  Please contact me!  

'Hope to see you at the Foolish Runs, the Squamish Scrambler or the Capilano Canyon Night Run in February and March.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Club Fat Ass Event: Squamish Scrambler Snowshoe RunHealthy Eating Workshop. 23 January - Vancouver, BC.  Check out this nutrition workshop by business member Curb Ivanic of Core Fitness. Special rate for Club Fat Ass members. Details here.

Squamish Scrambler. 6 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savor spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.

Photo left:  Snowshoers on the return route from the Elfin Cabin.

Photo right: On the dark trails during last year's Capilano Canyon Night Run

Club Fat Ass Events: Capilano Canyon Night RunCapilano Canyon Night Run. 13 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs followed by a potluck party and celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to first 50 entrants, so please register early!

Photo left: Breaking trail during last years Spring Mountain Highway Madness

Club Fat Ass Events: Spring Mountain Highway MadnessSpring Mountain Highway Madness. 21 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). Check it out here!


2010 Club Garment.  The order is in and the wheels are now in motion for the production of your limited edition 2010 Club garment.  The colours are "sunshine yellow" for both the girls and the boys shirts. We haven't decided on screen colours yet... how about purple for the girls and orange for the boys? 

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line. We are especially looking for enthusiastic people to with PR and markenting experience and someone to represent the voice of Club members.

2010 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2010 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole year of free events.

Sponsors.  A big, fat "Thank you!" to the business members of CFA who supported our Club this past year and those who signed up or renewed for 2010.  Please make sure you consider them when shopping or looking for professional services.  Please also remember that, apart from providing draw prizes, most of our Business members also offer Club Members a discount, so be sure to ask at the cash register.

(click on the Kintec coupon for your print version)


Member Posting Privileges.  Did you know that current Club Fat Ass members have special privileges at the "online clubhouse"?  Did you know that you can organize your training runs as Flash events?  Sure, it's a bit more trouble than sending out an email to the usual suspects, but by sharing your plans with others in the running community, you become an instant leader.  (Sandbaggers, beware: It's harder for run leaders to secret train!)   Routine or exceptional, you can share your running adventures and experiences with your friends and fellow Club members with a blog.  To do this, log in with your member username and look for your navigation block in the left hand column.  Click "create content" and then chose blog.  If you don't see this feature and are a 2010 member, please  drop me a line.  Current members can also share a bit about themselves and have their photo appear with their written contributions to the clubhouse.  Just complete your User Profile.

Web Account Information.  Save time.  Don't miss emails. The start of an event-full new year is the perfect time to confirm your web account information.   Registering for Club events is a snap if you take advantage of the autofill feature.  Your registration form is completed for you from the information in your web account profile.  Please make sure the information and email address is current as this is were the website sends notifications and password requests.  Note: currently, your web account information is separate from the information you submitted with your membership registration.

GPS Maps.  Imagine... never getting lost during a Club Fat Ass event again!  A growing number of Club members are using GPS devices to help them stay on the right trail.  One of our Club resolutions for 2010 is to provide accurate GPS information for all Club events.  Please help us!  If you used a GPS device to record a CFA event, please send me the GPX file, a map image and/or a link to the map you created.  I will share with the Event Host and add to the course page to supplement our course descriptions for the benefit of all.


Club Fat Ass PhotosFacebookClub Fat Ass Store


Club Fat Ass Events - Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50km Run - David Papineau hamming it up at the finishVancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. Event Host - Ean Jackson. New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. ~Mark Twain
Like many running friends, I have managed to accomplish many running goals because I established goals in the first place. Getting those running goals out in front of each other while doing something we love was what I had in mind when I loosely organized the first Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50 in 1994. 
Club Fat Ass Events: Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50kmStraight up, I also needed to get out of the house and move a bit.  I figured that by picking a stupid run distance, for a day that has the worst weather in the year, on a day when most friends have the least amount of sleep and are the most hung-over, I'd find an equally stupid friend to run with and earn bragging rights. I was shocked and amazed that New Year's day 17 years ago when 10 friends showed up.
Club Fat Ass Events: Sibylle and ultra virgins, Anthony and Rachel at the finishWith the weather forecast calling for record rainfalls on the first day of the second decade of the second millennium, I was even more shocked an amazed that 106 running friends should show up for this bizarre resolution run. It was a record-breaking year in many ways.  Read on!

Ultra Quadzilla. Event Host - Lorie Alexandar.  While the Vancouver Fat Ass contigent ran 50km on New Year's Day and thought they had it rough, Lorie hosted and ran the Ultra Quadzilla.  The challenge was to run 4 X 50km on consecutive days starting on New Year's Eve.  Lorie, started on the first day with 50miles - to top of her year of 50 x 50 miles.  Read about the Quadzilla here.

Club Fat Ass Events: Galbraith Mountain TourGalbraith Mountain Tour. Event Host - Daniel Probst. The promised views were shrouded in fog, but the rains held off for the 14 runners who participated in the Galbraith Mountain Tour.  Fueled by donuts provided by Daniel's mom the "slow" group was only 45min behind the fasties. Here is what Carolyn Goluzza had to say after the run: "I had SO much fun on this run!! Great trail system, awesome group to run with, and the views...well the trees were really pretty! And a big thanks to Daniel and his mom for the donuts!!!" To read more comments, see photos or results click here.

Club Fat Ass: Pure Satisfaction RunPure Satisfaction: Event Host - Craig Moore.  Pure Satisfaction has always been a popular run: right from day one seven years ago. I’ve enjoyed every year of it even in the slippery cold and sometimes rainy and the sometimes dark starts. And I figure people keep coming back year after year so others must like it too. Like our dedicated Chief Fat Ass, Sibylle, who has participated more than anyone else now (6 times).
And there are enough finishers since 2003 to enable me to collect some pretty serious statistics. We’ve had 213 finishers, an average of 30 finishers each year, and we’ve max’d out at 52 starters (2008) before we changed a few rules about getting CFA points. This year we had 33 starters matching the 2007 total of 33 as well.  And it’s nice to see so many people running the distance they want to do. Everything from a gentle hour or two custom length to one leg of 12.5km and up to 50km. Craig's full report, photo and results are posted here.


Travelling Colours ContestAs the year came to a close, there were some interesting battles going on between the top finishers in the 2009 Travelling Colors Competition.  Tactics included:  promoting t-shirt photos on Facebook and Flickr with the message to friends and family being, "Vote for me!"  All's fair in love and war! 

Congrats to Bill who won a refund on his 2010 dues for his colourful image taken during a Caribean holiday with fiance, Jess Bassil, and his son.  Runner up was Katie's post run photo at the Run To the Clouds and third place is awarded to Ean, proudly presenting the brass porker he purchased in a garage sale while running the Vancouver Skyline XTC last summer. A slideshow of all 2009 contributions is posted here.

Get a head start on this year's contest by taking lots of photos of yourself in your Club garment and sharing them by following the instructions here.

2009 Point Series. Ta da... the most active Club member of 2009 was Craig Moore of North Vancouver, Canada with 68 Club points.  His strategy? Craig participated in 20 CFA events in 2009.  He signed-up early, showed up, hosted two events, and collected trash at most of the events he participated in.  Craig won a certificate for a pair of running shoes from Kintec Footlabs.

Second and third place go to your's truly and Action Jackson, but we only play for fun not to win.  Fourth place place was claimed by Des Mott of North Vancouver.  Des collected 50 points through a healthy mix of hosting an event and cleaning trash from the trails.

Congrats to everyone in the Club for making this contest a lot of fun. Final 2009 Standings are posted here.

The 2010 Point Series is already in full swing. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes for accumulating more points than your fellow club members.  2010 standings are posted here.

Refer a Friend Contest. Congrats to Kristie Congram, who won the inaugural Refer a Friend Contest and a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200 provided from Kintec Footlab. Kristie might not have had an active running year as injuries and surgeries put her training on hold, but she certainly was active recruiting new members from as far away as Missouri. 

This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by dragging along their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a pair of trail runners from Kintec Footlabs!  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here

New Year's Resolution Contest. And the winner is...Claudia!  She was able to accomplish 80% of the athletic resolutions she made for 2009.  Claudia also received a certificate for a pair of running shoes from our business member, Kintec Footlabs. Here are all the 2009 resolutions and self-evaluations. 

Want to share your 2010 resolutions with the world?  Here's how you can do it!  You can check out any musings related to the contest here

The member who comes closest to their resolutions will win a SOLE footcare package courtesy of our friends and sponsors at Kintec Footlabs.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.




December 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  Troll the malls or hit the trails?  Decisions, decisions... 

With the Pure Satisfaction Run and the Galbraith Mountain Tour coming up in the next 10 days, there are still opportunities to squeeze in a few more Club runs before Santa comes to call.

It's been a great year of running and camaraderie and 2010 is shaping up to offer even more Club events and challenges.  Don't forget to renew or join the Club before the end of December... especially if you'd like a 2010 "collectors edition" yellow long-sleeve, no-stink Club Fat Ass t-shirt.

Rather run than shop 'till you drop?  Get that special someone a Club membership ($75), a signature t-shirt ($25) or check out our cheeky merchandise at the Club Fat Ass store as a way to say you care about friends and fitness.

Already figured-out who has been naughty and who has been nice?  Think about documenting your athletic goals for 2010 in the New Years Resolution contest and kicking the year off on the right foot with a resolution run and polar bear swim on New Years day. 

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and peace on earth!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Pure Satisfaction: 13 December - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails...the perfect way to start the busy Christmas season. Bring your jingle bells and wear your Santa hat. Details here.

Photo left: Collin Freeland during a past Pure Satisfaction Run

Photo right: amazing views of Mount Baker during the Galbraith Mountain Tour

Galbraith Mountain Tour. 19 December - Bellingham, WA. A 15-mile trail run on the Lake Padden & Galbraith Mountain trail systems. Prepare for the lack of stairs, boulders, roots and bears but with all the fun of the true single track. If we have clear weather there will be amazing views of Mt. Baker, San Juan Islands & the Northshore mountains of Vancouver. More details here.

Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2010 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!

Photo left:  Snowy trails in Stanley Park during last years Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50km Run.

Photo right: Daniel Probst in shorts at the Squamish Scrambler

Squamish Scrambler. 6 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savour spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.


2010 Membership Registration. Registration and renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2010 is in full-swing.  Don't miss out on the special order no-stink, long-sleeve, yellow 2010 collectors Club shirt... and be sure to kick the new year off on the right foot with your first Club run of the year

2010 Club Garment. Did you know Club membership dues include a garment? Collectors take note... the 2010 Club t-shirt will be sunshine yellow for both boys and girls.  It will be the same fabric and cut as our past "FatAssWear" long-sleeve garments that were custom-designed by CFA member Vanessa Fors and cut, sewn and screened in Vancouver, Canada.  As in previous years, we expect to have the new shirts ready for mail-out/pick-up toward the end of February. To make sure you get the limited edition 2010 Club colours, you must sign up before December 31st, as that's when the order goes in. Don't miss out, sign up now!

Contests.  You can find a list of all Club contests under Member Benefits on the left of the website.  All contests will come to an end on 31 December.  Winners will be announced during the awards for the Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50.  If you participated in any Club contests, please review the rules to improve your chances of winning.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line.

Business Members.  A big, fat "Thank you!" to the business members of CFA who supported our Club this past year.  Please make sure you consider them when shopping or looking for professional services.  Please also remember that, apart from providing draw prizes, most of our Business members also offer Club Members a discount, so be sure to ask at the cash register.


System Emails Go AWOL.  Our Club website should automatically send new account confirmation, event confirmation and a short summary of messages that are posted to the "online clubhouse".  There was a hiccup that saw some messages get sidetracked.  Sorry! Thanks to Ran's detective work it is fixed now.  I should have touched base with you if this impacted you, however, if you are still waiting for an activation email or new password, please drop me a line.

Website Content Notifications.  Our website makes it possible for you to subscribe to a variety of new content.  This means that if you are subscribed you will receive an email notification when new content is posted.  The settings for this feature can be customized.  For example you can subscribe to all blogs or only your friends blogs.  By default, you will receive notifications of any comments made on posts you submitted.  You can subscribe and unsubscribe at any time either from a link directly below the post in question, through a link in the notification email or in your user account settings at (log in before going there).  If you find that you are getting too many or not enough updates, please take a moment to adjust your settings. 

GPS Maps. Wouldn't it be nice if all our events could provide GPS course coordinates?  We rely on you to make this happen.  If you used a GPS device to record a CFA event, please send us the GPX file, a map image and/or a link to the map you created.  We'll add this to the course page to supplement our course descriptions.


Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Seymour Super Fun Run.  Event Host - Michael Wardas.  This run was blessed with lots of water.  We almost needed snorkels to navigate the rivers on the trails. Read Jason's report - Midwest U.S. Style here and savour Reagan's ode to the Super Seymour Fun Run:
15 of us set out from the coffee shop to run, walk, jog, slosh, slide and teeter, until we petered
out and about the misty Seymour mountains.
2 of us turtlepacers stuck together
We bounced down Ned’s and over the Bottle Top
2 became 1 when a calf cried stop!
3 times alone I thought I might quit,
My legs and lungs felt like s***
1 PB&J, 2 Clif bars, and 85oz of Gatorade kept me grooving,
1 foot in front of the other kept me moving
Then 2 dudes on bikes told me, “We just saw a running pack, up on Bridle.”
With a new surge of energy, I would not idle.
Up the trail, only 5K to go!
2 gals on bikes now = instant go go go!
… and to boot, they knew the way to Horse Loop!
Old Buck we’re here!  Thank you mountain biking hotties,
So stoked, I shed a tear - I kid you nottie.
280 minutes after we all set out,
I crossed the goal and let out a shout!
27K on a day like today was something else,
and when my 2 eyes saw the other Club Fat Asses
I let out another shout!
Cool people and good times means…
…we’ll do this again.
How convenient - only 15 days until Pure Satisfaction begins! I should be able to feel my legs again by then…

Foolish Gerbil 100 Mile Trail Run: Flash Event Host - Karl Jensen. A determined group of 8 runners started out at 9:00 am to run a loop or two ...or 16 at the Foolish Gerbil 100 Mile Run.  The air was crisp but the skies were dry for a moment and at least for the first three loops it never rained hard.  By the 3rd loop the eight runners had picked up 5 more Foolish Gerbils. 
Claudia went AWOL after two laps.  Pushpa's friend Harold who had never run more than 10km was seen on his 2nd loop and Wendy Montgomery, Caroline King, Neil Ambrose and Sibylle Tinsel called it a day after 3 loops or 30km - just in time before the forecasted heavy downpours hit.  Lorie, Karl, Kirsten, Barry, Tim, Pushpa and John pressed on.  
While we started in pretty decent running weather, the conditions deteriorated as the day wore on and by late afternoon it had become wet, cold, miserable, nasty and generally unpleasant.  Karl's full report is posted here.

Chilly Willy. Flash Event Host - Lorie Alexander. Chilly Willy was a great success and a lot of fun if I do say so myself. The course was amazing and beautiful as I promised hills and more hills with the added tumble weeds every time the wind blew. Van and Jess and I started early to accommodate travel for the girls. I took the high trail and they found the tumble weeds.. Amazing amounts of them, they just arrived the evening before and covered about 150ft of the trail. We moved them and they came back! What's a few extra scratches on legs. We all arrived back to the start in time for a pics and the race was on. Read on...


New Year's Resolution Contest. It's time to stop thinking and to start acting about your New Year's Resolutions!  We're again offering CFA members and anyone else who is interested a place where they can log their 2010 fitness resolutions. You can look at this as a goal-setting tool, as a way to keep yourself honest or as a contest to see how close you come to meeting your goals. More information at New Years Resolution Contest.

On a similar note, the 2009 New Years Resolution Contest is coming to an end... only a few weeks to the end of the year!  This year's contestants are asked to provide an update as a comment on their original resolutions by December 20th.  Please rate your achievement in percentage points. You can check out any musings related to the contest here:

The member who comes closest to their resolutions will win a pair of running shoes courtesy of our friends and sponsors at Kintec Footlabs.

Photos left and above: Bill Dagg, his son and Jess Bassil enjoying a tropical vacation in Belize

Photo below: Bill Dagg in the Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park

2009 Travelling Colours ContestTime for some scheming and scamming...if you submitted photos to this years contest, you might want to ask your friends to comment and fave your contribution.  The image recording most views/comments and faves (as determined by Flickr) will win this years contest and win a full refund of his or her 2010 Club membership dues. Pictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can still be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

2009 Point Series. Craig and Sibylle have been creatively collecting photo, garbage and referal points and are leading the pack.  Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes.  Point collection will end 20th of December, all points submitted/collected after that date will count for 2010. 

Refer a Friend Contest. This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by dragging along their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200!  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here.  Currently in the lead is Kristie Congram, followed by Tim Wiens, Yours Truly and Gary Robbins. 


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.




November 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

It's almost December!  Yikes, where has the year gone?  With gray days and lots of running in the rain, it's time to think positive and start planning our training and racing for 2010.

Please remember to get your club registration in before 1 December to be included in the draw for a membership refund.  The other deadline not to miss is the custom order for Club garments this year.  If you'd like a collector's edition no-stink, long-sleeve 2009 CFA t-shirt, be sure to sign-up to the Club before 31 December 2009.

Do you have Christmas presents for everyone on your "A" list yet? (What do you mean you've not even given it a thought? What do you think about on those long runs, anyway?)  An annual membership in Club Fat Ass is a gift that gives all year long. If your loved one's needs are more along the lines of a hoodie, BBQ apron or (gasp!) a thong, check out the Club Fat Ass store for great gift ideas or get the classic CFA shirts here!

Don't forget that winners of our 2009 contests will be determined at the end of December.  While the time for 2009 running resolutions is past and it's late in the season for earning Club participation points, everyone still has a chance to win a membership refund in the travelling t-shirt contest or a foot care package from our friends at Kintec Footlabs in the Refer a Friend contest .  Make sure you have your photo contributions up on Flickr (or send it to me) and promote them with your friends for the best chance to win.  More about our contests in the newsletter below.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Flash - Foolish Gerbil 100 Mile Trail Run. 21 November - Vancouver, BC.  A 100 mile run on the trails in Pacific Spirit Park.  Join The Fools for a loop, or two, or three....or 16.   Great training for the Vancouver New Year's Day 50km.  Find out more here.

Seymour Super Fun Run: 28 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge not to be missed. Check it out here.

Photo left: Some of The Fools running in circles during last year's Foolish Gerbil series.

Photo right: It doesn't happen often, but sometimes the sun shines on the Pure Satisfaction trails

Pure Satisfaction: 13 December - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails...the perfect way to start the busy Christmas season. Bring your jingle bells and wear your Santa hat. Details here.

Galbraith Mountain Tour. 19 December - Bellingham, WA. A 5.8 or 20-mile trail run on the Lake Padden & Galbraith Mountain trail systems. Prepare for the lack of stairs, boulders, roots and bears but with all the fun of the true single track. If we have clear weather there will be amazing views of Mt. Baker, San Juan Islands & the Northshore mountains of Vancouver. More details here.

Photo left: The Coquitlam Fat Asses out in full force on New Year's Day

Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2010 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!



2010 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2010 is open!  As an incentive to register early all members who sign up/renew before 1 December will be entered into a draw for a membership refund.  While you can join CFA all year round, now is the best time as you will get in on the order for the special, no-stink, long-sleeve, member designed 2010 collectors Club shirt.  

New members can participate in all remaining events in 2009 as well as all of the 50+ free events the Club offers during 2010.

2010 Club Garment. As always, your membership dues include a special Club garment. Our very own Club Fat Ass Wear shirt is designed by CFA member Vanessa Fors and cut, sewn and screened in Vancouver, Canada.  As in previous years, we expect to have the new shirts ready for mail-out toward the end of February. To make sure you get the limited edition 2010 Club colours, you must sign up before December 31st, as that's when the order goes in. Don't miss out, sign up now!

CFA Steering Committee.  Our Steering Committee Open House a few weeks ago saw an enthusiastic crowd with great ideas.  Craig proposed to be the liaison for Club Fat Ass' training runs with 5 Peaks, Evelyn is figuring out fun ways to engage old and new members via Social Media and Reagan is going to look at our events from the perspective of a new member.    

We still have room for your creativity and ideas.  Actually, let me reword this, we NEED your creativity and ideas.  Scared of meetings?  Not to worry.  We meet to discuss a certain topic every other month and meetings last only 90min.  Drop me a line if you'd like to get involved.  

New Navigation. Have you noticed our revamped website navigation?  We believe this is a more logical way to organize information on our online clubhouse and that it will be easier for you to find the stuff you want.  This was one of several steps we have been busily planning and prepping behind the scenes. 

The next phase will involve a different look for the main content area, also with the goal of making it a breeze to quickly find the important stuff like upcoming events, reports and your favorite member stories. 
We'll wrap things up with a new coat of paint sometime in the New Year.  Thanks for all of you who have contributed to the planning with ideas, suggesting features or pointing out short falls. Of course, you can still give us feedback and contribute anytime!
GPS Maps. Wouldn't it be nice if all our events could provide GPS course coordinates?  We rely on you to make this happen.  If you used a GPS device to record a CFA event, please send us the GPX file, a map image and/or a link to the map you created.  We'll add this to the course page to supplement our course descriptions.


Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Bagger Challenge 2009: Event Host - David Crerar.  Congratulations to Ken Legg, winner of the Munro Quaich for the inaugural 2009 Baggers' Challenge

If dogs run free, then why not we
Across the swooping plain?
My ears hear a symphony
Of two mules, trains and rain.
The best is always yet to come,
That's what they explain to me.
Just do your thing, you'll be king,
If dogs run free.

Read more about the 2009 Bagger Challenge here.

Photo right: Bagger Ken hoist the champagne bottle to celebrate victory

Photo left: A wet start to the 2009 Get Your FA Off the Couch

Ann's Get your FA Off the Couch: Event Host - Ann Taylor. Thanks to all who endured another balmy monsoon at Ann's Get Your Fat Ass off the Couch.
Seventeen hardass runners... and Benny the ultradog.... "gleefully" started the run soon to be renamed Pineapple Express! Gottfried greeted our runners at the top of Homestead with some tasty snacks...Thank you Gottfried!!  Full results, photos and report here.

Photo right: Sunrise at Dundarave Beach during the Seawall 100

Seawall 100:  Event Host - Lucinda Iglesias. It was a beautiful fall day in Vancouver, the kind of day that you just want to hit the road and put the pedal to the metal…and get a speeding ticket. But that was nothing compared to the frustration of not being able to run, thanks to H1N1. Lucinda and I organized that run so that I could do a 100 miler among the so pleasant territory of my daily runs but ironically I haven’t able to run any of it so far. More here.

Adventure Slideshow: Speaker Event thanks to Kintec Footlabs. It was a full house for the Club Fat Ass Adventure Slideshow and Year End Social.  Members, members-to-be, spouses and friends, kids and dogs came out to share stories and photos of their outdoor adventures over the past year. More here.

Photoleft: Hannover from north Slope of Hat on the HSCT

Flash - Coldstream Chilly Willy 100: Event Host - Lorie Alexander.  Better late then never. I have been waiting for the results of the relay groups and list of names but they seem to be fast on running and slow on submitting. They certainly know how to have a good time so I'll make an exception for them "Kal RATS" this time. Chilly Willy was a great success and a lot of fun if I do say so myself. The course was amazing and beautiful as I promised hills and more hills with the added tumble weeds every time the wind blew.Continue here.

Flash - The Silly Chili Triathlon: Event Hosts - Ean Jackson and Sibylle Tinsel. The Run.  13 starters.  All finished.  When we met at Griffin gym, it was pouring, but the rain mercifully stopped for an hour as we did intervals on Mosquito Creek trail.  Keegan Freeland was the speedster of the group. The Swim.  17 starters.  Nobody drowned.  After a few laps, most of us played pile-on the plastic raft and Dads against the dudes.  At one point there were 5 kids and 4 parents on-board. The Chili Cook Off.  It was a full house this year with well over 35 people and 15 fabulous chilies.  (Regrets to those who were turned away... no more room in the kitchen!)  More here.

Photo right: Ean's Boy Buff Chili - no beans and no ground meat

Photo left: New member Heather enjoying the trails during the Go Deep

Go Deep: Event Host - Cheryl Johnson. What can you say about a wonderful run with a great bunch of people on a day made for running.  It was sweet!  Sweet Go Deep is a great, great course. To make it even better 15 of my favorite Fat Assses came out to the start, including two new members. Welcome Heather and Scott! 
The weather was cool with traces of snow in the air on the higher trails. The trails were nearly empty - maybe that's why no one claimed garbage points - and higher up a layer of crusty snow and ice made for an additional challenge. Full results here.

Please check out other past results and reports here.


2009 Travelling Colours ContestDon't miss your chance to submit you pictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour, any year)  The winner of this popular contest will receive a full refund of his or her 2010 Club membership dues. Pictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.  Please feel free to comment on photos or add them to your Flickr faves.  The image recording most views/comments and faves (as determined by Flickr) will win this years contest.

2009 Point Series. Craig has been scheming and scamming collecting photo and garbage points and officially surpassed Yours Truly and "Back in Action" Jackson.  Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes.  Point collection will end 19th of December, all points submitted/collected after that date will count for 2010. 

Refer a Friend Contest. This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by dragging along their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200!  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here.  Currently in the lead is Kristie Congram, followed by Tim Wiens and Gary Robbins.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



October 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

No doubt about it.  It's fall again.  The air is crisp, there has been some white stuff in the higher regions and for most of us, our best races of the year are behind us.  Time to start thinking about (gulp!) what we want to accomplish in 2010.

Yes, that means it's also time to get off your fattening behind and join or renew with CFA for the upcoming year.

Great news for renewing members:  Your annual Club membership dues won't change and the number and variety of Club events continues to grow.

Great news if you're thinking about joining:  New members get 14 months of CFA events to enjoy.

Scared of being called a FA and need a gentle kick-in-the-behind before you join?  Take advantage of the free trial membership for Ann's Get Your FA Off The Couch run on Saturday 17 October. Ann's event has beautiful 10K and 20K trail loops and there's a free beer at the finisher party. Tell a friend and pass it on...

Be sure sign up before the end of December so you don't miss getting the hot new long-sleeve, no stink, Club t-shirt.  Everyone who registers between now and the end of November also gets included in a draw for a refund of their dues, so sign up now!

Don't miss the Adventure Slideshow 4 November at Kintec Footlabs in North Vancouver.  This is our big annual Club social event and a warm-up for Christmas party season.  Catch up on the adventures of your fellow members, plan your adventures for the upcoming year or just kick back and eat some munchies while fellow members share stories and photos about their adventures during the Bagger Challenge.  The event is free and open to all, but please register.

Lastly, please join us for our November Steering Committee meeting.  We need your help to manage and improve your Club! Details below.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Club Fat Ass Event - Bagger Challenge - Wendy Montgomery conquering peaksBagger Challenge 2009 July 1 - October 22, BC, Canada.  Only a few days of baggage left! Competition has been intense, but with snow on the higher peaks, the baggery is descending while excitement for the Bagger's Banquet and award of the coveted quaich are climbing. Find out more here.

Photo left: Wendy Montgomery happily bags Little Crown Mountain (Peak #4) on a recent  peak bagging blitz

Photo right: Pamela Keck negotiating the trails during last years Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch

ClubFatAssEvent - Get Your Fat Ass off The CouchAnn's Get your FA Off the Couch: 17 October - North Vancouver, BC. A fun run on winding trails and backroads of lower Seymour Mountain. Two distance options, the "Old Chesterfield" 20 km or the "Cushy Couch" 10 km. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. Trial membership available. More info and registration here.

Photo left: Tim and Des on the seawall in Stanley Park during the Seawall 100

Club Fat Ass Event - Tim and Desmond on the Seawall in Stanley Park during the Seawall 100Seawall 100: 24 October - West Vancouver, BC.  An urban 100 miler, mostly on the Seawall path from Dundarave Park in North Vancouver to UBC. Enjoy an ultramarathon challenge with minimal concerns about wild beasts, altitude or elevation gain. Could definitively be described as the easiest 100 miler in North America if there is such a thing as an easy 100 mile run. Custom distances of 25-50-75 miles. Find out what else run100widow and her hilarious husband have up their sleeve here.

Club Fat Ass Events - Bagger Challenge: Paul Cubbon reaching for Hat PeakAdventure Slideshow: 4 November - North Vancouver, BC. Join us and our friends and sponsors at Kintec for a social wrap up to the year.  The evening will start with images from our 2009 events, munchies and the opportunity to mix and mingle.  Slideshows and presentations of recent self propelled adventures, including the Baggers Challenge will be the highlights of the night.  If you would like to contribute with a story and/or photos please contact Sibylle.  This evening is free for members and non-members of CFA, but please be sure to preregister.

Photo right: Paul Cubbon reaching for Hat Peak on the Howe Sound Crest Trail

CFA - Steering Committee Mixer: 5 November - North Vancouver, BC. Please join us Thursday, November 5th at 19:30 in North Vancouver for a Steering Committee Mixer.  We'll talk about plans for next year and you'll have the opportunity to ask questions about the roles of the different Steering Committees.  Please drop me a line if you can attend the evening.

We need you!  Join the Club Steering Committee and help improve your Club. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to chair the Membership and Event Host committees, some help with media relations and marketing promotions (any tweeters out there?) and the Sponsorship committee.  

Flash - Coldstream Chilly Willy 100: 7/8 November - Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park, Vernon, BC. Lorie dares you to run all night long under an almost full moon just after Halloween around a haunted lake! 100 miles or custom distances - pick your poison.  Find out more here.

Flash - The Silly Chilly Triathlon: 11 November - North Vancouver, BC.  A triathlon with a spicy twist.  Do one, two or all all three disciplines. Family friendly.  Check out what's involved here. Because the last leg of the tri is held in our kitchen, space is limited and we ask that all pre-register. Don't miss out.

Club Fat Ass Events - Happy Jess at Mystery Falls during the 2008 Go DeepGo Deep: 14 November - North Vancouver, BC. Challenging but beautiful 20 km course on lower Seymour Mountain. Register here.

Seymour Super Fun Run: 28 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge not to be missed. Check it out here.

Photo right: Jess Bassil negotiating the tricky trail at Mystery Falls during a previous Go Deep adventure.

Photo left: Arthur Chat Gee keeps his ears warm with this funky hat on a wintery Baden Powell Trail

Club Fat Ass Events - Arthur Chat Gee keeps his ears warm with this funky hat on a wintery Baden Powell TrailPure Satisfaction: 13 December - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails...the perfect way to start the busy Christmas season. Bring your bear and jingle bells and wear your Santa hat. Details here.

Galbraith Mountain Tour. 19 December - Bellingham, WA. A 20 or 5.8 mile trail run of the Lake Padden & Galbraith Mountain trail systems. Prepare for the lack of stairs, boulders, roots and bears but with all the fun of the true single track. If we have clear weather there will be amazing views of Mt. Baker, San Juan Islands & the Northshore mountains of Vancouver. More details here.



2010 Membership Registration (Yikes!). Club membership registration for 2010 is now open. Yes, that means it's time to get off your fattening behind and join or renew with CFA for the upcoming year.

Great news for renewing members:  Your annual Club membership dues won't change and the number and variety of Club events continues to grow.

Great news if you're thinking about joining:  New members get 14 months of free CFA events to enjoy.

Scared of being called a FA and need a gentle kick-in-the-behind before you join?  Take advantage of the free trial membership for Anne's Get Your FA Off The Couch run on Saturday 17 October. Anne has beautiful 10K and 20K trail loops and there's a free beer at the finisher party. Tell a friend and pass it on...

Be sure sign up before the end of December so you don't miss getting the hot new long-sleeve, no stink, Club t-shirt.  Everyone who registers between now and the end of November also gets included in a draw for a refund of their dues, so sign up now!


Subscriptions. Ever wondered how to set and fine tune your subscriptions for notifications when there are updates to the Club Fat Ass website?  Log in and go to your account page, look for the "Subscription" tab and click on it.  From there you can set your default subscription settings for different content types like blogs, events and forum topics.  Note that you can override these settings for each individual post.  Just look for the subscribe/unsubscribe link at the bottom of most posts.


Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


 Please check out past results and report here.


Club Fat Ass Travelling Colours Photo Contest - Turtlepace on Strachan Mountain, Sibylle Tinsel2009 Travelling Colours ContestPictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour, any year) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here.  Check out photos submitted so far here. This contest is ongoing and photos earn view counts, favorites and comments all year round.  The photo that is deemed most interesting by Flickr standards will win!  So, be creative and get your friends to comment on your photo or make it a favorite.  Contest details are here.

Photo left: Sibylle bags Strachan Mountain

2009 Point Series. Yours truly surpassed old, "Back in Action" Jackson, but Craig stealthily has been collecting photo and garbage points and is on my heels....  Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes.

Refer a Friend Contest. This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by dragging along their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200!  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here.  Currently in the lead is Kristie Congram, followed by Tim Wiens.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



September 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

July and August have been active months, haven't they?

With 6 scheduled Club events, 13 Flash adventures, peak-bagging expeditions and fabulous weather, it's been a summer full of Club activity for all ages and abilities. And summer's not over yet! Check out the Club event schedule for September.

A talented trail runner, long-standing Club member and friend, I am excited to welcome Curb Ivanic and Core Running to our growing community of Business Members.  If you want to improve your running performance and lower the risk of injury, be sure to sign-up for Curb's clinic.  Starts soon...  Special offer for Club Fat Ass members below!

I'm also excited to welcome Jackie Montgomery as Event Host of the popular Sunshine in September run.  Jackie is proud to announce that she has replaced a road section with trails and can't wait to share it with you this coming Saturday.  Leave your car at Horseshoe Bay and enjoy a relaxing ferry ride to the start.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Sunshine in September: 5 September - Langdale, BC Canada. 20km or 26km on beautiful, mostly single track trails just off the ferry terminal in Langdale on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. Run in forests of grand old trees and gigantic mushrooms. Easy logistics with carpooling, walk on the ferry, run off the ferry and a lovely post-run get together with super views on the ferry ride back. As close to a get a way in a day as you can get! Changes this year include a new Event Host, bag drop and no more running on the highway. More details here.

Fall Mountain Highway Madness: 13 September - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Check it out here.

Mutha's Nature Trail Run: 20 September - Vancouver, BC Canada. A new edition to our calendar. Join Event Host Ryan Conroy for 10km, 25km or 50km on relatively easy trails with moderate elevation gains. More here.

Bagger Challenge 2009 July 1 - October 22, BC, Canada. See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer. All but the island mountains qualify as munros (in excess of 3000 feet) under the Scottish peak-bagging system.  Only 7 weeks of baggage left!  Find out more here.

Ann's Get your FA Off the Couch: 17 October - North Vancouver, BC. A fun run on winding trails and backroads of lower Seymour Mountain. Two distance options, the "Old Chesterfield" 20 km or the "Cushy Couch" 10 km. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. More info and registration here.

Seawall 100: 24 October - West Vancouver, BC.  An urban 100 miler, mostly on the Seawall path from the Dundarave Park in North Vancouver to UBC. Enjoy an Ultra marathon challenge with minimal concerns for naughty beasts, altitude or elevation gain. Could definitively be described as the easiest 100 miler in North America if there is such a thing as an easy 100 mile run. Custom distances of 25-50-75 miles. Find out what else run100widow and her hilarious husband have up their sleeve here.


Fall Clinics

Core Running Performance Clinic

Join Curb Ivanic for his upcoming Core Running Performance Clinic in North Vancouver. 

This clinic is a scientifically-designed program created specifically for runners.  You have a 37% - 56% chance of getting injured if you run regularly.  Strengthen your core and running muscles as well as learn proper technique and biomechanics to improve your running performance and reduce your risk of injury. Core Running workouts are unique & include biomechanics drills, core & joint stabilization and plyometrics & mobility.

When: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays mornings from Sept 21 – Oct 26 (10 or 15 clinics over 5 weeks) 7:00 – 8:00am

: Pro Arte Dance Centre, #3 – 1225 Keith Road, North Vancouver, BC

How much

  • 3 workouts per week $299; $269 CFA members
  • 2 workouts per week $199; $179 CFA members
  • Includes 2 workout DVD’s & course manual

How:  Contact Curb directly.  Register early! Clinics are intentionally small and limited to 12 runners.


Building a Strong Foundation

Sophia Sauter with Active Life Physio is also gearing up for a new clinic:  Building a Strong Foundation (BSF.)  This clinic starts on September 14, 2009 at 7:45 PM at the John Braithwaite Community Centre in North Vancouver. Building a Strong Foundation™ is an 8-week functional and sport-specific, (one-hour) group training program designed specifically for performance enhancement of endurance athletes. For more information and to register please visit

CFA Steering Committee.  We need you!  Join the Club Steering Committee and help make the club grow. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to chair the membership committee, some help with media relations and marketing promotions (any tweeters out there?) Please drop me a line if you can spare a couple of hours a month.

Social Media.  Check out these pointers on how to use Social Media to stay connected with what is new at CFA, what you're doing and thinking while on the trails and how to share Club events with your friends. 


Blog and Story Tags.  If you are an active blogger on the CFA website, you might have noticed that the categories for your stories have been changed.  There are now fewer, more logical categories for you to tag your stories with.  We hope this will make it easier for you to find stuff... especially once we implemented the planned navigation and design changes.
Navigation and Design Upgrade.  When not running, Ran Katzman - CFA member and volunteer code monkey, has been working hard planning a major upgrade to our "Online Clubhouse".  The goal is to make the website easier to use.  In particular, you asked for ways to make it easier for you to find what you want on the site, easier to share stuff you like with friends, and otherwise freshen-up the site.  Many thanks for your thoughts and suggestions.  Expect those changes to happen this fall.


Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


5Peaks Buntzen Lake Warm Up: "It was a perfect day for a run in the mountains. The morning dawned clear and fresh and the temperatures soon reached the mid twenties.  This was the first Club Fat Ass hosted orientation run for a 5Peaks race.  Response was overwhelmingly positive from both run leaders and participants, especially for the short notice runners were given.  Thanks to everybody who made this a success. Quite a few runners switched their shoes to take advantage of the Salomon shoe demo before heading out on either the 11km Sports- or the 15.5km Enduro course.  Run leaders soon fell into a pace with their respective charges and enjoyed the vistas. With a leader/runner ratio of 1/3 everybody was well taken care off.  Read on here.

Photo left: Starters at the 5Peaks Buntzen Lake Warm Up.

Photo right: Craig making his way across the suspension bridge near Norvan Falls.

Go Home. Event Host - Des Mott. Well, the second running of the Hanes Valley went off without any problems. I had been a bit worried 3 days before the event as only 5 people had signed up, but my pleading for more eventually worked and 20 started with 2 no shows.

Photo left: Action Jackson and Neil Ambrose on Coliseum Mountain, part of the popular Bagger Challenge.

Photo right: Wendy Montgomery came out of retirement and has just bagged Crown Mountain, her 3rd peak!

Six runners opted for the 14 km out and back to Norvan Falls. Fourteen of us continued on our way in to the Hanes. As Rob, Dave and myself proceed to the creek crossing, we ran in to some hikers who told us they had heard what sounded like a large rock slide coming from the direction of Hanes Valley. I was a little concerned, because Wendy had set out earlier and should have been in the Hanes by this time. It turned out that the rock slide was closer to the third debris chute. Read on.

Flash - Loving Lynn. Event Host - David Crerar. The inaugural Loving Lynn 33K run was held on Sunday, August 23rd below a sunny sky and a canopy of trees. Originally misbilled as a 50K, it actually felt like a 50K, with grueling climbs, dexterous rock-hopping up Lynn Creek, and the spongy, rooty, and gravelly goodness of the trails that run the entire length of Lynn Creek. More here.

Photo left: taking a break during Loving Lynn

Photo right: Starters at the Juan de Fuca Marine Trail run

Flash - Juan de Fuca Marine Trail. Event Host - Carlos Castillo. Once again a brave group of adventurers strapped up their hydration packs, took one, possibly, final look at their vehicles and punched the start of their chrono's and headed into the deep dark woods of the west coast rainforest.  The start was delayed by about 30 minutes as Jeff, our play leader, made arrangements as to who was doing what with which cars at which end! The weather was cool but clear, so we were looking forward to some breathtaking views and climbs ...continued here.

Flash - Duel at the Pool. Event Host - Ean Jackson.  Read all about the attacks of the Whale-, Mako- and Reef Shark here.

Photo left: shark antics

Photo right: Starters at the Capilano Night Run

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night Dream.  Event Hosts - Sibylle Tinsel and Ean Jackson.  It's a lazy Sunday morning in August.  The 8th annual Capilano Night Run ended a few hours ago.  The co-host of the event tasked me with summarizing the evening before I can play, so here I sit in the hammock eating some delicious brownies left over from the party trying to think what to write... Since this event is intended to focus on the party, I'll start there... Full report, results and photos here.


2009 Travelling Colours ContestPictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here.  Check out photos submitted so far here. This contest is ongoing and photos earn view counts, favorites and comments all year round.  The photo that is deemed most interesting by Flickr standards will win!  So, be creative and get your friends to comment on your photo or make it a favorite.  Contest details are here.

Photo left: Craig's recent submission, note the street sign...

2009 Point Series. Yours truly surpassed old, "Back in Action" Jackson, but he, Craig and Des follow closely on her heels.  Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes.

Refer a Friend Contest. This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by dragging along their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200!  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here.  Currently in the lead is Kristie Congram.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



July 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

I hope you are having a great summer.  If you're in the west, you better like running in the heat.  For those back east, aren't you glad you have a Goretex running jacket?

July and August are traditionally the busiest months for CFA members and their friends.  This summer, the Club is offering everything from your traditional trail runs in the forest, to speaker nights on GPS, to night runs, to bagging peaks... there's even a volcano run in Hawaii! 

Our recent survey told us that most people who consider themselves accomplished runners are scared to death of Club Fat Ass.  "Wackos!"  "Those folks are crazy... way too tough for me."  "They are not human!"

Yet, we welcome new runners and almost all Club events have a "custom" distance category for runners looking to ease their way into the longer distances.  Be sure to share the love and let your friends know that just about anyone can be a Fat Ass!

Lastly, I received a request for volunteers from friend, CFA member and RD, Wendy Montgomery,  for the upcoming Stormy Trail Race in Squamish.  Please consider helping out.

I trust this note finds you happy and setting PBs.  'Hope we cross paths at one of the many upcoming summer events.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Bagger Challenge 2009 July 1 - September 23rd, BC, Canada. See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer. All but the island mountains qualify as munros (in excess of 3000 feet) under the Scottish peak-bagging system.  Find out more here.

Photo left: Lynn Valley

Photo right: Mauna Loa Eruption
Flash - E Momona 'Okole e holo ia ka hale 'u'uku o Pu'u 'Ula'ula (Fat Ass Run to the Red Hill Cabin).  August 1 - Big Island, Hawaii, USA. Trail run on the Pu'u lava fields of Mauna Loa.  Registration here.
Photo left: looking west over Capilano River during a previous Midsummer Night Run.

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night's Dream. August 15 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Don't miss our classic night run, followed by a garden party. More info here.

Flash - Dash for the Crash. August 16 - North Vancovuer, BC Canada. Many years ago, a jet crashed into the side of Grouse Mountain.  While most of the wreckage has long since been removed, a jet turbine remains.  It's very close to a nice running trail, so it makes a great destination for a Sunday outing with friends and family. More info here

Flash - Duel at the Pool - 2009.  August 19 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 5K swim in Kits Pool. At 8 complete laps to the kilometer, that makes this challenge 20 return laps, or 40 lengths of the world's best pool. Meet the Whale and Mako sharks here.

Photo right: Action Jackson, aka Mako Shark getting ready for the Duel At The Pool

Photo left: Ascending the scree field from the Hanes Valley during last years Go Home.

Go Home via the Hanes Valley. August 22 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Chose between a nice and easy 14km trail or tough, backcountry wilderness runs of 18km or 30km length.  More here.

Flash - Juan de Fuca Marine Trail Assault. August 22 - Jordan River, BC, Canada. 47K tough but stunning kilometers of coastal trail along the west coast of Vancouver Island. Find out what it takes here

Flash - Loving Lynn. August 23 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. An epic run along the entire length of Lynn Creek, to celebrate Lynn Creek, the lifeblood of the North Shore trail running scene. Check it out.


CFA Steering Committee.  We need you!  Join our Steering Committee to help your club behind the scenes. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to chair the membership committee, some help with media relations and marketing promotions (any tweeters out there?) Please drop me a line if you can spare a couple of hours a month.

Social Media.  Check out these pointers on how to use Social Media to stay connected with what is new at CFA, what you're doing and thinking while on the trails and how to share Club events with your friends.

2009 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2009 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a great selection of runs.


Subscriptions. Ever wondered how to set and fine tune your subscriptions for notifications when there are updates to the Club Fat Ass website?  Log in and go to your account page, look for the "Subscription" tab and click on it.  From there you can set your default subscription settings for different content types like blogs, events and forum topics.  Note that you can override these settings for each individual post.  Just look for the subscribe/unsubscribe link at the bottom of most posts. 


Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Club Fat Ass Event - Bill's Great Peak Ascent - running up Mountain HighwayYou'll find the latest event reports, including results, photos and videos here.


Club FatAss Shirt at the Boston Marathon2009 Travelling Colours ContestPictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here.  Check out photos submitted so far here. This contest is ongoing and photos earn view counts, favorites and comments all year round.  The photo that is deemed most interesting by Flickr standards will win!  So, be creative and get your friends to comment on your photo or make it a favorite.  Contest details are here.

