WHAT: See how many North Shore peaks you can run up and bag in a summer. All but the island mountains qualify as munros (in excess of 3000 feet) under the Scottish peak-bagging system.
DATE: Between July 1 and October 22, 2009.
WHERE: non-technical or less-technical (Class 3 or easier) North Shore mountains (listed below). Although I can't list them all, I'll record peaks in Fraser Valley, and Squamish to Whistler peaks (although if push comes to shove, and there is a tie, the listed peaks will be counted). Official totals below are in brackets.
RESOURCES: For routes, etc. it is recommended to visit Bivouac.com or clubtread.com.
RESULTS: Email me your mountainous conquests, with the dates, and I will post ongoing standings. As I’m lazy, wait until you have three or four bagged before sending them in.
PHOTOS: Photos posted so far: http://www.flickr.com/search/show/?q=baggerchallenge2009
Please post your photos, too, via the CFA Flickr site: http://www.clubfatass.com/photogalleries (instructions here: www.clubfatass.com/help/image It's easy!). Please tag your photos: ClubFatAss ClubFatAssEvents BaggerChallenge2009 (space separating each tag on the flickr template)
In the case of a tie for first place:
1. non-core peaks (i.e. those not on the North Shore and not listed) will not be counted;
2. if still a tie, the bagger with the most photos posted on the CFA Flickr website will win;
3. if still a tie, the bagger with the most unique bags (i.e. peaks that no one else visited) will win;
4. if still a tie, the bagger with the most obscure/difficult bags (at the completely arbitrary discretion of the host) will win.
NO SANDBAGGING: all claims to bagging a peak must be submitted as promptly as possible (in most cases, within 3 days) of the actually climb (perhaps more if you have to stay overnight), and climbs of more than two weeks old will be stale-dated. Amnesty for submitting late peaks: October 4th
PRIZE: The winner will be the proud bearer of the CFA Bagger Quaich cup for the year: the appropriate cup from which to drink a winter whisky and contemplate how awesome you are.
There will be an auxiliary prize for the person who draws the most other people into the cult of peak-bagging.
BAGGERS' BANQUET: To cap off the bagging season, we will be hosting a barbeque for all bagger participants and their significant others. Bagger burgers (meaty and veggy) will be served. The Bagger Quaich will be awarded (unless the host wins, in which case there will be awkward silence on this topic).
Date: Friday, October 23rd. From 6pm.
Place: 1368 West 21st Street (near Capilano Elementary School, in Pemberton Heights).
RSVP jeldac "at" shaw "dot" ca
Entry: There is no fee and you don't need to be a member of Club Fat Ass to participate in a Flash event, however whining is not allowed. That being said, many of the peaks listed should only be attempted by those with the experience and fitness level of a typical Club Fat Ass member (i.e. ample mountain running experience over long distances).
No registration is required but please send your report of bagged peaks (wait until you have 3) to David (as a member you can click on David's user name and message him; if you are not a member please use the comment function below).
Important safety considerations: All of these adventures are potentially dangerous.
Mountains marked with a ** are scramble ascents or otherwise exposed or otherwise remote and undeveloped and should only be attempted by experienced climbers wearing helmets, etc. Don't try these routes in anything but perfect weather.
Use great caution when rocks are wet -- slipping is the cause of most accidents on North Shore mountains.
Always run/hike with a buddy.
You are responsible for your own well being and safety and should be self sufficient.
Here are two useful lists of "MUST HAVE" survival items that all participants should carry:
Release of All Claims. By participating in this event you agree to be wholly responsible for your own well-being and agree not to sue anyone associated with this event or Club Fat Ass or any person in relation to this activity. By participating in this event you agree to the terms of the Release of All Claims.
QUALIFYING MOUNTAINS (ranges from west to east)
Howe Sound Islands
- Mt. Liddell (Gambier Island) (904m) (LID)
- Mt. Killam (Gambier Island) (844m) (KIL)
- Mt. Artaban (Gambier Island) (615m) (ART)
- Mt. Gardner (Bowen Island) (727m) (GAR)
- Leading Peak (Anvil Island) (765m) (LEA)
Lions/Howe Sound Crest Trail Area (&&& = new route HSCT passes right over these peaks: old route drops down east towards Hanging & Enchanted Lakes, bypassing James Peak) maps.google.ca/maps/ms
- St. Mark’s Mountain (1355m) (MAR) &&&
- Unnecessary Mountain (1548 m) (UNN) &&&
- West Lion (1654m) ** (LIO)
- James Peak (1466m) (JAS) &&&
- David Peak (