Club Fat Ass shirt at the Kneeknacker North Shore Trail Run2009 Point Series. "Out of Action" Jackson is still the runaway leader, closely followed by Craig, Sibylle and Des.  Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes.

Refer a Friend Contest. This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by dragging along their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200!  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here.  Currently in the lead is Kristie Congram.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

CFA member, Glenn Pace, again ran the 24 hour relay (this time he completed 110 Miles) to raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



2005/08 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

August 2005

Coming Events

The Full Monty:
Saturday - 20 August at 10:00 - Victoria, BC, Canada - Event Host, Carlos Castillo promises spectacular views and a great running experience on his inaugural 25km and 50km course. More
Capilano Canyon Night Run (A Midsummer Nights Dream):
Saturday - 20 August at 20:00h - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A 90-minute run that starts at dusk in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Details
Forbidden Forest Run:
Date and location are top secret. How tough are you? Apply for an invite on the website!

In this Issue


Squamish Scrambler


Event Reports Results

Fluffy Bunny

Bill's Great Peak Ascent


The Double

North Shore Enduro

Causes Your Club Supports

Jesper Olsen's World Run

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society)

Pat Barry and Sibylle Tinsel near the finish of the Whoa Nelly course during the Fluffy Bunny

CFA does not sell
or otherwise
distribute our list.
Dear friends and members of Club Fat Ass,

As the summer winds down and our family holidays are happy memories it's time to get the this newsletter to you. What do you think of the new "look and feel"? Anything you would like to see from the newsletter we are not doing or things we might do better?

Thanks for your patience during my time in Germany. My Internet access was sketchy at best and I wasn't as prompt in answering your emails as usual. The running terrain where I stayed was exceptional with vast expanses of beech and oak tree forests and hilly, but runnable trails. I even had the opportunity to participate in a Half Marathon together with my sister, brother in law and a bunch of their running buddies.

Well, now it's back to the more challenging trails of North Vancouver...
'Hope to see you out there. Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass

"You can actually suffer a little bit more going slowly than when you're going really fast. A faster marathon might even be easier than a slow one, in terms of what it takes out of you mentally. ." - by Frank Shorter


Squamish Scrambler

Check out what our newest Event Host Gary Robbins has in store for you at the Squamish Scrambler in Squamish on 17 September. Rumors have it that the courses offers something for newbie to expert trail runners and mountain bikers and that even we slow pokes could potentially win the event by outsmarting the fast guys... Details will be available on Gary's website soon.


Thanks for your overwhelming positive feedback on our revamped website. As you might have noticed, the site is constantly updated with event announcements, photos and member stories. We even provide RSS feeds from your favourite running websites (if you like a RSS feed added, please email me)

I invite you to use the new features and become part of a great community. Did you know that you can post stories, images and participate in the discussion forums? To get started, you will need to create a user account on the site or, if you have one already, log in. Your personal navigation column will appear on the right below the "Upcoming Events" section. You can use the sites features even if you are not a CFA member, however, members enjoy more posting privileges. I am working on a help manual to make it easier for you to use the site.

Become a CFA Event Host

We are always looking for new fun and funky events for our members. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form with your thoughts.


2005 Point Series
The CFA Point Series has been updated with points earned during the XTC in June, Bill's Great Peak Ascent in July and the Fluffy Bunny early August.

Cheryl Johnson joined Bill Dagg and Craig Moore in the lead of the 2005 CFA Point Series. Cheryl earned 3 points for the Fluffy Bunny: 1 point for early registration, 1 point for participation and 1 bonus point for collecting garbage during her 4 hours on the trails. All three have 11 points each and participated in 5 CFA events to date. A close contender is Patricia Barry with 8 points earned for participating in 4 CFA events since January.

Rhonda Schuller finally made it out of the negative numbers by picking up garbage during the Fluffy Bunny. She also was awarded 2 points for crewing for Randy Hunter during the Double in early June. Way to go, Rhonda!

Photo above: A great finish line aid station thanks to new members Karine Lavoie and Steven Lamothe. Steven had to bail out last minute because his babysitter found something better to do. He spent the money saved for the sitter on goodies for the runners and earned points toward the series

2005 Traveling Shirt Contest

Don't forget to pack your CFA shirt when going on holidays. Send in your traveling shirt photos for a chance to win a 2006 membership refund.

Pictures to date are posted in the Contest Image Gallery

Photo left: Gary Robbins at his exuberant first time Knee Knacker finish in July

Past Event Reports and Results

Fluffy Bunny...
Or how an Event Host can get lost on his own route!

I don’t throw the title “hard ass

2005/09 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear friends and members of Club Fat Ass,

With many Club events and other outdoor activities to choose from, its sure been a busy past few weeks!

Before you continue to the Event Reports and Results below, I'd like to remind you that I still have a couple of unclaimed CFA shirts. (You know who you are.) Please contact me to arrange a pick-up time, so you can wear your shirt and participate in the photo contest.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Wendy's Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch: Saturday, 15 October at 7:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Fun run (20km or 45km) on winding trails on upper and lower Seymour Mtn. Find out more here.

Go Home: Saturday, 19 November at 7:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A tamer version of the Go Deep or Go Home 80/20. 20km on beautiful trails on Seymour Mountain. Details!

photo: fog at Mount Seymour during last year's Go Deep or Go Home

M&M Fun Run: Saturday, 26 November at 8:00am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Prepare for all the Christmas indulgence...26km or 52km. Details!


Thanks for your great feedback on the website and to all who helped with the needs analysis, implementation and migration from the old site. If you've never been involved with doing a website, be forewarned... it's a lot more work than what the salesperson tells you!

We chose the new format because of the promise of easy-to-use features that would make it easy for Club members to host events, find events and share experiences.

Post your personal running stories, upload photos, participate in the forum or comment on existing stories or photos. We even can set you up with your own blog. 'Need help? Please first check out the online help where we try to answer most frequently asked questions. If that doesn't get you satisfaction, please contact me and I'll do what I can to help.

Please remember that the site is best viewed in Firefox (free download at We are working to fix the shortcomings in Internet Explorer. Thank you for your patience.

Become a CFA event host

We are always looking to add fun and funky events for our members. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.


Squamish Scrambler. The views that were promised will have to wait until next year, but the cloud and fog only seemed to add to the atmosphere of being in the mountains, especially when a strange voice echoed back at us from below... more

Fall Mountain Highway Madness
As they quaffed a cool one... Read the full report and check out results!

The Capilano Commandos survived their dangerous mission. All event information is highly classified and only available on special request ;-)

Go Deep or Go Home
Check out results and photos here. If you participated and your time is not listed, please email me your results.

Capilano Canyon Night Run
A fine summer evening greeted starters as they assembled on a suburban North Vancouver cul-de-sac for the Capilano Canyon Night Run (a Midsummer Nights Dream) this past Saturday. As young Erik raised his cap gun just after 8:00 pm, young Austin shouted, "3-2-1 Go!" and 24 Club Fat Ass members set off into the dusk for a trail run. Read on...

Full Monty
New Event Host Carlos did an amazing job before, during and after the Full Monty near Victoria, BC, Canada. His event report and results were up before he even had a shower ;-) Check out detailed results, photos and Carlos' full report here.


2005 Point Series

Craig Moore stealthily took the lead by stashing garbage into his empty water bottle during the Mountain Highway Madness this past weekend. Up-to-date standings here.

2005 Traveling Shirt Contest

Don't forget to pack your CFA shirt when going on holidays. Send in your traveling shirt photos for a chance to win a 2006 membership refund.

Pictures we've received to date here!


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let me know. A number of hosts use their events as fund raisers and there is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

Jesper Olsen's World Run Jesper's has almost finished the North American leg of his World Run. He will likely arrive in New York October 7. Despite being tired and repeated equipment problems his daily log shows him in good spirits and enjoying the company and help of ultra runners along his route. You can find out more about his adventure at:

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society

Newsletter Subscription | Join the Club | CFA Home | Contact Us | Privacy

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our list.


2005/10 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear friends and members of Club Fat Ass,

I am looking forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming fall events. There are still 4 more great runs to choose from, or better yet, do them all and get 2006 off to a running start with the Vancouver New Year's Fat Ass 50 on January 1.

Somebody overheard me announcing that this will be the first year I am going full distance on New Year's Day. I must have been high on endorphins...

Have fun reading the CFA October 2005 Newsletter below.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Wendy's Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch: Saturday, 15 October at 7:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Fun 20km run on winding trails on upper and lower Seymour Mtn.

Go Home
: Saturday, 19 November at 7:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. 20km on beautiful trails on Seymour Mountain.

M&M Fun Run: Saturday, 26 November at 8:00am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Prepare for all the Christmas indulgence...26km or 52km.


Pure Satisfaction: Sunday, 11 December at 8:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run to celebrate the pure satisfaction of being in good shape during a busy and dark month. 12km, 24km and 48k


We couldn't do without our sponsors. A big "Thank You!" to Paula Stepp at Trail Runner Magazine for their continued support. Trail Runner has provided a number of Club Fat Ass events with draw prizes in the from of subscription certificates.

Trail Runner also offers members of Club Fat Ass a special discounted subscription price for Trail Runner magazine. The rate is only $12.95 for a year (plus $ 10 additional postage for Canada). This rate is $5 off their regular annual rate.

Club Colours
In previous years, we ordered Club t-shirts quarterly based on our actual membership numbers. This year, you may have noted that you received your Club t-shirt as soon as you signed up. This is because I took the risk of pre-ordering and screening t-shirts. We have some 2005 blue club t-shirts left. With a new year and new t-shirt colour on the horizon, I would like to clear them out. While they last, I'd like to offer them to current members for $15 and non-members for $20 plus postage of $2. They make great gifts and the price is unbeatable! If interested, please send me an email with quantities and sizing.



New Event
I am excited to announce that yet another trail run has been added to the ever growing calendar of Club Fat Ass events. Inspired by veteran Event Host Craig Moore during the Double last June, Peter Zubcsek is organizing the Burnaby Mountain Run for his debut as Event Host.

Become a CFA event host

We are always looking to add fun and funky events for our members. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.


Squamish Scrambler

  The views that were promised will have to wait until next year, but the cloud and fog only seemed to add to the atmosphere of being in the mountains, especially when a strange voice echoed back at us from below... more Club Fat Ass; Endurance Runs, Ultra Runs, Squamish Scrambler





2005 Point Series

Sign-up early for the upcoming events to win points towards the 2005 Club Fat Ass Point Series. Latest standings here.

2005 Traveling Shirt Contest

Still looking for more photos of the Club Fat Ass shirt in action. Get a 2006 membership refund if your submission wins. Pictures we've received to date here!
Photo: Gary Robbins preparing for the inaugural Squamish Scrambler this past summer  



If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let me know. A number of hosts use their events as fund raisers and there is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

Jesper Olsen's World Run Jesper's has finished the North American leg of his World Run. He arrived in Ireland October 11 and is scheduled to complete his World Run October 23. Despite being tired and having repeated equipment problems his daily log shows him in good spirits and enjoying the company and help of ultra runners along his route. You can find out more about his adventure at:


Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society

Newsletter Subscription | Join the Club | CFA Home | Contact Us | Privacy

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our list.

2005/11 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle


Dear friends and members of Club Fat Ass,

Club registration and membership renewal is now open for 2006! Please click here to renew or register for the first time.


I aim to have the first batch of our new 2006 Club t-shirts by late January. Please make sure you get your Club colors in this order by signing-up before 15 November. Thanks to all of you who already renewed your membership for 2006.

Another word about shirts: Last year's blue MEC shirts were very popular. Mine survived countless washings and still looks like new. We still have a few left, so if you would like to purchase one for yourself or a friend (only $15 for current members and $20 for non-members), please contact me. They make awesome Christmas presents!

Have fun reading the November 2005 Newsletter below

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass

Club Fat Ass, dom Repta, Go Deep Or Go Home, Ultra Running, Trail Running, tough, Vancouver, North Shore, Canada, BC, 2005, Seymour Mountain

Go Home: Saturday, 19 November at 9:00am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. 20km on beautiful trails on Seymour Mountain.

M&M Fun Run: Saturday, 26 November at 8:00am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Prepare for all the Christmas indulgence...26km or 52km.

Pure Satisfaction: Sunday, 11 December at 8:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run to celebrate the pure satisfaction of being in good shape during a busy and dark month. 12km, 24km and 48k

Vancouver New Year's Fat Ass 50 Run: 1 January 2006 - Vancouver, BC Canada. A 50 kilometer resolution run to kick the New Year off on the right foot. A less extreme challenge (1K to 49K) for the more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep.


2006 Membership Registration. Make sure you get your t-shirt and the size you want by renewing your membership now. New members signing up before the end of the year benefit from 3 great 2005 events plus all events in 2006. At $35 this is a value hard to beat. What are you waiting for? Find out more and join here!

Your Very Own BlogBy popular demand, the Club now offers a free blog to all members. Release that inner journalist!. It's easy, it's cool...try it out. To get started, all you need to do is to set up a free account on our website or of you have done that already, sign-in. To learn more about how to use the Club website, please check the updated help pages. Check out what other members are blogging about in "Recent blog posts" in the right side column on our site.

Become a CFA event host

Your Club is always looking to add fun and funky events. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.


Wendy's Get Your Fat Ass Off The CouchClub Fat Ass, Wendy't Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch, Friends, Cameraderie, Trailrunning, Rainforest, Fall, Start
I am sure that a few people were having second thoughts about running the event as they listened to the downpour throughout the night. Luckily, we were rewarded with a great day that was warm and got progressively sunnier as time passed.

Thank you to the group that waited for me as I lifted myself out of the mud. We may have broken the course record if we had not had to stop. We missed it by one minute. See Wendy's full report and results here.

CONTESTSClub Fat Ass; WS100, Ultra Run, Trail Run, Success, Glenn Pace, Finisher, Happy

2005 Point Series
Up-to-date standings here

2005 Traveling Shirt Contest
Don't forget to pack your CFA shirt when going on holidays. Send in your traveling shirt photos for a chance to win a 2006 membership.
Pictures we've received to date here!

Photo: Glenn Pace savouring the accomplishment of finishing the WS 100 Mile Endurance Run


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFa Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

Jesper Did It!!!
Club Fat Ass, Jesper Olsen, World Run, Ultra Running, Canada, BC, Kamloops, 2005Jesper Olsen recently became the first documented person to run around the world!. The New York Times published a great article about his adventure. You can read it here. You can still access Jesper's website and read up on his epic run:

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
It's been almost a year since fellow Club Fat Ass member and friend, Mary Leliveld, passed away. Our thoughts are with her partner, Doug, and her family. Mary's Happy Trail Run will be held around her birthday in August 2006. In the meantime, the Tri BC Fund, set up in Mary's name can accept your donation year round.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society


We could not do it without the generous support of our sponors. Many thanks to Mountain Equipment Co-op for their help with the Club shirts and Trail Runner Magazine for the gift subscription draw prizes and discounts on magazine subscriptions.

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our list.


2005/12 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle


Dear friends and members of Club Fat Ass,

It was great to see so many members out at the Go Home and Mike and Melissa's Fun Run last month. We were extremely lucky with the weather conditions and I am hoping we get some more sunshine for the last Club Fat Ass event this year, Craig Moore's Pure Satisfaction on December 11.

Club Fat Ass is proud to announce that North Shore Athletics has joined the Club as a Sponsor Member. What this means is that North Shore Athletics will be providing prizes for Club Fat Ass events in the Vancouver area. What's more, they are offering all Club members 15% off any regularly priced inventory with this coupon (click on the link and print out the coupon) and a free toque for purchases over $150. Thank you, Keith Nicoll and the North Shore Athletics team!

Real estate has gone up. Gas has gone up. Please note that Club membership dues will go up starting 1 January 2006. If you haven't yet renewed your membership for next year, do it now so you can benefit from the lower fees. Also, consider giving a Club membership to a friend for Christmas.

Have fun reading the December 2005 Newsletter below or online.

Happy Trails and Merry Christmas,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Pure Satisfaction: Sunday, 11 December at 8:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run to celebrate the pure satisfaction of being in good shape during a busy and dark month. 12km, 24km and 48k

Vancouver New Year's Fat Ass 50 Run:
1 January 2006 - Vancouver, BC Canada. A 50 kilometer resolution run to kick the New Year off on the right foot. A less extreme challenge (1K to 49K) for the more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep.

Squamish Scrambler: 15 January 2006 - Squamish, BC Canada. An out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike. Possibility of continuing up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.

Three Dolla Bill Run: 29 January 2006 - Waterloo, ON Canada. 5 laps of 10km. 50% paved surface, 50% gravel paths. Got a day off work? Might as well do an ultra! A resolution run. A celebration of life. Event Host, Ryne Melcher, is calling all Ontario CFA members and those sitting on the fence to come and join him for this early season ultra.


North Idaho Kick Ass 50/25. Welcome Keith Thompson to our family of Event Hosts. Keith's North Idaho Kick Ass 50/25 (miles) is featuring a trail run in his local hills. You can also have a look at Keith's profile and get inspired by this enthusiastic smoker turned ultra runner. Way to go Keith!

CFA was mentioned in a recent article in Ultrarunner magazine by the host of the Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50, Ean Jackson. Check it out!

Become a CFA event host. Your Club is always looking to add fun and funky events. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.

















Mike and Melissa's Fun Run. The third annual Mike and Melissa's Fun Run was a great success! A fun, hilly, rocky run through the trails of lower and upper Seymour Mountain. Read Mike's report and see full results and photos...



Go Home. The Go Home 20K is a fall classic and sister run to the Go Deep or Go Home. Starting at the civilized hour of 9:00, it’s a good workout, and a challenge that trail runners of any ability can complete before lunch. Host, Dom Repta, lived up to the challenge: He stayed home! Read the full report, see results and photos...



2005 Point Series. Up-to-date standings here. The word on the street is that Craig Moore has this one bagged. Craig earned multiple bonus points for hosting a couple of CFA events and for eagerly doing his part for the environment and collecting garbage during most events.
Thanks to Gary Robbins, next year you can also earn points by signing up new members.

2005 Traveling Shirt Contest.
Don't forget to pack your CFA shirt when going on holidays. Send in your traveling shirt photos for a chance to win a 2006 membership.
Pictures we've received to date here!

Photo: Ellie Greenwood in Nepal. That's Mount Everest in the background!



If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society


We could not do it without the generous support of our sponsor members. Many thanks to North Shore Athletics, Mountain Equipment Co-op and Trail Runner Magazine Please consider these businesses when it comes time to spend that check your Grandma gave you for Christmas.

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

NSA - couponcfa.pdf166.62 KB

2006/01 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle


Dear friends and members of Club Fat Ass,

Wow! 2006 is already shaping up to be a rewarding one for members of Club Fat Ass. Last month alone saw the addition of 3 new events. Check the Newsletter below for more details.

If you are not yet a Club Fat Ass member, consider joining now so you get the most from the Club and to become part of our great community. Already a member? Consider hosting an event or volunteering for a committee!

Have you started working on your New Year's Resolutions yet? Or have you given up already? Let us know how you are doing through your CFA blog. If you post your resolutions you are more likely to keep them...not to mention the fact that there are prizes to win if you enter the "Closest to the Post" contest. Find out more below.

Have fun reading the January 2006 Newsletter below or online... and let me know what you think of our new Club brochure.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Squamish Scrambler: 15 January 2006 - Squamish, BC Canada. An out-and-back snowshoe run/hike up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family (your under aged children can join you for free) as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike. Weather permitting spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.

Three Dolla Bill Run: 22 January 2006 - Waterloo, ON Canada. 10km, Half Marathon, 20 miles, Marathon and 50km options on a 10km loop. 50% paved surface, 50% gravel paths. Got a day off work? Might as well do an ultra! A resolution run. A celebration of life. Event Host, Ryne Melcher, is calling all Ontario CFA members and those sitting on the fence to come and join him for this early season ultra.

Capilano Canyon Night Run: 18 February 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon.Running Vanouver
A guided Group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner. A Competitive category for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. A potluck party and celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to first 50, so please register early!

Photo: Doug MacKay ready to tackle the Capilano Night Run. Doug is accident prone and his wife required him to run with a helmet ;-)


I am excited to welcome 3 new events to the growing calendar of Club Fat Ass events:

Running, ultra running, Jesper Olsen, World Run, Canada, CFA, Club Fat Ass, Guinness Book of World RecordsVancouver World Run. Remember Jesper Olsen, the first human to complete a documented running loop around our beautiful globe? Last year CFA members had the pleasure accompanying him on his legs near Vancouver and listening to his amazing tales. Well, Jesper will be coming back to Vancouver. Event Host, Craig Moore, of Vancouver 100 and Pure Satisfaction fame, invited Jesper to talk about his adventure in the Centennial Theatre in North Vancouver, BC on 24 March 2006. Check out: How "on Earth" did he do it? World Run Project Lecture by Jesper Olsen for details and tickets. And what would a visit from Jesper be without a run? Join him for 50km or 25km during the Vancouver World Run on Sunday 26 March 2006 in North Vancouver.

Run To The Clouds. Watch out for Pete Stace-Smith and his crew of Coquitlam Fat Asses! Judging be the enthusiasm displayed at the Vancouver New Year's FA 50 the Run To The Clouds will be a hoot. The website is still under construction, but word has it that you can look forward to a 25K run on mountain and forest trails.

Mount Lorne Misadventure. Welcome Susan MacKinnon to our family of Event Hosts. Susan's Mount Lorne Misadventure Run 23 July 2006, features a 21km trail run on hilly, rough and possibly wet trails near Whitehorse, Yukon. Sue's event website is currently under construction. Be sure to come back to check out details.

Club Committees. Your Club is managed by a group of volunteers who get together from time to time throughout the year to keep things going. We need your help! Please consider chipping in some of your time and expertise so the Club can improve and grow. Find out more here!

2006 Club Shirts. The 2006 Club t-shirts are ordered and should be available in February. You will receive an email notification when your shirt is ready for pick-up. If you paid for shipping I will automatically send the shirt to the address you provided on your registration form. Please make sure you let me know if your address has changed.

Become a CFA event host.
Your Club is always looking to add fun and funky events. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.







The 1st of January this year saw many firsts for the 13th running of the Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50.
Check out Ean's report, full results, member reflections and comments here...

Photo: Elke's Fat Ass at the start

Pure Satisfaction. The third annual Pure Satisfaction was blessed with clear skies and a record number of participants. Read Craig's report and see full results and photos...



2006 Point Series. Up-to-date standings here. Thanks to Gary Robbins, this year you can also earn points by signing up new Club members. Pete Stace-Smith of bonking fame has been very busy signing up friends crazy enough to commit running 50km on New Year's Day. Pete leads the point series with 18 points...closely followed by nobody.

2005 Traveling Shirt Contest.
Last call for submissions for the 2005 Traveling Shirt Contest for a chance to win a 2006 membership refund. In a couple of weeks you will be asked to vote for your favorite picture. The winner will be announced in the February Newsletter.
Pictures we've received to date here!

Once the new shirts come in February you can submit photos for the 2006 Traveling Shirt Contest. Check out contest details here.

Photo: Eileen Bistrisky sampling some wine during a recent bike trip in Argentina.


New Year's Resolutions - Closest to the Post. It not yet to late to participate. Post your New Year's Resolutions on your personal CFA blog. The person who comes closest to achieving their New Year's Resolutions by year end can win a pair of shoes. To check out what members have put forward so far click here. How does it work? Details here!


It's been exciting to see so many of you use our online clubhouse's interactive features, read your blogs and comments or view your photos. See for more details on how to make the most of your "clubhouse".

Surveys. After each Club event you are asked to fill out an online, anonymous survey. We appreciate your feedback, because it helps your host to improve their event. If you have specific comments or corrections to the results or would like a personal follow-up, it is best to send me an email.



If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
.Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
.Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys that ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


We could not afford to build a community around free events without the generous support of our sponsor members. Many thanks to North Shore Athletics, Mountain Equipment Co-op, Contact Printing and Trail Runner Magazine. Please consider these businesses when it comes time to spend that check your Grandma gave you for Christmas.

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

2006/01Traveling Colours Contest Announcement

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear friends and members of Club Fat Ass,

As promised in the last newsletter, here is your chance to vote for your favorite Traveling Colours Contest photo.

How? It's easy: Just click on this link to photo submissions and follow the instructions there.

The winner will get a refund on their 2006 Club Membership dues. There are prizes for the runners-up as well.

'Missed the deadline for submitting photos of yourself and your friends in the blue Club colors? Don't worry... if you renewed your membership or are a new member you can expect to have your 2006 Club t-shirt by late February. We'll be running the contest again this year, so start working on your poses!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

2006/02 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle


Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

All CFA events are close to my heart, but I'd like to draw your attention to a very special weekend next month. Jesper Olsen, the only human to have completed a documented run around the globe, will be sharing his images and experiences at the Centennial Theater in North Vancouver, BC on March 24. In Jesper's honour, Craig Moore will be hosting the Vancouver World Run as a free CFA event on Sunday March 26

Don't miss Jesper's account of almost 2 years on the run and a chance to win awesome draw prizes. Tickets are now on sale here. I had the opportunity to meet Jesper as he passed through Vancouver last year. His humble demeanor and great storytelling style makes him one of the most inspirational speakers I have ever seen. I hope you can join me for the talk, the run or both.

If you've not done so yet, be sure to take a look at some of your fellow Club members doing what they do in their Club t-shirts. The opportunity to vote for your favorite photo in the 2005 Traveling Colors Contest will soon be coming to an end, so please don't miss the opportunity to voice your opinion.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Capilano Canyon Night Run 18 February 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Entry limited to first 50, so please register early!

Photo: A psychedelic start to the 2005 Capilano Canyon Night Run

Snowshoe Trial Night with TheYeti 21 February 2006 - Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Don't be shy. This is your chance to check out what snowshoeing is about!

Spring Mountain Highway Madness 19 March 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A mind-numbing running interval session on a fairly big mountain. Wide dirt and gravel access road. No traffic. 15k per lap. Approximately 1 kilometer (3,300') of elevation change per lap

Running, ultra running, Jesper Olsen, World Run, Canada, CFA, Club Fat Ass, Guinness Book of World RecordsVancouver World Run Show 24 March 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Don't miss Jesper's amazing tales at the Centennial Theater.
And what would a visit from Jesper be without a run? Join him for 50km, 25km or 10km during the Vancouver World Run on Sunday 26 March 2006 in North Vancouver.


North Shore Athletics Member Night. Join us March 15th for a shopping night at our sponsor member North Shore Athletics featuring 20% discounts, pizza and beer, a talk by a physiotherapist of typical trail and ultra running injuries, slides and more. To allow us to plan ahead, please RSVP here.

2006 Club Shirts. The 2006 Club t-shirts have been ordered and should be available in later this month.. You will receive an email notification when your shirt is ready for pick-up. If you paid for shipping, I will automatically send the shirt to the address you provided on your registration form. Please make sure you let me know if your address has changed.

Become a CFA event host.
Your Club is always looking to add fun and funky events. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.


Squamish Scrambler. A splendid day in the mountains, if only the cars would not have been slip sliding into each other on the access road! Check out the studly pictures, blogs, results and event report here.

Three Dolla Bill Run. Host Ryne reports it was a great day. Check out the participants list here.


2006 Point Series. Up-to-date standings.

Traveling Shirt Contest Vote. Vote here for your favorite 2005 Club shirt photo.
Once the new shirts come in February you can submit photos for the 2006 Traveling Shirt Contest. Check out contest details here.

New Year's Resolutions - Closest to the Post. Last call for any stragglers that are not embarrassed posting their resolutions in February... To check out what members have put forward so far click here. How does it work? Details here. Thanks for all of you who put their goals up for scrutiny and who have posted updates. I hope you're achieving your resolutions!



If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys that ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/03 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle


Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Woo hoo! The eagerly-awaited black 2006 Club t-shirts are now in. Feedback from members who wore them at the recent Dirty Duo trail run is that mud and blood blend right in. Please check below if you've not received yours yet.

Our annual t-shirt plays a big role in the lore and legend of Club Fat Ass. We get to see it in action throughout the year at dinner parties, in events and in the traveling t-shirt contest. We also aim to showcase it on a male and female Club member. Check out which of your friends and fellow club members have been poster boys and girls. Our 2006 poster boy has stepped forward, but we need a poster girl. Fame and worldwide recognition goes to the first woman member to contact me!

Wearing your club colors or otherwise, we have a busy season coming up. Starting with a Shopping Night at North Shore Athletics on Wednesday 15 March with great discounts, pizza and a guest speaker, it seems there is something going on every weekend. Don't miss out! Be sure to check out the upcoming events schedule below or on the right hand side of the Club website.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Shopping Night at NSA 15 March 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Get tricked out for the upcoming season. Keith at North Shore Athletics has invited all Club Fat Ass members for beer and pizza as well as 20% discounts and a talk by a guest speaker. If you've not joined already, here's further incentive. Kindly RSVP so Keith doesn't run out of beer.

Spring Mountain Highway Madness
19 March 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A mind-numbing running interval session on a fairly big mountain. Wide dirt and gravel access road. No traffic. 15k per lap. Approximately 1 kilometer (3,300') of elevation change per lap. Be the first to do 5 laps!

Running, ultra running, Jesper Olsen, World Run, Canada, CFA, Club Fat Ass, Guinness Book of World RecordsVancouver World Run Show 24 March 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Don't miss Jesper's amazing tales at the Centennial Theater.
And what would a visit from Jesper be without a run? Join him for 50km, 25km or 10km during the Vancouver World Run on Sunday 26 March 2006 in North Vancouver.

Burnaby Mountain Run 1 April 2006 - Burnaby, BC Canada. A great course with a mix of groomed trails, paved roads and the most amazing views.

Run To The Clouds 22 April 2006 - Coquitlam, BC Canada. A 22 km run, with a high percentage of this total mileage "off road". Challenging route with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600 meters) of elevation gain/loss, fantastic views of the Greater Vancouver area.


2006 Club Shirts. Do you have your black 2006 Club t-shirt yet? If you paid for shipping, the shirt should have arrived in your mailbox by now. If you opted to pick it up, just send me a brief email indicating the time you would like to come by. I will confirm your pick-up time via email and if I am not in, you'll find your shirt by the house door in a bag labeled with your name. I will also aim to have them at the next few Club events.

Photo: Poster boy, Craig Moore, modelling the 2006 Club colours.

Now that the cool new t-shirts are in, I am looking for a 2006 poster girl. Don't be shy.

New Sponsor. Please welcome KINeSYS as the latest CFA sponsor member. Thanks to Jamie Reid, all CFA events will have various KINeSYS sun and body care products to win as draw prizes.

Become a CFA event host.
Your Club is always looking to add fun and funky events. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.


Capilano Canyon Night Run Over the past 4 years, the Capilano Canyon Night Run has developed a bit of a reputation. Is it a reputation for being a competitive hammerfest? Is it as a good first time night run? Is it a social run? Is it a great opportunity to get lost in the dark, mangled... or simply a good excuse for a party? Find out what happened here...


2005 Traveling T-Shirt Contest Results

You, the judges, have spoken...we now have winners in the 2005 Traveling Colors Contest!

1st - Gary Robbins
of Squamish, BC took top spot with the photo of his exuberant finish at the 50km Knee Knacker North Shore Trail Run last July. Gary will receive a refund on his 2006 membership dues and eternal bragging rights.

2nd - Robbins also took second place with his exposed rear end at Cape Spear. He officially becomes the first athlete to take a gold and a silver in the same event while being censored!


3rd - Glenn Pace's photo of his finish at the Western States 100 Mile Run took the bronze. Glenn will receive a cozy hoodie from North Shore Athletics to keep him warm at the end of his next 100-miler.

4th/5th - Ellie Greenwood at 5647m on Kala Patthar in Nepal's Everest region tied with Fred Wickens fighting the big fat-bottomed troll under a bridge near Seattle.

Congrats Gary, Glenn, Ellie, Fred and to all Club members who submitted photos of their blue club t-shirt in action!

Because it was so much fun we continue this contest in 2006. Looking forward to the photos of your shirts in action.

Photo: doug MacKay using his new 2006 club colours as a head rest.

2006 Point Series.
The contest were not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship and member referrals. Peter Stace-Smith continues to be in the lead, followed by Gary Robbins and Ean Jackson. Up-to-date standings here.



If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys that ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/04 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle


Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Our annual t-shirt plays a big role in the lore and legend of Club Fat Ass. We get to see it in action throughout the year at dinner parties,on the roads and trails and in the traveling t-shirt contest. We also aim to showcase it on a male and female Club member. Check out which of your friends and fellow club members have been poster boys and girls. Our 2006 poster boy has stepped forward, but we still need a poster girl. Don't be shy. Worldwide recognition and a place in the Club history books goes to the first woman member to contact me!

If you're one of the few who asked me to hold your t-shirt for you and have yet picked it up, please contact me with a pick-up time.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Run To The Clouds 22 April 2006 - Coquitlam, BC Canada. A 22 km run mostly on trails. Challenging route with over 600 meters (or 2000 vertical feet) of elevation gain/loss, fantastic views of the Greater Vancouver area. Find out more.

East Coast Fat Ass Spring Tune Up 7 May 2006 - Pictou, NS Canada. A picturesque, flat 10km or 25km run on a paved abandoned rail line along the Northumberland Straight. Details and registration here.

North Shore Enduro 13 May 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A fun run in the rugged North Shore Mountains. Participate as a team of up to 6 runners or tackle the 7km loop course solo. Find out more here.


2006 Club Shirts. Did you pick up your black 2006 Club t-shirt yet? If you opted to pick it up, just send me a brief email indicating the time you would like to come by. I will confirm your pick-up time via email and if I am not in, you'll find your shirt by the house door in a bag labeled with your name. I will also aim to have them at the next few Club events.

Photo: Ean Jackson and Doug MacKay marinating in the hot tub after a rough work out.

We're still looking for a 2006 poster girl. Don't be shy!

Become a CFA event host.
Your Club is always looking to add fun and funky events. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.


Burnaby Mountain Run This was one tough and rainy run. Full results and photos here.
Photo: Slightly soaked starters at the Burnaby Mountain Run



Vancouver World Run
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Vancouver World Run on Sunday March 26. And also thanks very much to everyone that was able to come out to the lecture with Jesper Olsen on Friday March 24, 2006. These are events without equal as we were fortunate to have Jesper's World Run Project recounted personally and for the first time in English. I know that we have some amazing runners in Club Fat Ass but arguably none have accomplished anything close to what Jesper did over 662 days, 22 months, almost 2 years and 26,232 km. Read Craig's full report plus a selection of blog posts here.

Spring Mountain Highway Madness
(The Year of the Big Snow)
Saturday evening 8:00 pm. I get a call from my buddy Scott Riddell. Since neither he nor fellow ultrarunner Curb Ivanic could join us on Sunday morning, Scott tells me how they ran the Mountain Highway Madness course a day early. His message: "Be prepared for snow!" Too late to contact everyone in the event, I jog up the street to the local scoutmaster and borrow a trunkload of snowshoes. Read on ...!

Photo: Gilles, Chery and Craig at the turn-around


2006 Traveling T-Shirt Contest. Looking forward to your photos of the Club T-Shirt in action. To participate, just email me your photos or you can upload directly to the website (only works if you are signed in). Submissions to date are posted here.

Photo: Glenn Pace cheering at the Olympic men's Hockey Final between Sweden and Finland in Turin, Italy

2006 Point Series.
The contest were not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship and member referrals. Peter Stace-Smith continues to be in the lead, followed closely by Ean Jackson. Tied for third are Gary Robbins, Craig Moore and Sibylle Tinsel Up-to-date standings here.



If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys that ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/05 Newsletter

Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle


Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

With spring in full swing and summer approaching fast, I hope your training is going well and you are enjoying the great outdoors.

Club Fat Ass is driven by you. If you support our goal of making the world a better place for active people through free, low-key outdoor events, please do your part by chipping in. Here are some thouhgts on how you might become a more active member of the Club:

  • Host an event. Share your favorite trail or training route with your fellow members. We make it easy with a free manual, website and some prizes to give away. (I've received so many inquiries from Ontario, but it seems everyone there wants to participate, not organize. If 2 of you committ to hosting an event this month, I'll bet we have 10+ events in Ontario by this time next year!)
  • Help at an event. Help with registration or be a sweep. Your host will appreciate it.
  • Help with club management. There's a group of dedicated Steering Committee members behind the scenes who run the club. We're currently looking for someone to focus on the needs of our growing membership base. Are you a people person with an eye for making a good thing even better?
  • Help on a comittee. We need technical help for the website, public relations expertise for media relations and help with raising sponsorship funds so we can improve the value of membership. There's so much more we could do, but without your help, it just won't get done. Yes, only a couple of hours a month would make a big difference.
  • Help spreading the word. If you enjoy the Club and relate to its values, please tell your friends and prospective sponsors. If every member introduces 2 new members a month, all members will benefit...and you may even win a pair of shoes!

Please contact me to discuss how you can put back in, to make suggestions for a better Club or just to share your adventures and successes.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


North Shore Enduro 13 May 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A fun run in the rugged North Shore Mountains. Participate as a team of up to 6 runners or tackle the 7km loop course solo. Find out more here.



Photo: The friendly crowd of runners at the start of last years Enduro
Vancouver 100 3-4 June 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run on the famed and gnarly Baden Powell Trail. 16,300 feet vertical climb and 16.300 descent, out and back. Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation is by invitation only. Event Host, Craig Moore, welcomes runners pacing for part of the way, crew and everybody that just wants to come out for a BBQ at Cleveland Dam to cheer on the ultra runners. More info here.

Geyserland 100 10 June 2006 - Mamaku, Rotorua, New Zealand. 100km on the road showcasing the beauty of Rotorua's thermal areas, lakes and the beautiful Mt Ngongotaha Paradise valley. Register here.

Vancouver Skyline XTC 10 June 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run with a twist that explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. 25K "Up", 25K "Down", 50K "Up and Down" and "Roll Your Own" custom distance options to suit all abilities. Approximately 3,000m (9,000') of elevation change over the 50K course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.

Photo: Rick Arikado at the turn around during the 2004 XTC


Club Fat Ass Steering Committee. We're looking for a person to be the voice of all CFA members on the Steering Commitee. Chat up your fellow members at events. Manage a member survey. Attend a few evening meetings. Don't want to head a committee? Why not join our marketing subcommittee. No experiecene required and lots of glory! Please send me a note for details.


Poster Children. Thanks to the brave women who have come forward to pose as 2006 poster girl. New member, Julie Wobbe, of Ontario was the first to respond. Stay posted: Julie and her group of friends are thinking about hosting an event in their neighborhood.

2006 Club Shirts. Did you pick up your black 2006 Club t-shirt yet? If you opted to pick it up, just send me a brief email indicating the time you would like to come by. I will confirm your pick-up time via email and if I am not in, you'll find your shirt by the house door in a bag labeled with your name. I will also aim to have them at the next few Club events.

Become a CFA event host.
Your Club is always looking to add fun and funky events. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.







Run To The Clouds. Sure, it seemed like a good idea many many months ago when a few co-runners agreed with me that a hilly training route may make a cool new CFA event. Like the field of dreams movie, planning out and actually putting on this run seemed like it was meant to be yesterday when there was 23 friendly Club Fat Assers toed up to the start line in an area most were not from. First of all, thanks to all of those runners who had the faith that we wouldn’t leave them lost and stranded way out in the middle of nowhere and made the effort to come on out and sample some new trails and a new CFA run. You guys made my day!! To read Pete's full report click here.
Photo above: Elke Bauer and friend celebrating at the top of the hill during the Run To The Clouds in April.

Photo below: Starter Photo at the Run To The Clouds

Photo: Starter photo at the Run To The Clouds



2006 Traveling T-Shirt Contest. Looking forward to your photos of the Club t-Shirt in action. To participate, just email me your photos or you can upload directly to the website (only works if you are signed in). Submissions to date are posted here.

Photo: (from left) Heather Somerville, Debbie Mick and Angela Spooner just ran the Boston Marathon last Monday and had a chance to pose with their Fat Ass shirts on Boston Common following the race. As you can see, Angela really wanted to be the poster girl!

2006 Point Series.
The contest were not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship and member referrals. Peter Stace-Smith continues to be in the lead, followed closely by Ean Jackson. Tied for third are Gary Robbins, Craig Moore and Sibylle Tinsel Up-to-date standings here.




If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys that ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/06 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Summer is upon us in the northern hemisphere and for most Club members, that means shorts, t-shirts and race season.  Strange to think that Graeme Best and the Geyserland 100 participants in New Zealand this weekend are heading into winter!

There are a growing number of members who are dedicating some of their precious training time to helping the Club on the administrative side.  We now have a full steering committee in place and are already looking at 2007.  Please be sure to say "Thanks" to these people when you see them.  (I hope to have all of their bios up soon.)

Our newest committee member, Michele Sherstan, will be focusing on membership.  One of her first projects will be to do a survey to get a feel for what you like and dislike about the Club so we can enhance our strengths and shore-up our weaknesses.  If you get a survey request in your email inbox later this month, please take 5 minutes to answer it. We will be randomly selecting a few people who respond for some prizes!Do the acronyms PR or CSS mean anything to you?  If so, and if you can spare a couple of hours of your time this summer, please contact me for a warm referral to Eileen Bistrisky (Marketing) and Troy Angrignon  (Website) as both have big plans and both could use a hand with their committees.
Happy Trails... and don't forget your hat and sun screen!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Geyserland 100 10 June 2006 - Mamaku, Rotorua, New Zealand. 100km on the road showcasing the beauty of Rotorua's thermal areas, lakes and the beautiful Mt Ngongotaha Paradise valley. Register here.

2003-06 StartPhoto:Starters at the 2003 XTC

Vancouver Skyline XTC 10 June 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run with a twist that explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. 25K "Up", 25K "Down", 50K "Up and Down" and "Roll Your Own" custom distance options to suit all abilities. Approximately 3,000m (9,000') of elevation change over the 50K course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.

Keith ThompsonNorth Idaho Kick Ass 50/251 July 2006 - Eastport, ID, USA. Join Event Host Keith Thompson on an exploration of the hills and animals of North Idaho. Hills are medium hardness, animals include moose, black bears, deers,etc... but neither will probably kill you. 50 and 25 miles exclusively on trails. There even will be aid stations and a bonfire after the run. To find out more and register, please visit the North Idaho Kick Ass 50/25 website

Photo: Keith Thompson in the North Idaho Hills


2006 Club Shirts. I still have some black 2006 Club t-shirts sitting in my basement. My husband wants his basement back!  If you ordered one, please arrange a pick-up time by sending me a brief email indicating the time you would like to come by. I will confirm your pick-up time via email and if I am not in, you'll find your shirt by the house door in a bag labeled with your name. I will also aim to have them at the next few Club events. I would like to have all shirt distributed by the end of June.

Website Update. If you have blogged or commented on stories on the CFA website in the last few weeks, you probably noticed that we now have a new text editor.  Over the next month or so, we are planning to fix some of the other problems the website had in certain browsers. Please also let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement so we can make sure they are RTP Award logoaddressed. There might be minor down times, so thank you in advance for your patience.

Did you know that your online Club House received the June 2006 Run The Planet Award? The Rtp Award is designed to identify those websites recommended to RTP by runners and walkers visiting the Run The Planet site. Each month the site receiving the most recommendations will be awarded the Rtp Award for that month.

Become a CFA event host. Your Club is always looking to add fun and funky events. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.


2006 Vancouver 100 Photo: Rod Hatfull enjoying a burger at the 3/4 mark during the Vancouver 100.

The Vancouver 100 It was a beautiful day but the course chewed 'em up and spit 'em out. Six of 11 runners finished with 5 bowing out to look forward to the Vancouver 100 another day perhaps. The weather cooperated but the snow on Hollyburn and Black Mountains was brutal. In the end, Rod Hatfull was a major contender for a course record had it not been for the challenge they all faced on the big hills. Rob MacDonald bettered his time from 2005. For full results and photos click here.

2006 North Shore Enduro - Tara JacksonNorth Shore Enduro The 4th annual North Shore 6-hour Enduro was run under perfect conditions. The sun was shining, the temps were cool and 31 participants eagerly toed the line to start a day's work on the trails. Randy Hunter's 8-lap record is safe for now, but Mark Lesack and Bill Dagg grinded out 7. Two relay teams, the Bonkey Dollocks and Team Jones participated. The 3 runners who made up the Bonkey's, Carl, Carl Jr., and Brooke, are new to Club Fat Ass, and look forward to running more Club events. Team Jones took turns running 2 laps each while their kids ran laps around the tent their parents set up for them. Unfortunately for Team Jones, the kids never napped!

photo: Tara Jackson enjoying the trail at the 2006 Enduro

To see full results go to North Shore Enduro - Results 2006. You can view all Enduro photos as a slide show here.


2006 Traveling T-Shirt ContestMichelle Sherstan at windswept Cape Spear, Nfdl. Canada
Photo: Michelle Sherstan braving the elements at windswept Cape Spear, Nfdl. Canada

Rhonda Schuller in the Rice Paddies of JapanI am looking forward to your photos of the Club t-Shirt in action. To participate, just email me your photos or you can upload directly to the website (only works if you are signed in). Submissions to date are posted here.

Photo: Rhonda Schuller (center)planting rice in the paddies of Japan

2006 Point Series. The contest where not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship and member referrals. Peter Stace-Smith continues to be in the lead, followed closely by Ean Jackson, Craig Moore and Sibylle Tinsel. Up-to-date standings here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys that ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/07 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

We're now just past the half-way point of 2006, but there are still lots of CFA events to participate in!

If you are not a Club member yet, it's time to get off the couch and onto the trails. As a gentle nudge, we would like to extend a special summer membership offer to you.  Join Club Fat Ass now for only $35 (including the provocative tech t-shirt.)  To take advantage of this special mid-year promotion, fill out your membership application here.

I would also like to draw your attention to an email survey that will arrive in your mail box next week.  It's short, simple and the brainchild of our new Membership Chairperson, Michele Sherstan.

Whether you’re a current member, past member or member-to-be, we value your opinions and suggestions.  Please take 5 minutes to share your thoughts.  The survey is anonymous.  If you return it within 72 hours, your name will be entered in a draw for one of three prizes, including a stylish North Shore Athletics hoodie! 

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


2005 Bill's Great Peak Ascent - Starter Photo
Bills Great Peak Ascent 22 July 2006 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Join Bill on  a trail run from the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve (LSCR) to the top of Grouse Mountain and back. 30km, 15km or less.  Some technical, mostly not. Approximately 2 kilometers (6,700') of elevation change over roughly 30 kilometers. Decent views, weather permitting.  More info and registration here.
Mount Lorne Misadventure 23 July 2006 - Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada.  The Mount Lorne Misadventure Trail Run features 21km of awesome trails with spectacular views. The run is rough and hilly and can be wet in places. There is gut busting hill near the beginning and last year we had a fellow playing theMount Lorne Misadventure bag pipes at the top of it for motivation. This will be the 4th year for this event, the first time as a Club Fat Ass event. There is a great chili lunch after the run. Last year we had veggie, beef, moose, caribou and bison chili. The proceeds are donated to the Mt Lorne Fire Hall. More information and registration here.

Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run 1 August 2006 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. 10km trail run set in the beautiful Lynn Canyon Headwaters Park area of North Vancouver on terrain that ranges from flat and smooth to small hills with a few rocks. Emphasis on camaraderie rather than competition. We would like to see this be a group run where we celebrate the life of a friend who can't join us anymore. Excellent opportunity for beginning trail runners. Followed by a Pot Luck dinner and post-run party. This is a fundraiser for a bursary in Mary's name. Details here!

Fluffy Bunny 5 August 2006 - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada.  Are you tough enough for the Fluffy Bunny? Find out here!

The Monty 19 August 2006 - Victoria, B, Canada. Can you do the Full Monty? Check it out here.

Capilano Night Run
(Midsummer) 19 August 2006, North Vancouver, BC Canada. A classic.  Find out more here.
Forbidden Forest Run.  By invitation only to the very hard core.  Date TBD. Can you run 50K, in the dark with no aid?  If so, here's your chance to prove it! 

2006 Club Shirts. I still have some black 2006 Club t-shirts sitting in my basement. My husband wants his basement back!  If you ordered one, please arrange a pick-up time by sending me a brief email indicating the time you would like to come by. I will confirm your pick-up time via email and if I am not in, you'll find your shirt by the house door in a bag labeled with your name. I will also aim to have them at the next few Club events.

Volunteer Opportunities. To grow our club and provide more events and opportunities for all members, we need help to spread the word about Club Fat Ass and the great events our members host.  We are developing a marketing committee and need volunteers for the following types of activities:

- Distribution Team: Manage the Distribution of promotional material (flyers, posters, ads etc.)
- Promo Team: If you are racing anyway, wear your CFA T-shirt and hand out flyers at local running events.

If you can help just a little in one of these areas, please contact Eileen Bistrisky via email or phone 604-736-6933.

Become a CFA event host. Your Club is always looking to add fun and funky events. If you would like to become a CFA Event Host, please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.


North Idaho Kick Ass Run. The race kicked off at 6am on time.  We had 4 runners, including myself.  It was a small but hardy group of runners.  We talked and ran and had a good time.  Instead of 4 aid stations as planned, I used two vehicles to stay near the runners and give aid. We had tons of food for everyone and still have left overs.  Special thanks to my wife and son, Michele and Bradley, who crewed for all of us and did a outstanding job.  Mike Wolfe ran very well and moved to the front early on and stayed out there the whole way.  The rest of us ran together for most of the run.  Dan Probst and our farthest traveled guest, Butch, ran solid.    We had good fun and made some new friends.  Thanks to the club and all the runners who came out to run with us. Check out full results here!

2006 XTC
Vancouver Skyline XTC. Thinking back over the past 4 runnings of the Vancouver Skyline XTC, I tried to come up with some thoughts about what was special or unique about this year.  It didn't monsoon, nor was it hot and dry.  None of the participants got hopelessly lost.  Nobody got hurt.  There were no bear sightings or earthquakes.  Everything went well and everyone had a good run... what more could we ask for?  Full report and results here!

Photo: Kim Taylor ascending the Trans Canada Trail above West Vancouver

2006 - Vancouver 100
The Vancouver 100 It was a beautiful day but the course chewed 'em up and spit 'em out. Six of 11 runners finished with 5 bowing out to look forward to the Vancouver 100 another day perhaps. The weather cooperated but the snow on Hollyburn and Black Mountains was brutal. In the end, Rod Hatfull was a major contender for a course record had it not been for the challenge they all faced on the big hills. Rob MacDonald bettered his time from 2005. For full results and photos click here.

Photo: Rob MacDonald taking a well deserved rest after the Vancouver 100...right in the parking lot at the finish!


Geoff Palmer at the rim of the Grand Canyon
2006 Traveling T-Shirt Contest. I am looking forward to your photos of the Club t-Shirt in action. To participate, just email me your photos or you can upload directly to the website (only works if you are signed in). Submissions to date are posted here.

Photo: Geoff Palmer taking it easy at the rim of the Grand Canyon

2006 Point Series. The contest where not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship and member referrals. Peter Stace-Smith continues to be in the lead, followed closely by Ean Jackson, Craig Moore and Sibylle Tinsel. Up-to-date standings here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys that ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/08 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Thanks to all who participated in the first annual CFA member survey this past month. Your response was fantastic and your comments and suggestions will go a long way to making the Club even better in the future. Given that the survey was anonymous, I can't reply to your specific responses.  If you have any comments or suggestions you would like to discuss, please don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

Now for the prizes!  The winners of the prizes for participating in the survey are: Kim Taylor of West Vancouver, BC Canada (great hoodie from North Shore Athletics), Keith Thompson of Eastport, Idaho, USA (running socks from NSA) and Dr. Paul Piplani of Phoenix, Arizona, USA (blue CFA shirt)

Just a reminder that it is not too late to join the Club.  There are 9 oddball events between now and the end of 2006.  Take advantage of our summer membership drive and join Club Fat Ass now for only $35 (includes our provocative tech t-shirt.)  Also makes for a great birthday gift!  Fill out your membership application here.

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Forbidden Forest Run By invitation only to the very hard core. Date is set and will be disclosed to qualified applicants. Can you run 50K, in the dark with no aid? If so, here's your chance to prove it! More info here.
Full Monty 2005
The Monty 19 August 2006 - Victoria, BC, Canada. 25km or 50km on beautiful single track trails with breathtaking views. Can you do the Full Monty? Find out here. Member Geoff from Coquitlam is planning to run both the Monty and the Capilano Night Run on the same day. He is organizing a carpool. Check out the specifics here.
Photo: Jackal (EH Carlos Castillo) and his pal with Saltspring Island and the Mainland in the hazy distance.

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night's DreamCapilano Night Run (Midsummer) 19 August 2006, North Vancouver, BC Canada. A classic. Bring your headlamps and experience the magic of night running. Not too hard core. Register soon, as this one fills up. Find out more here.
Photo: Doug's wife Lori didn't want him to wack his head on a tree again...and no this is not a mountain biking event!

2005 Go Deep or Go HomeGo Deep or Go Home 26 August 2006, North Vancouver, BC Canada. A challenging trail run on a 20km loop in the lower Seymour Mountain area. Complete 1, 2, 3 or 4 laps. Details here.

Photo left: Cheryl tackling the trails on the ascent out of Deep Cove during the 2005 Go Deep or Go Home

Photo below: Sibylle Tinsel and the little Jackson scouting the Juan de Fuca Trail near Sombrio Point on a recent camping expedition to the west coast of Vancouver Island.
Juan de Fuca Trail
Juan de Fuca Trail Run
2 September 2006, Vancouver Island, BC. This event is a very new addition to our calendar, in fact, so new, that we are still working on the details.  If you are able to run 48km on rocky, rooty terrain, have a sense of adventure and are completely self sufficient this might be one for you.  Details will be posted here as they become available.
Fall Mountain Highway Madness 10 September 2006, North Vancouver, BC. Challenge yourself to a little hill workout! Details here.


Membership Survey. Thanks to all who participated in the first annual CFA member survey. Your response was outstanding!  We will be working on implementing all of your suggestions this year and hope to do the survey again next spring or summer.  In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact me personally if with your comments and suggestions for improvement.

Become a CFA event host.  The survey told us that many of you would like to see more Club events in your neck of woods.  We'd like to see that, too!  Club Events are member driven. Do you have a favourite running route you would be willing to share with like minded friends? Be the pioneer who gets the ball rolling by becoming the fist to host a CFA event in your area. It's easy. Please see what's involved at our Host an Event page and get started by filling out the form.

Website. Hurray. We have resolved the problems some of you had viewing the website with Internet Explorer. In fact, the site should display now nicely in all commonly used browsers and screen resolutions. Many thanks to Matt Arjmandi of PenPix for all of his hard work.  (Matt's the man for web usability...and he's says he's willing to offer Club members a discount!)

I encourage you to comment/blog and post photos to make the website an entertaining and lively place. Under "my account" (create one if you don't have one yet) you can add your photo, post a bio and keywords, enable your personal contact form and change your personal settings. Read through the help file to get you started. I also added a guide to upload photos to the Traveling Shirt or Event Galleries or for use in your blog here.

2006 Club Shirts.
Last call for shirt pick-up. If you haven't done so yet, please arrange a time to come by to pick up your shirt before the end of August. Better yet, come to the Capilano Canyon Night Run and get your shirt there.

CFA Speaker Series. We are looking forward to our first Speakers Night this fall. It will feature CFA member Gary Robbins and his team mates' adventures at the Primal Quest adventure race.  Venue:  North Shore Athletics in North Vancouver, BC. (mid-September.  Exact date TBD). More info about our Speaker Series here.

Volunteer Opportunities. To grow our club and provide more events and opportunities for all members, we need help to spread the word about Club Fat Ass and the great events our members host. We are developing a marketing committee and need volunteers for the following types of activities:

- Distribution Team: Manage the Distribution of promotional material (flyers, posters, ads etc.)
- Promo Team: If you are racing anyway, wear your CFA T-shirt and hand out flyers at local running events.

If you can help just a little in one of these areas, please contact Eileen Bistrisky via email or phone 604-736-6933.  (Great karma, lots of fun... and yes, you get Club points!)





Bill's Great Peak Ascent - 2006
Bills Great Peak Ascent What would be a good day to run from the Rice Lake parking lot to the top of Grouse Mountain and back? I’ve got it! Let’s do it on the hottest day of the year!

So how was it … It’s hot! Damn hot!

Either trail runners don’t pay attention to forecasts or they’re simply just missing a screw or two (one doesn’t necessarily preclude the other) as a record 19 runners toed the line for the third annual “Bill’s Great Peak Ascent” at 7:30am this past Saturday – a day that was forecast to have a high of 36C. Fortunately, we were given a temporary reprieve as a high overcast kept the temperature somewhat under control for most of the ascent. Read Bill's complete report and view results here.

Photo: Maureen, Claudia and Gary heading up on the BP during Bill's Great Peak Ascent

Mount Lorne Misadventure - 2006Mount Lorne Misadventure Dave Johnstone from Sointula on Vancouver Island traveled north and shared his impressions of this new CFA event: Anyone in the Whitehorse area this time next year would do well to mark the event on their calendar. It will be an extremely pleasant way to spend a day.

The run takes place in the small community of Mount Lorne, circumnavigating that community to the tune of about 22K, starting and finishing at the Community Hall. It is both relaxed and well organized. The course is moderately difficult with the odd water hazard and hill to get your attention. Runners are offered water at strategic points and are monitored the entire distance by ATV.
Local runners and volunteers make outsiders feel very comfortable. An informal debriefing follows the run and everyone involved shares huge pots of chili and apple/ rhubarb crumble. Fantastic. What could be better? Life was good that day. For full results please click here.

Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run - 2006 Starter Photo
Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run What a great evening it turned out to be. I sure had a great time and from what I heard from runner feedback everyone had a great time. The run, in its second year, is put on to celebrate a fellow athlete and trail runner Mary Leliveld, who passed in 2004. Mary’s energy and passion for life inspired us all. For Chris' full report and results click here.

Photo: Starters at Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run

fluffy-bunnyFluffy Bunny The dust has settled on the 2006 Fluffy Bunny Trail Run with a 100% survival rate. 21 runners ran various distances with 5 brave souls completing the famed Fluffy Bunny.

The day began for some first thing at White Spot. Many apprehensively had large breakfasts hoping they wouldn’t regret it 10 minutes into the run. The largest breakfast award went to Ean Jackson. Jackson, who hadn’t run since Knee Knacker, was hoping that the breakfast would give him the carbs he needed to climb the Dilly Daly Pass. Continue to read Geoff's report here.

CFA Shirt crosses Grand Canyon Rim to Rim
2006 Traveling T-Shirt Contest. I am looking forward to your photos of the Club t-Shirt in action. To participate, just email me your photos or you can upload directly to the website (only works if you are signed in). Submissions to date are posted here.
Photo left: CFA shirt crosses Grand Canyon Rim to Rim on the back of Montreal member Peter Collins
Baldwin finding out there's free beer at the finish linePhoto right: Baldwin Lee finding out there is free beer at the finish of the White River 50miles

2006 Point Series. The contest where not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship and member referrals. Ean Jackson took the lead, followed by Baldwin Lee and Peter Stace-Smith who tie for second. A close third is Desmond Mott. Up-to-date standings here


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys that ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/09 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

What a busy month it has been!

With at least one event almost every weekend through August and the addition of Flash Events and our Speaker Series (read about them below), it seems there is never a dull moment at Club Fat Ass.

Thanks to all that came out and made this a great summer.  If you think it's time to rest, think again and have a look at the upcoming events !

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Juan de Fuca Trail Run - 2006-09-02Flash Event - Juan de Fuca Trail Run. Saturday, 16 September, Port Renfrew, BC Canada. A trio of CFA members will attempt to run this 48km long marine trail along the wild coast of Vancouver Island.  To find out more click here. To find out more about the concept of Flash Events read the News section below.

Wendy's Get your Fat Ass Off the Couch
. Saturday, 21 Oct., 8:30am, North Vancouver, BC Canada. A fun run on winding trails and back roads of lower Seymour Mountain. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. Along with the established 20km loop (Off the Old Chesterfield) this year features a new yet to be unveiled "Off the Cushy Couch  - 10km" course as well as a media category for members of the media willing to take the challenge. Find out more here.

Primal Quest
Speaker Series - Team Mind Over Mountain at Primal Quest. If you missed last nights presentation about the adventures of Team Mind over Mountains at Primal Quest, don't despair.  Gary wants to do it again.  If you are interested in the next show, please register here and we will let you know the date via email.

This event is free for members and non-members alike, so feel free to pass the invitation for an evening of adventure and motivation on to your friends. 


Flash Events. Club Fat Ass Flash events are a recent innovation to the Club.  They address the need for a quick way to get some like-minded people together for a training run or other adventure. 

Compared to scheduled Club events, they are more spontaneous and less structured.  Club members as well as non-members can host a Flash event.  There is no expectation that a flash event will ever be held more than once, though it is hoped that many will develop into Scheduled Events.  A typical Flash event will have less than 10 people.

Flash Events are posted on the Club website by the organizer and it is expected that all of the details of the event will remain on the Club website for the benefit of others who might like to attempt the event in the future.

CFA Speaker Series. Club Fat Ass Speaker events are another recent innovation to the Club.  They address the need for a way to share experiences, adventures and knowledge in a casual, non-running environment.

Speaker events are informal, but well organized.  The speaker, who may or may not be a Club member, determines the agenda and manages their own presentation.  A typical Speaking event will be held in a small venue, such as a running store, and will have less than 50 people in attendance.

Speaking events are posted on the Club website and promoted in the media by the Club. 

If you are interested in sharing your adventure and become a CFA Speaker in your hometown please let us know.

To find out more about the different event types at Club Fat Ass click here.


2006 Club Shirts. Very last call for shirt pick-up. If you haven't done so yet, please arrange a time to come by to pick up your black 2006 Club shirt soon so you stand a chance to win the 2006 Traveling T-Shirt contest.

Newsletter.  Did you know that you can manage your newsletter subscription via a link at the very bottom of this email.  If this newsletter addresses you with "Dear Subscriber" take a moment to update your name.  You can also indicate your hometown and Province/State, which allows me to keep announcements focused. 


Primal Quest
Speaker Series - Team Mind Over Mountain at Primal Quest. What an inspiring and fun evening it was.  Thanks  to Gary Robbins and his team Mind Over Mountain (Mark Fearman, Aimee Dunn) for sharing your adventure.

Fall Mountain Highway Madness The record books were rewritten at this years Fall Mountain Highway Madness.  We have a new Platinum finisher and her name is Berglind Hafdteinsdottir!  Scarcely a week afterFall Mountain Highway Madness - 2006 becoming the first woman to run the Juan de Fuca trail in under 10 hours, Berg opened a can of whoop-ass and became the first woman to ever earn platinum status (four loops of the 15K course.)  Wow! Full Results and report here.

Photo: Gilles, John and Craig on the down portion of the Fall Mountain Highway Madness

Forbidden Forest Run Read about the hair-raising adventure of the Capilano Commandos here.

Photo below: Ludo and Carlos preparing for an early start at the Full Monty
Full Monty 2006 - Starter Photo
The Monty
So we all got home safely, just! Ludo, Don and I did the Full Monty and had a blast seeing all the 1/2 Monty guys and gal coming back at us. Ludo made the turn before the start of the 1/2 Don and I saw them before the first big climb.

It was nice to see four Mainlanders made the trip. A couple of runners from Sooke, (Vince and Heather), gave us a bit of a scare doing a custom version and Capilano Night Run 2006finished as walking wounded, in 7 hours!

After coming off Joclyn Hill they got a little turned around and ended back at Caleb Pike, by which time Norma and her mother had already packed up and gone home. so they had a hot hard slog to do with little to no fuel left. Read Carlos' full report and and see photos here.

Capilano Night Run Only one person forgot her flashlight,  nobody got lost and there are no injuries to report.  You can look at the results and some photos here.
Photo: Michele and Elke strong at the Capilano Night Run finish

Go Deep or Go Home - 2006 Starter Photo
Go Deep or Go Home
What a way to end the summer! 30 odd folks out to have fun on the North Shore trails for the 2006 Go Deep or Go Home. 
Photo right: Starters at Go Deep or Go Home
 Photo below: Carlos and Berglind enjoying the coastline of Vancouver Island

Juan de Fuca Trail Run - 2006-09-02Juan de Fuca Trail Run  Did you know that whales fart?  Well, they must. At first I though it was Carlos.  (He's the pirate standing next to me in the  blue Club Fat Ass t-shirt.) The evening before our attempt at running the Juan de Fuca Marine Trail, the boys went out to Buffy's Pub in Sooke, BC and we stuffed our faces.  Carlos had a humongous plate of liver and onions and a couple of pale ales.  Add 12 hours, pile on a bunch of gels, some bagel and some jalapeño beef jerky and you have all of the ingredients for a bad case of gas.  He was a natural... but he wasn't the skunk. 

Is this excerpt of Ean's blog of the run raising your interest?  Check out participants blogs here.

Traveling Colours Contest 2006
2006 Traveling T-Shirt Contest. I am looking forward to your photos of the Club t-Shirt in action. To participate, just email me your photos or you can upload directly to the website (only works if you are signed in). Submissions to date are posted here.

Photo left:Claudia writes:This picture is from my trip wearing the club shirt in one of the nature wonders at Yoho national Park - Takakkaw Falls. Takakkaw Falls is the second highest waterfall in Canada. Takakkaw means "magnificent" in Cree. And it is. I love how the top of it "blasts" off a ledge and down over a thousand feet to finally hit the bottom. Very powerful.

2006 Point Series. The contest where not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship and member referrals. Ean Jackson took the lead, closely followed by Baldwin Lee.  Rumour has that Baldwin is plotting to host an event in December to keep up with Jackson.  Up-to-date standings here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. There is a special section on our website to highlight certain fund raising efforts.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run in April, will use his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys that ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/10 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

'Hard to believe, but it's that time of the year again:   Club registration for 2007 is now open. 

New members signing up now get access to 4 events in 2006 as well as everything the Club has to offer in 2007.  Renewing members, of course, get all 2007 events starting January 1.  Note that with the addition of Flash and Speaker events, all members will enjoy even more free Club events.

As in years past we will continue the tradition of a different colored technical Club shirt as the Club garment.  We are not quite sure yet which color or who will be the supplier, but if you'd like current Club colors, be sure to sign up for your 2007 membership before 31 December, as only members registered by then will get the new shirt.  Club colors are becoming quite collectible... at a recent event I saw 4 generations of our t-shirts assembled in the starter photo.  Don't miss out, sign up now!

I am looking forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming fall events. Better yet, do all 4 of them and get 2007 off to a running start with the Vancouver New Years Fat Ass 50K and Freeze Your Fat Ass swim.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Wendy's Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch Run - Starter Photo 2005Wendy's Get your Fat Ass Off the Couch. Saturday, 21 Oct., 8:30am, North Vancouver, BC Canada. A fun run on winding trails and back roads of lower Seymour Mountain. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. Along with the established 20km loop (Off the Old Chesterfield) this year features a new "Off the Cushy Couch  - 10km" course as well as a media category for members of the media willing to take the challenge. Find out more here.
Speaker Series - Western States Night. Join us for an evening of tales from the veterans.   Date and details TBD.  This event is free for members and non-members alike, so feel free to pass the invitation for an evening of adventure and motivation on to your friends. 


Go Home  2004Go Home: Saturday, 18 November at 7:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. 20km on beautiful trails on Seymour Mountain. Register and find out more here.

M&M Fun Run: Saturday, 25 November at 8:00am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Prepare for all the Christmas indulgence...26km or 52km.Details here.

Pure Satisfaction: Sunday, 10 December at 8:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run to celebrate the pure satisfaction of being in good shape during a busy and dark month. 12km, 24km and 48k. Details!


2007 Membership Registration. Hard to believe, but it is this time of the year again.  Renew your membership now to make sure you get a 2007 Club t-shirt. Register and find out more here.


Sponsor Logo - Body Worlds 3Great Member Benefit: We are pleased to announce that Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS 3: The Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies has partnered with us to give away 4 tickets at each of the 4 remaining events this year. BODY WORLDS 3 seeks to answer most questions you have about your body – and probably a few you didn’t even think about. The exhibition, which is the life’s work of German anatomist, Dr. Gunther von Hagens, features about 200 specimens, including organs, organ systems and posed human bodies preserved through a process called plastination. For more information visit

Membership Survey. Greetings from your Membership  Committee!

The results of the First Annual Membership Survey are in and are available for viewing here. Thanks to all of you who took the time to contribute to the future direction of the Club.  The responses were enlightening and useful and we have already begun to act on many of them.

The biggest request coming out of the survey was for more events in respondents’ regions (46%).  While CFA is looking into ways to help grow events everywhere, it is important to remember that CFA events are hosted for members by other members.  So, if you are craving more events in your area, you may need to take up the challenge and try hosting an event yourself in order to increase the events in your own backyard. 

The survey showed that many of you are not aware of the excellent event-hosting information CFA has developed.  Check out the online event hosting pages ( and to see what’s involved.  Consider hosting a short event or a flash event ( to get your feet wet.  Event hosting is meant to be simple and rewarding.  We're implementing many of the suggestions you offered on how to make Event-hosting easier.  A big thank-you to all current Event Hosts for all the great events you make possible for the rest of us to enjoy!

The next biggest request from our time-stretched respondents was for shorter events (36%).  Again, since members are the Event Hosts, it is up to members to help meet this need.  Wendy Montgomery has graciously accommodated our request to include a shorter 10K route in her upcoming 20K event, “Wendy's Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch Run” (Saturday, October 21, 2006).  CFA will continue to encourage Event Hosts to consider hosting both shorter events and including a short course option as part of their event.  In addition, participants can always opt to create their own “custom course” on the day of the event, as has been happening informally for some time.

Finally, many of you generously volunteered your services for various tasks through the survey, but since it was anonymous, we don’t know who you are!  If you are still willing to get involved in some way, please get in touch with the club president or membership committee chair.



2006 Club Shirts. Very, very last call for 2006 t-shirt pick-up. If you haven't done so yet, please arrange a time to come by to pick up your black 2006 Club shirt soon so you stand a chance to win the 2006 Traveling T-Shirt contest.  If you don't have your 2006 shirt yet, you may want to consider the convenient  shipping option for next year.

CFA Website Account.  More and more members are participating in our online community, blogging and commenting on stories on the website.  Did you know that you can add a brief bio and photo to your personal profile?  You may also enable your personal contact form, which enables registered users to contact you without showing your email address.  Check it out: My Account! (you need to be logged in for this to work)

Newsletter.  Did you know that you can manage your newsletter subscription via a link at the very bottom of this email.  If this newsletter addresses you with "Dear Subscriber" take a moment to update your name.  You can also indicate your hometown and Province/State, which allows me to keep announcements focused. 


Ludo Clavier - On top of the World
2006 Traveling T-Shirt Contest. Share those tender moments you shared with your black Club t-shirt during 2006 with your friends...and maybe win some great stuff!  To participate, just email me your photos or you can upload directly to the website (only works if you are signed in). Submissions to date are posted here.

Photo left: Ludo taking in the views during a test run for the Full Monty near Victoria BC.

2006 Point Series. The contest where not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship, cleaning up the trails and member referrals. Four more events to battle it out.  Competing for first are Baldwin Lee, Ean Jackson, Desmond Mott and Elke Bauer.  Rumor has that Baldwin is plotting to host an event in December to keep up with old Jackson.  Up-to-date standings here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run uses his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/11 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

The pumpkins have rotted.  The leaves have fallen.  The monsoons have arrived and there's talk of snow in the hills.

'Time to dig out the tights and waterproof gear from the back of our closets. It's also time to renew your membership in Club Fat Ass!  

'Ever seen a green Club Fat Ass t-shirt?  Small wonder... there are only 20 of them out there.  As in years past we will maintain the tradition of having a different colored technical Club shirt as the Club garment.  However, 2007 is going to be a special collector's year.  Rather than order 500 shirts and have a few left over for gifts and replacements should the dog eat it, we're going to place a single order specifically for those members of record on 31 December 06.

We still have a few blue and black Club colors for new and renewing members who sign up in 2007, but if you want to keep with the latest Club fashions and be the envy of those who hesitated and missed out, be sure to sign up before the end of the year.  (While you've got your credit card out, why not get also a few Club memberships as Christmas gifts?)

Thinking about joining the club for the first time?  What are you waiting for?  Daniel Probst in Bellingham, Washington has just announced a new Club event, the Galbraith Mountain Tour, on December 16.  There's a speaker event and 3 other trail running events before the end of the year and over 30 Club events scheduled for 2007... all free and all 100% fun.

As the year winds down and you think about all you accomplished, you might get the itch to start planning your goals for 2007.  Check out the 2006 New Years fitness resolutions of your fellow members and see how they've done.  Better yet, state your goals for 2007 and you will stand a better chance of achieving them. 

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Go Home  2004Go Home: Saturday, 18 November at 9:00am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. 20km on beautiful trails on Seymour Mountain. Register and find out more here.
Speaker Series - Western States Night: Wednesday, 22 November at 18:30 - Runner's Den, 239 Newport Drive, Port Moody, BC (click here for a map) Please join Club Fat Ass and Runner's Den for a entertaining and informative evening that explores the lunatic fringe of running:  The 100-miler.

The panel of speakers includes:  Wendy Montgomery, Andy Nichol, Ron Adams, Karl Jensen, Enzo Federico, Glen Pace and Gilles Barbeau and will be moderated by Ean Jackson.  Each of the panelists has completed the Western States 100.  As a group, the panelists have also completed dozens of 100-mile runs and many hundred ultra marathons at the front of the pack, the back of the pack and everywhere in between.  All have committed to wearing the famous belt buckle they earned the hard way.  All have committed to sharing their motivation and success secrets for the benefit of the running community, so bring lots of questions.


This free event is hosted by Runner's Den and organized by Club Fat Ass.  Everyone is welcome to attend, however, seating is limited and preregistration is required.  Please register online at:  Registration - Speaker Series Western States

Photo right: Glenn Pace refueling at the 2005 WS 100

Photo below left: Jim and Mike (EH of M&M's Fun Run goofing around at an aidstation

Mike and Melissa's Fun RunM&M Fun Run: Saturday, 25 November at 8:00am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Prepare for all the Christmas indulgence...26km or 52km. Details here.

Pure Satisfaction: Sunday, 10 December at 8:30am - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run to celebrate the pure satisfaction of being in good shape during a busy and dark month. 12km, 24km and 48k. Details!

Galbraith Mountain Tour: Saturday, 16 December at 9:30 am - Bellingham, WA, USA.  Join our newest Event Host, Daniel Probst, on a tour of beautiful Galbraith Mountain.  He promises no boulders, roots or bears!  More details will be posted here soon.


2007 Membership Registration. Hard to believe, but it is this time of the year again.  Renew your membership now to make sure you get the collector's edition 2007 Club t-shirt. Register and find out more here.

2007 Steering Committee. Welcome Berglind Hafsteinsdottir to the CFA Steering Committee!  Berglind, the only female to complete 4 laps of the Mountain Highway Madness and one of the few women to ever run the Juan de Fuca Trail, will represent all CFA Event Hosts as Event Host Chair.

We're at the end of many 2 year terms and are actively looking for new Steering Committee members.  If you can contribute a few hours of your time and talent to the Club each month, we can assure you'd be warmly welcomed.   We're especially in need of help with public relations, sponsorships, online marketing and website design.  Please send us a note.

2007 New Years Resolution Contest. It's time to think about your New Years Resolutions for 2007.  To participate, just blog about your Resolutions for 2007.  Only submissions posted before midnight on 31 December 2007 will be eligible for the contest.  Find out more here.  A bit of a voyeur, are you?  Have a look at which member kept their 2006 New Years Resolutions.  The Steering Committee will vote for a winner early in 2007.



CFA Website Account.  More and more members are participating in our online community, blogging and commenting on stories on the website.  Did you know that you can add a brief bio and photo to your personal profile?  You may also enable your personal contact form, which enables registered users to contact you without showing your email address.  Check it out: My Account! (you need to be logged in for this to work)

Newsletter.  Did you know that you can manage your newsletter subscription via a link at the very bottom of this email.  If this newsletter addresses you with "Dear Subscriber" take a moment to update your name.  You can also indicate your hometown and Province/State, which allows me to keep announcements focused. 



Gary and his Ultra Hound, Roxy.Wendy's Get Your Fat Ass Off the Couch.  At the 4th annual event we were greeted with fantastic weather, a great participant turnout, and an excellent aid station run by the one and only Mick McGuire. Congratulations to Gary, Ted, and Patricia for their recording breaking 20km run times. One bonus point went to Berglind for volunteering, without delay, for future CFA duties and one to Desmond for picking up garbage albeit it was a doggie poop bag.  Even though, he did insist it was empty, we can never be certain. Full results, report and photos here!

Photo left: Gary and his Ultra Hound Roxy (clad in the red 2004 Club Colours)

Photo right: Steering Committee  members  Eileen, Ean and Michele, Hector from the Capilano College Courier and Event Host Wendy Montgomery  showing off
CFA - Media Spirit Award Presentation

 Media Spirit Challenge.  The Club Steering Committee had a hoot planning and designing the Media Spirit Challenge.  Imagine a group of grown adults giggling over the design of a special award - the rear end of a piggy bank mounted onto a wooden plaque!  The first Media Challenge was held at Wendy's Get Your Fat Ass Off the Couch run in October.  Read about how the North Shore News edged out the Capilano Courier here.


2006-09 Gary Robbins and Mike Fearman on Sky Pilot2006 Traveling T-Shirt Contest. Share those tender moments you shared with your black Club t-shirt during 2006 with your friends...and maybe win some great stuff!  To participate, just email me your photos or you can upload directly to the website (only works if you are signed in). Submissions to date are posted here.

Photo left: Mark Fearman and Gary Robbins enjoying the views from Sky Pilot near Squamish, BC, Canada.

2006 Point Series. The contest where not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship, cleaning up the trails and member referrals. Four more events to battle it out.  Competing for first are Baldwin Lee, Ean Jackson, Desmond Mott and Elke Bauer.  Rumor has that Baldwin is plotting to host an event in December to keep up with old Jackson.  Up-to-date standings here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run uses his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


2006/12 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

With the Galbraith Mountain Tour coming up this Saturday, you have one more chance to get a CFA event in this year.  The Bellingham, Washington area is currently experiencing a "pineapple express," but we might yet have snow for this CFA Christmas run.

Many thanks to all your thoughtful and supportive responses to my "Save the Fat Ass" note I sent out last week.  I tried to respond personally to each and every one of you and hope I didn't miss anybody in the flurry of emails. I will send out an update of results from our call for help in the January Newsletter.

It's been a great year of running and camaraderie and 2007 is shaping up to be even better.  Club membership or a signature t-shirt makes for a great Christmas present.  Don't forget to renew or join the Club before the end of the year if you would like an '07 "collectors edition" t-shirt .

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and peace on earth!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


2006-01-15 Squamish Scrambler S 061a.jpg
Galbraith Mountain Tour: Saturday, 16 December at 9:30 am - Bellingham, WA, USA.  Join our newest Event Host, Daniel Probst, on a 5.8mile or 15mile tour of beautiful Galbraith Mountain.  He promises no boulders, roots or bears!  More details here.

Vancouver New Year's Fat Ass 50 Run: 1 January 2006 - Vancouver, BC Canada. A 50 kilometer resolution run to kick the New Year off on the right foot. A less extreme challenge (1K to 49K) for the more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep. More details here!

Photo left: Daniel Probst sporting shorts during the 2006 Squamish Scrambler

Squamish Scrambler: 10 February  2006 - Squamish, BC Canada. An out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike. Possibility of continuing up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot. Snowshoes for rent. More info here.

Running Vanouver Capilano Canyon Night Run: 18 February 2006 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon.
A guided Group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner. A Competitive category for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. A potluck party and celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to first 50, so please register early!

Photo: Doug MacKay ready to tackle the Capilano Night Run. Doug is accident prone and his wife required him to run with a helmet ;-)


2007 Membership Registration. Hard to believe, but it is this time of the year again.  Renew your membership now to make sure you get the "collector's edition" 2007 Club t-shirt. Register and find out more here.  New or renewing members signing up after the end of December will not get the new 2007 shirt, but will have a choice of our blue or black stock.  Please, please, please, do not email me to inquire if you have already signed up.  Check your credit card statement instead.

2007 Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is the group of dedicated volunteers who manage the Club. We're at the end of many 2 year terms and are actively looking for new Steering Committee members.  If you can contribute a few hours of your time and talent to the Club each month, we can assure you a warm welcome.   We're especially in need of help with public relations, sponsorships, online marketing and website design.  Please send me a note.

2007 New Years Resolution Contest. It's time to make those annual New Years fitness resolutions for 2007.  Share your resolutions online and win great prizes (if you stick to them!)  You can post resolutions at any time, but only those posted before midnight on 31 December 2007 will be eligible for the contest.  Find out more here.  A bit of a voyeur, are you?  Have a look at which member kept their 2006 New Years Resolutions.  The Steering Committee will vote for a winner early in 2007.



CFA Website Account. 
More and more members are participating in our online community, blogging and commenting on stories on the website.  Did you know that you can add a brief bio and photo to your personal profile?  You may also enable your personal contact form, which enables registered users to contact you without showing your email address.  Check it out: My Account! (you need to be logged in for this to work)

Newsletter.  Did you know that you can manage your newsletter subscription via a link at the very bottom of this email.  If this newsletter addresses you with "Dear Subscriber" take a moment to update your name.  You can also indicate your hometown and Province/State, which allows me to keep announcements focused. 



Go Home.  After torrential rainstorms there was a brief discussion about postponing the event, but in the end they did not go home.  Full results here!

Photo right: Starter Photo at Go Home!

Photo below: Here's a picture of Nevee
the wonder dog strutting her stuff in the new snow that fell days before the M&M Fun Run

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run 2006 - Nevee in SnowMike and Melissa's Fun Run. Well we were blessed with a break in the weather with temperatures around the freezing mark and partly cloudy skies.

The snow on the ground was to vary from a few inches at the start to 6-12 inches in the higher elevations depending on whether you were 'on' or 'off trail'. Read on...

Photo right: at the top of Ned's - Jim, Patricia, Doug, Des and Colin 

Photo below: different foot gear for the occasion

Pure Satisfaction. Thanks everybody for coming out and making this 4th running of the Pure Satisfaction a great success.  21 runners toed the start line ready to brave the elements. In the end the rain and wind fore casted didn't materialize, the snow had almost completely disappeared and the blow downs were manageable. Full results here.


Traveling Colours Contest
2006 New Years Resolution Contest. If you participated in the 2006 New Years Resolution Contest and have blogged about your goals for 2006, make sure to post a year end update so that the Steering Committee can pick a winner early in January.  Updates should be posted in your blog with "New Years Resolutions 2006" selected as the category.

2006 Tra
veling T-Shirt Contest. Last call to submit your 2006 photos of you and your CFA shirt in action.  Share those tender moments you had with your Club t-shirt during 2006 with your friends...and maybe win some great stuff!  To participate, just email me your photos or you can upload directly to the website (only works if you are signed in). Submissions to date are posted here.

Photo right: Bradley Jones in his favourite shirt at Tienanmen Square

2006 Point Series. The contest where not only the fastest can win. Collect points for participation, good sportsmanship, cleaning up the trails and member referrals. Only one more event to battle it out.  Baldwin Lee is currently leading, followed closely by  Ean Jackson and Desmond Mott.  Up-to-date standings hereDes and Ean need to employ some creative strategies at the Galbraith Mountain Tour this Saturday to upset Baldwin's lead.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run uses his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



 CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

A belated "Happy New Year!" I hope you kicked 2007 off on the right foot, got the year off to a running start and that you are resolved to give Baldwin Lee some serious competition for being the most active CFA member in 2007!

Thank you, again, for all of you who responded to my "Save the Fat Ass" letter with thoughtful suggestions and offers to help.  I attempted to answer all your emails, but I have to admit the flood of letters was quite overwhelming. If you haven't heard from me yet, I will contact you soon.

I am happy to say that the 2007 Club Steering Committee has been formed and has already met to plan the year.  If you have any thoughts for how to improve the Club, there is room for you on one of the committees.  We especially need help with sponsorship, marketing and technology.  Contact me if you'd like to help.

'Hope to see you all at the Squamish Scrambler and the Capilano Canyon Night Run in February.

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Squamish Scrambler: 10 February  2007 - Squamish, BC Canada. An out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike. Possibility of continuing up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot. Snowshoes for rent. More info here.

Capilano Canyon Night Run: 17 February 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon.  A guided Group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner. A Competitive category for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. A potluck party and celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to first 50, so please register early!

Spring Mountain Highway Madness: 18 March 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A mind-numbing running interval session on a fairly big mountain. Officially held twice a year Wide dirt and gravel access road. No traffic. 15k per lap. Approximately 1 kilometer (3,300') of elevation change per lap.  Check it out here!

2007 Membership Registration. Thanks to all the "early birds" who already registered.  Your shirts are ordered and you will hear from me as soon as they are ready for pick-up or shipping. I expect them in later this week.

If you haven't registered yet, you missed your chance to get the special 2007 collectors shirt.  But don't despair, members signing up now will receive our classic black Club shirt and can participate in all 25+ events during 2007.

New Events.
Look for a number of new events popping up in the CFA calendar over the next little while.  There will be a Big Fat Ass 100km flash event later in March and a new run in Squamish in the summer.  Several other events are in the early planning stages, ranging from a leisurely snowshoe fondue to a gruesome assault on the Howe Sound Crest Trail. 

2007 Steering Committee. Thanks for all your offers of help.  The first Steering Committee meeting last week was a great success.  If you are still sitting on the fence, but would like to help out with special projects, please send me a note. I am looking forward to a fun filled, successful 2007. If you have written, but haven't heard back from me yet, please accept my apologies.  I will make an effort to answer each email over the next few days and match your help offers with the appropriate sub committee.



CFA Website.  
In December the CFA website was moved to a more stable server.  No more excuses for not uploading your own images.  To include images in your posts or upload to the Traveling Colours Contest follow the instructions posted here

CFA Flickr Page.  Speaking of photos... you may have noticed that event results usually include a link to a photo sharing site called Flickr.  It's a great site and frankly our Club website photo sharing/galleries and uploading capacities pale in comparison to the features Flickr offers.  Flickr is free.  I've set up a Group Pool where you can upload CFA photos.  Go to to sign up for Flickr and the Club Fat Ass Group.  



Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 - 2007Vancouver New Years Fat Ass 50 Run and Freeze Your Fat Ass Swim. Why is it that every year when I write this run report, the first thing that comes to mind is the weather?  The weather is always awful on New Years Day in Vancouver.  This year was right up there with the worst weather in the 14-year history of the event.  The fact that almost 100 people even bothered to get out of bed on such an ugly morning is proof sufficient that there are a lot of crazies out there. Read Ean's full report here.

Galbraith Mountain Run.
Even with weather predictions calling for snow and freezing rain the eleven people that braved theGalbraith Mountain Tour 2006 border were in for a great surprise. Over night the clouds had moved on and the sun had come out to join us for the day. Amazingly everyone made it on time even with a few border problems and a miscommunication with the five minute rule. In fact most were early and made for a good chance to chat in the sun before the start. We were running right on time for the start and after getting the starter photo we were off. Read more...


Traveling Colours Contest - Cris Benn on Baffin Island
2006 New Years Resolution Contest. If you participated in the 2006 New Years Resolution Contest and have blogged about your goals for 2006, make sure to post a year end update so that the Steering Committee can pick a winner later this week. To update, please add a comment to your original resolution post.

2006 Tra
veling T-Shirt Contest Vote.   It's voting time.  Please  click here and follow the instructions  to cast your vote.

Photo: Chris Benn way up north on Baffin Island

2006-03 Baldwin Lee AR50 Finish.JPG2006 Point Series. With 2006 wrapped up, all event, crew, hosting, bonus and referral points determined, the second annual Club Point Series is now completed.  The winners were announced at the Post Event Party of the Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50.

Bill Dagg earned 32 points and made 5th place.  He won a nice track jacket from New Balance thanks to North Shore Athletics.  Fourth place went to the Chief Executive Fat Ass, Sibylle Tinsel, with 35 points.  Third was Desmond Mott with 37 points. Des won a pair of high performance socks and a skookum handheld waterbottle from North Shore Athletics.  Second place went to Ean Jackson with 39 points.  Baldwin Lee maintained his lead to the end and finished first with 44 points.  He took home a coveted hoodie also from North Shore Athletics. Read more....

Because it was so much fun we continue the Point Series in 2007.  Up-to-date standings here.  Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Simon Fraser University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Scholarship
. Peter Zubcsek, Event Host of the Burnaby Mountain Run uses his event as a fund raiser for this scholarship fund. To find out more contact the administrator of the fund.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


April 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


While many of you are still battling icy trails and snowdrifts, a flurry of Club activity suggests that spring must be just around the corner.

Your Steering Committee has been brainstorming Club priorities for 2008. We have a lot of great ideas that hopefully will translate into great member benefits this year...but since we're all volunteers, some things won't get done because there is nobody to follow-through. Please consider what you might do to make the Club even better.

You might have noticed a few tweeks to our "online clubhouse" that have made it more reliable since Ran Katzmann stepped forward last fall. Thank you, Ran!

Now that the website works well, our next priority is to make it work better. It's time to rethink what we need on the website and how to organize stuff so you can find it. Not sure how to do this, but we figure a good start would be to ask you. We'll have a simple poll on the website and a focus group, but you can also contact me directly with your suggestions. If you have some experience with website usability and could share a bit of time to contribute to the project or are interested in being part of a small focus group, please contact me.

The other focus of the Steering Committee for 2008 will be growing our community of members. I received an email today from a runner in South Africa, who met Jesper Olsen from Denmark and Graeme Best of New Zealand, both sporting their CFA shirts at a multiday race near Cape Town, South Africa. How cool is that?

Reach out and invite a friend to join you in your next Club event!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Run to the Clouds. 12 April - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. A 12.5km or 25km run, all on trails with some gravel road sections. Come see and run around beautiful Buntzen Lake and surrounding mountains. A challenging route with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600 metres) of elevation gain/loss. Fantastic views of Buntzen Lake and the Greater Vancouver area. Details here.

Photo left: a happy gaggle of women finishing last years Run to the Clouds.

Photo right: Happy Birthday, Chad!
Flash - Hyson's Hijinx. 25 April - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 160 km aka 100 miler on the Baden Powell Trail between Deep Cove and St Andrews Rd. Read Chad's motivations here.

North Shore Enduro. 10 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains, the Enduro is on a 7.6 km loop course that lasts up to 6 hours. A safe and challenging first trail run featuring some easy and some technical terrain. A great social event for the team runner (2-6 runners can form a team). A tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner. More info and registration here.

TravellignColoursContest2008 - Baldwin finishing ChuckanutFlash - Baldy's Bonkfest. 24 May - Squamish, BC, Canada. Part of the CFA - Stormy collaboration on training runs for the Stormy Trail Race. Details here.

Photo left: Baldy at the Chuckanut finish line.

Speaker Series - Kintec Foot Injuries. 28 May - Vancouver, BC, Canada. Join our sponsor for an informative evening about foot injury prevention. If you have been plagued by plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis and other foot problems or are trying to stay injury free, this is the one for you. Free for the general public, but pre-registration is required. Details here.


2008 Membership Drive. Help us grow. If every member refers just one friend to Club Fat Ass this year, our membership chair will be very happy and everyone will have another friend to car pool to Club events with! We might turn this into a contest - with a cool prize at the end of the year for the most prolific Club missionary. You might get help with a planned, new "share with a friend" link on all your web posts or you could use the existing "Share On Facebook" link on the website or the "Forward to a Friend" at the bottom of every newsletter. Don't forget to tell your friend to put your name down when they complete the Club sign-up form!

We are also planning to start a new monthly feature called "Member of the Month", highlighting a different member each month and his/her claim to fame. Nominate a friend. Nominate yourself.

If you haven't yet joined the Club, what are you waiting for? Sign-up now to participte in almost 50 free events and get a classic black technical Club t-shirt as well. Such a deal!

Events of Interest. Outdoor Adventure Relay for Darfur Any plans for the last week of April yet? Take a stand against the genocide in Darfur. The organizer's (Jeremy Frimer) goal is to raise awareness of the crisis in Darfur by linking a non-competitive ski, snowshoe, climb, paddle, and cycle relay--from Whistler Mountain to downtown Vancouver, BC--culminating in a rally at the 2010 Olympic clock on April 27. Sounds complicated but it really isn't. Registration for the week long relay (do one stage, do all) is free.

STORMY Trail Race. Club Fat Ass will be organizing and hosting the training runs for western Canada's most popular 100-miler this year. What does that mean? You can you can get up close and comfortable with the STORMY course on your own terms while helping fellow runners and Race Director Wendy Montgomery. Several Club members have already stepped up to the plate with both scheduled and Flash events. Find out more here.



CFA Website.
Our website has been running a lot more smoothly of late thanks to Ran Katzmann. Now that the website works well, our next priority is to make it work better. It's time to rethink what we need on the website and how to organize stuff so you can find it. Not sure how to do this, but we figure a good start would be to ask you. We'll have a simple poll on the website and a focus group, but you can also contact me directly with your suggestions. If you have some experience with website usibility and could share a bit of time to contribute to the project or are interested in being part of a small focus group, please contact me. Your input is appreciated.

A reminder that website help is posted here. Instructions on how to upload photos and use Flickr to get photos on the Club Fat Ass website are here.



Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Spring Bunny Hop. Event Host - James Sinclair. Beautiful blue sky and snowy trails all around. The temperature to start is about 3 degrees as we wait 15 minutes, but to no avail, we have a no show (the sanest of the group no doubt).

Off we hop down the trail, Peter and I, wondering if this is a mistake, should we be on skis or snowshoes, too late we've started this run called the Spring Bunny Hop. It's got to be spring somewhere but not here. Usually here the trails are pretty much bare this time of year, but as we find out we're in deep, up to 24 inches, snow, that's above my knee. These trails aren't for the faint of heart, I think it's a sanity thing.

As we hop along we come across what happens to you if you fall behind (in pictures to follow). We make it to the turn around point in about 1:45, and start to hop, slog back as I wonder where my skis are? When will this odyssey end? Will the trail suddenly improve? No answers come as we slog along, but what a beautiful day. I am in shorts, enjoying myself running in the snow. Why do my shins hurt and bleed? I thought Ontario snow was soft, go figure. Any way it is almost over 3 hours of slogging through the forest can be tough on you, but also enjoyable I must be sick.

Slideshow here.

Well the end results, 3 hours Peter and myself, Peter wins. Temperature at finish 11 degrees. Points 3 to Peter. 4 to me ( I win). Overall tough run today, but The Spring Bunny Hop lives. Happy Trails Sinc.


2008 Travelling Colours Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.
Photo left: Giles being his happy self and the Coyote Two Moon 100 Miler

2008 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

Relay for Dafur. A situation that deserves your attention. A free adventure for anyone with the right stuff in beautiful BC.

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


April 2007 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Wherever this finds you, I hope you are on the trails enjoying warmer weather, daffodils, hay fever, and other signs that spring is really, finally, here. 

On the North Shore of Vancouver where I am, we’re seeing some real progress in the repair of trails and bridges that were damaged in the fall storms.  The wet is slowly receding, as is the snow on the upper trails of the local mountains.  While some not-so-fat asses have been running and playing hard throughout the extraordinarily long winter, some of us are only now getting off the couch and back onto the trails.  Thankfully, Spring brings some great Club events to help keep us motivated!

There are still some gaps in our event calendar that we would love to fill with new events, especially outside of British Columbia.  We need you to take the plunge and host a Club event.  Waiting for one more reason to convince you?  Not only does hosting a CFA event give you a way to put on a fun, challenging and eco-friendly event for your running community, it also offers you the opportunity to raise funds for your favorite cause. 

Event host Craig Moore uses his events, including the upcoming Vancouver 100, to raise funds for the BC Lung Association.  In the past, the Burnaby Mountain Run has contributed to an SFU scholarship fund.  Close to many of our hearts is the Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run, which donates to the the Tri BC bursary fund in Mary's name.  When you put on a fundraising event, your cause receives a portion of single-day memberships as well as donations made by your community-minded annual members.  To learn more, visit the fundraising section of our Host an Event pages.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Magnificent views at Burnaby MountainNew Event Hosts!
Burnaby Mountain Run:  21 April 2007 - Burnaby, BC Canada.  Host Peter Zubczek has moved to France, but we are happy to announce that this event will live on thanks to new Event Co-Hosts Katheryne Gardiner and Tara Jackson.  Run 11.2 km or 22.4 km on the trails of Burnaby Mountain, but beware the killer hill!  Find out more here.

New Ontario Event!
Spring Bunny Hop:  21 April 2007 - Claremont, ON Canada.  Thanks to James Sinclair, this 25 km trail run takes you up and down two of the Oak Ridges Moraine forest tracks:  Walker Woods and Glen Major.  The moraine's rolling hills and valleys were carved by glaciers over 12,000 years ago.  Today this ecologically rich forest playground hosts over 200 km of trails, attracting hikers, mountain bikers, x-country skiers, and horseback riders alike.  More details here.

Ean, Mark and Matt during the 2005 EnduroNorth Shore Enduro: 12 May 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada.  Join us on a 6-hour solo or relay challenge.  Run as little as one loop or try to beat the record for most loops completed in 6 hours.  Event info here.

Date Changed!
Run to the Clouds:  27 May 2007 - Coquitlam, BC Canada.  This 22 km run is  mostly "off road."  It is a challenging route with over 2,000 vertical feet (or 600 m) of elevation change offering fantastic views of the Greater Vancouver area.  More details here.

The Vancouver 100:  2/3 June 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. The toughest 100 km in Canada.  Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation for the full 100K is by invitation only, but everyone can still participate by running part of the course with the 100 km participants, coming out to the aid station/picnic area at Cleveland Dam or crewing for a runner.  More info and applications here.

2007 Membership Registration.  If you haven't registered yet, you missed your chance to get the special green 2007 collector's shirt.  But don't despair, members signing up now will receive our classic black Club shirt and can still participate in all upcoming events during 2007.  Such a deal!

Promoting your Club.  We love your help in promoting the Club in person and online.  One way to achieve that is of course wearing your Club shirt.  We also have a nice brochure that you are welcome to hand out at any races you participate in.  Contact me if you would like some.  A few members got together last year and handed out brochures at the Sun Run registration.  Apparently they had a blast.  Another promo team is planned for the Vancouver Marathon (during package pick-up).  Let us know if you can join us.


Spam.  Unfortunately, Spam seems everywhere.  We've been able to control website spam through the nifty features of our online clubhouse, but lately there has been some sign-up spam and bogus postings in the forums.  Because of this, I had to limit posting to logged-in users only.  Users who abuse this and post gibberish and link-only content will be blocked immediately. 
Club Fat Ass on the Web.

Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedClub Fat Ass on MySpace


Spring Mountain Highway Madness.  Event Host - Ean Jackson

What was unique and exciting about the 6th annual Spring version of Mountain Highway Madness?  Most noticeable was the impact of the new, improved start of daylight savings time that had gone into effect a week earlier.  It was pitch black when we woke up and equally as dark as we made our way to the start of the run in the Lynn Valley area of North Vancouver.  The weather Gods had not been kind of late.  It had been raining heavily in the Vancouver area for at least a week.  I'm sure the promise of a pause in the monsoons motivated many participants of the run, as elsewhere in the city it was dry and spring-like.  However, as early arrivals huddled with me in the car to stay warm and dry to the last possible minute, we concluded it would be another wet one in the mountains.  Full results, more photos and a report here

Ryan during the Big Fat AssFlash - Big Fat Ass 100 km.  Event Host - Karl Jensen.

Only four people showed up for the 6 a.m. start of the Big Fat Ass 100 km at Brockton Oval in Vancouver’s beautiful Stanley Park.  Perhaps the torrential rains of the previous few days made people decide that staying in bed was a much more sensible way to start the day.

Photo: Ryan during the Big Fat Ass

The four starters, Ellie, Baldwin, Gilles and Karl set out together.  Baldwin soon implemented his planned strategy of running one mile followed by a short walk.  The remaining three continued at a fairly brisk pace set by Ellie, a 4:35 finisher of the New Year’s Fat Ass 50 km.  Gilles and Karl, in spite of knowing that the pace was a little too fast, were not going to allow a GIRL to run away from two MACHO MEN. 

Photo: Bradley Jones sporting his new green CFA shirt at the turnaround for the Big Fat Ass.

At Spanish banks a lovely Angel of Mercy in the form of Gilles' wife Lucinda met the three runners.  She provided much needed aid and continued to do so at various points along the course for the rest of the day.  Many, many thanks Lucinda.  The punishing pace continued through Pacific Spirit Park to the turn-around and all the way back to Brockton Point.  The first 50 km were completed in a little over 5:23.  You can read Karl's full report here!


2007 Travelling Colours Contest. Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff!  To participate, just e-mail me your photos.  Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007.  Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

Photo: Glenn promises never to gamble on trail running. . . Not everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.  Chillin' with Pete Rose.

2007 Point Series.  The Point Series began anew in 2007.  Up-to-date standings are posted here.  Read about how to collect points here.  A new way you can garner points is by wearing your CFA t-shirt during a non-CFA event and posting the photo to prove it. 


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know.  A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers.  Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association.  Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
.  Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass.  The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society).  The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

April 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

Spring has sprung and that means by now you should have received your 2009 Club colours in the mail or at your local Kintec Footlab store.  Give it a workout.  Let me know what you think of it and please take lots of action photos of you in it for the Travelling Colours Contest!

With the arrival of spring, there has been a buzz of activity and ideas at the Club Fat Ass headquarters.  Thanks to those of you who already weighed in on updates around the point series and the help pages. To make your opinion known, make sure to take the poll.

Have you noticed the changes to our help pages?  More opportunity to get help with writing stories, sharing photos, hosting events or other activities where you always get lost or messed up.  Still frustrated?  Tell me and I'll clarify in the help section.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


Club Fat Ass, trailrunning, Sunshine Coast Trail, Marathon ShuffleFlash - Marathon Shuffle. 25 April - Powell River, BC, Canada. The Marathon Shuffle is a new CFA event with a long standing history. Since 1991, Eagle Walz has hosted the "Shuffle" as a fund-raiser for the Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society (PRPAWS).  A CFA member is the only person to have run the whole SCT and CFA members hold the current course records for the Marathon Shuffle, a 30km run or walk through beautiful terrain and remaining stands of old growth rainforest.  A Half Shuffle distance is also possible.  In support of Eagle and his environmental and social goals, CFA has "adopted" the Marathon Shuffle as a Flash Event.  (Free for members and non-members of Club Fat Ass).  More info here. 

Photo left: Angus and John toughing it out during a previous Marathon Shuffle

Photo right: Chad chomping down on his birthday muffin during last year's Hyson's Hijynx

Club Fat Ass, hysonhyjinks, running, trailrunning, ultraunner, ultrarunning, Vancouver, BC, Canada,  Flash - Hyson's Hiatus. 25 April - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  A 160 km aka 100 miler on the Baden Powell Trail between Deep Cove and St Andrews Rd (the road crossing before the hydro substation at Millstream/Craigmohr).  Last year, Chad threw himself a 100 miler birthday party to celebrate his 37th and had a great time with lots of support from fellow FA’ers.  This year the tradition will continue but will now be called Hyson's Hiatus.  The reason...Chad is sidelined with an achilles injury that will likely keep me on the sidelines, so it is his turn to support The Fools who have unfinished business on the course and anyone else who joins in the festivities.  Find out more here.

Club Fat Ass, hotsprings, ActionJackson, Flash - Hotspring Hustle. Date TBD - Pitt Lake, BC, Canada. There are hot springs in the mountains on Pitt River.  They are hard to reach.  Word is that they are quite beautiful.  This is an adventure that aims to reward the adventure-seeker with not only an adventure, but with a relaxing dip in the springs!  Find more info here.

North Shore Enduro. 9 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains, the Enduro is on a 7.6 km loop course that lasts up to 6 hours. A safe and challenging first trail run featuring some easy and some technical terrain. A great social event for the team runner (2-6 runners can form a team). A tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner. More info and registration here.

Club Fat Ass, running, ultrarunning, trailrunning, North Shore EnduroPhoto left: ActionJackson soaking in a hotspring in an undisclosed location...

Photo right: North Shore Enduro

Flash - Baldy's Bonkfest. 16 May - Squamish, BC, Canada. Part of the CFA - Stormy collaboration on training runs for the Stormy Trail Race. Details here.

Flash - Foolish Plunge 100 Mile. 23 May - Squamish, BC, Canada.  Part of the CFA - Stormy collaboration on training runs for the Stormy Trail Race. Details here.

Flash - Lord of the Loop(s). 30 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A family friendly event by Mudrunner's 7 year old son.  Check it out here.


2009 Shirts. By now you should have received your 2009 Club colours in the mail or at your local Kintec Footlab store.  If your shirt is still at Kintec, please pick it up within the next few days.  Make sure to take your Kintec coupon along.

Poster Children. Who will be the poster children modelling the new Club colours for our website?  If you are interested, please email me for details.

Social Media.  It seems all the world is atwitter... You can find Club Fat Ass's tweets here.  If you are a tweep, please follow us to get updates about events, contests and other member news.  Tweeting about your favorite Club, add this hashtag #ClubFatAss to your tweets. 

Photo left: Glenn and Rick sporting their 2009 Club colours near Santa Fe.

OClub Fat Ass, Mudrunner, Runrik, TravellingColoursContest 2009, Santa Fef course, if you are like most of us and are just getting the hang of Facebook, you can join the CFA Facebook group and become a fan of the CFA Facebook page.  I will be updating both regularly and you are welcome to post your updates, links, videos and relevant events.

Changes to the Point Series. The steering committee is proposing a few changes to how you earn points toward the point series.  Since this would mean changing the rules half way through the year, we thought we'd give you a chance to give us your opinion.  Please take a brief survey here.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to chair the membership committee, some help with media relations and marketing promotions (any tweeters out there?)

2009 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2009 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole year of free events.


Help!  Please let me know if you have any suggestions for help questions that need answering or thoughts on how we might improve our online help.


Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Club Fat Ass Event - Burnaby Mountain Run 2009 - Starter PhotoBurnaby Mountain Run. Event Host - Tara Haddad. Thanks everybody for coming out to attack the killer hill on Burnaby Mountain.  I believe this is the first time in the history of the event that the weather gods laughed  upon us.  It was certainly nice to take in the breathtaking panoramic views of Vancouver, Burrard Inlet, Indian Arm and the snow covered mountain ranges beyond.  Still, there were a few isolated snow patches hiding beside the trail on the north side of Simon Fraser University and the trees were bare (opposed to last year, where the event took place at the beginning of March and some green was already sprouting.) Read on here.

Photo left: Starter Photo at the Burnaby Mountain Run

Photo right: Colin during the Cyclebetes fundraising event

Cylebetes - Club Fat Ass teamSpring Bunny Hop. Event Host - James Sinclair. James was the lone bunny hopping around the beautiful trails of Oak Ridges Moraine. He's eager to meet BC Fat Asses, Amy and Andrew, who are about to move to Ontario and hope to get some more events and participation going.

Cyclebetes Spin-a-Thon
. Thanks to all supporters.  The Club Fat Ass team Colin organised raised about $1,300 out of the $110,000 raised during the entire event.  Check out the video here.

Run to the Clouds. Event Host - Pete Stace-SmithThanks goes to the 56 runners that came out in somewhat miserable conditions yesterday for a run in the woods.  Great to see such a turn-out. This is the 4th year that Run to the Clouds has been on, and the numbers keep on growing. Once again I was asked yesterday if there will be a Club Fat Ass Event - Run To the Clouds - Buntzen Lake - Port Coquitlam, BC Canada2010 version, and I'd say if there is this type of interest, the run must go on. Special thanks to Diane Stace-Smith (my wife) and our friend Ruby Ferguson who came out and help set up the aid station at the North end of the lake - getting all those health food chips, cookies and gummy worms ready for runners wanting a short break. Also thanks to Peter vanGaalen (another CFA runner) who took a few hours off on Friday to come lug water and Gatoraid up the mountain to the high point turn-around so that runners would have a stash to draw on if needed up top. Full results here.

Photo left:  Braving the cold waters of Buntzen Lake after a snowy Run to the Clouds

Photo right:  Trail breaking during the Spring Mountain Highway Madness

Club Fat Ass Events - Spring Mountain Highway Madness, Vancouver, BC Canada - trail runningSpring Mountain Highway Madness. 
Event Host - Ean Jackson.  It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Or so it felt as we assembled under the Kintec tent at the start of the 8th annual Mountain Highway Madness.  Global warming?  What global warming?  Yes, Mother Nature threw another late-season curve ball and gave us the most snow in the history of this event.  In summary, the event was a disaster for those hoping to set a course speed record or get in multiple loops.  For those who toed the line in the snow, however, our run turned out to be an unforgettably beautiful group run in the untracked powder. Read on here.


Club Fat Ass - Travelling colours contest - tshirt - running2009 Travelling Colours ContestPictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. Glenn and Rik were the first members to submit photos of their brand spanking new 2009 shirts to the contest. Check them out here here. This contest is ongoing and photos earn view counts, favorites and comments all year round.  The photo that is deemed most interesting by Flickr standards will win!  So, be creative and get your friends to comment on your photo or make it a favorite.  Contest details are here.

2008 Point Series. Des is on track to win this again, so we thought we make him work a bit harder and propose to give points to Flash Event Hosts.   Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes.

Refer a Friend Contest. This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by telling their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

In 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, set our to run 100 miles during the 24 hour relay and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



August 2007 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

August is shaping up to be a busy month. With four scheduled events, a Speaker Night and at least one Flash adventure, there's an exciting Club activity for all ages and abilities this summer. 

It's been fun to read the various accounts of the holiday adventures of our members.  If you've been shy about sharing your experiences in our "online clubhouse," don't be!   If you've been frustrated by the technology, please check out our website help section.  Either way, do be sure to check the Club website frequently for updates on events and the summer adventures of CFA friends and members.

I am happy to let you know that the Speaker Night on Injury Prevention at Kintec has been rescheduled after having been abruptly postponed when host Graham Archer got a call from his wife saying, "Honey, you'd better get here quick!"  The new date is Thursday, August 23rd.  I hope you can make it, as it promises to be a valuable session.  Registration details can be found in the newsletter below. Congrats, by the way, to Graham who is quickly learning how to be a Dad!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Speaker Night - Injury Prevention:  Rescheduled for Thursday 23 August 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada.  Join Kintec and Club Fat Ass for a 45 minute fun run in the jungle followed by a 45 minute seminar on injury prevention and how to keep healthy in training.  There will be pizza, maybe a prize on the run, and lots of opportunity for questions and answers.  This session is free for friends and members of Club Fat Ass.  Pre-registration is required, as attendance is limited to 20 people.  More info at Speaker Night - Injury Prevention for Runners

Full Monty 2005
The Full Monty:  18 August 2007 - Victoria, BC Canada.  Can you do the Full Monty? Check it out here.

Photo left: 2005 Monty - the Jackal and his pal, Pano, with Saltspring Island and the Mainland in the hazy distance.

Capilano Canyon Night Run (A Midsummer Night's Dream):  18 August 2007, North Vancouver, BC Canada.  A classic CFA run and a great potluck garden party.  If you can run 10 km, you can do this one.  Find out more here.

Go Deep or Go Home:  25 August 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada.  Join veteran Fat Ass and new Event Host Cheryl Johnson for this scenic and challenging run on the trails of Mount Seymour.  Due to popular demand, the official distances for this event are now 20 km (1 loop) or 40 km (2 loops).  Of course, if you want more, go knock yourself out!  You'll certainly get recognition in the results page if you complete more than 2 loops. . . .  Please check out details and register here.

Photo right: Cheryl, the new Event Host for Go Deep or Go Home, working up a sweat.

Flash - Stein Valley Run:  15 September 2007, Stein Valley, BC Canada.  This is envisioned as a group run along Blowdown Pass Traverse in the Stein Valley wilderness.  There could be 1 to 3 groups based on ability and possible carpooling from Vancouver.  As a flash event, no registration is required, but please check the website for more info and updates on the planning of this event. 

Flash - R2R2R Road Trip:  Date TBD, Colorado, USA.  A road trip to run the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim.  This run is currently in the planning stages and tentatively scheduled for early October.   Express your interest and take part in the planning here, or better yet, participate in the planning session over a cool one after the Capilano Canyon Night run!


Due to popular demand you can now hook up with fellow CFA members using the popular networking site, Facebook.  Check out the Club Fat Ass Facebook group and invite your friends. 


Free 2008 memberships.  Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events  in 2007 will automatically receive a complimentary 2008 membership in Club Fat Ass.  If you decide to host a scheduled event between now and December 31st, you can still get in on this deal!  A big thank you to our Club Event Hosts for putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club.  We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online.  One way to achieve this is, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt.  Another is to provide a link to our website on your blog or website.  We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores.  Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute. 


Website Update from the Technology Committee:  Over the next few weeks we will be moving our "online clubhouse" to a faster server and a newer version of software.  We've been warned that it won't be possible to make new posts on the website during the 1-2 days of transition.  We will post a warning of potential outages as we get closer to "moving" day, but hope for a smooth transition.  Once the site has been transitioned, we will be implementing a few changes to registration and adding other features and fixes that you asked for.  If you notice anything that is wonky or messed up, please send me a note so we can tweak it promptly.

Photo Uploading.  There have been a lot of digital cameras at our last few events.  It's exciting to see so many event photos pop up on Flickr - It's simple; It's neat!  In order to share your photos online, all you need is a digital camera and the simple instructions outlined here.


Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run:  Event Host - Chris Mager

Through this evening of friendship and reminiscences, we raised a total of $324 for the Tri BC Fund in Mary's name.  Some photos of the evening are posted here.  Find out more about the bursary and donate here

Photo left: Starters at Mary Leliveld's Happy Trail Run.

Photo below right: John and Rob refuelling to fight the Fluffy Bunny Bunny Trail Run:  Event Host - Geoff Palmer

Who was tough enough for the Fluffy Bunny this year?  Find out here!

Flash - Juan de Fuca Marine Trail Run 2007:  Event Host - Carlos Castillos

So we are all done.  Five souls started Five finished:  Bob Wall, Isao Hirayama, Jeff Hunt, Caroline Goluza and I.  Bob, Isao and Jeff took off and after a little bit of reorientation and regrouping, took off again leaving Caroline Isao and I as the caboose. After some beach walking on Bear Beach and some ankle wading on Sombrio, we were all well and working our way to Botanical Beach and the ride back. We had a happy time even though we had to deal with a lot of deepish mud. I have never run it that muddy.  The lads, Jeff and Bob ran the whole trail in 7:55. We did it in 9:32. No major injuries; many wonderful views. I waded through the Sombria river up to my hips and fried my camera! (Time for an upgrade.)  This trail is a real character builder, a "must do", at least once a year.  Thanks Isao and Norma for doing all the driving.  See you at the Monty.  Read the full post here.

Flash - Garibaldi Trail Run:  Event Host - Desmond Mott

Four of us turned up to do the run:  Chris, John, Angus and myself.  As Gary had said the flowers were few and far between, though they were there, as was the snow. We were going at a pretty easy pace, with time to take photos and take in the scenery.  The sun was shining as we left the trail head  just after nine.  It took us about 75 minutes or so to get to Helm Creek campground where there was one lonely tent hidden well in the trees. Our hopes for a sunny day were dashed. . . . read on!

Photo below left: Pat and Sibylle posing during a foggy Hollyburn Hurtle

Flash - Hollyburn Hurtle:  Event Host - Sibylle Tinsel

Three eager runners drove up Cypress this morning to tackle the Hollyburn Hurtle (as in hurtling down the chute ;-).  Cheryl and I were surprised by the chilly air blowing at the base of Cypress Mountain as we started our ascent to the Hollyburn x-country area on a battered Baden Powell trail.  I have not been on that part of the BP since before last fall's devastating windstorms and last winter's record snowfall.  The trail is freed from the debris of trees and branches, but the devastation the storms brought on is still visible.  Once we reached the Hollyburn slope magical fog wafted over the tree tops. No views of Vancouver below for today!  Instead, glorious mud, thick and black, greeted us.  Does this area ever dry up ;-)  Read on and see photos here.

Flash - Stormy Brick: 
Event Host - Ean Jackson

This one has great potential.  Look for a full scheduled event in next year's calendar.  This year's impressions are here.

Bill's Great Peak Ascent:  Event Host - Bill Dagg

Well, the 4th edition of Bill’s Great Peak Ascent turned out to be a soggy affair.   Nevertheless, that didn’t stop 18 runners from giving it a go under very un-July-like weather.   Dave Crerar even commented on how nice it was to run in the rain and the surreal effect running up Mountain Highway  Glad you enjoyed it Dave, my sentiments were not being able to see 2 metres in front of you.n't quite the same. Read on here.

Photo above right:  Starters at this years Bill's Great Peak Ascent

Flash - Juan de Fuca Preview Run: 
Event Host - Carlos Castillos

Well we made it back, after a very enjoyable jaunt on the top end of the JDFT. Paul, Elaine, Charlie and I, plus our gear piled into the Jackalmobile and made our way to Port Renfrew, stopping at Sooke for breakfast then heading to Parkinson Creek trail head to leave our stash of food and drinks, with a plan to make that our turnaround after 2.5 hours. We got there with time to spare (10 minutes or so). Not feeling any real compulsion to kick out ten more minutes after the break we had a seven minute stop, while Paul and I proceeded to demolish our supplies. Elaine watched on in amazement!  She drank but did not eat.  Check out the full story and Jackal's video here.


2007 Travelling Colours Contest.  Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff!  To participate, just e-mail me your photos.  Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007.  Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

Photo above left:  Sibylle running along Sombrio Beach on the Juan De Fuca Marine Trail

2007 Point Series.   Ean, Craig, Ryan, Sibylle and Des are still in the top 5, but Baldwin, Bill, John, Cheryl and Peter are in hot pursuit.  Don't forget to pre-register, pick-up litter during the event and refer your running buddies to CFA to maximize your chance of winning.  Up-to-date standings are posted here.  Read about how to collect points here


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know.  A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers.  Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association.  Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
.  Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass.  The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society).  The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.



Please visit the Club Fat Ass store to find cool merchandise with the happy porker logo.

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

August 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


July and August have been busy, haven't they? With 7 scheduled events and several Flash adventures, there's been exciting Club activity for all ages and abilities this summer. And summer's not over yet! Check out the schedule for the upcoming month here.

Be sure to mark September 10 in your calendar. Our friends and sponsors at Kintec Footlabs (Vancouver location) are hosting another informative session on injury prevention, this time focused on knee problems. There is an optional run before the seminar and pizza and beverages will be served.

Speaking of injuries, ever wondered what might happen if you or one of your pals was injured while participating in a CFA event? You'll be happy to learn that your Club is now insured by Lloyds of London.

It's been fun to read the various accounts of our members' holiday adventures. If you've been shy about sharing your experiences in our "online clubhouse," don't be! Anyone who signs up for a free account can post their adventures and rants on the site. Check out the website help section for details. Either way, do be sure to check the Club website frequently for updates on events and the summer adventures of CFA friends and members.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Go Home via Hanes Valley: 23 August - North Vancouver, BC Canada.Join Event Host Des Mott for this new version of the classic "Go Home". 3 options all 100% trail: A 12 km run , fairly easy to Norvan Falls and back, a 18 km one way, more adventurous run to Grouse Chalet ( car or shuttle needed) or a longer 32 km loop to the chalet and back down via mountain highway. Fabulous views, weather permitting. More info here.

Photo left: Lorraine during a past Go Home on the old course

Flash - Tour de Fat Ass: 24 August - Vancouver/West- and North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 125 km road ride from Stanley Park up Cypress, Seymour, then out to Indian Arm and back to Stanley Park. Do all or part of this scenic ride. Check it out here.

Flash - The Forbidden Forest Tunnel of Love: Date TBD - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Legend has it that there is a tunnel that connects two mountain peaks somewhere near Crown Mountain. This is an adventure run that aims to solve the mystery of the exact location of the Tunnel of Love and why it is named as it is. Details here.

Photo right: views from the Ferry Terminal in Langdale

Sunshine in September: 6 September - Langdale, BC Canada. 20km or 26km on beautiful, mostly single track trails just off the ferry terminal in Langdale on the Sunshine Coast. Grand old trees and gigantic mushrooms. Easy logistics with carpooling, walk on the ferry, run off the ferry and a lovely post run get together with super views on the ferry ride back. As close to a get a way in a day as you can get! More details here.

Speaker Series - Kintec - Knee Injuries: 10 September - Vancouver, BC Canada. Join our sponsor and Business Member, Kintec Footlab and Club Fat Ass for a 30 minute run (optional) followed by a seminar on knee injuries. There will be pizza, a prize or two and lots of opportunity for questions and answers. This session is free and you do not need to be a member of Club Fat Ass to attend. Pre- registration is required. More info here.

Photo left: start of the Spring Mountain Highway Madness in March

Fall Mountain Highway Madness: 14 September - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Check it out here.

Flash - Duel at the Pool: 15 September - Vancouver, BC Canada. A 5K swim in Kits Pool. At 8 complete laps to the kilometer, that makes this challenge 40 laps, or 80 lengths of the world's best pool. Join the little Mako shark, Whale Shark, Black tip Reef Shark and their friends (clown fish, angel fish and others are all welcome) to this showdown. Details here.

CFA Steering Committee meeting and mixer: 18 September - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Details below.

Mutha's Nature Trail Run: 21 September - Vancouver, BC Canada. A new edition to our calendar. Join Event Host Ryan Conroy for 10km, 25km or 50km on relatively easy trails with moderate elevation gains. More here.


Steering Committee Meeting and Mixer: On behalf of the 2008 Steering Committee, I would like to invite friends and members of Club Fat Ass to our next Steering Committee Meeting and Mixer Night on Thursday 18 September 2008. The CFA Steering Committee is made up of your friends and fellow CFA members. We meet about 10 times per year and we make most of the decisions about how the Club operates.

Our September meeting agenda includes a brief business agenda followed by a "meet and greet" mixer. The purpose of this evening will be for you to get a feeling for what we do, for you meet the current Steering Committee, for us to meet you and to clarify questions you may have about how you might fit in. As a bit of background, we are looking for people to both head up and help with committees. As a subcommittee member your help may be a one time contribution of time/expertise to a specific project. You may also choose to become involved more regularly and assist in a committee or take on a specific task. If you are thinking about a committee chair role you should know that we meet once a month at a mutually agreed time at my house in North Vancouver. More info and RSVP here.

Insurance. Rejoyce if you are accident-prone! CFA now offers our members insurance at Club events. All members on record are automatically covered by Lloyds of London.

Member Registration. If you haven't yet joined the Club, what are you waiting for? Sign-up now to participate in almost 50 free events and get a classic black technical Club t-shirt as well. Such a deal!

Banner Ads.
Want to get your brand in front of a lot of outdoor minded folks? Why not consider a banner ad on the CFA website? It's easy. It's cheap. Check out what it takes here.

Free 2009 memberships. Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events during 2008 will automatically receive a complimentary 2009 membership in Club Fat Ass. A big thank you to all of you who are putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club. We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online. One way to achieve that is, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt. Another is to provide a link on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores. Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute.



Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Capilano Canyon Night Run (A Midsummer Night's Dream): Event Hosts - Ean Jackson and Sibylle Tinsel. The 7th edition of the Capilano Canyon Midsummer Night Run will go into the history books as the hot night of the skunks under the full moon. Among a core group of veteran Fat Asses were a handful of timid looking first timers toeing the chalk start line in front of the Yellow Beacon. After making sure everybody had a partner to hang on to and to blame if getting lost, In-and-Out-Of-Action-Jackson sent the giddy runners on their way. See full results, report and photos here.

Photo left: dusk over Capilano Canyon

Fluffy Bunny Trail Run:Event Host - Geoff Palmer. The fourth running of the Fluffy Bunny is now in the books and once again a good time was had by all. Mild and cloudy weather made for excellent running conditions, but unfortunately the stunning views from the Diez Vista trail were obscured by the clouds. Thanks to all who came out and I hope to see you all next year! full results here!
Photo right: views from the course of the Fluffy Bunny

Bill's Great Peak Ascent: Event Host - Bill Dagg. Full results here.
Full Monty. Event Host - Carlos Castillo. This years version of the "legendary" Monty was the almost perfect sweep. Six brave souls took on the challenge in the blistering heat. check out Carlos' full report and video here.

Tackling Mountain Highway en route to Bill's Great Peak Ascent

Squamish Crawler Night Run: Event Host - Wendy Montgomery. Read Jess Bassils report of the night here.


2008 Travelling Colours Contest. The winner of this popular contest will receive a full refund of his or her 2009 Club membership dues. Kintec Footlabs is recognizing the second place photo with a pair of running shoes. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

Photo left: colin Freeland during a recent adventure in the South Chilcotin Mountains

2008 Point Series. Des is on track again to win the pair of shoes, Kintec Footlab is sponsoring for the winner of this contest. Des is trailed closely by Bill Dagg, Baldwin Lee and Penny Jakobsen. (and no, "Out of Action" Jackson and I do not qualify to win, but we like to play anyway)

Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



December 2007 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

With the Galbraith Mountain Tour coming up this Saturday and the Flash - Vancouver Christmas Fat Ass 50 on the Saturday before Christmas, you still have the chance to get a CFA event or two in this year.

It's been a great year of running and camaraderie and 2008 is shaping up to be even better. Don't forget to renew or join the Club before the end of the year if you would like an '08 "collectors edition" long-sleeve, no-stink, Club Fat Ass t-shirt. If you still have any gifts to get that special someone, don't forget that a Club membership ($75) or a signature t-shirt ($25) make for great Christmas presents.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and peace on earth!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass



Galbraith Mountain Tour. 15 December 2007 - Bellingham, WA, USA. A 20 or 5.8 mile trail run of the Lake Padden and Galbraith Mountain trail systems near Bellingham, WA. Prepare for the lack of stairs, boulders, roots and bears but all the fun of the true single track. If we have clear weather there will be amazing views of Mt. Baker, the San Juan Islands and the North Shore mountains of Vancouver. More details here.

Photo above: Daniel, Event Host of the Galbraith Mountain Tour, with breakfast and crew - mom Probst and Ethelyn

Mehehune Midnight Madness. 16 December 2007 - Hawaii, USA. A 60 km road run in celebration of a 60th birthday. Details here.

Photo left: Karl, the Flash Event Host of the Vancouver Christmas Fat Ass 50, tackling the trails at last year's Galbraith Mountain Tour

Flash - Vancouver Christmas Fat Ass 50. 22 December 2007 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 km run on the traditional Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 course. Why? Because you are training for the VNYDFA50K, you procrastinated too long and didn't get into the VNYDFA50K, you want to get an early start to losing some of all that weight you're going to put on over the holidays or you signed up for a spring 100 miler and you need to get in some miles. More info here.

Vancouver New Year's Fat Ass 50 Run. 1 January 2008 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!

Photo above: A true Fat Ass (must be Elke?) at the 2006 Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50

Photo below: Weather permitting, participants at the Squamish Scrambler will be rewarded with breathtaking views

Squamish Scrambler: 10 February 2008 - Squamish, BC, Canada. An out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22 km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10 km return snowshoe hike. For a more challenging day, continue up toward Little Diamond Head or out toward Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Spectacular views of the Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot. Rental snowshoes will be available. More info here.


2008 Membership Registration. Register or Renew as a Club Fat Ass for 2008 now for maximum value. Please note that only members registered or renewed before 1 January will receive the 2008 collector edition Club garment!

2008 Club Garment
. Introducing FatAssWear, designed by CFA member Vanessa Fors and cut, sewn and screened in Vancouver, Canada. The 2008 shirt is one you don't want to miss: long-sleeved in a environmentally friendly, no-stink fabric. The colours are finally revealed: a deep purple for the girls and a warm burgundy for the guys. Renew or sign-up as a CFA member before January 1st to make sure you get yours! As in previous years, we expect to have the new shirts ready for mail-out toward the end of February.

2008 Steering Committee. Our Steering Committee has been working hard all year and we are starting the new year with an enthusiastic group. All positions are filled - with the exception of the membership committee. Michele Sherstan has served two years and feels it's time to make room for somebody else with passion and a vision. We shall miss Michele's insight and ideas, but she will still be running with us and helping with this newsletter. If you are interested in developing the CFA membership, please contact me.

Photo above: Lara, Berglind and Michele, members of the 2007 Steering Committee, model the green shirts

2008 Membership Refund Draw. Tom Mills is the lucky winner of the 2008 membership refund. Tom has been a longtime supporter and friend of Club Fat Ass. He is not a runner and actually purchased the membership for his son, Russell. Tom has been collecting lots of good Karma - and not because he is into collecting brownie points, but because he is a genuinely nice and thoughtful guy. He helped the "city boys" survive the Sunshine Coast 180 km adventure, he shuttled another set of city boys to and from the Stein Valley and waited patiently for the missing runners, he always answers the yearly call for a donation for Mary Lelivelds Tri BC fund, he has participated as crew at the Night Run . . . in short, a very worthy winner. Thank you, Tom. I hope Russel will wear his shirt with pride and come out to a few club events!

New Year's Resolution Contest. It's never too early to start thinking about your New Year's Resolutions. As in 2006 and 2007 we once again offer CFA members, and anyone else who is interested, a free place where they can log their 2008 fitness resolutions. You can look at this as a goal-setting tool, as a way to keep yourself honest or as a contest to see how close you come to meeting your goals. More information at 2008 New Years Resolution log.


Free 2009 memberships. Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events in 2008 will automatically receive a complimentary 2009 membership in Club Fat Ass. Time to start thinking about your signature event. You can find more info here or contact our Event Host chairperson, Berglind. A big thank you to our Club Event Hosts for putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club. We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online. The easiest ways to achieve this are, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt and tell your friends. Another is to provide a link to our website on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores. Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute.


Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook



Pure Satisfaction. Event Host - Craig Moore

The weather is always exciting one way or the other for this winter run. Either it rains in buckets or it is very cold and icy. This was a frosty run, with temperatures not climbing above freezing. But the trails were magical, the trees covered with white icing and the company couldn't have been better. Full results here.

Photo above: The starters at Pure Satisfaction in Deep Cove

Photo left: Capilano Commandos in camouflage night gear before setting out

Forbidden Forest Run. Classified Capilano Commando report here.

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run. Event Host - Michael Wardas

I think we had 19 people meet out front of Bean Around the World coffee shop just before we started the run. I kept saying to Melissa as we drove to the start that it was a 'grey day' but she thought I was saying it was a GREAT day, which explains the quizical look on her face. As it turned out it was in fact a Great day and a Grey day!

The usual suspects toed the line and suffice it to say I only saw most of them at the start and at the finish! I have a quick story to tell about our friend Karl who only a short time ago was off for 5 months with a serious back injury. We has always been a great ultra runner but now he seems to have a very 'lively' spark in him. As if Karl wasn't positive enough about life already he's back and running at full force. I'm afraid he will not only be finishing the long 100 milers but I predict he will be finishing them very competitively. Keep up the good work Karl!

Nevee the wonderdog was back running her 2nd M&M in her life and had a fantastic time out there. She truly loves playing with all the people on the trail and is at this moment lying spread out on the floor exhausted from the run Saturday and subsequent hike today!

The rain held off and there were rays of sunshine at times on the course. The temps were in the 3-4 degree Celsius range and quite enjoyable for running. Personally I was happy to be out running and enjoying the commraderie that these FA runs embody. haven't run with our friends for a while seeing them seemed like we haven't missed a beat.

More here.

Photo below: Starter photo for the Go Home 2007
Go Home. Event Host - Desmond Mott.

Thanks to the 30 or so runners who came out for a tough 20 km (rumour has it it might be a little less). We all started the day in dry conditions but that was short lived - as we got to the high point of the run, the rain started. There where a few missed turns (even though the runners had directions) and a couple of tumbles, Chris being the most serious, with a scraped knee which drew some blood. Tim and Micheal set a fast pace which a few of us kept up with for a while, but they dropped us (me anyway) on the downhill on Neds. I now take it a little easier on the downhills and definitely don't look at my watch when I'am going down steep trails. I've learnt my lesson after a bad face plant a few months ago. Bill was next to the finish a few minutes behind Tim and Michael, followed soon by Ran. Laddie and Carrie ended up with the draw prizes and most of us enjoyed our free beer courtesy of Mosquito Creek Grill. Next year Cheryl will take over this event in this time slot, and I'll will put on the Hanes Valley Crossover run in late August. Hope to see you all there. Full results here!


2007 Travelling Colours Contest. The Travelling Colours Contest 2007 is almost coming to an end. If you haven't submitted your 2007 photos of you and your Club Fat Ass shirt yet, you better get going. All submissions must be uploaded to Flickr before 31 December 2007. Please add them to the Club Fat Ass pool and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007. I also recommend to tag them with TravellingColoursContest and ClubFatAss. I have noticed some Club Fat Ass shirt photos on Flickr, but not in the Club Fat Ass pool. If one of those photos is yours, you better add them to the pool soon to not miss out.

The judging will happen directly on Flickr this year. The photo listed as the most interesting will win. Views, comments, favorites are all taken into account to come up with the most interesting photo. Currently, the Alamo Fat Ass, aka mudrunner, is in the lead. Do you have the shot to beat him?

To participate in the judging, please browse the photos in the CFA group tagged with TravellingColoursContest2007 at and comment or mark as a favourite to your heart's delight.

The winner will be announced early in the New Year.

Please remember that in order to participate you will need to set up your own free Flickr account and join the Club Fat Ass pool. If you do not want a Flickr account you may send your photos to your Chief Executive Fat Ass and I will add it to the Club Fat Ass account. Commmenting/voting does require a Flickr account.

2007 Point Series. Sibylle, Ean, Des, Craig are in the top 6, but Cheryl and Baldwin are in hot pursuit. Don't forget to pre-register, pick-up litter during the event and refer your running buddies to CFA to maximize your chances of winning. Up-to-date standings are posted here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

BC Lung Association. Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society). The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


For information on how to become a sponsor please go to

Please visit the Club Fat Ass store to find cool merchandise with the happy porker logo.

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

December 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Troll the malls or hit the trails?  Decisions, decisions.  With the Pure Satisfaction Run, the Galbraith Mountain Tour and the Vancouver Christmas Fat Ass 50 coming up in the next couple of weeks, there are still opportunities to squeeze in a few more Club runs before Santa's visit.

It's been a great year of running and camaraderie and 2009 is shaping up to be even better.  Don't forget to renew or join the Club before the end of December if you would like an '09 "collectors edition" long-sleeve, no-stink, blue/blue Club Fat Ass t-shirt.

Rather run than shop 'till you drop?  Get that special someone a Club membership ($75) or a signature t-shirt ($25) as a memorable Christmas gift.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and peace on earth!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


Pure Satisfaction 2007Pure Satisfaction: Sunday 14 December - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails...the perfect way to start the busy Christmas season. Bring your bear/jingle bells and wear your Santa hat. Details here.

Photo right: trail conditions during the 2007 Pure Satisfaction were challenging to say the least

Photo left: Craig enjoying the views Galbraith Mountain Tour has to offer

Galbraith Mountain Tour. 20 December - Bellingham, WA. A run to the not so hidden falls on the dark side of Galbraith. This will be a group run. Prepare for the lack of stairs, boulders, roots and bears but with all the fun of the true single track. If we have clear weather there will be amazing views of Mt. Baker, San Juan Islands & the North Shore mountains of Vancouver. More details here.

Flash - Vancouver Christmas Fat Ass Run. 21 December - Vancouver, BC.  Great opportunity if you are training for the VNYDFA50K, if you procrastinated too long and didn't get into the VNYDFA50K, if you want to get an early start to losing some of all that weight you're going to put on over the holidays or if you signed up for a spring 100 miler and you need to get in some miles.  Same course, distance and start time than the Vancouver New Year's Day FA 50.  Free for members and non-members alike. Details and registration here.

Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2009 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!

Photo right: The Coquitlam contigent of Club Fat Ass always is in good spirits during their annual Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 tradition - that is of course assuming their leader, Pete, isn't bonking...



2009 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2009 is open!  Don't miss out on the special order no-stink, long-sleeve, 2009 collectors Club shirt... and be sure to kick the new year off on the right foot with a Club resolution run

2009 Club Garment. Did you know Club membership dues include a garment? Collectors take note... the 2009 Club t-shirt will be pale blue for women and navy blue for men.  It will be the same fabric and cut as the overwhelmingly popular 2008 "FatAssWear" long-sleeve garment that was custom-designed by CFA member Vanessa Fors and cut, sewn and screened in Vancouver, Canada.  As in previous years, we expect to have the new shirts ready for mail-out/pick-up toward the end of February. To make sure you get the limited edition 2009 Club colours, you must sign up before December 31st, as that's when the order goes in. Don't miss out, sign up now!

Photo right: Jess's latest submission to the 2008 Travelling Colours Contest.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to help coordinate Club events and, since Amy is moving back east sometime in the spring, we're also in need of someone to represent the voice of Club members.

Sponsors.  A big, fat "Thank you!" to the business members of CFA who supported our Club this past year.  Please make sure you consider them when shopping or looking for professional services.  Please also remember that, apart from providing draw prizes, most of our Business members also offer Club Members a discount, so be sure to ask at the cash register.



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Flash - Foolish Gerbil 12 Hour Trail Run. Event Host - Karl Jensen. There were not as many participants as in the six hour version of this run.  I'm don't know if that was because of the ridiculously early start time, the weather or perhaps some of the runners in the previous version have simply concluded that running with Fools is not really an experience that they want to repeat.  It was a treat to have some out-of-town friends join us.  Van "Pigtails" Phan drove up in the morning from Maple Valley, south of Seattle.  For those of you who don't know Van, she is a phenomenally prolific marathon and ultra runner.  In 2006 she ran 53 marathons/ultras and won the 2006 Trail Runner Magazine Ultra Runner Series with 1462 points.  That was 561 points more than her nearest female competitor and 888 more than the nearest male.  In 2006 she also kicked my butt at the Lost Soles 100 Mile Race, taking first place in the women's division and fifth place overall.  She finished 33 minutes ahead of me, a humbling experience. Lorie Alexander and Barry Hopkins drove from Kelowna, risking their lives on the Coquihalla Highway to join us.  Both of their names appear frequently in Ultra race results.  Lorie recently completed two 100 miler races on consecutive weekends. Claudia Bullington did 43 K and qualified to become a Marathon Maniacs member.  She joins at least one other CFA member, Gilles Barbeau, in that distinction.  Being a Maniac beats being a Fool I suppose, although Gilles seems to be hedging his bets. Kirstin Ramage came out and ran 30 K in the morning and returned in the late afternoon to drag one Fool along for the last 20.5 K if his run.  Thanks Kirstin, I really appreciate your help. Thanks to all who braved the mud and somewhat cold and miserable weather.  Stay tuned for details of the next event in the Foolish Gerbil series, a 24 hour run on the weekend of January 17/18. Results here

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run. Event Host - Michael Wardas. Congratulations to all that came out for a wonderful day of camaraderie and running!  I'd like to thank Melissa and her daughter Justine for being our two 'un-official' aid stations; one at the Vancouver picnic area after the first climb and one at the LSCR.  They had chips, brownies and M & M's for those that wanted to stop long enough to partake. 36 starters today plyed the treacherous trails of the North shore, some on route some not!  The 'official' route is ~27km with 3,200 ft (975m) of elevation gained and lost.  The weather was wet most of the time with temperatures around 5-7 deg C and puddles-o-plenty on the trail.  We encountered 2 hiking entourages with 20+ members that made zigging and zagging through moving obstacles all the more challenging! I ran with Jeremy who ran extremely well which enabled us to challenge each other duelling it out down Ned's!  Of course Nevee the wonder dog accompanied me the whole way having a blast! 

Chris and Ran ended up ahead of me when I hit Bridle path and was surpised to see them in front of me.  I accused them of going the wrong way and they looked at me puzzled.  After the run we compared notes and it was me who went wrong!  I went up Mystery creek and should have gone up the Hyannis connector access trail!  There were many stories like that.  We run so many events in those woods that we get them all confused!  The Bean Around the world venue worked out well as we seemed to have enough room for everyone as people filtered in and out.  More here

Flash - Foolish Gerbil 6 Hour Trail Run. Event Host - Karl Jensen. It was great to see so many new faces at the start of the run.  I regret that I wasn’t able to run and chat with all of you.  It was especially nice to see an “old” face that has recently been missing in action.  Gilles has been out with sciatica and made his CFA comeback in style, running five big loops and one small one for a total of 51.5 K in 5:53.  Welcome back Gilles.  Kirsten came out intending to run just one or two loops, but did a bit of bonus distance on the first loop and then got connected with a couple of Fools.  She did a total of 52 K in 5:53.  Gilles and myself decided to do the second loop in reverse because we got tired of only seeing the backsides of the speedy kids: Chad, Ran and Rick.  The scenery didn't improve.  However, this was a learning experience because we discovered that doing the big loop counter-clockwise was more enjoyable. It seems that quite a number of people put in some bonus distance.  That was in most cases a result of the foolproof directions being somewhat vague for the section between the Camoson and the intersection of the Salish and Clinton trails.  We will fix that for the Twelve Hour version.  Our apologies to all.  Please read the motto. As an accountant I insist on accuracy, so I’ve added an extra 1 K to those who indicated that they did a bit extra but didn’t know the distance. Results here.

Go Deep. Event Host - Cheryl Johnson. Gotta love the Vancouver Fat Asses. In spite the rainy, cool weather, 27 runners showed up to run Go Deep and we enjoyed it.  Many people commented on the beautiful day and the beautiful course.  Adrian was the fastest finishing in 2 hours with Bill, Ran, Des and James close behind.  I'm surprised that very few people got lost.  Some did go off course but made their way back  - Jonathan, Claudia, Phil, and Michelle added a kilometer or two.  Several of us followed the time-honored Fat Ass tradition of customizing the course for a shorter run. Laddie completely customized the day by starting late.  Amazing to see Neil Ambrose there after finishing the H2H 100k just the weekend before....but the girls said he did do some whining about being tired or something.  Eric Zeller came all the way from Germany to run and set a good pace for Ean Jackson.  Eric won a Trail Runner subscription for coming the furthest. Thanks to Trail Runner, Kintec Footlabs and Kinesys who contributed such good draw prizes.  Especially thank you to Mosquito Creek Bar and Grill for the free beverage and a great lunch. Lastly, thanks to Dom Repeta for designing the course.  Full results, photos and some fun video footage from our German guest here!


New Year's Resolution Contest. It's time to stop thinking and to start acting about your New Year's Resolutions!  We're again offering CFA members and anyone else who is interested a place where they can log their 2009 fitness resolutions. You can look at this as a goal-setting tool, as a way to keep yourself honest or as a contest to see how close you come to meeting your goals. More information at New Years Resolution Contest.

On a similar note, the 2008 New Years Resolution Contest is coming to an end... only 3 weeks to the end of the year!  This year's contestants are asked to look at their original resolutions and provide an update either as a blog post or as a comment on their original resolutions by December 20th.  You can check out any musings related to the contest here: The member who comes closest to their resolutions will win a pair of running shoes courtesy of our friends and sponsors at Kintec Footlabs.

Photo right: One of many contributions to the Travelling Colours Contest by Mudrunner - here seen scrambling up Black Tusk.

Photo Left: Colin at Tyax Lake sporting his "antique" red shirt. A contender for first place.

Photo right: Action Jackson and Graham from Kintec on a little detour to Goat Mountain

2008 Travelling Colours Contest. The winner of this popular contest will receive a full refund of his or her 2009 Club membership dues.  Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.  Please feel free to comment on photos or add them to your Flickr faves.  The image recording most views/comments and faves (as determined by Flickr) will win this years contest.

2008 Point Series. Des is the run away leader and on track again to win the pair of shoes, Kintec Footlab is sponsoring for the winner of this contest. Second prize will be a combo of a tech shirt, running cap and waterbottle provided by the kind folks and business members of Club Fat Ass, AxisGear. Des is trailed  by Bill Dagg, Baldwin Lee, Ran Katzman,  Penny Jakobsen, Gord Thompson and Jess Bassil (and no, "Out of Action" Jackson and I do not qualify to win, but we like to play anyway.  Word has it that there is some last minute mud slinging and vying for photo, crew and referral points going on.  All requests for additional points need to be submitted by 20 December to qualify for this year.  

Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.

Photo left: Action Jackson, Chris and Des sporting three generations of Club Shirts during a run on Gambier Island


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

In 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, set our to run 100 miles during the 24 hour relay and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read here how it panned out. 

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


February 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


One would think that a dreary February is a low time for an outdoor oriented club. Not so. We had a busy month with countless Flash and Scheduled Events and media attention to boot. Here is a link to the latest media coverage of your Club, including the 2 page spread in The Globe and Mail and a radio interview on 940Montreal.

With so many new events popping up be sure to check the website for updates in between your monthly newsletter. And don't miss the Kintec Speaker Series starting with a run and seminar tomorrow night at their North Vancouver location and next Wednesday at the Vancouver store. There will be pizza and prizes and lots of time for Q&A.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Speaker Series - Kintec Footlabs North Vancouver. 20 February 2008 - North Vancouver. Join Club Fat Ass Business Member, Kintec Footlabs, for a 45 minute run followed by a seminar on the science of selecting footware and how to prevent injury by not getting injured in the first place. There will be pizza, a prize or two and lots of opportunity for questions and answers. This session is free and you do not need to be a member of Club Fat Ass to attend. More info and registration here.

Photo right: Squamish Scrambler Event Host, Gary Robbins, wallows in the snow

Flash - Pure Foolishness 96km. 23 February 2008 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A few fools are planning to run the Pure Satisfaction course four times! Join them for all or part of the foolishness. More info!

Speaker Series - Kintec Footlabs Vancouver. 27 February 2008 - Vancouver. Same seminar, different (downtown Vancouver) location. There will be pizza, a prize or two and lots of opportunity for questions and answers. This session is free and you do not need to be a member of Club Fat Ass to attend. Register and find out more here.

Flash - Quad Qruncher. 8 March 2008 - Maple Ridge. An 80K run on the Yours Truly course. The Fools who brought you the Pure Foolishness runs want to practice fast walking uphill and to trash their quads with some fast downhill running. No need to run the full 80km if that seems a bit much to you... More details here.

Photo left: On the course of the Burnaby Mountain Run

Burnaby Mountain Run. 9 March (note the date change) - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around the Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Check it out here.

Photo right: Action Jackson and Carlos the Jackal checking out a pod of farting whales just off shore while running the Juan de Fuca Trail.

Flash - Juan De Fuca Trail Run. 15 March - Jordan River, BC Canada. More details here.

Spring Mountain Highway Madness. 16 March 2008 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officialy held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). Check it out here!

Spring Bunny Hop. 5 April 2008 - Claremont, ON, Canada. The opportunity for Ontario members to mix and mingle and show their loyalty. This 25 km trail run takes you up and down two of the Oak Ridges Moraine forest tracks. Find out more here.

Photo right: James Sinclair, Host of the Spring Bunny Hop in Claremont, ON, at the Mountain Highway Madness 2006


2007 Travelling Colours Contest.
We have a winner in the 2007 Travelling Colours Contest. Glenn from North Vancouver won with his photo of his uh, "arrest" in Texas. Glenn received a refund on his 2008 CFA membership. Congratulations.

Second place goes to Rhonda for her photo up on Amasa Back, aprox 250m above the Colorado River, looking out over Long Canyon and over to Dead Horse Point. Moab Utah.

Colin's photo of his Grand Canyon R2R2R run in October takes the 3rd place.

Thank you everybody for participating. Please keep the photos coming in 2008. Note: since not all members are getting the 2008 collectors edition shirt, submissions of previous shirts are also welcome.

You can find instructions on how to upload your photos to Flickr and enter the contest here.

2008 Shirts.
Your custom-designed, no stink, Club Fat Ass ware t-shirts are being manufactured at this very moment. I expect them by the end of February/early March and will mail them out then.

If you haven't yet joined the Club, what are you waiting for? Sign-up now to participte in almost 50 free events and get a classic black technical Club t-shirt as well. Such a deal!

2008 Steering Committee. We have a strong steering committee in place for 2008, but are still looking for an enthusastic member with a vision to chair the membership committee. If you are still sitting on the fence, but would like to help out in some way, please send me a note.

Sponsors. Please support our Business Members and their upcoming events.

Kintec Footlabs is hosting a series of seminars and runs (see upcoming events) to help you prevent injuries and keep moving in a positive direction.

Photo right: Graham Archer conducting a gait analysis during a past seminar at the Kintec Footlab location in North Vancouver.

Heather and Sophia from Active Life Physiotherapy (ALP) will be at various CFA events in 2008. They are planning a Performance Evaluation workshop for CFA members in the spring… stay tuned! More information can be found on their website



CFA Website.
Our website upgrade last month went very smoothly. Thanks to Ran Katzman, who has spent numerous hours learning how to become a Drupal hacker ;-)

We noticed that new web account confirmation emails might have ended up in your spam box. This issue should be fixed now.

We also added a Gmap module. Event Hosts now can embed a Google map on their agenda page, to make it very easy for members and guests to find a CFA event.

A reminder that website help is posted here. Instructions on how to upload photos and use Flickr to get photos on the Club Fat Ass website are here.



Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Capilano Canyon Night Run. Both Event Hosts were out of action, so reports from the field are second-hand. Nobody got lost to death and the evening concluded with a great potluck at the Yellow Beacon. Results, photo and a report here.

Photo left: We don't just run during the Mardigras version of the Capilano Canyon Night Run ...

Photo right: At the start of the 2008 Squamish Scrambler

Squamish Scrambler. Event Host - Gary Robbins. As people trickled into the North Shore Athletics in Squamish, the weather tempted us with patches of blue and views of the surrounding snow covered peaks. Could we really get lucky for the third straight year?

Thankfully it rained to an elevation of about 1000m throughout the week, which is right at the parking lot trail head for this snowshoe run, and all 4x4 vehicles were able to make it to the starting point without issue. We had six car pool vehicles and I greatly thank all who offered up their trucks up for transport on the day!

Even as we all collected in the parking area for our starter photo the skies played with us. A small blue patch here, some climbing cloud cover there...maybe, just maybe it would clear completely for us! This dream was quickly put to rest however, for as we ascended the trail the cloud cover grew thicker, the temperature dipped, and the snow started to fly! We had one brief vantage point back over Squamish after about fifteen minutes of snowshoeing, but the rest of the day would be spent in a winter wonderland.

Photo left: Trish piping in the Haggis

Run For The Haggis. Event Host - Allan MacMordie. A short 8km run followed by a tradional Robbie Burns dinner, complete with pipers (Thanks, Trish) piping in the Haggis, the address to the Haggis, live music and poetry. Lots of laughter and new friends and a little bit of Scotch whisky.

Photo right: Starters at the Lynn Loop Night Run

Flash - Lynn Loop Night Run. Event Host - Colin Freeland. At first I thought it was just going to be Pano and myself running, Monty and Penny had to cancel. Then Ron call at about 8:40 saying he is on his way and John was running over. The reporter for the Globe and Mail showed up (Patrick) but just to talk and not run. Pano showed up with a friend and then we had 5 runners. It was a cold clear night and all the puddles where frozen, which ment no mud on the shoes. I was suprised at how much snow was on the trails. We had to take care it lots of spots exceptionally on the stair that were covered in ice. The clear skies plus the snow made it very easy to see your way. The trail was well tracked in the snow. We all stay together in a group for most of the run. The offical finish time was 1 hour and 8 min. More here.


2008 Travelling Colours Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

Photo right: Action Jackson hucks a big cliff on his snowshoes.

2008 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

Relay for Dafur. A situation that deserves your attention. A free adventure for anyone with the right stuff in beautiful BC.

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


February 2007 Newsletter

 CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Before you skip to the newsletter below, please take a moment to cast your vote in the 2006 Travelling Colours Contest.   We do need your vote to help us break a tie!  Please click here and follow the instructions to cast your vote.

After much deliberation, the 2006 New Years' Resolution Contest winner has been decided.  Check out the results below.

It's been exciting to see all the new event applications filling my inbox.  Some new additions are detailed in the newsletter.  To recognize the efforts of new Event Hosts, the Steering Committee has decided to offer them free memberships for 2007.  Next year, the efforts of all Event Hosts will be rewarded with a free membership.

Lastly, if you missed picking up your green 2007 Club t-shirt last week, please arrange a pick-up time asap.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Flash Bowen Bash: 10 March 2007 - Bowen Island, BC Canada.  Carpool to Horseshoe Bay, catch the 10:05 ferry, run 1, 2, 3, or more loops of approximately 7 km around Killarney Lake and end at Doc Morgan's Pub. Flash host Mark Grist will post details soon.

Spring Mountain Highway Madness: 18 March 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada.  This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps with approximately 1 km (3,300') of elevation change per lap.  The course is on a wide dirt and gravel access road with no traffic.  Check it out here!

Photo: James Sinclair of Ontario running in the snow during last year's MHM

Big Fat Ass 100 km
: 25 March 2007 - Vancouver, BC Canada.  This flash event conceived by Karl Jensen and Gilles Barbeau features a double loop of the new Year's Day Fat Ass 50 course.  Why? Burnaby Mountain Run Because for some of us, 50 km is not enough. Check it out.

Burnaby Mountain Run: 21 April 2007 - Burnaby, BC Canada.  We are happy to announce that this event will live on, with much thanks to new Event Hosts Katheryne Gardiner and Tara Jackson.  Run 11.2 km or 22.4 km on the trails of Burnaby Mountain, but beware of the killer hill at the end!  Find out more here.

Photo: Just one of the amazing views you'll see at the Burnaby Mountain Run - if it's not raining ;-)

Remote Support crew Chris  22km run, mostly  "off road". Challenging route with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600  metres) of elevation gain/loss.  Fantastic views of the Greater Vancouver area.  <div align=Run to the Clouds: 28 April 2007 - Coquitlam, BC Canada.  This 22 km run is  mostly "off road."  It is a challenging route with over 2,000 vertical feet (or 600 m) of elevation change offering fantastic views of the Greater Vancouver area.  More details here.

Photo: Remote Crew member Chris taking in the view during last year's Run to the Clouds.


2007 CFA Collector's Shirts. They're barely off the production line and already I am getting inquiries into whether or not I will be ordering more of the 2007 Club colours.  Sorry -- nope!  Help me to move the black and blue shirts, and then we can talk!

Ordering t-shirts, selecting colours, and getting them screened ranks high on my list of anxiety-inducing activities.  I am happy that it all worked out again, and so far I have only heard positive comments about the classic green/orange men's shirts and the hot lime green/magenta women's shirts.  Thanks to Jess for picking just the right hue of pink.

Photo: Steering Committee member Ryan sporting his new green CFA shirt at the Vancouver First Half. Ryan at First Half - 2007 Yacht Club

Poster Children. I am looking for one male and one female model to sport the green shirts as our 2007 poster children.  You don't need to look like the next top model.  Singles, a couple, teenager or grandparent all are welcome, so don't be shy.  Email me if you are interested.

New Year's Resolution Contest.  Boy, the Steering Committee sure had a hard time deciding on a winner.  There were 17 participants.  Of those, Baldwin, Carlos, Craig, Gary, Keith, Sibylle, Andrea, and Ean submitted a final evaluation of how their year went relative to their goals.  We eliminated Sibylle and Ean because Sibylle manages the Club and it was Ean's NY Day event.  Keith gave himself 85%, but didn't really justify his grade; Craig gave himself 75% and did justify; Baldwin gave himself a B+ for 5/8 goals met; Gary gave himself 65% with reasons; Carlos rated himself 7/10; and Andrea rated herself 7/12.  In the end it was a close call, but Craig had the highest percentage of fullfilled resolutions accompanied by an explanation.  Congrats to Craig!  He will receive a pair of runners kindly provided by North Shore Athletics.

(By the way, you can list your 2007 fitness resolutions at any time.  It's a good way to keep yourself honest.)

New Events. New Event Hosts are coming out of hiding all over the place.  I am happy to announce that we have our first event in Edmonton.  The Slack Ass 50 Miler will be hosted by Ryan Conroy's sister Allison in June.  Thanks for roping her into this, Ryan.  More details will be posted on the website soon.

We can also look forward to a little Sunshine in September.  Our new Event Host Committee Chair, Berglind, will host this 20 km+ trail run on the Sunshine Coast on September 8th.  

Mark Grist has just submitted plans for the Bowen Beer Bash March 10th which will offer runners 1, 2, 3, or more loops of approximately 7 km around Bowen Island's Killarney Lake and end at Doc Morgan's Pub. Mark will post details soon.

To recognize the efforts of new Event Hosts, the Steering Committee has decided to offer them free memberships for 2007.  Next year, the efforts of all Event Hosts will be rewarded with a free membership. Please understand that for logistical reasons we can't do this retroactively.  Besides, new members can't get a green t-shirt!

2007 Membership Registration.  If you haven't registered yet, you missed your chance to get the special green 2007 collector's shirt.  But don't despair, members signing up now will receive our classic black Club shirt and can still participate in all 25+ events during 2007.  Such a deal!



CFA Flickr Integration.  In the January newsletter I introduced Flickr to you.  Flickr is a top notch photo sharing site.  More and more websites are using Flickr and we too have started to integrate Flickr into the Club Fat Ass online clubhouse. 

Instead of sending me your photos, please upload them to Flickr.  This way you will never loose ownership of your photos and they will be posted on your own Flickr page.  If you post photos from our events or your shirt contest image and then add them to the CFA Flickr group, they will automatically appear in the Member In Action space on our website.   Best of all, Flickr is free.  I've set up a Group Pool at where you can sign up for Flickr and the Club Fat Ass Group. 



2007-02-10 Squamish Scrambler 017Squamish Scrambler. Event Host, Gary Robbins. 

WOW did we ever luck out with that weather!  It's always a lot easier to host an event when the weather cooperates, and there was no shortage of sunshine on this day.

I've been up to Elfin Lakes almost 10 times now and this past Saturday was the first time that I've seen a completely blue bird day.  The six inches of fresh snow and endless views as far as Vancouver Island ensured that no matter what I did wrong, people were walking... running away happy after the event.

Photos: Scenes at the Squamish Scrambler 2007

The GirlsWe had 21 people show up for the fabulous morning... and a few that decided to sleep in, to which all I have to say is, enjoy the photos!

In stark contrast to last year's event, there were no near death experiences before we started the run.  The road to the parking lot was clear the whole way up and I am constantly amazed at how 9 times out of 10 (last year being that unlucky number 10), the snowline starts right at the parking area.  Check out the full report, results, and photos here.

Capilano Canyon Night Run - Mardigras. Event Hosts, Sibylle Tinsel & Ean Jackson

2007-02-17 Mardigras Night Run 001
Photo: 2007 Capilano Canyon Night Run - starter photo

The weather forecast gave a 100% probability of heavy rain.  The trails were still a mess from the wind and rain storms in December and early January.  It didn't look good for the 5th annual Mardi Gras version of the Capilano Night Run!  Frantic plans were made to come up with an alternative course cutting out the mudslides while still providing for a challenging night trail run.

Not surprisingly, 32 hardy runners weren't deterred by the obstacles and nobody took me up on the offer of a safer, alternative route...  The full report, results, and more photos are posted here.


Rhonda Schuller - Rice planting in a Fat Ass shirt2006 Travelling Colours Contest Vote.   If you haven't voted yet, please do so now!  We've extended the voting window so you can help us break a tie.  Please click here and follow the instructions to cast your vote.

Photo: Rhonda planting rice in Japan

2007 Travelling Colours Contest
. Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff!  To participate, just email me your photos.  Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007.  Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

Travelling Colours Contest

2007 Point Series. Because it was so much fun, we will continue the Point Series in 2007.  Up-to-date standings are posted here.  Read about how to collect points here.  A new way you can garner points is by wearing your CFA t-shirt during a non-CFA event and posting the photo to prove it.  Thanks to Karine Lavoie who gave us the idea and pointed us to Steven Lamothe's photo on the Vancouver First Half website. As a bonus, any photos of you and your shirt at races will also be added to the Travelling Colours Contest.

Photo: Ruby enjoying the views from a lighthouse near Mazatlan, Mexico


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society)
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

February 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

One would think that wintertime is a slack time for an outdoor- oriented club.  Not so with this one!

With reference to the reports of recent events and a full slate of upcoming events (below), there are lots of Club activities to keep you healthy before the tulips are up.

I especially like to draw your attention to the February 26 Speaker Night "Survive Outside" at Kintec Footlabs in North Vancouver.  This CFA Speaker Event focuses on how to avoid getting into trouble when you get into the woods.  It is free for Club members, friends and members-to-be.  Seating limited.  It could save your life, so consider making the time. 

A big, "Thank you!" to everyone who has offered some time to help on the Steering Committee and to all who offered suggestions for how to grow the Club and otherwise improve the value the Club offers our members.  We listen!  Check out our new website features and the Refer a Friend contest.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


Club Fat Ass Event - Capilano Canyon Night Run -  SunsetCapilano Canyon Night Run. 21 February - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A CFA classic not to be missed.  Entry limited to 50! More info and registration here.

Speaker Night - Survive Outside. 26 February - Kintec Footlabs, North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Don't miss this presentation by Adventure Smart team coordinator Sandra Ferguson. Topics will include planning your run in the boonies, hints and tips for outdoor travel from the pros, a Club Fat Ass Event - Spring Mountain Highway Madness - in the Snowvideo about a true outdoor story, back country code of responsibility, what happens when you screw up:  Search and Rescue in BC.  The evening will conclude with discussion about your outdoor questions and experiences.  This event is free and we highly recommend it for anyone who gets off the main trails.  More info and registration here.

Photo right: Will we see a repeat of the snowy conditions at last years Mountain Highway Madness?

Spring Mountain Highway Madness. 15 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). Check it out here!

Club Fat Ass Events - Run To The Clouds - Start AreaRun to the Clouds. 28 March - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. A 12.5km or 25km run, all on trails with some gravel road sections. Come see and run around beautiful Buntzen Lake and surrounding mountains. A challenging route with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600 metres) of elevation gain/loss. Fantastic views of Buntzen Lake and the Greater Vancouver area. Details here.


2009 Club Shirt
. Your 2009 Club shirt is expected to be ready in early March.  When the shirts are in you will receive an email with pick-up information or - if you paid for shipping - a note that the shirt is in the mail.

Website. You may have noticed the lights were out at our "online clubhouse" recently.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  If you were wondering why the website was down, it's because we did a major upgrade of what's under the hood. The website is now faster, more robust and ready for us to implement more of the features you've been asking for.  Speaking of which, Ran, our official "code monkey", is working on a way for you to see who has signed up for a Club Event.  We are still experimenting, but we hope to have this implemented for all Club Events by the time you have your t-shirt!

CFA Steering Committee.
  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic people to guide our Event Hosts, someone with PR experience and someone to represent the voice of Club members.

Business Members.   Please help me to welcome our newest Business Member, Dr. Scott Merlely at Aarm Dental Group. Please consider Scott if you live near downtown Vancouver and need dental care.   Scott has been a trail runner for the last 6 years and enjoys getting out on the north shore trails. He looks forward to participating in upcoming Club Fat Ass events.

Don't forget to check out our great sponsors and consider doing business with them.

2009 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2009 is ongoing!  Don't miss out on a whole year of free events.



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Club Fat Ass Event: Starter Photo - Squamish Scrambler 2009Flash - Pure Foolishness 100K. 14 February - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Event Host - Karl Jensen.  Read on here.

Squamish Scrambler
.  Event Host - Ryan Conroy. The 5th annual Squamish Scrambler again offered perfect conditions.  The treacherous access road was bare almost to the trail head, a first to be sure.  The forecast had called for rain and clouds with clearing in the afternoon.  Luckily, the rain didn't materialize and the cloud cover wasn't hanging too low.  The sun peaked out a few times and revealed fleeting glimpses of Diamond Head and surrounding peaks.   Read on here.

Photo right: First wave starters at the 2009 Squamish Scrambler

Photo left: Carrie and Betty at the Squamish Scrambler

Club Fat Ass Event - Squamish ScramblerFlash - Mount Kenya Summit Circuit.  Event Host - Chris Benn.  We haven't heard yet how Chris and Benn fared during their Summit Circuit of Mount Kenya in Africa.  We'll post photos as soon as the runners are back home.

Flash - Valentines Double Fat Ass. Event Host - Gilles Barbeau. There was a lot of love to go around...Results here.

Flash - Foolish Gerbil 50km Run. Event Host - Karl Jensen.  More here.

 Club Fat Ass Event: Starter Photo - Flash - 24h Foolish Gerbil Run 2009Flash - Foolish Gerbil Twenty-Four Hour Trail Run. Event Host - Karl Jensen.  The biggest difference between gerbils and fools is that gerbils have enough sense to get off the wheel when it gets tedious. Read more of Karls report here.

Photo right: Starters at the Foolish Gerbil Twenty Four Hour Trail Run

Club Fat Ass - Travelling Colours Contest 2008 - Amy in MexicoNew Contest Announced. We'd like to see CFA grow to include even more active, community-minded members. We've noticed that people who learn about the Club from people they trust and admire quickly become active CFA members.  Many go on to host Club events. Every year since the Club was founded, we've noticed that a special few make the effort to share their passion for the Club with friends.  Without asking for recognition, these individuals act from the heart to help mold the vibrant CFA community that all Club members benefit from. This contest is intended to recognize those special people who actively contribute to the growth of the Club.  Check out how to participate in the Refer a Friend Contest.
Club Fat Ass - Travelling colours Contest - Bill in Hawaii2009 Travelling Colours ContestSame contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

2008 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

In 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, set our to run 100 miles during the 24 hour relay and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read here how it panned out. 

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


January 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle
Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

A belated "Happy New Year!" I hope you kicked off 2008 on the right foot, got the year off to a running start and are resolved to give Desmond Mott some serious competition for being the most active CFA member in 2008!

Thanks to all of you who renewed your membership or joined the Club over the holidays. Woo-hoo! Your 2008 club t-shirts have been ordered. I am looking forward to getting them in your hands by late February.

I am happy to say that the 2008 Club Steering Committee is almost complete. We are looking for one more keen member willing to take on the membership committee. This important role is also one of the most fun as its mandate is to widen our membership base and keep members happy. Contact me if you'd like to help.

Hope to see you all at the Pure Foolishness runs, the Lynn Loop Night Run (tonight!), the Run for the Haggis, the Squamish Scrambler and the Capilano Canyon Night Run in February.

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Flash - Lynn Loop Night Run. 23 January 2008 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Ever wondered what night running is all about? Join Colin for an 8 km run counterclockwise on the Lynn Loop trail. In order to stay with the pack on this group run, you must be able to run this loop in under an hour in the daytime. No membership is required to participate in a Flash event, so tell your friends. Details here!

Photo left: Bill on the course for Pure Foolishness (during a past Pure Satisfaction Run)

Flash - Run For The Haggis. 2 February 2008 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This will be a run in and around the trails of North Vancouver followed by a full-on traditional Robbie Burns celebration with elements of poetry, music, swordsmanship, murder of the haggis, feasting, drinking of Scotch (and perhaps Irish) whisky. Party starts at 7:00. This is a potluck, so please bring an appie or desert as well as your bagpipes and an appetite for boiled guts and oatmeal in a sheep's stomach. Please also pair up with another couple of participants to buy a nice bottle of whisky for the tasting. Wear your kilt if you have one and at least a good fake Scottish accent if you don't. More info here.

Squamish Scrambler. 10 February 2008 - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savour spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot. Snowshoes available for rent. More info here.

Photo right: Squamish Scrambler Event Host, Gary Robbins, of Raid The North Fame, out feeding the birds.

Capilano Canyon Night Run. 16 February 2008 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs followed by a potluck party and celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to first 50 entrants, so please register early!

Photo left: The potluck party after the Capilano Canyon Night Run is a great way for new members to mix and mingle.

Flash - Pure Foolishness 96km. 23 February 2008 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A few fools are planning to run the Pure Satisfaction course four times! Join them for all or part of the foolishness. More info!

Burnaby Mountain Run. 9 March (note the date change) - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around the Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Check it out here.

Spring Mountain Highway Madness. 16 March 2008 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officialy held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). Check it out here!


Logo - KintechSponsors. We are excited to announce that KintecFootlabs has joined the club as a Business Member. If you have been in one of their stores or have attended the late summer seminar on running injuries, you know already that Kintec does not just sell shoes!

All of their floor staff are university-trained Human Kinetic Specialists, whether they have degrees in Human Kinetics, or in Kinesiology. You can be confident in knowing that you are being served by the best in the industry. They take the time to understand and analyze your personal foot care needs—from prescription orthotics to gait analysis, injury braces to fitted footwear—ensuring you receive the best care possible.

Over the year Kintec staff will be at various CFA events, providing support, prizes and answering your questions. Look also for planned seminars in our Upcoming Events section on the website. The first seminars are scheduled for 20 and 27 February, details will be posted in the next newsletter and on the website.

Our club is supported by a growing number of Business Members. Please consider them when you are shopping. Click here to see who is a sponsor. Find out more about Business Memberships in Club Fat Ass here.

2007 Point Series. Congratulations to Desmond Mott, the winner of the 2007 Club Fat Ass Point Series. Des participated in 15 Scheduled Events and countless Flash Events, earning a total of 37 points. Des is the happy recipient of a gift certificate for a pair of shoes from KintecFootlabs. Honorable mention goes to Craig Moore, Ean Jackson, Baldwin Lee and Cheryl Johnson, who tried hard to keep up with Des.

Please refer to the Club Point Series for details on how you can work the system and earn great prizes this year. Hint from this year's winner: Pick up trash while you're running in a Club Fat Ass event!

Photo right: Des at the Vancouver New Years FA 50
Photo left: Ellie during her travels in India

2007 Travelling Colours Contest. The 2007 Travelling Colours Contest is coming to an end. This year all photos in the contest have been uploaded to Flickr and the "voting" is ongoing. The photo deemed "most interesting" by Flickr will win. Currently, Glenn Pace handcuffed in Texas is leading - who could beat that!? In Flickr you can add your "winner" to your favourites and add comments or notes (if you have a free Flickr account). All activity on a photo will add up and influence the final tally, so if you do not have a Flickr account and don't care for one, clicking on your favourite photos to see them larger will do just fine. If you would like to take part in the decision process click here.

Photo right: Colin taking a break during the Rim 2 Rim 2 Rim run in the Grand Canyon last October.

If you haven't submitted your photo of this year's adventures in your CFA shirt (any colour) please take a moment to either upload it to Flickr or email it to your Chief Executive Fat Ass. You can find instructions on how to upload to Flickr and enter the contest here.

2008 Membership Registration.
Thanks to all the early birds who registered in 2007. Your 2008 collector's shirt has been special-ordered and you will hear from me as soon as they are ready for pick-up or shipping. I expect them in late February.

If you haven't yet joined the Club, what are you waiting for? Sign-up now to participte in almost 50 free events and get a classic black technical Club t-shirt as well. Such a deal!

Flash Events.
The concept of the Flash Events is really taking off. Initially conceived to make it easier for new Event Hosts to launch the Club in their area, it is fast becoming the easiest way to earn Karma points by sharing your favorite trail or planning an adventure run. You get a free event website, tons of exposure for your run, and, unlike the Scheduled Events, anyone can join you for free. Tell a friend by forwarding this newsletter to them.

2008 Steering Committee. Thanks for all your offers of help. The first Steering Committee meeting of 2008 was held this week. If you are still sitting on the fence, but would like to help out in some way, please send me a note. We are particularly looking for somebody to chair the membership committee. Don't miss the "insider-only" Christmas party again in 2008! I am really looking forward to a fun-filled, successful 2008.



CFA Website.
Those of you who have been using the Private Message function to get in touch with each other may have noticed that after the upgrade of our online clubhouse last fall, we experienced some problems with it. I had to temporarily take this feature down, but it is back up and running again. To enable your Private Message settings, please go to your account on the CFA website.

Ran Katzmann, our CFA Tech Committee Chair, has been very busy. Expect a site upgrade sometime in the next few weeks. New features will include a Gmap module that will allow us to add Google maps with start/finish and party locations to the event pages. As with the last upgrade, you shouldn't be affected much. Posting to the site will be temporarily disabled. We will announce this down-time on the website.

A reminder that website help is posted here. Instructions on how to upload photos and use Flickr to get photos on the Club Fat Ass website are here.

Club Fat Ass on Facebook. I have been amazed by the popularity of CFA on Facebook over the last few months. Our Club Fat Ass group has grown to 106 members. Recently, Facebook introduced a feature to add Clubs and Businesses, so I have added Club Fat Ass. Our url is
Please do come by and check it out!



Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Pure Foolishness 72km. Event Host - Karl Jensen. The run started with a light rain that became quite lumpy and turned to snow at higher elevations. At the top of the Seymour Grind there was well over an inch of snow, which made descending the steep technical sections quite a challenge. The snow was very wet in the lower sections and where there wasn’t snow there were unavoidable puddles and mud. Everyone suffered with cold, wet feet throughout. Ellie and Bill sprinted out from the start in their usual fashion. On the return from Lynn Canyon they decided to take a side trip onto Old Buck for some bonus miles. Everyone else proceeded at a more civilized pace. Read on here.

Vancouver New Year's Fat Ass 50 Run and Freeze Your Fat Ass Swim. Event Host - Ean Jackson. Yes, I guess you could say we kicked off 2008 on the right foot . . . or 2008 is off to a running start . . . or har, har-har (add your own corny running-related play on words in the comments below!) Just under 100 runners participated in the 15th running of this Vancouver tradition, and for some reason, we received an unusually large amount of media coverage this year. "What's the big deal?," I asked many of the runners as we enjoyed our little resolution run. It got me to thinking about what is normal and my circle of friends. Read Ean's full report, see photos and results here.

Photo left: The enthusiasic Coquitlam members on their way to a great start to 2008

Flash - Mehune Madness. Event Host - Joel Jenkins. The Hawaiian contigent of CFA had a blast on this ultra. Pictures and report will be posted as soon as we receive them.

Christmas Fat Ass. Event Host - Karl Jensen. The Christmas Fat Ass 50K started in cold, rainy weather. The organizers, Gilles (it was his idea) and Karl (only the messenger), got quite a scare when Ellie appeared at the start line. Gilles and Karl both had terrifying flashbacks of the punishment she inflicted on them during the Big Fat Ass 100K last spring. Fortunately she joined the fast boys, Tim and Bill, and was not seen again until that group, now accompanied by Ran, was headed back from the turn around. Penny ran to the start from her home in Edgemont, North Vancouver and turned around at the intersection of the Admiralty and Salish Trails and ran back from there. Chad started at his home near Trimble Street by Spanish Banks and ran to Brocton Oval where he joined Penny and the old, slow fat boys, Ron, John, Gilles and Karl. Ran joined the fast kids somewhere near Jerico and ran the Pacific Spirit Park portion of the course. The rain, while somewhat cold, made for excellent running. Unfortunately, the rain had turned into about an inch of cold, wet slush on the trails through Pacific Spirit Park, making it impossible to complete that section without getting freezing water into shoes. Ron, proving that at least he was not slow, by this point had surged ahead of the slower pack. The return portion along Spanish Banks was against a strong headwind, but by this time the rain had mercifully stopped. Chad left the old, slow fat boys at Trimble and returned home, giving him a few bonus kilometers. By unanimous vote he only gets credit for 50K since he set a pace that the old, slow fat boys found somewhat challenging.

Photo right: Starters at the Galbraith Mountain Tour.

Galbraith Mountain Tour. Event Host - Daniel Probst. Results and photos here.


2008 Tra
velling Colours Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. The 2007 contest winner will be announced next week, so make sure you have a look at the contenders.

2008 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


January 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

A belated "Happy New Year!"  

I hope you kicked off 2009 on the right foot, got the year off to a running start and are resolved to give Desmond Mott some serious competition for being the most active CFA member in 2009.

Thanks to all who renewed their membership or joined the Club over the holidays. Woo-hoo... your 2009 club t-shirts have been ordered and they are going to be really nice. I am looking forward to getting them in your hands by late February/early March.

Your Club Steering Committee is also about to launch into another year.   This group meets about 8 times in 2009 to help manage the Club.  Our goals are simple:  more events and more members to enjoy them.

Many thanks to Berglind and Amy, your outgoing Membership and Event Host chairwomen.  Berg, who also hosts the popular Sunshine in September event, has served on the committee for 2 years.  Amy is moving back east in the spring and is committed to whip those Ontario FA's into shape and maybe host an event.

Can you spare a couple of hours/month this year to help improve and grow the Club?  Lots of rewards.  No heavy lifting or experience necessary.  Please contact me!  

'Hope to see you at the Foolish Runs, the Squamish Scrambler or the Capilano Canyon Night Run in February.

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


Flash - Foolish Gerbil Twenty-Four Hour Trail Run. 17-18 January - Vancouver, BC Canada.  Join the Fools for all or part of the fun. More info here.

Photo left:  A few Foolish Gerbils running in circles in December

Flash - Pure Foolishness 50K. 25 January - North Vancouver, BC Canada. More here.

Flash - Pure Foolishness 75K. 31 January - North Vancouver, BC Canada. More here.

Flash - Valentine's Double Fat Ass. 7-8 February - Vancouver, BC Canada.  A 50 kilometer run: Your special Valentine's for the true love of your life: Running!! Show that you really mean it and do The Double. A less extreme challenge (1K to 49K) for those slightly less in love.  More info here.  

Photo left: During the Squamish Scrambler

Squamish Scrambler. 8 February - Squamish, BC, Canada. This is an out-and-back snowshoe hike/run up to Elfin Lakes Cabin in Squamish (22km). Bring the family as far as Red Heather, a 10km return snowshoe hike, or continue on up towards Little Diamond Head, or out towards Mamquam Lake, depending on conditions and motivation. Savour spectacular views of The Tantalus Range, Howe Sound and Sky Pilot.  More info here.

Flash - Pure Foolishness 100K. 14 February - North Vancouver, BC Canada. More here.

Capilano Canyon Night Run. 21 February - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 90-minute run that starts in a suburban neighborhood, traverses the twilight zone, then stimulates your senses with a trail run in the mist and inky blackness of the Capilano Canyon. Choose between a guided group run at a gentle pace for the socially-inclined and first time night runner or a competitive run for those more motivated by the clock and the opportunity to rip their buddy's lungs out. Both runs followed by a potluck party and celebration of Fat Tuesday. Entry limited to first 50 entrants, so please register early!

Photo right: unwelcome participant on the course of the Capilano Canyon Night Run.

Spring Mountain Highway Madness. 15 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). Check it out here!

Photo left:  A bunch of happy runners during a past Run to the Clouds

Run to the Clouds. 28 March - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. A 12.5km or 25km run, all on trails with some gravel road sections. Come see and run around beautiful Buntzen Lake and surrounding mountains. A challenging route with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600 metres) of elevation gain/loss. Fantastic views of Buntzen Lake and the Greater Vancouver area. Details here.



2009 Club Garment.  The order is in and the wheels are now in motion for the production of your limited edition 2009 Club garment.  The colours are "blue bell" for the women's shirts and navy for the men's.  Since the feedback with regards to cut and fabric from last year was overwhelmingly positive, we kept the pattern and the super-duper no-stink fabric.  Warning:  Don't follow Baldwin's example of taking the no-stink claim literally:  he didn't wash his shirt once during 2008!

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic people to guide our Event Hosts, someone with PR experience and someone to represent the voice of Club members.

2009 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2009 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole year of free events.

Sponsors.  A big, fat "Thank you!" to the business members of CFA who supported our Club this past year.  Please make sure you consider them when shopping or looking for professional services.  Please also remember that, apart from providing draw prizes, most of our Business members also offer Club Members a discount, so be sure to ask at the cash register.

(click on the Kintec coupon for your print version)



Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 Run and Freeze your Fat Ass Swim. Event Host - Ean Jackson.  We live in interesting times.  What an interesting day it was for our little Club resolution run.  We were served-up a smorgasbord of winter conditions:  snow, sleet, rain, wind, ice, slush, mud, puddles, all with a little blowdown thrown in for good measure.  Given that the snow was deeper than at any time during the run's history, let's call the 2009 run "The Year of the Big Snow."Snowed-in driveways, icy roads and hangovers aside, a near record number of fat asses made it to the start.  We had representatives from as far away as Toronto, Prince George and Vernon including an enthusiastic mob of 18 from snowed-in suburban Coquitlam.  Despite the frozen pens and wet sign-in sheets, we managed to start skating down the trails of Stanley Park promptly at 9.  (Hey Vernon, where were 'ya?) Read on ...

Photo left: Starters at the 2009 Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50

Photo left: John, Gilles and Chad fashionable Fools at the VNYDFA50
Flash - Vancouver Christmas Fat Ass Run. Event Hosts - Karl Jensen and Gilles Barbeau. It was an exceptional day in Vancouver and not too many fools were up for a 50k run but there was a few and it made for an enjoyable experience. But most definitively a fool you had to be to think you could run 50k in such weather. Conditions as you might expect were difficult and deteriorating by the hour. It sure made a hell of a workout.  Results and comments here.
Galbraith Mountain Tour. Event Host - Daniel Probst. What an amazing day to run in the snow with a great group of new and old friends. Even with the weather threatening to turn us all into popsicles seven Fat Ass' braved the cold ( -11c ) to come out and enjoy an incredible run with an equally incredible view on Galbraith. Timing couldn't have been any better as I look out the window now and see cloudy sky's and another 4 inches of snow on the ground and it's still snowing. One of my Good running friends Chuck Snyder came out to lead the faster group and help guide the Gang though the maze of snow covered trails as he has done the last 3 years. Read on here.

Photo left: Claudia fighting the elements at the Galbraith Mountain Tour.

Photo right: Starters at the Pure Satisfaction Run in December.

Pure Satisfaction. Event Host - Craig Moore. Thanks to everyone that came out on a chilly day for the run. We had a record 64 people sign up and about 34 people showed up for the official start on Sunday morning in Deep Cove. All the others either ran on Saturday or earlier Sunday morning from Lynn Canyon and we had 2 people running up in Vernon. Of course, there were the expected no-shows but for today it was understandable as many of them were Snow-ins. There was a light dusting of snow on the trail but I know there were several areas around the Lower Mainland that got a whole bunch more snow. It was quite chilly at the start but with our 9:04 am beginning time the sky was bright and everyone was ready and anxious to go. We had a few first timers and, as always, a small number that weren't familiar with the good ol' Baden Powell Trail. I asked the newbies to stick with someone experienced and not just bunch up so they could get lost together, if you know what I mean. Full report. photos, video and results here.


2008 Travelling Colours ContestAs the year came to a close, there were some interesting battles going on between the top finishers in the 2008 Travelling Colors Competition.  Tactics included:  secretly collecting points, promoting t-shirt photos on Facebook and Flickr with the message to friends and family being, "Vote for me!"  All's fair in love and war!
Congrats to Lucinda who won a refund on her 2009 membership dues for  for her photo of the shoe tree along Highway 50.  Runner up was Colin's beautiful photo of Tyax Lake and third place is awarded to John, being a very happy Fool. A slideshow of all 2008 contributions is posted here.
Get a head start on this year's contest by taking lots of photos of yourself in your Club garment and sharing them by following the instructions here.
2008 Point Series:  Ta da... the most active Club member of 2008 was Desmond Mott of North Vancouver, Canada with 49 Club points.  His strategy? Des participated in 16 CFA events in 2008.  He signed-up early, showed up, and collected trash at most of the events he participated in.  Des won a certificate for a pair of running shoes from  Kintec Footlabs.

Second place was claimed by Bill Dagg of Vancouver.  Bill collected 38 points through a healthy mix of hosting an event, referring friends, contributing photos, crewing and cleaning trash from the trails. His prize is a goodie bag from Axis Gear
Third position is awarded to Jess, who in the final days of 2008, surpassed Baldwin by referring some friends to the Club and by sharing her running photo album.  Congrats to everyone in the Club for making this contest a lot of fun. Total Standings are posted here.

2008 New Year's Resolution Contest:  And the winner is...Baldwin!  He feels he was able to accomplish 91% of the athletic resolutions he made for 2008.  I was tempted to deduct some points for not washing his Club colors all year, but his lead was impressive and Baldwin truly deserved his win.  Baldwin also received a certificate for a pair of running shoes from our business member, Kintec Footlabs. Here are all the 2008 resolutions and self-evaluations. 

Want to share your 2009 resolutions with the world?  Here's how you can do it!


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

In 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, set our to run 100 miles during the 24 hour relay and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read here how it panned out. 

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


July 2007 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

It's that time of the year when we do a bit of belly-button gazing and ask our members and newsletter subscribers what they think about the Club.  A BIG thank you for taking the time to complete our annual member survey. 

We are still in the process of analyzing the responses, but overall, we are grateful and impressed by the thoughtful, practical, and sometimes passionate comments you provided.  You definitely gave us the information and advice we need to help us chart a course for the next year. 

To read about some of the overall trends to emerge so far and find out who won the Nathan double water bottle holder, be sure to read the brief survey report further down in the newsletter. 

It's still not too late yet to participate in the survey.  If you missed it, but would like to make your voice heard, please use your email invitation to complete the survey before midnight tonight.

Stay healthy!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Speaker Night - Injury Prevention:  Thursday 12 July 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Join Kintec and Club Fat Ass for a 45 minute fun run in the jungle followed by a 45 minute seminar on injury prevention for runners and how to keep healthy in training.  There will be pizza, maybe a prize on the run, and lots of opportunity for questions and answers.  This session is free for friends and members of Club Fat Ass.   Pre-registration is required, as attendance is limited to 20 people.   More info at Speaker Night - Injury Prevention for Runners

Photo above:  At the start of last year's North Idaho Kick Ass 50

North Idaho Kick Ass 50/25 Run:  21 July 2007 - Eastport, Idaho, USA.  50 or 25 km on North Idaho trails.  There are hills and animals . . . (the hills are of medium difficulty, the animals include moose, black bears, deers, etc.) . . . but neither will probably kill you.  Find out more!

Photo right:  Bill's Great Peak Ascent Event Host at WS100

Bill's Great Peak Ascent:  21 July 2007 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Join Bill on a trail run from the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve (LSCR) to the top of Grouse Mountain and back.  You can choose to run 30 km, 15 km, or less,  some of it technical, but most of it not.  Approximately 2 km (6,700') of elevation change over roughly 30 km.  Decent views, weather permitting.  More info and registration here.

Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run:  2 August 2007 - North Vancouver, BC, Canada.  This remembrance run is an opportunity for friends of Mary Leliveld to get together as well as a fundraiser for a bursary in Mary's name.  Find out more about the bursary and donate here.  The 10 km trail run is set in the beautiful Lynn Canyon Headwaters Park area of North Vancouver on terrain that ranges from flat and smooth to small hills with a few rocks.  The emphasis is on camaraderie rather than competition.  We would like to see this be a group run where we celebrate the life of a friend who can't join us anymore.  This is an excellent event for beginning trail runners, followed by a potluck dinner and post-run party.  Details here!

Fluffy Bunny Trail Run:  4 August 2007 - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada.  Are you tough enough for the Fluffy Bunny?  Find out here!

The Full Monty:  18 August 2007 - Victoria, BC, Canada.  Can you do the Full Monty? Check it out here.

Photo left:  Event Host Carlos at the Full Monty, August 2006

Capilano Canyon Night Run (A Midsummer Night's Dream):  18 August 2007, North Vancouver, BC Canada.  A classic CFA run.  Find out more here.

Photo right:  Ludo at the top of the world on the Full Monty course.

Flash - Stein Valley Run: Date TBD, BC, Canada.  This is envisioned as a 52 km group run along Blowdown Pass Traverse in the Stein Valley wilderness sometime in late-summer.  There could be 1 or 2 groups based on ability.  Possible carpooling from Vancouver.  Please check the website for more info and updates on the planning of this event. 

Flash - R2R2R Road Trip:  Date TBD, CO, USA.  A road trip to run the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim.  This run is currently in the planning stages and tentatively scheduled for early October.   Express your interest and take part in the planning here.


Annual Membership Survey.  A BIG thank you to all who took the time to complete our survey.  We are still in the process of analyzing the responses, but overall, we are grateful and impressed by thoughtful, practical, and sometimes passionate comments provided by our respondents.  You definitely gave us the information and advice we need to help us chart a course for the next year.  Some of the overall trends to emerge so far
  • you like the newsletter, pretty much as is, but if we have to cut volunteer time, most would be okay with a shorter, but still regular, newsletter.
  • you would rather pay a small event fee, or have us reduce services, than see any increase in membership fees
  • some areas you want us to work on are more event locations (we need your help for this!), shorter events, sponsor discounts, and speaker events or clinics
  • you gave us lots of great suggestions for sponsors that we might never have thought of ourselves
  • there was a small but passionate contingent who felt maybe we want to do too much, and that rather than pursuing sponsors, we should just stick to the basics
  • several of you answered our call for help in specific areas.  Thank you so much -- we will contact you shortly and put your talents to work!  

It's still not too late to participate in the survey.  If you missed it, but would like to make your voice heard, please use your email invitation to complete the survey before midnight tonight.  The actual survey results will be available on the website sometime this summer.

And finally, the lucky winner of the snazzy Nathan double water bottle carrier is member Derrick Johnstone from North Vancouver.

Banner Ads.  
Some of you might have noticed that our website now offers banner ads.  I hope you agree that the ads are displayed tastefully and do not take away from the look and feel of our site, yet offer recognition to Club sponsors, whose support we greatly appreciate.  If you are interested in displaying your logo in the revolving ads, please contact me.  Those of you who expressed interest in banner ads via the survey will be contacted in the next few days.

Sponsors.  A reminder that Trail Runner Magazine offers members of Club Fat Ass a special discounted subscription.  Club members can go to and enter this promotion code (CCFA0607) to get $5 off the regular subscription price of 6 issues for $14.95 plus shipping.


New Gear.  Check out the new stuff in the Club Fat Ass online store.  How about a funky hoodie to keep you warm after a run?  Or a BBQ apron for your favourite grill-meister?  We've also got cheeky boxers and thongs as well as mugs or stickers.  Perfect gifts for that special person who has everything . . .

Free 2008 memberships.  Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events on record this year will automatically receive a complimentary 2008 membership in Club Fat Ass.  A big thank you to all of you who are putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club.  We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online.  One way to achieve that is, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt.  Another is to provide a link on your blog or website.  We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores.  Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute. 


Communicating with Members.  Quite a few of you have requested a way to communicate with other members.  We have recently added a Buddylist and Private Messages to the features on the website.  You can click on any username (usually posted at the top of a comment, blog or story) and add that person to your buddylist and/or send  them a private message.  You can also search for a user via the search function in the top right of every page.  To change your message, notification or other account settings please visit your account.  

Photo Uploading.  There were a lot of digital cameras at our last few events.  We are happy to see our event photos pop up on Flickr.  In order to show your Flickr images on our site you need to follow a few simple steps that I have outlined here.


Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedClub Fat Ass on MySpace


Vancouver Skyline XTC:  Event Host - Ean Jackson

The weatherman lied.  True, he promised some precipitation in the early afternoon.  The first drops fell, however, as the shutter closed on the starter photo. 
It's a well known fact that I am not crazy about running in the rain.  The prospect of running for 6 hours in the rain, I admit, did not excite me.  The weatherman has been wrong in the past, I thought.  Maybe this will blow over and the sun will come out in an hour or so?  Funny how none of the other runners seemed much to care.  Read the full report here.

Photo left: Pat collecting garbage during the XTC.

Photo below right:  Chuck and Nathan at the Slack Ass 50 in Edmonton.


The Slack Ass 50:  Event Host - Alli Conroy

It was a small crowd that assembled to run the inaugural Slack Ass 50 in Edmonton.  Looks like they had fun anyway.  Alli and Chuck outdid themselves crewing for Nathan and providing GPS data.  Nathan was thrilled (good on him for toughing out 50 miles on his own) with his first Club Fat Ass event and is thinking of starting an event in Lethbridge.  Way to go!  Check out results here.

Beyond Nine Mile:  Event Host - Wendy Montgomery

Thanks to everyone who came out and participated in the first running of “Beyond 9-Mile.”  We were lucky as the rain held off for most of the run with the exception of a few sprinkles here and there.  Congratulations to Tracy Garneau who not only ran 18 km of the CFA event, but headed up to Whistler and won the women’s division of Comfortably Numb on Sunday.  Tim, Rick and Gilles showed how tough they truly are by completing the entire route, including the long pull up 9-mile hill. All three men and Tracy are signed up to compete in the STORMY 100 mile solo in August.  Ryan Conroy, who was suffering from a bit of an injury, managed to finish more than 18 km of the course.  I believe Ryan has signed up for the Canadian Death Race on August 4-7 in Alberta.  I wish him luck and hope to see him at STORMY 2008.  Read on here.


2007 Travelling Colours Contest.  Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff!  To participate, just e-mail me your photos.  Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007.  Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

Photo right:  Glenn and Ean crewing at the Western States 100-mile Endurance run in California.

2007 Point Series.   Ean, Craig, Ryan, Sibylle and Des are still in the top 5, but Baldwin, Bill, John and Peter are in hot pursuit.  With most CFA events still to come, the game is wide open.  Don't forget to pre-register, pick-up litter during the event and refer your running buddies to CFA to maximize your chance of winning.  Up-to-date standings are posted here.  Read about how to collect points here


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know.  A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers.  Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association.  Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
.  Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass.  The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society).  The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.



Please visit the Club Fat Ass store to find cool merchandise with the happy porker logo.

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

July 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

I hope your summer is going well.

July and August are traditionally the busiest months for CFA members and their friends. From your traditional trail runs over night runs and a family friendly scavenger hunt to a volcano run there is something for everybody.

Check out the upcoming events in this summer edition of your newsletter below.

Stay healthy!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


The Full Monty: 19 July - Victoria, BC, Canada. Can you do the Full Monty? 25km or 50km on beautiful single track trails. Amazing views. Check it out here.

Photo right: Carlos showing off his backyard

Squamish Crawler Night Run: 19 July - Squamish, BC Canada. A 45km night run on the Stormy 100 miler course in preparation for the Stormy 100 miler in August. For anyone who is planning to run the STORMY 100-mile race. Because of the challenging nature of this event all others by invite only. Great familiarization run and perfect timing at 3 weeks before the big event. Apply for an invite here.

Flash - Kintec Scavenger Run:
20 July - Boundary Bay Regional Park, BC, Canada. Family friendly. A One Hour walk, run, jog, crawl through Boundary Bay Regional Park. There will be various items hidden on the paths throughout the park. Participants have exactly 60 minutes to search the pathway system to find as many items as possible! Find out more and register here.

Volcano Run: 25/26 July - Mount St. Helens, WA, USA. Geoffrey is looking for at least 1 other person to complete the 28 mile Loowit Trail that runs around the summit of Mount St. Helens. Check out his proposed event here.

Photo left: Maureen during Bill's Great Peak Ascent

Bill's Great Peak Ascent: 26 July - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Join Bill on a trail run from the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve (LSCR) to the top of Grouse Mountain and back. You can choose to run 30 km, 15 km, or less, some of it technical, but most of it not. Approximately 2 km (6,700') of elevation change over roughly 30 km. Decent views, weather permitting. More info and registration here.

Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails:
27 July - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A beautiful hike up Lynn Peak in memory of our friend and club member Mary Leliveld. Emphasis is on camaraderie rather than competition. We would like to see this be a group hike where we celebrate the life of a friend who can't join us. Expect a challenging ascent to breathtaking views followed by a pot luck dinner and post-hike party. Non runners are welcome to join in! This is also a fundraiser for a bursary in Mary's name. Registration and more information here.

Fluffy Bunny Trail Run: 2 August - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. Are you tough enough for the Fluffy Bunny? Find out here!

Capilano Canyon Night Run (A Midsummer Night's Dream): 16 August, North Vancouver, BC Canada. A classic CFA run and a social event not to be missed. Find out more here.



Latest Blogs. Keep up with Baldy, the Fools and other FA's here.

Member Registration. If you haven't yet joined the Club, what are you waiting for? Sign-up now to participate in almost 50 free events and get a classic black technical Club t-shirt as well. Such a deal!

Banner Ads.
Want to get your brand in front of a lot of outdoor minded folks? Why not consider a banner ad on the CFA website. Check out what is involved here.

Gear. Check out the new stuff in the Club Fat Ass online store. How about a funky hoodie to keep you warm after a run? Or a BBQ apron for your favourite grill-meister? We've also got cheeky boxers and thongs as well as mugs or stickers. Perfect gifts for that special person who has everything . . .

Free 2009 memberships. Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events on record this year will automatically receive a complimentary 2009 membership in Club Fat Ass. A big thank you to all of you who are putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club. We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online. One way to achieve that is, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt. Another is to provide a link on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores. Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute.



Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


The Squamish Brick. Event Host - Tim Wiens. Well, I volunteered to host my first CFA event, and got off to a great start by not showing up! An inflamed tendon, (probably something to do with completing two 100 km races last month) meant I was happy to accept Bill Dagg’s offer to lead the Stormy training run Saturday. Thanks Bill! Eleven showed up including Carlos from Victoria, and Julie all the way from Seattle. Julie ended her run a bit early after a fall required her to visit a clinic for some stitches. Baldwin and Carlos decided to run a bit extra, after missing a couple of key turnoffs, and managed to find other parts of the course to deviate from. They ran 6:33. The rest ran 38 km, with the first runner coming in at 4:11.

I showed up Sunday for part two of the Brick, a 28 km run taking in the rest of the Stormy course minus the Nine Mile Hill loop. Bill Dagg and Rick Arikado finished first at 3:23, with the rest of us not too far behind. I ran about half this with the six runners who did the run, missing out on the bear sighting. The tendon flared up and I discovered that hopping on one leg down technical trails doesn’t work too well. Rea, a nurse, was kind enough to provide an ice pack at the finish which was greatly appreciated. By the end, the sun had come out, which made for a pleasant drive back to Vancouver after the usual post-event party at the Howe Sound Brew Pub. See Carlos' video and more photos here.

Photo left above: Starters at the Squamish Brick

Photo right: Filling up at Cleveland Dam during the XTC 2008
Vancouver Skyline XTC. Event Host - Ean Jackson. My race report? Well, I didn't run far due to an injury, so I missed most of the action. what I can report on, however, is that it was a great day for a run with friends... at least those who took pity on my sorry, fat ass and ran with me at the back of the pack. Read on and see the results here.

Vancouver 100. Event Host - Craig Moore. Of 15 starters for the full 100 km we had 8 finish. That's the most out of 4 years. It was an incredible day on a slightly challenging course. Thanks to everyone for participating and especially the crews! here.

Photo left: John and Sylvie during last years Vancouver 100


2008 Travelling Colours Contest. The winner of this popular contest will receive a full refund of his or her 2009 Club membership dues. Kintec Footlabs is recognizing the second place photo with a pair of running shoes. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

Photo left: Gilles contemplating the shoe tree on the way to the (later cancelled) WS100 this year.

2008 Point Series. Des is on track again to win the pair of shoes, Kintec Footlab is sponsoring for the winner of this contest. Des is trailed closely by Bill Dagg, Baldwin Lee and Penny Jakobsen. (and no, "Out of Action" Jackson and I do not qualify to win, but we like to play anyway)

Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



June 2007 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

June is proving to be a busy month for members of Club Fat Ass...and this is just the start of an "eventful" summer!

More and more members are coming forward and testing the waters by hosting Flash events.  I'd like to remind you that a Flash event does not need to be an insane multiday ultra challenge.  If you have a favorite trail loop you'd like to showcase, post it as a flash event.  It's easy.  As a member you just need to log in on the website and choose "create content" in your navigation box (left side column).  From there click on "create event" and fill in the blanks.

We're completing the annual membership survey and hope to have it off to you in the next few weeks.  Please take a moment to answer it as your feedback helps us focus on what matters the most to you.

Stay healthy!

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Vancouver Skyline XTC:  9 June 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run with a twist that explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit your ability.  Approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.

Photo: Rick Arikado on a decrepit bridge during a past XTC

New Alberta Event!
The Slack Ass 50:  16 June 2007 - Edmonton, BC Canada.  Join new Event Host Alli Conroy for 15 or 50 miles featuring Edmonton's extensive trail system along the beautiful river valley. A mix of forest trails and pavement, the trail will follow rolling, well established trails through major parks for most of the route. There will be some steeper cross country style terrain to mix it up a bit so be prepared.  Start/finish at the main pavillion at Hawrelak Park.  Find out more and register here.

Flash - Indian Arm Trail Run : 17 June 2007 - North Vancouver, Canada. 68km on a very tough trail.  Please post a comment on the event page if you are interested in this adventure. More info here.

Beyond Nine Mile: 23 June 2007 - Squamish, BC, Canada.  Join Event Host Wendy Montgomery and find out what lies beyond the infamous Nine Mile Hill at the Stormy Trail Run.  27.5 mile and 8.25 mile options on a wilderness dirt road and single track trails. More details and registration here.

North Idaho Kick Ass 50k: 21 July 2007 - Eastport, Idaho, USA.  50 km on North Idaho trails. There are hills and animals... (hills are medium hardness, animals include moose, black bears, deers,etc.)... but neither will probably kill you. Find out more!

Photo: Last years runners of the North Idaho Kick Ass.


New Merchandise: Check out the new gear in the Club Fat Ass online store. How about a funky hoodie to keep you warm after a run? A BBQ apron for the grill-meisters?  We've got cheeky boxers and thongs as well as mugs or stickers.

Free 2008 membership
. Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events on record this year will automatically receive a complimentary 2008 membership in Club Fat Ass.  A big thank you to all of you who are putting back and hosting events for all members.

2007 Poster Children.  Fashion photography at it's finest.  Greet Club Fat Ass' next top model contenders here!

2007 Membership Registration.  If you haven't registered yet, you missed your chance to get the special green 2007 collector's shirt.  But don't despair, members signing up now will receive our classic black Club shirt and can still participate in all upcoming events during 2007.  Such a deal!

Sponsors. I am happy to announce that North Shore Athletics continues to sponsor CFA through 2008.  Thank you Keith Nicoll and all at NSA. Please support them by shopping in there store on the Northshore of Vancouver or in Squamish.  Don't forget to identify yourself as CFA member to receive a 15% discount.

Promoting your Club. 
We love your help in promoting the Club in person and online.  One way to achieve that is, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt.  Another is to provide a link on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores.  Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute. 



Communicating with Members. Quite a few of you have requested a way to communicate with other members.  I added a Buddylist and Private Messages.  You can click on any username (usually posted at the top of a comment/blog or story and add them to your buddylist and/or send a private message. You can also search for a user via the search function in the top right of every page.  To change your message, notification or other account settings please visit your account.  

Photo Uploading. There were a lot of digital cameras during our last few events.  Happy to see our event photos pop up on Flickr.  In order to show your Flickr images on our site you need to follow a few simple steps that I outlined here.

Looks like for now we beat the spammers!  I have noticed some spammers abusing the free event registration.  If this becomes a problem, I will restrict registration to users that are logged in.

Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedClub Fat Ass on MySpace



North Shore Enduro (by Andy Nicol): Sunny skies and ideal trail conditions greeted runners at this years 6-Hour Enduro. The 4th edition of the Enduro attracted 24 runners eager to start their 6 hour Endurojaunt through the Lynn Loop. This 7.6km loop is a good mix of easy foot paths and rocky rooty trail. Randy Hunter's 2005 record of 8 laps in 5:39 looked to be in danger when Dom Repta and Matt Sessions put their game face on. However, once they saw a group of retired runners on the lawn enjoying the days sun, they decided 7 laps was plenty. Six other runners knocked off 6 laps including Jackson who chalked up his 87th ultra. Whether you ran 1 lap or 7, it was great to see a large group of runners come out and enjoy some exercise on a perfect day. Full report, results and photos here.

Photo above: 2007 Enduro Starter Photo

2007-05-27 Run To The Clouds (33)Photo above: idyllic lake scenes during the Run To The Clouds

Run to the Clouds
(by Pete Stace-Smith): Well sports-fans, the 2nd annual Run to the Clouds event is now behind us. 28 keen CFA runners started the event yesterday and 14 of them finished the full 25 km challenging course. Some even did more!  Whether you did the full course or one of the shorter options, give yourself a big pat on the back, you all did awesome!!!  Full report, results and photos here.

The Vancouver 100
(by Craig Moore):  Something worth doing is worth doing well.  Anything done well is worth the effort. Greatness is gotten by passionately following your dreams …
Okay, enough with the banal quotes. This was one bugger of a tough run and the people that did all, or even part, of the 2007 Vancouver 100 did what they had to do and are most certainly stronger for the effort. 
Our day started early at 4:30 am on Saturday and was quite mild and calm even for early June in Deep Cove. The past V100 starts have brought us cooler temperatures and even a bit of rain. But because all of the people have lots of experience running on the North Shore we knew that a mild morning meant hot weather to come. And we weren’t disappointed. Read Craig's detailed report  here.

Photo left: David and Glenn descending the scree field on Black Mountain.


2007 Travelling Colours Contest. Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff!  To participate, just e-mail me your photos.  Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007.  Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

2007 Point Series.  Ean, Ryan, Craig, Sibylle and Des are currently in the top 5. But with most CFA events still to come, the game is wide open. Don't forget to pre-register, pick-up litter during an event and refer your running buddies to CFA to maximize your chance of winning.  Up-to-date standings are posted here.  Read about how to collect points here


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know.  A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers.  Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association
.  Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
.  Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass.  The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society).  The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

June 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


June is proving to be a busy month for members of Club Fat Ass... and this is just the start of an "eventful" summer!

More and more members are coming forward and testing the waters by hosting Flash events. I'd like to remind you that a Flash event does not need to be an insane multi-day ultra challenge. If you have a favorite trail loop you'd like to showcase, post it as a Flash event. It's easy. As a member you just need to log in on the website and choose "create content" in your navigation box (left side column). From there click on "create event" and fill in the blanks.

Lastly, check out what longtime CFA member, Glenn Pace, is up to and support him in his endeavour to run 100 miles in 24h and raise money for children with disabilities. Details in the newsletter below.

Stay healthy!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Vancouver 100. 7-8 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. The toughest 100 km in Canada... maybe the world! Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation for the full 100 km is by invitation only, but everyone can still participate by running part of the course with the 100 km participants, coming out to the aid station/picnic area at Cleveland Dam or crewing for a runner. More info and applications here.

Photo left: EH Craig Moore during last year's Vancouver 100

Multi Sports Night. 13 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Hosted by CFA Business member Active Life Physio. Complimentary running gait analysis (bring shorts and runners), bike fit analysis (bring your bike and shoes) or body check-ups / preventative performance evaluation(PPE) (bring shorts and tank top). Refreshments will be served. Please note: there is no registration required, ActiveLifePhysio will offer services on a first come, first served basis. One service per person, time-permitting. Find out more here.

Vancouver Skyline XTC. 14 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This trail run with a twist explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit their abilities. Runners will experience approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.

Photo right: RunRik on a slippery bridge during a previous XTC

Photo left: Getting ready for a CFA event in Edmonton

The Slack Ass 50. 21 June - Edmonton, BC Canada. Join Event Host Alli Conroy for 13 or 50 miles of Edmonton's extensive trail system along the beautiful river valley. A mix of forest trails and pavement, the trail will follow rolling, well-established trails through major parks for most of the route. There will be some steeper cross country style terrain to mix it up a bit so be prepared. Start/finish at the main pavilion at Hawrelak Park. Find out more and register here.

The Squamish Brick. 21/22 June - Squamish, BC Canada. Two back-to-back trail running days from Hell on the STORMY 50/100-mile course. Most 100-mile runners will agree that bricks (back-to-back long runs) build character and stamina. This little jog in the woods ought to do that. Run one day or run both. For anyone who is planning to run the STORMY 50-mile or 100-mile race in 2008 or otherwise. Great familiarization run and perfect timing at 7 weeks before the big event. More info here.

Photo left: EH Carlos showing off the trails and views in his backyard.

The Full Monty: 19 July - Victoria, BC, Canada. Can you do the Full Monty? 25km or 50km on beautiful single track trails. Amazing views. Check it out here.

Squamish Crawler Night Run: 19 July - Squamish, BC Canada. A 45km night run on the Stormy 100 miler course in preparation for the Stormy 100 miler in August. For anyone who is planning to run the STORMY 100-mile race. Because of the challenging nature of this event all others by invite only. Great familiarization run and perfect timing at 3 weeks before the big event. Apply for an invite here.

Bill's Great Peak Ascent: 26 July - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Join Bill on a trail run from the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve (LSCR) to the top of Grouse Mountain and back. You can choose to run 30 km, 15 km, or less, some of it technical, but most of it not. Approximately 2 km (6,700') of elevation change over roughly 30 km. Decent views, weather permitting. More info and registration here.

Photo right: A happy Bill and son in Costa Rica.



Member Of The Month. Keep your eyes peeled for the introduction of the first member of the month on the website.
Please forward nominations for next month to Jess Bassil.

Latest Blogs. Keep up with Baldy, the Fools and other FA's here.

Other Events of Interest. Check out what long time CFA member Mudrunner, aka Glenn Pace, has planned for Father's Day this June. He pledged to run 100 Miles during the Easter Seals 24 Relay and raise money for children with disabilities. CFA members already have been very generous with donations. To help Glenn reach or even exceed his goals, check out his page on the 24 Hour Relay site here.

Member Registration. If you haven't yet joined the Club, what are you waiting for? Sign-up now to participate in almost 50 free events and get a classic black technical Club t-shirt as well. Such a deal!



CFA Website.
Webmeister with the mostest, Ran, gave our text editor a haircut and style. Did you notice? Actually, functionality is very similar. What is new that you can set the editor to enabled or disabled in your account. A disabled editor will result in faster page loads. If you need the editor you can still enable it as needed by following the link under the text box "enable rich text". To top things of, your editor now features a spellchecker.

A reminder that the website help page is posted here. Instructions on how to upload photos and use Flickr to get photos on the CFA website are found here.



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Flash - Baldy's Bonkfest. Flash Event Host - Baldwin Lee. Well, that was an interesting experience. I learned a few things from the Host's perspective which I'll get into detail a little later. 6:54am: I get a call from Rob wondering where I am (as I'm doing 70km/h on the Mamquam FSR) Note to self: Make sure your family knows to call 911 instead of calling you in case of emergency and try to maintain some sense of self control when going to a BBQ the night before an event, especially if you're the event Host. 7:08am: After posing for a brief picture, the participants: Rob, Cheryl, Cynnimon, Phil, Chad, Karl and Gilles and myself started out. Gilles noticed the big rock about a km from the start and figured that he and Karl would have to run a little bit out to get their goal of 100 miles. Read Baldwins full post here.

Photo right: Start of Baldy's Bonkfest in Squamish

Photo left: Colin following the back country markers in the snow on Hollyburn to find his way along the Baden Powell Trail.

Flash - Bill and Tim's Excellent Adventure - Redux. Flash Event Hosts - Bill Dagg and Tim Wiens. Because of timing issues there were two editions of this event. Collin, Mike and friends went out on Sunday. Here is Collins recap.

North Shore Enduro. Event Host - Andy Nicol. The sixth running of the North Shore 6 - Hour Enduro was a success. We were very lucky with the weather as the anticipated rain held off. However it was cold for those in the gazebo (Danielle and Wade). In all 18 people ran at least 1 lap of the course. Once again Randy Hunter's record of 8 laps in 5:39 is safe, and possibly untouchable. Mark Lesack picked up his second victory at the Enduro by running 7 laps in 5:22. Good to see some new faces, hope you enjoyed the event. Special thanks to Kintec for their support. Danille from Kintec came out to aid the runners and keep a frozen Wade (time keeper) company.
Around ten of us showed up at the pub, everyone received a prize (Thanks to our sponsors Kintech and Trailrunner Magazine!). Full results here.

Photo right: Adventure Mike is happy that the snow on the Hollyburn Chute is petering out.


2008 Travelling Colours Contest. The winner of this popular contest will receive a full refund of his or her 2009 Club membership dues. Kintec Footlabs is recognizing the second place photo with a pair of running shoes. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

2008 Point Series. Des is on track again to win the pair of shoes, Kintec Footlab is sponsoring for the winner of this contest. Des is trailed closely by Ran Katzmann, Ryne Melcher and Penny Jakobsen. (and no, "Out of Action" Jackson and I do not qualify to win, but we like to play anyway)

Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



June 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
free events for active people

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

With 7 Scheduled or Flash events in the past few weeks, there've been no excuses for Fat Asses and their friends to not stay active in the outdoors. 

The upcoming month is especially full of outdoor adventures, as well.  Of special interest is the upcoming speaker night on how to use GPS while on the trails.  We're very fortunate to have as a presenter Allan McMordie, both a long-standing volunteer with the North Shore Search and Rescue and fellow CFA member.  No prior knowledge is required and if you own a GPS, you are encouraged to bring it along.  The event is free and anyone is welcome, but seating is limited to the first 40 who sign up online.  Mark the evening of Wednesday 24 June in your agenda for a seminar that could save your life!

Facebook and Twitter are all the rage.   A growing number of Club members have been asking me to pull a bit from the professional side of my life and bring these social media tools into how we communicate as a club.  (Others are grateful to get away from technology while on Club runs!)  For the benefit of all who are currently active or interested in learning more about how to use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Flickr, I've added some pointers in our Help section.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


Club Fat Ass Events - Vancouver XTC - Pat, Claudia and Sibylle at Brothers CreekVancouver Skyline XTC. 13 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This trail run with a twist explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit their abilities. Runners will experience approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.
Photo right: Pat, Claudia and Sibylle at Brothers Creek during the XTC

Photo left: runners crossing the floating bridge across Buntzen Lake during the 2007 Fluffy Bunny
Fluffy Bunny Trail Run: 20 June - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. Are you tough enough for the Fluffy Bunny? 11km, 15km, 25km and 35km options provide fun distances for the whole family. Go for a dip in Buntzen Lake afterward.  Find out here!

The Slack Ass 50. 20 June - Edmonton, AB, Canada. Join Event Host Alli Conroy for 13 or 50 miles of Edmonton's extensive trail system along the beautiful river valley. A mix of forest trails and pavement, the trail will follow rolling, well-established trails through major parks for most of the route. There will be some steeper cross country style terrain to mix it up a bit so be prepared. Start/finish at the main pavilion at Hawrelak Park. Find out more and register here.

Club Fat Ass Events - Squamish B2B Starter PhotoThe Squamish Brick. 27/28 June - Squamish, BC Canada. Two back-to-back trail running days from Hell on the STORMY 50/100-mile course. Most 100-mile runners will agree that bricks (back-to-back long runs) build character and stamina. This little jog in the woods ought to do that. Run one day or run both. For anyone who is planning to run the STORMY 50-mile or 100-mile race in 2008 or otherwise. Great familiarization run and perfect timing at 7 weeks before the big event. More info here.

Club Fat Ass Event - Full Monty - Carlos and Arbutus TreeSpeaker Night - GPS Seminar. 24 June - North Vancouver, BC Canada.  Don't miss this speaker night for an introduction into GPS usage and navigation by Allan McMordie, member of the North Shore Search and Rescue team.  Please also see the follow-up GPS Scavenger Hunt event, July 5th, to help you practise what you learned. This seminar is free... donations to NSSR are encouraged. More details and registration here.

GPS Scavenger Hunt. 5 July - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A GPS guided scavenger hunt on the North Shore between Skyline Drive and Mountain Highway. More info and registration at here.
Photo right: Carlos, Host of the Full Monty exploring an Arbutus tree during last years run.

Photo left: Ludo on top of the world during a previous Full Monty run

Club Fat Ass Events - Full Monty - Ludo on top of the worldThe Full Monty: 18 July - Victoria, BC, Canada. Can you do the Full Monty? 25km or 50km on beautiful single track trails. Amazing views. Check it out here.
Squamish Crawler Night Run: 18 July - Squamish, BC Canada. A 45km night run on the Stormy 100 miler course in preparation for the Stormy 100 miler in August. For anyone who is planning to run the STORMY 100-mile race. Because of the challenging nature of this event all others by invite only. Great familiarization run and perfect timing at 3 weeks before the big event. Apply for an invite here.
Flash - Hotspring Hustle. 19 July - Pitt Lake, BC, Canada. There are hot springs in the mountains on Pitt River.  They are hard to reach.  Word is that they are quite beautiful.  This is an adventure that aims to reward the adventure-seeker with not only an adventure, but with a relaxing dip in the springs!  Find more info here.


Social Media.  Check out these pointers on how to use Social Media to stay connected with what is new at CFA, what you're doing and thinking while on the trails and how to share Club events with your friends.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to chair the membership committee, some help with media relations and marketing promotions (any tweeters out there?)

2009 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2009 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole year of free events.


Private Messaging.  Did you know that our "online clubhouse" (the CFA website) offers private messaging?  To check if private messaging is enabled for your account (by default it is enabled for new accounts), please go to your user account, click on the "edit" tab, then scroll down the page and make sure the check box beside "Personal Contact Form" is checked.  If it is, other members can contact you via our website.  While your email address stays private and non-members cannot contact you, members are able to contact non-members who have enabled private messaging.  Great for hooking up for a ride or informal run.

Subscriptions. Ever wondered how to set and fine tune your subscriptions for notifications when there are updates to the Club Fat Ass website?  Log in and go to your account page, look for the "Subscription" tab and click on it.  From there you can set your default subscription settings for different content types like blogs, events and forum topics.  Please also be reminded that you can override these settings for each individual post.  Just look for the subscribe/unsubscribe link at the bottom of most posts.  On a related subject, we apologize for the flood of subscription notices some of you have received earlier in the week because of a technical glitch.


Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Club Fat Ass Event - Vancouver 100: Dave Berg descending Black MountainVancouver 100. Event Host - Craig Moore.  How do I put into words how great this event is and how much it affects the runners and the club? It is possible but daunting.I’ve been involved with Club Fat Ass for many years, almost since the beginning. I stick with it because I get to do what I want (run on the local trails with old friends and make new friends). It’s easy to sign up for events and see clearly what I’m getting myself into before the Event Host says “go!” The challenge is ready and the purpose is obvious. So what is it about the Vancouver 100 that astounds me every year and makes it so different from the other events?  More here.

Photo right: Dave Berg descending the Bluffs on Black Mountain during the Vancouver 100

Flash - Lord of the Loop(s). Event Host - Max.  The weather was spectacular & we had a stellar turnout. 40 Fat Asses & their friends & family came out to enjoy a picnic and a spirited run through the Capilano Canyon.  Race director, Max (age 8), gave a brief speech that summed up the spirit of Lord of the Loops...""Thank you all for coming out here today. The only rule is to have fun".  Read the full report and see results here.

Photo left: Arlene and two of her charges enjoying the trails during the Lord of the Loops.

Photo right: Karl and Lorraine during the Foolish Plunge 100 Miler in Squamish, BC.

Club Fat Ass Events - foolish Plung 100 Miles - Karl and LorraineFlash - Foolish Plunge 100 Mile.  Event - Host Karl. Thanks to Tony and Shawn’s participation the Foolish Plunge became an international event.  It’s always nice to see our American friends, eh.  Shawn suffered a bad ankle sprain going down the Plunge on her fifth loop and had to call it a day.  At last report the ankle has considerable swelling and is being aggressively iced.  Tony had serious stomach issues during the night, but after some recovery time in his vehicle came out again to finish the full 100 miles.  It takes character to come back out after being in as bad a condition as we saw him.  Well done Tony!   Shawn and Tony are not strangers to suffering, having completed the McNaughton 150 mile race in April under very difficult wet and muddy conditions. More here.

Flash - Baldy's Bonkfest. Event Host - Baldwin Lee.  here.


Club FatAss Events - Run To the Clouds - Buntzen Lake2009 Travelling Colours ContestPictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here.  Check out photos submitted so far here. This contest is ongoing and photos earn view counts, favorites and comments all year round.  The photo that is deemed most interesting by Flickr standards will win!  So, be creative and get your friends to comment on your photo or make it a favorite.  Contest details are here.

2009 Point Series. "Out of Action" Jackson is still the runaway leader, closely followed by Craig, Sibylle and Des.  Rumour has it, Craig is planning a Flash adventure and he's also been actively garnering photo and garbage point (ask him about that doggie bag next time you see him). The competition is definitely heating up and we are not even half way through the year. Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes.

Refer a Friend Contest. This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by dragging along their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200!  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here.  Currently in the lead is Kristie Congram.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

North Shore Rescue. NSR is a volunteer Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings.  A few of our members are also NSR members. We'd like to continue our record of not using their services and rather help with their promotion of back country safety.  NSR depending on your donations... consider a few bucks donated as a life insurance policy for yourself or a loved one!

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

As in 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, is set again to run the 24 hour relay (this time he is attempting 110 Miles) and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his 2008 adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



March 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


The no-stink, long-sleeve, environmentally friendly, 2008 Club colors are now collectors items!

If you joined the Club for the current (2008) year before January 1st, and you didn't opt-out of the t-shirt, you should now have a first run, original "Club Fat Ass Wear" garment in your hot little hands. Woo hoo!

Producing this year's colors has been quite a journey. Please share what you think of your t-shirt, as we're already planning next year. In particular, please share your thoughts on the material, the fit, the feel and the colors either with a comment on the club website, with a private note to me, by responding to the online poll later in the spring or all of the above if you feel strongly either way.

As in years past, please submit photos of your adventures with your t-shirt to our Travelling Colours Contest. The winner will get a refund on their 2009 Club membership and priceless bragging rights. Details are in the newsletter below.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Spring Bunny Hop. 5 April - Claremont, ON, Canada. The opportunity for Ontario members to mix and mingle and show their loyalty. This 25 km trail run (which may turn into a cross country ski outing) takes you up and down two of the Oak Ridges Moraine forest tracks. Find out more here.

Photo left: A little Ontario FA preparing for the Spring Bunny Hop - the course is currently under a meter of snow!

Run to the Clouds. 12 April - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. A 12.5km or 25km run, all on trails with some gravel road sections. Come see and run around beautiful Buntzen Lake and surrounding mountains. A challenging route with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600 metres) of elevation gain/loss. Fantastic views of Buntzen Lake and the Greater Vancouver area. Details here.

Photo right: A crowd gathers at the super aidstation Pete Stace Smith orchestrated at last year's Run to the Clouds

Flash - Hyson's Hijinx. 25 April - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 160 km aka 100 miler on the Baden Powell Trail between Deep Cove and St Andrews Rd. Read Chad's motivations here.

North Shore Enduro. 10 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains, the Enduro is on a 7.6 km loop course that lasts up to 6 hours. A safe and challenging first trail run featuring some easy and some technical terrain. A great social event for the team runner (2-6 runners can form a team). A tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner. More info and registration here.


2008 Shirts. If you ordered the 2008 collectors shirt with your membership you should have your shirt in your hands by now. Thanks for your patience waiting for the first edition of the Club Fat Ass Wear high fashion line. Jess Marshall handled the graphics (cute porker label, Jess) and Vanessa Fors was the driving force behind sourcing the innovative no-stink chitosante fabric (and no, we are not claiming that the wearing the shirts will make you healthier, but working out in them should), designing the shirts and handling the pattern making and sewing. Both Jess and Vanessa very patiently addressed all my anxious questions. Packaging and mailing almost was fun with Michele Sherstan and a bottle of oaky chardonnay at my side. Once you had a chance to test drive your shirt, we are planning a small online survey to get your feedback. Please be generous with your comments.

2008 Membership. If you haven't yet joined the Club, what are you waiting for? Sign-up now to participte in almost 50 free events and get a classic black technical Club t-shirt as well. Such a deal!

Sponsors. It is great to see our family of business members grow. Please make sure you consider them when looking for gear or health care providers.

Our newest advertising member is Axis Gear based in Toronto, Canada. Started in a garage in 2001, Axis Gear strives to deliver technically superior, yet stylish custom performance apparel. Best of all, Axis Gear shares our vision of preserving the environment, the sustainable growth of our sport and their gear is 100% sweat shop free!

Kintec Footlabs has been very busy this month. They held the first of four speaker events planned for this year. Everybody who came out was treated to a run and an infomative session on how Kintec Footlabs can help you prevent or deal with injuries. Their gait analysis and highly qualified staff is especially helpful in finding the right shoe for you. Their next seminar, 21 May, is on knee injuries.

Active Life Physio is planning a 1 hour evening seminar in early May. Details and registration will be posted on the website soon.

Photo right: from the Outdoor Adventure Relay for Dafur's website. With permission from the organizer

Other Events of Interest. Outdoor Adventure Relay for Darfur . Any plans for the last week of April yet? Take a stand against the genocide in Darfur. The organizer's (Jeremy Frimer) goal is to raise awareness of the crisis in Darfur by linking a non-competitive ski, snowshoe, climb, paddle, and cycle relay--from Whistler Mountain to downtown Vancouver, BC--culminating in a rally at the 2010 Olympic clock on April 27. Registration for the week long relay (do one stage, do all) is free.

STORMY Trail Race. Club Fat Ass will be organizing and hosting the training runs for western Canada's most popular 100-miler this year. What does that mean? You can you can get up close and comfortable with the STORMY course on your own terms while helping fellow runners and Race Director Wendy Montgomery. Several Club members have already stepped up to the plate with both scheduled and Flash events. Find out more here.



CFA Website.
A reminder that website help is posted here. Instructions on how to upload photos and use Flickr to get photos on the Club Fat Ass website are here.

Behind the scenes, Ran Katzmann has been very active fixing this and enhancing that in and around our Online Clubhouse. Among other things, he addressed the issue of website account registration confimations and other system emails being caught in your spam filters (too many naughty words like "a**"). Emails from the site (i.e. subscription notifications, new password requests) will now come from CFA_info at cfasports dot com. Please make sure you add this address to your safe senders or contact list.

Post-Event Surveys. Yes, it is a bit of a pain in the you-know-what to answer the post-event surveys. However, the 2-3 minutes it takes goes a long way to help your Event Host know what you *really* feel about their event. They do read your comments and your feedback helps them make their events even better.

We've tried to make the surveys easier and quicker to complete. We'd also like to get results in your hands quickly. From now on, you will receive an email with links to results and survey after each scheduled Club event you participate in. We'll also put a link to the survey at the bottom of the results page. Enjoy... and keep that feedback coming!



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Spring Mountain Highway Madness. Event Host - Ean Jackson. Results, report, photo and comments here.

Photo: Starters at the Spring Mountain Highway Madness

Flash - Juan De Fuca Trail Run.
Event Host - Carlos Castillo. Read Carlos' blog here.

Burnaby Mountain Run. Event Hosts - Tara Jackson and Katheryne Gardiner. Thanks for everyone for coming out on Sunday! Some were unable to make it due to the time change but all that showed enjoyed a warm and rain-free day. A select few were brave enough to run the course twice...even with that Killer Hill! Gord said that the second time around on that hill was 200% harder than the first! Good Job! Too bad we all didn't have energy like Ty - Hope to see everyone next year! Full result here.

Photo left: Starters at the Burnaby Mountain Run - minus a few that did not "spring forward".

Flash - Quad Qruncher. Flash Event Host - Karl Jensen. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Quad Qruncher. Hopefully all are now enjoying sore calves and quads. This, of course, was the ojective of the event. It provided excellent training to compliment the strength and endurance building done on the earlier Pure Foolishness runs. The Fools are about as ready as they can be for the Coyote Two Moon 100 Mile race to be held in two weeks. It's too late for training, our only hope now is luck.

Photos: Snacking during the Pure Foolishness 100.

The first few loops were cold and wet, but by late morning the sun came out. All-in-all the running conditions were good. There were some patches of snow at the top the the 10K loop, but that just made things interesting.

A few people decided to earn a little involuntary bonus distance on the 10K loops, but we won't mention any names. More here.

Flash - Pure Foolishness 100km. Flash Event Host - Karl Jensen. Congratulations to all who finished the Pure Foolishness 100K. The trail gods were smiling on the runners with cool and mostly sunny weather. Quite an improvement on the Pure Foolishness 75K. They owed it to us.

Photo right: Charlie Crissman during the Pure Foolishness 100km

The Fools were honoured to have the company of Charlie Crissman, race director of the popular Cascade Crest Classic 100 Mile Race in Washington State. Charlie will join the Fools again at the Coyote Two Moon 100 Mile Race in California in March. Having also completed a Pure Foolishness run Charlie is now a certified Fool, subject to the same somewhat suspicious sideways glances as the other Fools. More info and video here!



2008 Travelling Colours Contest. Same contest, same rules, new year. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.
Photo left: Mudrunner adding a rock to his collection on the Yosemite Falls Trail.

2008 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

Relay for Dafur. A situation that deserves your attention. A free adventure for anyone with the right stuff in beautiful BC.

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


March 2007 Newsletter

 CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

I'd like to kick off this month's newsletter with a big "Thank You!" to the Club Steering Committee

This group of dedicated Fat Asses takes your suggestions about how to improve the Club and our online clubhouse and makes them happen.  As usual, a lot of behind the scenes work has been going on.  This month has been particularly productive.

Our last member survey showed that a lot of you were interested in having the opportunity to buy Club merchandise.  I am happy to announce that we've been listening, so grab your credit card.  In addition to black and blue technical t-shirts, we now have mugs, stickers, shirts, hoodies and even thongs. (Yes, you read that right.)  Over the next little while we will add more items and slogans, but for now check out your new Club Fat Ass store

Thanks to everybody who participated in our annual Travelling Colours Contest.  We have a winner!  (Drum roll, please.)  To find out who took first, second and third, keep reading . . .

Lastly, if you're a past Club member, a member-to-be or one of the many newsletter readers who have contacted me begging for a special edition green 2007 Club t-shirt . . Sorry, ya snooze, ya loose!  I have a few blue and black shirts, but the greenies went to those members of record before 31  December.  If you asked me to hold your green t-shirt for pick-up, please arrange a pick-up time ASAP, as I've been offered some very tempting bribes for the shirts still at my house.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Spring Mountain Highway Madness:  18 March 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada.  This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps with approximately 1 km (3,300') of elevation change per lap.  The course is on a wide dirt and gravel access road with no traffic.  Check it out here!

Photo: Lots of snow during last year's Spring Mountain Highway Madness.

Big Fat Ass 100 km
: 25 March 2007 - Vancouver, BC Canada.  This flash event conceived by Karl Jensen and Gilles Barbeau features a double loop of the New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 course.  Why?  Because for some of us, 50 km is not enough.  Check it out here!

Burnaby Mountain Run21 April 2007 - Burnaby, BC Canada.  We are happy toElke celebrating no more climbing announce that this event will live on, thanks to new Event Hosts Katheryne Gardiner and Tara Jackson.  Run 11.2 km or 22.4 km on the trails of Burnaby Mountain, but beware of the killer hill at the end!  Find out more here.

New Ontario Event!
Spring Bunny Hop21 April 2007 - Claremont, ON Canada.  This 25 km trail run takes you up and down two of the Oak Ridges Moraine forest tracks:  Walker Woods and Glen Major.  The moraine's rolling hills and valleys were carved by glaciers over 12,000 years ago.  Today this ecologically rich forest playground hosts over 200 km of trails, attracting hikers, mountain bikers, x-country skiers, and horseback riders alike.  More details here.

Photo: Elke celebrating the end of climbing during last year's Run to the Clouds.

Run to the CloudsDate changed to 27 May 2007 - Coquitlam, BC Canada.  This 22 km run is  mostly "off road."  It is a challenging route with over 2,000 vertical feet (or 600 m) of elevation change offering fantastic views of the Greater Vancouver area.  More details here.



Cafepress DoggieClub Fat Ass Store.   Here is your chance to buy fun, funky and sometimes cheeky gear sporting our porker logo and tongue-in-cheek slogans.  Check it out at or look for the CFA store button on the top right of the website home page.

Hope you have as much fun shopping as Jess and I have had setting up the shop (Thanks, Jess!).  Serve up your next BBQ in a CFA apron.  Pamper your hound with a Fat Ass doggie-t.  (Gary, you might want to consider this, as Roxy the ultradog tends to have trouble doing her business in your red CFA colors.) 

If you have ideas about slogans we might use, let me know.

2006 Travelling Colours Contest Winner

We have a winner in the 2006 Travelling Colours Contest!  Peter from Montreal won with his series of photos documenting his run through the Grand Canyon (photos #24 - #34).  Peter will receive a 2007 CFA membership and perpetual bragging rights. Congratulations, Pete!  Second place goes to Rhonda for the photos of her planting rice in the paddies of Japan.  Gary's emotional finisher photo at the Diez Vista 50 km takes third place. Thanks to all who participated.  Please keep the photos coming in 2007  (Since not all members got the collectors edition shirt, submissions of previous shirts are welcome.)

Poster Children.  I am still looking for one male and one female model to sport the green shirts as our 2007 poster children.  You don't need to look like the next top model.  Singles, a couple, teenagers or grandparents all are welcome, so don't be shy.  E-mail me if you are interested.

New Events.  Please welcome James Sinclair to our family of CFA Event Hosts.  James is hosting the Spring Bunny Hop near Claremont, Ontario on 21 April 2007.  I hope all you Ontario members who have been clamouring for more events will be able to come out and run with James - and thank him by putting on a Club run of your own.

New Event Host Incentives.  To help encourage members to launch their own events, the Steering Committee has decided to offer new Event Hosts a free membership for 2007.  We also want to help get non-members off their duffs and to new events, so the Club will also chip-in 2 complimentary Single Day memberships for the new EH to give away.  Next year, all Event Hosts will be rewarded with a free membership.  Please understand that for logistical reasons we can't do this retroactively (i.e., if you are already a Club member and you decide to host an event in 2007, you will receive your free membership in 2008.  Same goes for current Event Hosts.) 

2007 Membership Registration.  If you haven't registered yet, you missed your chance to get the special green 2007 collector's shirt.  But don't despair, members signing up now will receive our classic black Club shirt and can still participate in all upcoming events during 2007.  Such a deal!



Blogging.  When we first started to offer blogs to our members at the online  clubhouse (the Club Fat Ass website), blogging was a foreign term for most of you.  Since then, blogging has almost become mainstream.  If you do have a running or fitness related blog outside of CFA, why not add Club Fat Ass to your blogroll or links? 

Our website also has RSS feeds for the main page ( and all member blogs (look for the orange XML logo at the bottom of a particular blog for the feed address).  The Club Fat Ass website also displays the latest posts of some running-related blogs and websites in our "Endurance Sports on the Web" section. 

If you know of a relevant blog you would like to see added, please contact me with the website and RSS or Atom feed address.

MySpace. Do you use MySpace?  Thanks to Ryan your Club now also has a MySpace page at  Make sure to add Club Fat Ass to your friends.   



Flash - Bowen Beer Bash  Event Host Mark Grist
"Well we had six keeners show up for the 10:05 ferry to Bowen . . . which we almost missed due to blatant disregard for a coned-off section of the walkway. In the end it turned out to be good training for the Midnight Madness run ;)

Anyway, the rains held off for the most part and we looped the lake, with Chris setting a brisk pace while Desmond, Bill, Susan, John, and Mark drafted behind. We were back at Snug Cove in just under 50 minutes, feeling like it was a bit more than 7km, given the pace we were keeping.

Desmond and Chris did another loop before catching the 12:30 ferry back while the fearsome foursome went for a third trip around the lake.  It seemed like going anticlockwise was more enjoyable, but all in all the trails were excellent and we made good time (I think Susan had us clocked at 20 mins for our second lap of the lake itself).  Just under two hours total and we were primed for the pub, which had decent eats and a warm fire to boot (which we used to dry out gear!).  It was good to run some different trails with lush west coast forest scenery.  Thanks you guys for a great run."


2007 Travelling Colours Contest. Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff!  To participate, just e-mail me your photos.  Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007.  Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

Photo: Don't mess with Texas . . . Glenn deals with the authorities at the Alamo near Austin, Texas.

2007 Point Series.  The Point Series began anew in 2007.  Up-to-date standings are posted here.  Read about how to collect points here.  A new way you can garner points is by wearing your CFA t-shirt during a non-CFA event and posting the photo to prove it.  Thanks to Karine Lavoie who gave us the idea and pointed us to Steven Lamothe's photo on the Vancouver First Half website.  As a bonus, any photos of you and your shirt at races will also be added to the Travelling Colours Contest.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know.  A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers.  Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association.  Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
.  Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass.  The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society).  The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

March 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

The extra special, no-stink, long-sleeve, environmentally friendly, custom-order, "Fat Ass Wear" 2009 Club colors are now ready! 

When can you get in your Club shirt?  'Won't be long now.  If you joined the Club before the end of December 2008 and ordered the shirt, you will receive an email from me confirming that it's in the mail.  If you opted to save the postage and pick your colors up in person, you will receive a note confirming your pick-up location at a Kintec Footlabs store.

Don't let your spiffy Club colors languish in that shirt drawer.  Wear a couple of them on those cold, spring morning runs to keep you warm.  Wear them to work, to the pub or when you're out running errands, too, and watch the heads turn!  

Be sure to bring your camera when you wear your Club colors.  The ever-popular Travelling Colours Contest is back for 2009, so be sure to record the moment and share your story with your running buddies as well as the people at work who think you are nuts.  The winner of the contest will get a refund on their 2010 Club membership and priceless bragging rights.  Click here to see some of the escapades Club colours have been up to.

What... you don't have a Club Fat Ass shirt?  No worries.  I have a few black and a few blue "classic" club technical t-shirts in stock and likely have your size.  They also make great gifts, so consider a Club membership for that friend or family member who would thank you for each of the 50-odd times they participated in a Club event during 2009!

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


Club Fat Ass Event - Spring Mountain Highway Madness 2006Spring Mountain Highway Madness. 15 March - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mind-numbing interval session is officially held twice a year. Runners complete one or more 15 km laps (with approximately 1 km or 3,300' of elevation change per lap) on a wide dirt and gravel access road (no traffic). Check it out here!

Photo left:  At the turnaround during the 2006 Spring MHM - will we again encounter snow this year?

Photo right: Mobile aidstation with view during the Run To the Clouds.  Event Host, Pete, makes sure everybody has a great run around and above Buntzen Lake.

Club Fat Ass Event - Run To the Clouds, Port CoquitlamRun to the Clouds. 28 March - Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. A 10km, 13km or 25km run, all on trails with some gravel road sections. Come see and run around beautiful Buntzen Lake and surrounding mountains. The long route is challenging with over 2000 vertical feet (or 600 metres) of elevation gain/loss. Fantastic views of Buntzen Lake and the Greater Vancouver area. Details here.

Cyclebetes Spin-a-Thon. 3 - 4 April - West Vancouver, BC, Canada. Colin Freeland is putting  together a joint Team from Club Fat Ass and the Capilano Eagles. Cyclebetes is an event to raise money for a cure for juvenile diabetes. A team of 1-12 riders spin on stationary bikes relay style for 24 hours. The goal is for each team to raise $1000.  Colin doesn't think he could ride on a stationary bike for 24 hours and is looking for some help. More info here.

Club Fat Ass Event - Spring Bunny Hop in Claremont, Ontario, CanadaSpring Bunny Hop. 4 April - Claremont, ON, Canada. The opportunity for Ontario members to mix and mingle and show their loyalty. This 25 km trail run (which may turn into a cross country ski outing) takes you up and down two of the Oak Ridges Moraine forest tracks. Find out more here.

Photo left: Event Host James during the 2008 Spring Bunny Hop.  He predicts there will be snow again this year and will have his x-country gear at the ready.

Photo right:  Amazing views on a clear day during the Burnaby Mountain Run.

Club Fat Ass Event - Burnaby Mountain Run in BurnabyBurnaby Mountain Run. 4 April - Burnaby, BC, Canada. Check out the trails around the Simon Fraser University. Great views - weather permitting - and a killer hill! Check it out here.

Flash - Marathon Shuffle. 25 April - Powell River, BC, Canada. The Marathon Shuffle is a new CFA event with a long standing history. Since 1991, Eagle Walz has hosted the "Shuffle" as a fund-raiser for the Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society (PRPAWS).  A CFA member is the only person to have run the whole SCT and CFA members hold the current course records for the Marathon Shuffle, a 30km run or walk through beautiful terrain and remaining stands of old growth rainforest.  A Half Shuffle distance is also possible.  In support of Eagle and his environmental and social goals, CFA has "adopted" the Marathon Shuffle as a Flash Event.  (Free for members and non-members of Club Fat Ass).  More info here.

Photo left:  Views before the last descend down to Powell Lake and well deserved refreshments at the Shinglemill Pub after the Marathon Shuffle.
Club Fat Ass Event  - Marathon Shuffle

Flash - Hotspring Hustle. Date TBD - Pitt Lake, BC, Canada. There are hot springs in the mountains on Pitt River.   They are hard to reach.  Word is that they are quite beautiful.  This is an adventure that aims to reward the adventure-seeker with not only an adventure, but with a relaxing dip in the springs!  Find more info here.


2009 Shirts. If you ordered the 2009 "Fat Ass Wear" collectors shirt with your membership, you will have your shirt in your hands very soon.   Jess Marshall handled the graphics (cute porker label, Jess) and Vanessa Fors again was the driving force behind sourcing the innovative no-stink chitosante fabric, designing the shirts and handling the pattern making and sewing.  Michele and I are packaging your shirts tonight to get them ready for mailing or pick-up at a Kintec store.  Details will be in your inbox soon.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to chair the membership committee, some help with media relations and marketing promotions (any tweeters out there?)

2009 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2009 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole year of free events.


Help!  Goodness, this "online clubhouse" of ours is getting very sophisticated.  I'm no rocket scientist... all I want to do is ______!  (fill in the blank.)  Well... help is on it's way.  Yes, your steering committee has been hard at work after hours and on weekends making the website help easier to use, more complete and easier to understand.  Our goal is to answer all technical questions in this one place.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions for help questions that need answering or thoughts on how we might improve our online help.

Who Else is Running?  It's been a tough week.  You have a party on Saturday evening and you know you'll be hung over for the Club Fat Ass run on Sunday. You want to bail, but you can't if So-and-So is running because they're beating you in the point series.  If only you knew who was signed up!  Thanks to Ran, you can now see the names of everyone who has registered for a CFA event.  We'll be implemeting the feature on all Scheduled Events over the next month or so, but here's an example of how you will be able to use the function on a typical event page. 


Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Club Fat Ass Event - Capilano Canyon Night Run Mardigras 2009 Capilano Canyon Night Run. Event Hosts - Ean and Sibylle. As I was greeting runners at the start last night, it occurred to me that the MardiGras Night Run had grown up.  Why’s that, you ask?  No, not so much that it’s been an annual cult gathering for 7 years running.  Not because the event now attracts more than a handful of nutcases with headlamps.  Not because there were now starters from as far away as Singapore or Switzerland, either.  No… what impressed me the most as I stood in the parking lot checking folks in was that our little event boasted two portable toilets next to the start line… just like a “real” race!  This year, Club Fat Ass Events - Capilano Canyon Night Run Mardigras - Aidstationstarters were blessed with clear skies, temperatures just below freezing and perfect winter night running conditions.  It was great to welcome friends and veteran Capilano Canyon night runners, but I was especially surprised to see so many keen first time night runners.  Are we at the forefront of  a new running trend? Roxy the Ultradog howled with excitement as we took the obligatory starter photo, separated into short and long-course groups and headed off into the night. Full report and results here.

Speaker Night - Survive Outside. Events Host - Sandra Ferguson (Adventure Smart) and Kintec Footlabs.  We had a full house, an interesting and informative presentation followed by a lively discussion and a brew or two at the pub.  More info about Adventure Smart and the 10 essentials can be found here.


Club Fat Ass Contest - Travelling Colours Contest - Glenn under arrest in Texas2009 Travelling Colours ContestPictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. Who will be the first to submit photos of their 2009 collectors shirt in action?  Rumour has it that Glenn and Rick are leaving for a business/training trip on Thursday and are taking their new shirts along for the ride.  All submissions will be posted here. Contest details are here.

2008 Point Series. Same contest, same rules, new year. Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes.

Refer a Friend Contest. This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by telling their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

In 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, set our to run 100 miles during the 24 hour relay and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



May 2007 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

With spring in full swing and summer approaching fast, I hope your training is going well and you are enjoying the great outdoors.

Club Fat Ass is driven by you. If you support our goal of making the world a better place for active people through free, low-key outdoor events, please do your part by chipping in. Here are some thoughts on how you might become a more active member of the Club:

  • Host an event. Share your favorite trail or training route with your fellow members. We make it easy with a free manual, website and some prizes to give away. (I've received so many inquiries from Ontario, but it seems everyone there wants to participate, not organize. James made the start with the Spring Bunny Hop last month... who is next? If two of you commit to hosting an event later this year, I'll bet we have 10+ events in Ontario by this time next year!) Please read more about hosting under News below.
  • Help at an event. Help with registration or be a sweep. Your host will appreciate it.
  • Help with Club management. There's a group of dedicated Steering Committee members behind the scenes who run the Club. Think about being on the "board" in 2008
  • Help on a committee. We need technical help for the website, public relations expertise for media relations and help with raising sponsorship funds so we can improve the value of membership. There's so much more we could do, but without your help, it just won't get done. Yes, only a couple of hours a month would make a big difference.
  • Help spread the word. If you enjoy the Club and relate to its values, please tell your friends and prospective sponsors. If every member introduces two new members a month, all members will benefit . . . and you may even win a 2008 membership!
  • Get out to more events.  Don't be shy!  The more events you do, the more you'll appreciate your membership.

Please contact me to discuss how you can put back in, make suggestions for a better Club or just to share your adventures and successes.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


North Shore Enduro: 12 May 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada.  Join us on a 6-hour solo or relay challenge.  Run as little as one loop or try to beat the record for most loops completed in 6 hours.  Event info here.

Photo right: Gary Moorman tackling a loop during last year's Enduro

Run to the Clouds:  27 May 2007 - Coquitlam, BC Canada.  This year's run has increased to 25 km and is completely "off road."  It is a challenging route with over 2,000 vertical feet (or 600 m) of elevation change offering fantastic views of the Greater Vancouver area.  More details here.

The Vancouver 100:  2/3 June 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. The toughest 100 km in Canada.  Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation for the full 100 km is by invitation only, but everyone can still participate by running part of the course with the 100 km participants, coming out to the aid station/picnic area at Cleveland Dam or crewing for a runner.  More info and applications here.

Photo left: Rob MacDonald at the 75 km mark during last years Vancouver 100

Photo right: Aidstation "motocross" at the Run The Clouds 2006

Vancouver Skyline XTC:  9 June 2007 - North Vancouver, BC Canada. A trail run with a twist that explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit your ability.  Approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.

New Alberta Event!
The Slack Ass 50:  16 June 2007 - Edmonton, BC Canada.  Join new Event Host Alli Conroy for 13 or 50 miles featuring Edmonton's extensive trail system along the beautiful river valley. A mix of forest trails and pavement, the trail will follow rolling, well established trails through major parks for most of the route. There will be some steeper cross country style terrain to mix it up a bit so be prepared.  Start/finish at the main pavillion at Hawrelak Park.  Find out more and register here.


More Events. Over the past few months we've introduced two new types of CFA events:  Flash events and Speaker events.

Speaker Events.  So far we've hosted two successful free speaker events and hope to have more on the way soon, including talks on nutrition, event hosting and awesome adventures. If you have expertise to share on a topic you feel would be of interest to Club members please let us know.

Flash Events.
  We've also had several members take a stab at event hosting with flash events, which are a great way to host an event without much commitment or time investment.  You can use the CFA website to publicize your run, but participants are not obliged to become members or pay a day membership.  Your event might just be a one-off excuse for group run, or you could use it as a trial run for a full-fledged CFA event and knock out the bugs for next year.  Another cool thing about flash events is that once the event is complete, it becomes a template for any member to go ahead and put on their own version of the same run.  To view previously-held flash events, just go to Club Events and search the alphabetical list for events beginning with "Flash Event".  We're hoping to make navigation to flash events easier over the coming months.

So, why not share your favourite quad-busting trail with other CFA members or take along some company as you scout out a new one?  Just post the date, time, and basic logistics as a Flash Event.  What are you waiting for?  Click here to get started.  (Note: to avoid abuse, you need to be logged in)

2007 Membership Registration. 
If you haven't registered yet, you missed your chance to get the special green 2007 collector's shirt.  But don't despair, members signing up now will receive our classic black Club shirt and can still participate in all upcoming events during 2007.  Such a deal!

Promoting your Club.  We love your help in promoting the Club in person and online.  One way to achieve that is of course wearing your Club shirt.  Another is to provide a link on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores.  Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute. 



Spam.  Unfortunately, Spam seems to be everywhere.  We've been able to control website spam through the nifty features of our online clubhouse, but lately there has been some sign-up spam and bogus postings in the forums.  Because of this, I had to limit posting to logged-in users only.  Users who abuse this and post gibberish and link-only content will be blocked immediately.  Spam filters are also cranked up and your occassional comment may get flagged to be reviewed by me.  The spam filters "learn" as we go along, so hopefully, this won't happen frequently.

Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedClub Fat Ass on MySpace



Burnaby Mountain Run:  Event Hosts - Tara Jackson and Katheryne Gardiner
Burnaby Mountain Run - Starter Photo
Unlike last year, no torrential downpours hampered the enthusiasm and efforts of the 16 CFA members who came out to tackle the infamous killer hill of Burnaby Mountain.  The temperatures were mild and pleasant and at times the sun even peaked out.  The views of the North Shore Mountains and Indian Arm were breathtaking.

Nine runners tackled one loop of 11.2 km while 7 had the endurance to go up (andJames Sinclair down) the loop twice to complete 22.4 km. Full results and more photos here.

Spring Bunny Hop:  Event Host - James Sinclair

James Sinclair at the Seaton Trail race in Ontario April 2006 - Photo by Rene Garneau (published with kind permission from OUS)

James is the brave Ontarian that took the plunge and hosted the Spring Bunny Hop.  He called it a  "Flop" as he was the only Fat Ass who showed.  James took it in stride and with good humour.  He is already planning for next year (this time trying to avoid a  date conflict with the Seaton Trail  race. He is also looking for partners in crime to host a couple of Flash  Events in the area to get  the Ontario Fat Asses off the couch.

Photo: James Sinclair during last years Seaton Trail Race


2007 Travelling Colours Contest. Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff!  To participate, just e-mail me your photos.  Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007.  Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

2007 Point Series. 
Up-to-date standings are posted here.  Read about how to collect points here.  A new way you can garner points is by wearing your CFA t-shirt during a non-CFA event and posting the photo to prove it. 


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know.  A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers.  Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free, CFA event.

BC Lung Association
.  Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
.  Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass.  The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society).  The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

May 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


With spring in full swing and summer approaching fast, I hope your training is going well and you are enjoying the great outdoors.

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our new Membership Committee: Amy Macarthur (chair) and Jess Bassil. Their goal this year is to grow CFA and keep you convinced that being a member of this Club is the best thing you've ever done for yourself! Please look for the new Member of the Month feature announced in the newsletter below, something that has been planned in the past, but needed Jess's initiative to get going.

Lastly, your Chief Executive FA will be out of country in June and July for a much needed and long overdue family visit. I will still be available online, but if you are thinking of getting another CFA shirt, best to order it now.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


North Shore Enduro. 10 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A fun run in Vancouver's rugged North Shore mountains, the Enduro is on a 7.6 km loop. Run one loop or two, or a full 6h. This event has something for everyone, whether it's a safe and challenging first trail run featuring some easy and some technical terrain, a great social event for the team runner (2-6 runners can form a team), or a tune-up for Western States and other summer 100-milers for the competitive solo runner. Our friends at Kintec Footlabs will be out with an informal aid station. More info and registration here.

Photo right: Chery, crew extraordinaire, on the trails during the 2006 Enduro

Photo left: Baldy happy at the Chuckanut finish line

TravellignColoursContest2008 - Baldwin finishing ChuckanutFlash - Baldy's Bonkfest. 24 May - Squamish, BC, Canada. This event is one of the training runs for the Stormy Trail Race. Details here.

Speaker Series - Kintec Foot Injuries. 28 May - Vancouver, BC, Canada. Join our sponsor for an informative evening about foot injury prevention. If you have been plagued by plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis and other foot problems or are trying to stay injury free, this is the one for you. Free for the general public, but pre-registration is required. Details here.

Vancouver 100. 7-8 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. The toughest 100 km in Canada... maybe the world! Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation for the full 100 km is by invitation only, but everyone can still participate by running part of the course with the 100 km participants, coming out to the aid station/picnic area at Cleveland Dam or crewing for a runner. More info and applications here.

Photo right: Tim Wiens fuelling up at Cleveland Dam during the Vancouver 100

Photo left: Elevation Profile of the XTX

Vancouver Skyline XTC. 14 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This trail run with a twist explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit their abilities. Runners will experience approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.

The Slack Ass 50. 21 June - Edmonton, BC Canada. Join Event Host Alli Conroy for 13 or 50 miles of Edmonton's extensive trail system along the beautiful river valley. A mix of forest trails and pavement, the trail will follow rolling, well-established trails through major parks for most of the route. There will be some steeper cross country style terrain to mix it up a bit so be prepared. Start/finish at the main pavilion at Hawrelak Park. Find out more and register here.

Photo right: Nathan after finishing the Slack Ass 50 in Edmonton last year



Member Of The Month. Casting Call for CFA Member of the Month! New this year, one member each month will be put in the limelight to showcase their formidable selves! Nominate yourself or a fellow club member, don't be shy. All you have to do is fill out your online profile (when logged in to the website) that will soon include some fun questions (don't worry, this is very easy and nothing outlandishly revealing). A great opportunity to get to know your fellow club members. There are over 200 of us after all! Please forward nominations to Jess Bassil.

We are still fine-tuning the questions. Please check-out what we've come up with so far and add your comments by visiting the Member Of The Month announcement.

Sponsors. A special thank you to the folks at Kintec Footlabs. We've had a number of great speaker events at their Vancouver and North Vancouver store locations and the love and attention to detail put into organizing these has been very much appreciated (don't miss the upcoming seminar on foot injuries, 28 May). Kintec Footlabs also offers CFA members a 10% discount on any store purchases, is supporting our events with great prizes, and sponsors a pair of shoes each as prizes for the Point Series, the New Years Resolution Contest and the Travelling Colours Contest. To top it off, Kintec Footlab staff has been present as crew and/or participants in most of our spring events. Make sure to give them a try next time you are looking for running shoes or educated advice when you are broken.

Latest Blogs. Members have been very busy writing about their latest endeavours. You can read the latest rambling, rant, adventures and words of wisdom here.

Member Registration. If you haven't yet joined the Club, what are you waiting for? Sign-up now to participate in almost 50 free events and get a classic black technical Club t-shirt as well. Such a deal!

Events of Interest. STORMY Trail Race. CFA will be organizing and hosting the training runs for western Canada's most popular 100-miler /50-miler and relay this year. What does that mean? You can get up close and comfortable with the STORMY course on your own terms while helping fellow runners and Race Director Wendy Montgomery. Several Club members have already stepped up to the plate with both scheduled and Flash events. Find out more here.



CFA Website.
We are still looking for feedback on website usability. You don't need to be a web geek to voice your opinion about the ups and downs of navigating through your online clubhouse. Tell us what you think we could do better.

A new feature you might have noticed is the "Share This" link below every post or teaser. It allows you to share a post on a variety of social networking sites, including Facebook, and to forward it via email. Try it... your friends will like it!

In the next little while you may notice some other changes, including a different format to our event registration that will finally include a confirmation email and an autofill function for logged-in users. You asked for it. Thanks to Ran Katzman for researching these features.

A reminder that the website help page is posted here. Instructions on how to upload photos and use Flickr to get photos on the CFA website are found here.



Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Flash - Hyson's Hijinx. Flash Event Host - Chad Hyson.
Well the fog has begun to lift and I feel lucid enough put together a race report for Hyson's Hijinks. As I think back to the events that took place last week a couple of things really stand out, the first being that CFA'ers are some of the kindest, most supportive people who you will ever have the chance to meet or run with. The second being - what were we thinking? We are definitely a bunch of fools for thinking that 100 miles on the Baden Powell would make for a great fun run. Read Chad's epic here and view the photos here.

Photo left: The midnight start of Hyson's Hijinks

Photo right: Pete's super aid station at Run To The Clouds

Run to the Clouds. Event Host - Pete Stace-Smith.
WHAT A GREAT DAY. Blue sky and warm temperatures blessed us at the end of yet another week or two of rain. 31 runners showed up to tackle the tough course and pretty much every single one of them had a big smile on their face at the end too. It was hard not to enjoy a run in the woods when the day was just so great. Thanks to all the runners who came out to play in the woods yesterday. Great to see you there and frankly as an event host, seeing you all having a great time makes it all worth while. With 18 runners completing the full 25 km and another 13 doing one of the shorter options you all deserve great pats on the back, as this course is not an easy one. Well done! You can see the full event report, results and photos here.


2008 Travelling Colours Contest. The winner of this popular event will receive a full refund of his or her 2009 Club membership dues. Kintec Footlabs is recognizing the second place photo with a pair of running shoes. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

Photo left: Bill stomping through the snow during the Capitol Peak 55

2008 Point Series. Des is on track again to win the pair of shoes, Kintec Footlab is sponsoring for the winner of this contest. Des is trailed closely by Ran Katzmann, Ryne Melcher and Penny Jakobsen. (and no, "Out of Action" Jackson and I do not qualify to win, but we like to play anyway)

Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


May 2009 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass, 

With spring in full swing and summer approaching fast, I hope your training is going well and you are enjoying the great outdoors.

We have an interesting variety of events scheduled for this month. For something a bit different, don't miss the GPS Scavenger Hunt, the Family Fun Run, training runs for Stormy and the usual selection of trail runs.  For details, check out the "Upcoming Events" section below.

Last call to pick-up your 2009 Club colours!  Did you order a t-shirt when you signed up for 2009?  If you did and you don't have it yet, chances are it's patiently waiting for you at your local Kintec Footlab store.  Please make some time this week to pick-up your shirt, as those not claimed by the end of May will go back into the Club inventory and made available to new members.

A big, fat "Thank you!" for voicing your opinion about proposed changes to our Point Series.  The verdict is in. Your feedback overwhelmingly supported  the proposed refinements and your creative suggestions made a few more.  Here are the amendments.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


Club Fat Ass Events: Baldy's Bonkfest, Squamish, BC, Canada - trail runningFlash - Baldy's Bonkfest. 16 May - Squamish, BC, Canada. Part of the CFA - Stormy collaboration on training runs for the Stormy Trail Race. Details here.

Photo left: Gilles and Karl during last year's Bonkfest

Flash - Foolish Plunge 100 Mile. 23 May - Squamish, BC, Canada.  Part of the CFA - Stormy collaboration on training runs for the Stormy Trail Race. Details here.
Flash - Hotspring Hustle. Date TBD - Pitt Lake, BC, Canada. There are hot springs in the mountains on Pitt River.  They are hard to reach.  Word is that they are quite beautiful.  This is an adventure that aims to reward the adventure-seeker with not only an adventure, but with a relaxing dip in the springs!  Find more info here.

Cyclebetes Charity Event, diabetes researchGPS Scavenger Hunt. 24 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A GPS guided scavenger hunt on the North Shore between Skyline Drive and Mountain Highway. More info and registration at here.

MACS Spin-a-thon for Diabetes. 23/24 May - North Vancouver, BC Canada.  A charity event to raise money for Diabetes research organized by Duncan Joseph with the Marketing Association of Capilano Students. Find out more here.

Flash - Lord of the Loop(s). 30 May - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A family friendly event by Mudrunner's 7 year old son.  Check it out here.

Vancouver 100. 6-7 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. The toughest 100 km in Canada... maybe the world! Due to the challenging nature of this event, participation for the full 100 km is by invitation only, but everyone can still participate by running part of the course with the 100 km participants, coming out to the aid station/picnic area at Cleveland Dam or crewing for a runner. More info and applications here.

Photo left: little Mudrunner, Max, checking out the Lord of the Loop trails

Photo right: Elevation Profile of the XTC

Vancouver Skyline XTC. 13 June - North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This trail run with a twist explores some of the most scenic areas of Vancouver's famous North Shore mountains. Runners can choose to run 25K "Up," 25K "Down," 50K "Up and Down" or a "Roll Your Own" custom distance to suit their abilities. Runners will experience approximately 3,000 m (9,000 ft.) of elevation change over the 50 km course on moderate to challenging trails. Find out more and register here.

The Slack Ass 50. 20 June - Edmonton, AB Canada. Join Event Host Alli Conroy for 13 or 50 miles of Edmonton's extensive trail system along the beautiful river valley. A mix of forest trails and pavement, the trail will follow rolling, well-established trails through major parks for most of the route. There will be some steeper cross country style terrain to mix it up a bit so be prepared. Start/finish at the main pavilion at Hawrelak Park. Find out more and register here.

Photo left: Nathan after finishing the Slack Ass 50 in Edmonton in 2007


Changes to the Point Series. A big, fat "Thank you!" for voicing your opinion regarding the proposed changes to our point series.  The verdict is in. Your feedback overwhelmingly supported  the proposed refinements and your creative suggestions made a few more.  Here are the amendments.

2009 Shirts. By now you should have received your 2009 Club colours in the mail or at your local Kintec Footlab store.  If your shirt is still at Kintec, please pick it up within the next few days.  Make sure to take your Kintec coupon along and save of your hard-earned dollars on shoes and supplies.  Shirts not picked up by the end of May will go back into our inventory for new members.

Club Fat Ass, 2009 Poster Children Lauren and JasonPoster Children. Our 2009 Poster Children are St. Louis residents, Jason and Lauren Eads. We met both of them when they came up to Vancouver to participate in the North Shore Enduro last weekend and are happy to have them represent Club Fat Ass in Missouri. 

Social Media.  It seems all the world is atwitter... You can find Club Fat Ass's tweets here.  If you are a tweep, please follow us to get updates about events, contests and other member news.  Tweeting about your favorite Club, add this hashtag #ClubFatAss to your tweets.

Of course, if you are like most of us and are just getting the hang of Facebook, you can join the CFA Facebook group and become a fan of the CFA Facebook page.  I will be updating both regularly and you are welcome to post your updates, links, videos and relevant events.

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people are selflessly working behind the scenes to build and manage your Club. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line. We are especially looking for an enthusiastic person to chair the membership committee, some help with media relations and marketing promotions (any tweeters out there?)

2009 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2009 is ongoing!   Don't miss out on a whole year of free events.


Help!  Please let me know if you have any suggestions for help questions that need answering or thoughts on how we might improve our online help.

Private Messaging.  Did you know that our website offers private messaging.  To check if private messaging is enabled for your account (by default it is enabled for new accounts), please go to your user account, click on the "edit" tab, then scroll down the page and make sure the check box beside "Personal Contact Form" is checked.  If it is, other members can contact you via our website.  While your email address stays private and non-members cannot contact you, members are able to contact non-members who have enabled private messaging.


Club Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Club Fat Ass Events, Enduro Start, trailrunning, ultrarunning, North Vancouver, BC CanadaNorth Shore Enduro. Event Host - Andy Nicol. Many thanks to the forty-two participants, including Missouri runners, Jason and Lauren Eads, who took part in the 7th running of the Enduro 6-hour run on the Lynn Loop Trail in the Seymour Demonstation Forest. Conditions were ideal on the intense 7.8 km course, featuring exposed roots, boulders, loose gravel, and steep grades where runners have 6-hours to complete as many loops of the course that they can handle.

Garry Robbins managed 9 loops under 6-hours, setting a new course record in a time of 5:34. Aided by Ryan Melcher in the last few loops, it's doubtful this record will be broken any time soon. Three women completed six loops within the time frame -- Jackie Muir, Kirsten Ramage, and Lorie Alexander (After the event, Lorie went home to run a few more hours to complete a full 50 miles). Full report, photos and results here.

Club Fat Ass Events, Marathon Shuffle, trail running, Sunshine Coast Trail, Sunshine Coast, Powell River, BC CanadaMarathon Shuffle. Flash Event Host - Eagle Walz.  "A Powell River runner shattered the previous record for the Marathon Shuffle by over an hour.
Kevin Sigouin set a blistering pace on the 29-kilometre route which traverses the Sunshine Coast Trail from Malaspina Road to the Shingle Mill and set a new record of two hours, 57 minutes and 13 seconds. Eighty people participated in 16th annual Marathon Shuffle which took place on April 25.
Club Fat Ass Events: Marathon Shuffle, trail running, Sunshine Coast Trail, Powell River, BC CanadaSigouin and a few of his running mates from Avid Fitness were getting fed up with having the Tom Mills Marathon Shuffle trophy show up for a weekend in Powell River and then see it leave town again. Sigouin said he and others in the local running fraternity weren't happy about having a trophy for running the Sunshine Coast Trail claimed by out-of-towners every year. This year they decided to participate and train on the trail." Read the full report, see photos and results here.

Flash - Hyson's Hiatus. Event Host - Chad Hyson.  Read Karls report here.

Flash - Dam Foolish 33 1/3 Mile Trail Run.  Event Host - Karl Jensen. Only four people toed the starting line at 7AM on Monday, but it seems that the good weather energized Sibylle, Claudia and Baldwin who did custom runs. Lorie and Barry ran the Zumbro 100K in Minnesota on Saturday.  Barry's feet were still giving him some pain so he wisely decided to take a rest day.  Lorie couldn't think of an excuse, so she started with the other three. It was a nice surprise to meet Sibylle who ran from her home near Mosquito creek.  John completed his intended distance and left the group to run home shortly before we got to the Grouse Skyride.  Lorie had to leave for some family business, but came back later and completed the return to Deep Cove on her own. Read the full report here.

Flash - Oh Canada. Event Host - David Crerar. Read the report here.


Club Fat Ass, Travelling Colours Contest2009 Travelling Colours ContestPictures of your 2009 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here.  Check out photos submitted so far here. This contest is ongoing and photos earn view counts, favorites and comments all year round.  The photo that is deemed most interesting by Flickr standards will win!  So, be creative and get your friends to comment on your photo or make it a favorite.  Contest details are here.

2009 Point Series. We recalculated the points to reflect the changes to how points are collected retroactively from the beginning of the year.   Des is still leading, but Craig, Kirsten and Karl are in hot pursuit.  Up-to-date standings here. Read here about how to collect points and win a pair of spanking new trail shoes.

Refer a Friend Contest. This contest is intended to recognize those hyper-active Club members who share their love of Club events by telling their friends.  Tell them on a run.  Tell them at work.  Tell them when they ask about your Club colors at the gym.  Tell them in person or tell them on Facebook.  However you tell them, be sure to tell them you told them... because you could win a SOLE footcare package valued at over $200  Check out the simple Refer a Friend Contest rules and meet the competition here.  Currently in the lead is Kristie Congram.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

In 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, set our to run 100 miles during the 24 hour relay and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read about his adventure here

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.  You can help, too, by participating in the Marathon Shuffle.



CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



November 2007 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

Yikes, where has the year gone? It's November already! The days are gray and dreary and most of our running is in the rain. Time to think positive and start planning for a great 2008.

Have you got Christmas presents for everyone on your "A" list yet? (What do you mean you've not even given it a though? What do you think about on those long runs, anyway?) An annual membership in Club Fat Ass is a gift that gives all year long. If your loved one's needs are more along the lines of a hoodie, BBQ apron or (gasp!) a thong, check out the Club Fat Ass store for great gift ideas!

The Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50 is the first event of 2008. If you haven't started training for it (the Club Fat Ass event that started it all way back when in 1994) you better get your rear in gear. Only 8 more weeks to go... and it's already close to being full. Rembember to get your registration in before 1 December to be included in the draw for a membership refund. And if you want your collectors edition 2008 shirt - the first of the ClubFatAss Wear label - better get your dips in before 31 December 2007.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Go Home: 17 November 2007 - North Vancouver, BC. This is a challenging but beautiful 20 km course on lower Seymour Mountain. Register here.

CFA/Peak Centre Group Testing: 17 November 2007 - Burnaby, BC. Sorry for the timing conflict with Go Home, but your personal testing session should fit in nicely after Go Home in the afternoon. If you are plotting your fitness goals for 2008 and missed last weeks seminar, make sure to check out Peak Centre Vancouver and set up your pesonal testing session. Click here for details.

Photo left: Foot Gear during 2006 Mike and Melissa's
Fun Run

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run: 24 November 2007 - North Vancouver, BC. This late fall challenge is not to be missed. Check it out here.

Pure Satisfaction: 9 December 2007 - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails...the perfect way to start the busy Christmas season. Bring your bear and jingle bells and wear your Santa hat. Details here.

Photo right: Ethelyn, the trusty crew weathering the cold and drizzle during a past Pure Satisfaction Run

Photo left: Your Event Host for the Galbraith Mountain Tour

Galbraith Mountain Tour. A 20 or 5.8 mile trail run of the Lake Padden & Galbraith Mountain trail systems near Bellingham, WA. Prepare for the lack of stairs, boulders, roots and bears but with all the fun of the true single track. If we have clear weather there will be amazing views of Mt. Baker, San Juan Islands & the Northshore mountains of Vancouver. More details here.



2008 Club Garment. Introducing FatAssWare, designed by CFA member Vanessa Fors and cut, sewn and screened in Vancouver, Canada. The 2008 shirt is one you don't want to miss: long-sleeved in a environmentally friendly, no-stink fabric. The colours are still under wraps. Check Sibylle's blog for future updates. Renew or sign-up as a CFA member before January 1st to make sure you get yours!

2008 Membership Registration. Well, it's that time of the year again: Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2008 is now open!

New members can participate in all remaining events and seminars in 2007 as well as all of the 40+ free events the Club offers during 2008. Renewing members can benefit from all Club events in 2008 starting on New Years Day. (Note: The Vancouver New Years Day Fat Ass 50K run and Freeze Your Fat Ass swim on January 1 is limited to 100 and is filling up quickly.)

As always, your membership dues include a special Club garment. The 2008 Club t-shirt is extra special (collectors take note!) As in previous years, we expect to have the new shirts ready for mail-out toward the end of February. To make sure you get the limited edition 2008 Club colours, you must sign up before December 31st, as that's when the order goes in. As an added incentive, if you register before December 1st, you will be entered in a draw for a refund of your membership dues. Don't miss out, sign up now!

Your dues will cost you a little more this year. This is partly due to the higher cost of providing you with a top-quality t-shirt and partly due to our overall need to keep the Club sustainable. 2008 membership dues are $75 (with t-shirt) and $50 (without t-shirt) plus any t-shirt shipping costs. With over 40 events and growing, that translates into less than $2 per event... an amazing value. All Club events will continue to be free for members.

New Year's Resolution Contest. It's never too early to start thinking about your New Year's Resolutions! With the new year getting closer every day, I've been thinking about what I can still do to achieve my 2007 fitness goals. This got me thinking about what I'll do with my sorry ass in 2008. Yikes. As in 2006 and 2007 we once again offer CFA members and anyone else who is interested a place where they can log their 2008 fitness resolutions.

You can look at this as a goal-setting tool, as a way to keep yourself honest or as a contest to see how close you come to meeting your goals. More information at 2008 New Years Resolution log.


Free 2009 memberships. Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events in 2008 will automatically receive a complimentary 2009 membership in Club Fat Ass. Time to start thinking about your signature event. More info here or contact our Event Host chair person, Berglind. A big thank you to our Club Event Hosts for putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club. We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online. The easiest ways to achieve this are, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt and tell your friends. Another is to provide a link to our website on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores. Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute.


Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Flash - The Nifty 50 Triathlon: Action Jackson turned 50 and used this memorable day to host a little unconventional triathlon. We ran and swam and ate chili. There was standing room only at the chili judging table. Rating the chili's was extremly difficult. They were all yummy and special. Read about the event, see some photo's and find out which chili took top honours here.

Photo right: heading up Mosquito Creek during the run leg of the Nifty Fifty Triathlon.

Speaker Event - Heart Rate and Lactate Based Training:
Event Host - Peak Centre Vancouver. Here is Ean's feedback: "Thank you so much for your time and insights, Anita. I've been "sold" on the concept of heart rate and zone-based training for quite a while, but have slacked off a lot over the past few years. Hearing you speak about all of the advances in knowledge about human performance has got me very excited about getting back on a program. I'm about to enter a new age category and would love to end this year with some hardware. While the prospect of having to do intervals in the rain doesn't get me all that excited, I very much look forward to working with you to figure out how to get the most out of what I've got. Sign me up! "

Photo left: Ellie Greenwood sporting her CFA shirt at the Taj Mahal in India

Flash Fall Fat Ass: Event Host - Gilles Barbeau. Well, participation was modest but all were enthusiastic including our supporting crew, Lucinda. Weather was so so, but that's the West Coast and that's why we have big trees. Chad Hyson and myslelf completed the 50k distance. He dragged my fat chunky butt back to the fire hydrant in 5:38. Lorraine and Karl joined us about midway on the return to complete about 23km in 2:45. Both looked good, well Lorraine looked better, and Karl seems to be doing well after a bout of back pain and he's defenitively building himself back up to 100 mile shape.

Ann's Get your Fat Ass Off the Couch: Thanks to all who participated in this years inaugural Ann’s Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch. The day was met with grey skies and rainy conditions but 30 diehards showed up for a great run. I’m sure many considered staying in their nice cozy beds….but how guilty would we have felt?! The course was very slippery, muddy and wet. There was one extremely large deep puddle that added the adventure element….I was wondering whether we had rounded Lizard Lake early! The 10km runaway winner was Greg Barreca in a smoking 59 minutes. The 20 km distance was made a little longer to make it a true 20 km. Ron Katzman and Chris Benn came in at 1 hour 55 minutes with Des Mott following close behind. Gottfried greeted us at the top of homestead with some delicious baking and homemade wine…what a pleasant surprise. The rear of the field was brought in by Pat Barry, Sibylle Tinsel, Cheryl Johnson and Rhonda Schuler, who missed Gottfried's superb aidstation. The wind up brunch was held at Mosquito Creek and draw prizes were won by Heather, Sophia, Berg, Karl and Lorraine. Gottfried came through again with the donation of his homemade wine and Trail Runner magazine donated 2 subscriptions for a year. Thanks again to all who participated in making this a fun and successful run…it is hard to follow in Wendy’s shoes. I look forward to seeing everyone on the trails. Full results here.

Photo left: Amazing scenery during the R2R2R crossings of the Grand Canyon

Flash - R2R2R Road Trip: What a great trip the boys had. Check out their comments and blogs here.


2007 Travelling Colours Contest. Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff! To participate, just e-mail me your photos. Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007. Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

Photo right: Glenn Pace enjoying the R2R2R adventure last month

2007 Point Series. Sibylle, Ean, Des, Craig, and Baldwin are in the top 5, but Ryan and Cheryl are in hot pursuit. Don't forget to pre-register, pick-up litter during the event and refer your running buddies to CFA to maximize your chances of winning. Up-to-date standings are posted here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

BC Lung Association. Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society). The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.

For information on how to become a sponsor please go to

Please visit the Club Fat Ass store to find cool merchandise with the happy porker logo.

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

November 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


It's November already!  Yikes, where has the year gone?  With gray days and lots of running in the rain, it's time to think positive and start planning our training and racing for 2009.

Remember to get your club registration in before 1 December to be included in the draw for a membership refund.  The other deadline not to miss is the custom order for Club garments this year.  If you'd like a collector's edition no-stink, long-sleeve 2009 CFA t-shirt, be sure to join the Club before 31 December 2008.

Do you have Christmas presents for everyone on your "A" list yet? (What do you mean you've not even given it a thought? What do you think about on those long runs, anyway?) An annual membership in Club Fat Ass is a gift that gives all year long. If your loved one's needs are more along the lines of a hoodie, BBQ apron or (gasp!) a thong, check out the Club Fat Ass store for great gift ideas or get the classic CFA shirts here!

Don't forget that winners of our 2008 contests will be determined at the end of December.  While the time for 2008 running resolutions is past and it's late in the season for earning Club participation points, everyone still has a chance to win a membership refund or a pair of shoes from our friends at Kintec Footlabs in the travelling t-shirt contest.  Make sure you have your photo contributions up on Flickr (or send it to me) and promote them with your friends for the best chance to win.  More about our contests in the newsletter below.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


Go Deep: 15 November - North Vancouver, BC. Challenging but beautiful 20 km course on lower Seymour Mountain. Register here.

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run: 29 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge not to be missed. Check it out here.

Photo right: On the trails during Go Deep

Photo left: Colin tackling some icy trails at Pure Satisfaction

Pure Satisfaction: 14 December - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails...the perfect way to start the busy Christmas season. Bring your bear and jingle bells and wear your Santa hat. Details here.

Galbraith Mountain Tour. 20 December - Bellingham, WA. A run to the not so hidden falls on the dark side of Galbraith. This will be a group run. Prepare for the lack of stairs, boulders, roots and bears but with all the fun of the true single track. If we have clear weather there will be amazing views of Mt. Baker, San Juan Islands & the North Shore mountains of Vancouver. More details here.

Vancouver New Year's FA 50 Run. 1 January 2009 - Vancouver, BC, Canada. A 50 km resolution run to kick off the New Year on the right foot. Those who are more hung-over and those with resolutions they are not likely to keep can opt for a custom course of 1 to 49 km. More details here!

Photo right: Craig and Sibylle teaming up to run the full 50 at last year's Vancouver New Year's Day FA 50 - Want to go for a repeat, Craig?



2009 Membership Registration. Registration and Renewal for Club Fat Ass for 2009 is now open!  As an incentive to register early all members who sign up/renew before 1 December will be entered into a draw for a membership refund.  And while you can join CFA all year round, now is the best time as you will get in on the order for the special, no-stink, long-sleeve, member designed 2009 collectors Club shirt.  

New members can participate in all remaining events in 2008 as well as all of the 50+ free events the Club offers during 2009.


2009 Club Garment. As always, your membership dues include a special Club garment. The 2009 Club t-shirt is extra special (collectors take note!) Introducing FatAssWear, designed by CFA member Vanessa Fors and cut, sewn and screened in Vancouver, Canada.  As in previous years, we expect to have the new shirts ready for mail-out toward the end of February. To make sure you get the limited edition 2009 Club colours, you must sign up before December 31st, as that's when the order goes in. Don't miss out, sign up now!

Photo right: Vanessa (club shirt designer extraordinaire) and lucky John are hamming it up as 2008 poster children 

CFA Steering Committee.  A small group of community minded people is pulling the strings behind CFA. We are always looking for help and fresh ideas.  If you can spare a couple of hours a month to work with one of our committees, please drop me a line.



Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Ann's Get your Fat Ass Off the Couch:  Event Host - Ann Taylor. Well, another amazing day was had by all for the annual Get your FA Off The Couch run. The torrential rain from the previous day was long gone and we were greeted by gorgeous sunshine. The trails were amazing with all the shades of red, orange and yellow and the streaks of sunshine peeking through the trees. A fairly large group of very keen trail runners gathered. Bill, Des, Pano, Chris, Ran and DarbyKai set off with a strong steady climb up Berkeley and quickly disappeared in the trails. It was also great to see all the new runners, who had taken up our offer of a Trial Membership, out for this CFA event....hope to see you all in future. As I ran down the powerlines and made my right hand turn part way down I was greeted by THE PUDDLE/lake! I thought it might be a good idea to change that part of the course next year but everyone voted unanimously to leave it as is for the adventure aspect! OK... the puddle remains but Karl may modify the bushes next year. All in all it was a great day with all my favorite trail buddies. Hope to see you all next year...spread the word!! Full results here.

Photo left above: Navigating the infamous puddle during the Get Your FA Off the Couch
Photo right: Karl heading out for loop two during the Seawall 100
Photo left: Al fighting the breeze at the beaches during the Seawall 100

Seawall100: Event Host - Lucinda Iglesias. Event Report by Gilles Barbeau: It was a beautiful fall day for the first run of the Seawall 100. Ten runners were at the starting line with 3 of them having expressed with more or less conviction that they were going for the full 100 mile distance.To read on and see full results click here.

Photo right: At Kintec Fottlabs during our Year end social and adventure slideshow.

Adventure Slideshow: Speaker Event Hosts - Kintec Footlabs & CFA. This presentation proofed to be an inspiring evening.  Very interesting adventures.  Fabulous photos.  Low key and intimate, supportive environment for everyone in attendance. There were around 30 people present... many of the usual suspects, but nice to see some new faces, too... at least one couple was in from Ontario. (Non-runners.  They told us later they thought we were all nuts!) Many thanks to Graham, Danielle and Ryan at Kintec for going to the trouble to make the event happen. Very nice touch to surprise everyone with an outstanding aid station complete with pizza and wine! The speakers were awesome, thank you for sharing your photos and stories. It was very cool how several people in the audience had either participated in one of the adventures or another and had something to add, or hoped to participate one day and had great questions.   We are planning another evening like this in the spring.  If you like to show off your photos, please contact Sibylle.


New Year's Resolution Contest. It's never too early to start thinking about your New Year's Resolutions!  As in past years we once again offer CFA members and anyone else who is interested a place where they can log their 2009 fitness resolutions. You can look at this as a goal-setting tool, as a way to keep yourself honest or as a contest to see how close you come to meeting your goals. More information at New Years Resolution Contest.

On a similar note, the 2008 New Years Resolution Contest is coming to an end...less than 7 weeks to the end of the year!  This year's contestants are asked to look at their original resolutions and provide an update either as a blog post or as a comment on their original resolutions.  You can check out any musings related to the contest here: The member who comes closest to their resolutions will win a pair of running shoes courtesy of our friends and sponsors at Kintec Footlabs.

Photo left: One of many contributions to the Travelling Colours Contest by Mudrunner - here seen scrambling up Black Tusk.

Photo right: Action Jackson and Graham from Kintec on a little detour to Goat Mountain

2008 Travelling Colours Contest. The winner of this popular contest will receive a full refund of his or her 2009 Club membership dues. Kintec Footlabs is recognizing the second place photo with a pair of running shoes. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.  Please feel free to comment on photos or add them to your Flickr faves.  The image recording most views/comments and faves (as determined by Flickr) will win this years contest.

2008 Point Series. Des is the run away leader and on track again to win the pair of shoes, Kintec Footlab is sponsoring for the winner of this contest. Des is trailed  by Bill Dagg, Baldwin Lee and Penny Jakobsen. (and no, "Out of Action" Jackson and I do not qualify to win, but we like to play anyway.  Second place prize, a combo package with a tech shirt, water bottle and cap, is provided by CFA business member Axis Gear.

Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.

Photo left: Action Jackson, Chris and Des sporting three generations of Club Shirts during a run on Gambier Island


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

In 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, set our to run 100 miles during the 24 hour relay and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read here how it panned out. 

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.


October 2007 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

We may be out of the thick of the race season, but here at Fat Ass central, we've been running flat out this past month.

You may remember that our last Newsletter included an invite to attend our September Steering Committee meeting. The support you showed was overwhelming and the meeting was standing room only!

Please join me in welcoming several new members to the Steering Committee:

  • Technology - Ran Katzman
  • Finance - Patrick Hinds
  • Sponsorship - Vanessa Fors

Several others offered to help on the various committees. Thank you, thank you. If you have a thought for something that would be of value to your club and have some time to make it happen, you will be warmly received at any time, so don't be shy! I hope to have the updated committee bios up on the CFA website in the next week so you can learn more about these special people.

We're also very excited about the 2008 club garment. In this year's member survey and also at club runs, you told us you wanted a long-sleeve t-shirt. A vocal minority also asked that it be made of "no stink" material. Unfortunately, this is a very rare and expensive combination. Thanks to Vanessa Fors, a talented fashion designer, we are having your new Club colors custom made to meet these requirements.

Our exclusive label will be called "FatAssWare." This special edition garment will be made only for Club members. A one-time order will be placed on 31 December 2007, so only those members who have paid their 2008 club dues by then will get them. Ya snooze, ya loose . . . (as some unhappy campers learnt this year with the green t-shirts.) Be sure to renew your Club membership soon!

Happy trails . . . and don't slip on any of those wet leaves.

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


Flash - R2R2R Road Trip: 18 October 2007 - Colorado, USA. A road trip to run the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim. The flashlights and emergency blankets are packed and the van is leaving Thursday morning. More details here.

Photo right: Cheryl and Wendy refueling after last year's Get your Fat Ass Off The Couch run

Ann's Get your Fat Ass Off the Couch: 20 October 2007 - North Vancouver, BC. A fun run on winding trails and backroads of lower Seymour Mountain. Two distance options are available: the "Old Chesterfield" 20 km or the "Cushy Couch" 10 km. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. More info and registration here.

Heart Rate and Lactate Based Training:
7 November 2007 - Peak Centre, Burnaby, BC. Now that the 2007 racing season is winding down, it’s time to start planning how to make 2008 a year of personal bests! Tired of putting in the training hours but not really improving? Interested in taking the guesswork out of your training? Have you ever wondered what exactly to do with your heart rate monitor? This session is designed to answer all of your questions about using heart rate training zones to add precision to your training. The seminar will explain the physiology that heart rate training zones are based on, how to get your individual training zones measured, and how to use them to determine which of your thresholds is limiting your improvement. This session is hosted by Peak Centre Vancouver. More information and registration here. A follow-up testing session is scheduled for 17 November. More details will be posted on the website.

Flash - The Nifty 50 Triathlon: 11 November 2007, Rembrance Day - North Vancouver, BC. Join us for a celebration of friends and life. Don't let the name intimidate you - this is a kid-friendly event! More info here.

Photo left: Dom on the trails at a past Go Deep or Go Home run

Go Home: 17 November 2007 - North Vancouver, BC. This is a challenging but beautiful 20 km course on lower Seymour Mountain. Register here.

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run: 24 November 2007 - North Vancouver, BC. This late fall challenge is not to be missed. Check it out here.

Photo right: At the top of Ned's during the 2006 M&M's Fun Run


2008 Club Garment. Introducing FatAssWare, designed by CFA member Vanessa Fors and cut, sewn and screened in Vancouver, Canada. The 2008 shirt is one you don't want to miss: long-sleeved in a environmentally friendly, no-stink fabric. Renew or sign-up as a CFA member before January 1st to make sure you get yours!

2008 Membership Registration (Yikes!). Club membership registration for 2008 will open in a few days. New members get 14 months of Club Fat Ass events to choose from. Renewing Fat Asses, don't forget to sign up before the end of December, or you will miss the opportunity to get the hot new t-shirt. To encourage the procrastinators amongst us, we will include all 2008 members registered before December 1st in a draw for a refund of their membership dues.

Please also plan ahead for a membership fee increase, which received broad support in the annual member survey. Club dues are now $75 (with t-shirt) and $50 (without t-shirt) . . . and you will want the shirt! With over 40 events and growing, that translates into less than $2 per event (if you're a keener), and the t-shirt is a bonus! All Club events will continue to be free for members.

New Business Members. Please welcome Active Life Physio and Peak Performance Vancouver as Advertising Members in Club Fat Ass.

  • Active Life Physio is located in the John Braithwaite Community Centre in North Vancouver, BC. Their mission is to provide one-on-one, exceptional quality physiotherapy and support services for recreational endurance athletes and the community of North Vancouver. They also aim to promote and inspire others to maintain a healthy active lifestyle in the achievement of personal fitness goals.
  • Peak Performance Vancouver is located in Burnaby, BC. They are Canada's leader in individualized training solutions. In the performance, health and fitness fields, they are unique in that they provide you with an accurate, objective, knowledge-based starting point for your fitness. They have the ability to measure your current fitness level, track improvements and validate your training regimen. Look for their seminar and testing session in our November calendar.

Both businesses are supporting your Club by taking out a banner ad on our website. They also offer Club benefits in the form of special offers, member deals, and seminars. Please strongly consider doing business with them.


Free 2008 memberships. Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events in 2007 will automatically receive a complimentary 2008 membership in Club Fat Ass. If you decide to host a scheduled event between now and December 31st, you can still get in on this deal! A big thank you to our Club Event Hosts for putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club. We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online. The easiest ways to achieve this are, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt and tell your friends. Another is to provide a link to our website on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores. Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute.


Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Flash - Mutha's Nature Trail Run: Event Host - Ryan Conroy. Ryan and Mel showed that you need to be flexible when planning a CFA run. Read Ryan's report here.

Rainforest to Pacific Ocean: Event Host - Sibylle Tinsel.

It was a mystical run in the fog in the North Shore rainforest to the open waters of the Pacific. More here.

Photo right: Michele and Sibylle before the fog catches up with them at Cleveland Dam

Forbidden Forest Shakedown Run: The Capilano Commandos are back scheming and scamming. They made it out of the Forbidden Forest unscathed by whomping willows or giant spiders. Rumours abound - but because of the sensitive nature of the run we only can tell you what is written here. If you would like to become a Capilano Commado member, best to apply online for consideration. (The hazing ceremony is held in a pub and is rumoured to be quite punishing on your credit card.)


2007 Travelling Colours Contest. Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff! To participate, just e-mail me your photos. Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007. Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

Photo left: Rick taking in the views at Kokanee Lake

2007 Point Series. Sibylle, Ean, Des, Craig, and Baldwin are in the top 5, but Ryan and Cheryl are in hot pursuit. Don't forget to pre-register, pick-up litter during the event and refer your running buddies to CFA to maximize your chances of winning. Up-to-date standings are posted here. Read about how to collect points here.

Photo right: Allan is thinking about a CFA kayaking event near the start of the Sunshine Coast Trail.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

BC Lung Association. Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society). The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.

For information on how to become a sponsor please go to

Please visit the Club Fat Ass store to find cool merchandise with the happy porker logo.

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

October 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,


It's fall.  The trees are looking skinny, it's monsoon season and for most of us, our best races of the year are behind us.  Time to start thinking about (gulp!) what we want to accomplish in 2009.

Yes, that means it's also time to get off your fattening behind and join or renew with CFA for the upcoming year.

Great news for renewing members:  Your annual Club membership dues won't change and the number and variety of Club events continues to grow.

Great news if you're thinking about joining:  New members get 14 months of CFA events to enjoy.

Scared of being called a FA and need a gentle kick-in-the-behind before you join?  Take advantage of the free trial membership for Ann's Get Your FA Off The Couch run this coming Saturday. Ann's event has beautiful 10K and 20K trail loops and there's a free beer at the finisher party. Tell a friend and pass it on...

Be sure sign up before the end of December so you don't miss getting the hot new long-sleeve, no stink, Club t-shirt.  Everyone who registers between now and the end of November also gets included in a draw for a refund of their dues, so sign up now!

Lastly, don't miss the Adventure Slideshow 4 November at Kintec Footlabs in North Vancouver.  This is our big annual Club social event and a warm-up for Christmas party season.  Catch up on the adventures of your fellow members, plan your adventures for the upcoming year or just kick back and eat some munchies while fellow members share stories and photos about their adventures in the Grand Canyon, the Stein Valley and the Chilko bike challenge.  The event is free and open to all, but please pre-register.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


Ann's Get your FA Off the Couch: 18 October - North Vancouver, BC. A fun run on winding trails and backroads of lower Seymour Mountain. Two distance options, the "Old Chesterfield" 20 km or the "Cushy Couch" 10 km. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. Not a member yet?  Take advantage of the free trial membership for this event. More info and registration here.

Photo right: Gary and his ultrahound Roxy (sporting the red club shirt) during a past Get Off The Couch event

Seawall 100: 25 October - West Vancouver, BC.  An urban 100 miler, mostly on the Seawall path from the Dundarave Park in North Vancouver to UBC. Enjoy an Ultra marathon challenge with minimal concerns for naughty beasts, altitude or elevation gain. Could definitively be described as the easiest 100 miler in North America if there is such a thing as an easy 100 mile run. Custom distances of 25-50-75 miles. Find out what else run100widow and her hilarious husband have up their sleeve here.

Photo left: Bill, Des, Geoff and Collin during the Stein Valley traverse last year.

Photo right: Rick during the R2R2R adventure

Adventure Slideshow: 4 November - North Vancouver, BC. Join us and our friends and sponsors at Kintec for a social wrap up to the year.  The evening will start with images from our 2008 events, munchies and the opportunity to mix and mingle.  Slideshows and presentations of recent self propelled adventures, including a scramble in the Stein Valley and a bike race in the Chilcotin will be the highlights of the night.  If you would like to contribute with a story and/or photos please contact Sibylle.  This evening is free for members and non-members of CFA, but please be sure to preregister so you don't go hungry.

Go Deep: 15 November - North Vancouver, BC. Challenging but beautiful 20 km course on lower Seymour Mountain. Register here.

Photo right: Lorraine navigating the trails of Seymour Mountain during the Go Deep

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run: 29 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge not to be missed. Check it out here.

Pure Satisfaction: 14 December - North Vancouver, BC. 12km or 24km on slippery, wet, rooty, dark trails...the perfect way to start the busy Christmas season. Bring your bear and jingle bells and wear your Santa hat. Details here.

Photo right: Craig enjoying the views of Galbraith Mountain.

Galbraith Mountain Tour. 20 December - Bellingham, WA. A 20 or 5.8 mile trail run of the Lake Padden & Galbraith Mountain trail systems. Prepare for the lack of stairs, boulders, roots and bears but with all the fun of the true single track. If we have clear weather there will be amazing views of Mt. Baker, San Juan Islands & the Northshore mountains of Vancouver. More details here.



2009 Membership Registration (Yikes!). Club membership registration for 2009 is now open. Yes, that means it's time to get off your fattening ass and join or renew with CFA for the upcoming year.

Great news for renewing members:  Your annual Club membership dues won't change and the number and variety of Club events continues to grow.

Great news if you're thinking about joining:  New members get 14 months of CFA events to enjoy.

Scared of being called a FA and need a gentle kick-in-the-behind before you join?  Take advantage of the free trial membership for Anne's Get Your FA Off The Couch run this coming Saturday. Anne has beautiful 10K and 20K trail loops and there's a free beer at the finisher party. Tell a friend and pass it on...

Be sure sign up before the end of December so you don't miss getting the hot new long-sleeve, no stink, Club t-shirt.  Everyone who registers between now and the end of November also gets included in a draw for a refund of their dues, so sign up now!

There are some changes in the membership registration.  You now need to set up a username on the CFA website before being able to register.  If you already have a username, just login and register as before. The good news is that if you take the time to fill in all profile information you will never have to fill in a club or event registration again, as they forms will now magically auto populate if you are logged in.  Why fill out forms when the system can do it for you?

Sponsors.  Need a new pair of shoes?  Advise on which runners are best for you?  Why not check out Kintec Footlabs. With stores in Vancouver, North Vancouver, Maple Ridge, Surrey, Abbotsford and Langley there surely must be one near you.  Make sure to mention that you are a member of CFA to take advantage of the 10% discount Kintec offers you.

Banner Ads. Want to get your brand in front of a lot of outdoor minded folks? Why not consider a banner ad on the CFA website? It's easy. It's cheap. It makes good business sense.  Check out what it takes here.

Free 2009 memberships. Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events during 2008 will automatically receive a complimentary 2009 membership in CFA.  All you have to do is complete the registration form to confirm your contact information is up-to-date.  A big thank you to all of you who are putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club. We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online. One way to achieve that is, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt. Another is to provide a link on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores. Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute.



Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Flash - Chris's Criss Cross Gambier Island Challenge.  Flash Event Host - Chris Benn.  This was a last minute run blessed with beautiful weather.  It might just become an annual event... Check it out here and don't forget to ask Chris about his yurt next time you see him.

Flash - Cresting the Howe Sound. Flash Event Host - Dave Berg. A memorable run/hike/scramble through some tough but beautiful terrain. Read various accounts, view photos and even a video here.

Photo right: Ean, Chris and Des enjoying the sunshine on Gambier Island.

Photo left: Ryan cresting the Howe Sound.

Mutha's Nature Trail Run. Event Host - Ryan Conroy. Despite forecasts of rain, there were clouds blanketing the whole sky but only a very light mist of rain for the prelimenary running of Mutha's Nature.

We had 2 runners show up for the 50K and 4 for the 25K, which was not too bad considering there were at least 3 local trail races and a couple of road races that weekend. 

After a quick briefing with me trying my best to describe the course a bit to help simplify the instructions and we were off. Mark and I were planning on doing the 50K and we set out at a slow pace so that the others could follow our lead at least out of the park.

Behind us, Killaine and Allison ran together, with Amy and Kim behind them. Once we turned off the Trans-Canada and up a hill we pulled away and that was the last we saw of the 25K runners. We ran a fairly good pace through the first 10K until we slowed right down at the Velodrome trail. Even though it wasn't really raining the overgrown trail soaked us to the bone from all the water on the leaves. The last couple weeks seem to have allowed the bushes to encroach further onto the trail although thankfully they weren't thorn bushes (the trail along Cliff Avenue was overgrown with thorn bushes but I got out and trimmed them back before the run). More here.

Photo right: Mutha's Nature Trail Run start



2008 Travelling Colours Contest. The winner of this popular contest will receive a full refund of his or her 2009 Club membership dues. Kintec Footlabs is recognizing the second place photo with a pair of running shoes. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.  Please feel free to comment on photos or add them to your Flickr faves.  The image recording most views/comments and faves (as determined by Flickr) will win this years contest.

Photo left: Pete in Holeman Slot Canyon.

Photo right: Bill getting close and personal with Lilloet Lill

2008 Point Series. Des is the run away leader and on track again to win the pair of shoes, Kintec Footlab is sponsoring for the winner of this contest. Des is trailed  by Bill Dagg, Baldwin Lee and Penny Jakobsen. (and no, "Out of Action" Jackson and I do not qualify to win, but we like to play anyway)

Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

In 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, set our to run 100 miles during the 24 hour relay and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read here how it panned out. 

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.



September 2007 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

There's a nip in the air and night is falling a lot earlier. On the West Coast, summer came late and that was just fine with everyone who participated in the full slate of Club events this past month.

The upgrade of our online clubhouse (the website) to Drupal 5.1 and the move to another server went well. I trust that you were not inconvenienced during the short time that you couldn't share your adventures.

We are now looking into streamlining how we distribute this newsletter, the layout of the website, and registration, as well as how we might implement the other updates you asked for in the annual membership survey last spring. It's a big project, but once done, I think you will appreciate the changes.

We have a lot of plans for 2008 as well. If you could spare a few hours a week, please consider playing a role in the management of the Club. The annual Steering Committee mixer is today. If you can join us, contact me.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive Fat Ass


The Lions on the Howe Sound Crest TrailFlash - Howe Sound Crest Trail: 29 September 2007 - West Vancouver, BC. Come out and join Berglind on a group run of the Howe Sound Crest Trail. This trail is approximately 37 km long and has it all - steep scrambles, some light bushwhacking, beautiful alpine meadows, a short but exposed traverse, amazing views in all directions, technical sections, fast and smooth downhills, fixed ropes . . . in short, it adds up to an awesome day of fun and adventure!! Check it out here!

Photo left: The Lions on the Howe Sound Crest Trail

Ann's Get your Fat Ass Off the Couch: 20 October 2007 - North Vancouver, BC. A fun run on winding trails and backroads of lower Seymour Mountain. Two distance options, the "Old Chesterfield" 20 km or the "Cushy Couch" 10 km. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. More info and registration here.

Flash - R2R2R Road Trip: Date TBD - Colorado, USA. A road trip to run the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim. This run is currently in the planning stages and tentatively scheduled for early October. Express your interest and take part in the planning here, or better yet, participate in the planning session over a cool one with Geoff and Ean.

Photo right: Enjoying the trails at Wendy's Get Your Fat Ass off the Couch in 2006

Go Home: 17 November 2007 - North Vancouver, BC. Challenging but beautiful 20 km course on lower Seymour Mountain. Register here.

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run: 24 November 2007 - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge not to be missed. Check it out here.


2008 Club Garment. Sourcing, pricing and ordering our Club garment is one of the big stresses in my life. The fear, uncertainty and doubt has its roots in the fateful year of the red t-shirt when a whole batch was delivered in the wrong sizes, then screen-printed with only half of the text, then burnt when rescreened. What a disaster! (Hopefully, you didn't even notice.)

We would like to see our 2008 garment be environmentally friendly and maybe even "no stink." Rachel Nelson and Vanessa Fors have been busily helping me behind the scenes evaluating organic cotton shirts and an interesting fabric called Chitosante. The ideal garment supplier is local, offers eco-friendly technical shirts and best of all would be open to a sponsorship of the Club. Any suggestions and hot leads are very welcome.

2008 Membership Registration (Yikes!). Club membership registration for 2008 will begin in October (you will get an email reminder). New members get 15 months of Club Fat Ass events to choose from. Renewing Fat Asses, don't forget to sign up before the end of December, or you will miss the opportunity to get the new t-shirt. To encourage the procrastinators amongst us, we will include all 2008 members registered before December 1st in a draw for a refund of their membership dues.

Please also plan ahead for a membership fee increase, which received broad support in the survey earlier in the summer. Fees will be $75 (with t-shirt) and $50 (without t-shirt) . . . and you will want the shirt! With over 40 events and growing, that translates into less than $2 per event. All Club events will continue to be free for members.


Free 2008 memberships. Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events in 2007 will automatically receive a complimentary 2008 membership in Club Fat Ass. If you decide to host a scheduled event between now and December 31st, you can still get in on this deal! A big thank you to our Club Event Hosts for putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club. We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online. The easiest ways to achieve this are, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt and tell your friends. Another is to provide a link to our website on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores. Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute.


Website Update from the Technology Committee: Both our website upgrade to Drupal 5.1 and our move to another server has been relatively smooth. There was no downtime and a very short period when no new content could be added. We are now looking into streamlining the different databases for the newsletter, membership and surveys - kind of a big hairy project, but once done it should make things a lot less time consuming for me and more logical for you.

Photo Uploading. Given that a lot of people post their photos to different websites or blogs, we opted to keep Flickr as our tool of choice for sharing photos in our online clubhouse. It's simple; It's neat! In order to share your photos online, all you need is a digital camera and the simple instructions outlined here.


Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Flash - Stein Valley Run:

The logistics were a bit overwhelming at times, but in the end a hardy group of 5 runners and 2 drivers made their way to the trailhead. Read about their adventure here (scroll down to see the blog posts and comments for this event).

Photo left: Colin and Geoff preparing for a cable car crossing in the Stein Valley

Mountain Highway Madness:
Event Host - Ean Jackson.

I confess, after attending a neighbor's annual "End of Summer" garden party until the wee hours leading up to the run, I felt ripped off by the less-than-ideal weather and the fact that summer had been declared over. As I drove to the start of the 4th annual Mountain Highway Madness, I was greeted with a spectacular view of Mt. Baker on a backdrop of sunny, cloudless skies. Maybe summer was a bit late this year? What a great day to be outdoors! Read more here.

Photo right: Carolyn and Cheryl during this year's Fall Mountain Highway Madness

Sunshine in September: Event Host - Berglind Hafsteinsdottir.

The Sunshine Coast lived up to its name as we were greeted with nothing but glorious sunshine for the inaugral running of the Sunshine in September event. Sibylle, Craig and myself headed out on what can only be described as a stunning day.

Photo below right: Berglind, Sibylle and Craig commuting to the start of Sunshine In September

We met at the church on Taylor Way, and, after sampling some of Craig's fresh homebaked choc-chip cookies (yum!), loaded into Craig's car for the quick drive to Horseshoe Bay. We were pleasantly suprised to find out that today was Faresaver day on BC Ferries - half price fares for everyone!!! - we paid our mere $5.40 for a return ticket, hopped on, sat back and enjoyed the views on the very short ride across to Langdale.

As expected, the trail was in perfect condition and we ran along enjoying our surroundings. We didn't come across another soul all day and the opportunities to pick up trash were really few and far between.

Reaching the clear-cut at almost 10 km offered us the chance to take in the views down to Roberts Creek and across to Vancouver Island. Sibylle turned around at the 10 km mark while Craig and I, after some quick calculations, decided we had enough time to complete the extra 6 km loop and get down to catch the 12.20 pm ferry. The additional distance was great - especially blasting down Red Baron trail - but time was of the essence and thankfully it was practically all downhill. We reached the terminal with less then 10 minutes to spare.

Thanks to Craig and Sibylle for coming out - you know we all set course records today!!! Results here.

Flash - Nelson Creek to Cleveland Dam: Event Host - Cheryl Johnson.

Read Sibylle's blog about the run here.

Photo left: Cheryl heading up the scree field on the BP during the Nelson Creek to Cleveland Dam Run

Go Deep or Go Home: Event Host - Cheryl Johnson.

The Fat Ass Eastern Alliance was well-represented in the 19 fresh, frisky runners at the start of the 2007 Go Deep or Go Home event. The day started cool and overcast, as predicted, with rain holding off until well after the beers at Mosquito Creek had been downed. The dry trails kept the Deep Cove Baden-Powell and Ned’s interesting.

Curb, Geoff, Rob and Desmond, had a fast first loop. Great job guys.

Photo right: Lorraine navigating "Dirty Diapers" during the Go Deep

We were joined by visitor Sebastian, fresh off his plane from Montreal late the night before and wondering if there would be rocks on the course. Seems Sebastian runs roads and had never run 20 km before. Kudos to Monty for keeping Sebastian on-trail and under 3 hours. That was a flying finish! Awesome job, also, for Arlene and Cynnimon who have now got the route nailed.

Lorraine took the Purple Heart, not for the cracking sound of her ankle, but for the trail-rash on her knee. Seems she had a dust-up on dusty Ned’s.

Soon-to-be birthday girl Carolyn and entourage of the running-accomplished Maple Ridge FA’ers used the run as a kick-off for a party-hard day.

Awesome day. Mellow, mellow, good vibes and karma. Many thanks to Arlene and Kinesys for the prizes and to Mosquito Creek Bar & Grill for the après-run beer! Full results are posted here.

Speaker Night - Injury Prevention: Event Hosts - Kintec and Club Fat Ass.

A fun run in the jungle followed by pizza. Thanks to Graham Archer at Kintec who provided a very informative evening talking about injury prevention for runners. Did you know that Kintec provides you with a free gait analysis when you come in to buy shoes?

Capilano Canyon Night Run (A Midsummer Night's Dream): Event Hosts - Ean Jackson and Sibylle Tinsel.

What a wonderful evening it was: The rains held off, nobody got lost, no injuries drew blood and the party lasted until 5:00 am!

The event started early when a faint voice from the backyard drifted to our dinner table questioning, "is there a run here tonight?" I almost said, "yes, but you are 2 hours early!" Turns out, the two early birds from London, Ontario arrived in Seattle the day before and hoped to squeeze in a race before heading to Ironman Canada. A quick Web search got them to the Club Fat Ass website and Google maps guided them non-stop from Seattle to the yellow house on Fairmont Road and the start line of the Capilano Canyon night run. Read on here.

Photo above right: The start of the Capilano Canyon Night Run
Photo right: Petting Llamas during the Monty

The Full Monty: Event Host - Carlos Castillo.

Big thanks to the support team of Gillian's parents and boyfriend Erin, for manning the turnaround, tending to Ludo and lending Stefan a watch (he doesn't own one!) and for lending Jennifer the shirt off his back as hers was unsuitable for a 50K (chafing issues with hydration straps). Also a big thank you to David Dennis for driving Ludo for an X-ray and driving his bike home for him. Great day great people. ILTS! Full results here.


2007 Travelling Colours Contest. Capture and share the tender moments you experience with your Club t-shirt throughout the year, and you might just win some great stuff! To participate, just e-mail me your photos. Those of you who have discovered Flickr can upload your submissions to your Flickr page, add them to the Club Fat Ass group, and tag them with TravellingColoursContest2007. Submissions we've received to date are posted here.

Photo left: Gilles sporting mud mask sunscreen and possibly setting a new fashion trend at the finish of the Grand Tetons 100 Miler

2007 Point Series. Sibylle, Ean, Des Craig and Baldwin are in the top 5, but Ryan and Cheryl are in hot pursuit. Don't forget to pre-register, pick-up litter during the event and refer your running buddies to CFA to maximize your chance of winning. Up-to-date standings are posted here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favorite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

BC Lung Association. Event Host Craig Moore uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund
. Mary was a friend and member of Club Fat Ass. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society). The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


For information on how to become a sponsor please go to


Please visit the Club Fat Ass store to find cool merchandise with the happy porker logo.

CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.

September 2008 Newsletter

CFA Newsletter Header.GIF
Promoters of oddball endurance events and a healthy outdoor lifestyle

Dear Friends and Members of Club Fat Ass,

There's a nip in the air and night is falling a lot earlier. On the West Coast, summer has lasted long into September and that was just fine with everyone who participated in the many Club events this past month.

Ran Katzman, who is chairing the Technology Committee, has worked hard behind the scenes fixing website issues you've told us about.  Under Ran's leadership, we're also planning a major redesign of your online clubhouse.  Any last minute wishes?

Know how painful it is to fill in all of your contact details when you register for a Club event?  Well, it's now a snap as this fills in automatically with the information from your user profile.  

We have a lot of plans to improve and expand the Club this year. If you have some great ideas and a few hours a month to see them through, please consider playing a role how the Club is managed.  The annual Steering Committee mixer is today.  All members and members-to-be are warmly welcomed and there are no expectations or obligations.  If you can join us, contact me.

Happy Trails,

Sibylle Tinsel
Chief Executive FA


CFA Steering Committee meeting and mixer: 18 September - North Vancouver, BC Canada. Details here

Mutha's Nature Trail Run: 21 September - Vancouver, BC Canada. A new edition to our calendar. Join Event Host Ryan Conroy for 10km, 25km or 50km on relatively easy trails with moderate elevation gains. More here.

Photo right: The Lions, destination on the Howe Sound Crest Trail, as seen from Cleveland Dam at dusk

Flash - Howe Sound Crest Trail: 28 September - West Vancouver, BC. Come out and join Dave on a group run of the Howe Sound Crest Trail. This trail is approximately 37 km long and has it all - steep scrambles, some light bushwhacking, beautiful alpine meadows, a short but exposed traverse, amazing views in all directions, technical sections, fast and smooth downhills, fixed ropes . . . in short, it adds up to an awesome day of fun and adventure!! Check it out here!

Ann's Get your FA Off the Couch: 18 October - North Vancouver, BC. A fun run on winding trails and backroads of lower Seymour Mountain. Two distance options, the "Old Chesterfield" 20 km or the "Cushy Couch" 10 km. Enjoy the fall atmosphere in a temperate rain forest. More info and registration here.

Photo left: English Bay and West Vancouver as seen from the Seawall at Third Beach

Seawall 100: 25 October - West Vancouver, BC.  An urban 100 miler, mostly on the Seawall path from the Dundarave Park in North Vancouver to UBC. Enjoy an Ultra marathon challenge with minimal concerns for naughty beasts, altitude or elevation gain. Could definitively be described as the easiest 100 miler in North America if there is such a thing as an easy 100 mile run. Custom distances of 25-50-75 miles. Find out what else run100widow and her hilarious husband have up their sleeve here.

Photo right: Stein Valley Adventure Run

Adventure Slideshow: 4 November - North Vancouver, BC. Join us and our friends and sponsors at Kintec for a social wrap up to the year.  The evening will start with images from our 2008 events, munchies and the opportunity to mix and mingle.  Slideshows and presentations of recent self propelled adventures, including a scramble in the Stein Valley and a bike race in the Chilcotin will be the highlights of the night.  If you would like to contribute with a story and/or photos please contact Sibylle.  This evening is free for members and non-members of CFA, but please be sure to preregister so you don't go hungry.

Go Deep: 8 November - North Vancouver, BC. Challenging but beautiful 20 km course on lower Seymour Mountain. Register here.

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run: 29 November - North Vancouver, BC. A late fall challenge not to be missed. Check it out here.

Photo left: MM 2006 saw some early season snow


Steering Committee Meeting and Mixer: On behalf of the 2008 Steering Committee, I would like to invite friends and members of CFA to our next Steering Committee Meeting and Mixer Night on Thursday 18 September 2008. The CFA Steering Committee is made up of your friends and fellow CFA members. We meet about 10 times per year and we make most of the decisions about how the Club operates.

Our September meeting agenda includes a brief business agenda followed by a "meet and greet" mixer. The purpose of this evening will be for you to get a feeling for what we do, for you meet the current Steering Committee, for us to meet you and to clarify questions you may have about how you might fit in. As a bit of background, we are looking for people to both head up and help with committees. As a subcommittee member your help may be a one time contribution of time/expertise to a specific project. You may also choose to become involved more regularly and assist in a committee or take on a specific task. If you are thinking about a committee chair role you should know that we meet once a month at a mutually agreed time at my house in North Vancouver. More info and RSVP here.

Smart Event Signup. Woo-hoo!  Our event registration forms are now smart.  But you have to spend 3 minutes on your user profile now if you want to save hours of tedious form-filling over the course of the year. How so?  First, make sure you are logged in.  Second, fill-out your user profile (click on edit, then select the "personal info" tab) with your current contact information.  That's it.  Now go for a run!  Why fill out forms when the system can do it for you?

Banner Ads. Want to get your brand in front of a lot of outdoor minded folks? Why not consider a banner ad on the CFA website? It's easy. It's cheap. It makes good business sense.  Check out what it takes here.

Free 2009 memberships. Just a reminder that all Event Hosts of scheduled events during 2008 will automatically receive a complimentary 2009 membership in CFA.  All you have to do is complete the join form to confirm your contact information is up-to-date.  A big thank you to all of you who are putting back into the community by hosting free events.

Promoting your Club. We would love your help in promoting the Club in person and online. One way to achieve that is, of course, to wear your Club t-shirt. Another is to provide a link on your blog or website. We also have a nice brochure we'd like to get into race packets, community centers and running stores. Please contact me if you would like some brochures to distribute.


Club Fat Ass on MySpaceClub Fat Ass PhotosClub Fat Ass StoreClub Fat Ass RSS feedFacebook


Fall Mountain Highway Madness: Event Host - Ean Jackson."Hey, where was everybody?", Rob Ruff, start line of the Mountain Highway Madness, Saturday 13 September 08 @ 7:30am.  "Hey, where was everybody?", Baldwin Lee, Mosquito Creek Pub, Sunday 14 September 08 @ noon. Well, Rob, the run has always been on Sunday.  If in doubt, best to check the website!  And Baldwin, the official start is at 7:30.  If you choose to get hammered the night before, sleep in and miss the start, best to check with the Event Host to see if there were any changes made to the agenda.  For those who made it to the "official" start, this years' fall running of the Mountain Highway Madness was about as flawless as a trail run could be.  Ryne and Danielle had set up the Kintec tent at the start complete with munchies and timekeeping.  Skies were cloudless, temperatures at the start were in the 'teens.  The day was so perfect, in fact, all of the runners decided to opt out of the free beer offered by the nice folks at the Mosquito Creek Grill so they could do other things out doors after the run. See full report, results and photos here.

Photo left: Starters at the Fall Mountain Highway Madness

Photo right: Pat on the Sunshine In September trails

Sunshine in September: Event Host - Berglind Hafsteinsdottir. What a fun day on new trails.  Photos and results here.

Flash - Duel at the Pool: Event Hosts - the big Whale Shark and the little Mako.  See how the duel unfolded here.

Photo left: Tim enjoying the views during theGo Home via the Hanes Valley scramble

Go Home via Hanes Valley: Event Host - Des Mott. Well the first running of the Go Home via the Haines Valley is complete. The weather was near perfect for the run. There were 9 runners who showed up for the 8:30 start time and 2 others who were late starters. Read the full report here.

Flash - Tour de FA: Read about Ryan's soggy FA here.


2008 Travelling Colours Contest. The winner of this popular contest will receive a full refund of his or her 2009 Club membership dues. Kintec Footlabs is recognizing the second place photo with a pair of running shoes. Pictures of your 2008 adventures wearing your Club shirt (any colour) can be posted to Flickr following the instructions here. All submissions to date are posted here.

Photo left: Graham Archer from Kintec and Action Jackson on a little detour to Crown Mtn during the Go Home via the Hanes Valley scramble.

2008 Point Series. Des is on track again to win the pair of shoes, Kintec Footlab is sponsoring for the winner of this contest. Des is trailed closely by Bill Dagg, Baldwin Lee and Penny Jakobsen. (and no, "Out of Action" Jackson and I do not qualify to win, but we like to play anyway)

Up-to-date standings here. Read about how to collect points here.


If you have any causes close to your heart and want to raise awareness and/or funds let us know. A number of CFA Event Hosts use their events as fund raisers. Be sure to consider the special section on the Club website that offers ideas on how to raise money for your favourite cause while hosting a free CFA event.

Run for the Cure.
  The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada's largest single day, volunteer-led fundraising event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research, education, and awareness programs.  If you would like to support one of your fellow members, please click here.

Easter Seals 24 Relay. The Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay is an annual community based fundraising event that challenges groups of people to run or walk Relay-style for 24 hours. Teams of runners and/or walkers made up of Corporate and Recreational groups collect individual pledges or organize team fundraising events to raise funds towards their collective team totals.

In 2008 CFA member, Glenn Pace, set our to run 100 miles during the 24 hour relay and raise funds for less fortunate children. Here the link to his fundraising page. Read here how it panned out. 

BC Lung Association. Event Host, Craig Moore, uses his events to raise awareness and funds for the BC Lung Association.

Mary Leliveld Tri BC Fund. Mary was a friend and member of CFA. The fund was established in her memory to help deserving athletes get to competitions they otherwise might not be able to race in.

PRPAWS (Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society
The boys who ran the Sunshine Coast Trail 180 in 2003 and 2004 vowed to help raise funds for PRPAWS, a society that aims to protect old growth forest in the Powell River area.


CFA does not sell or otherwise distribute our member list.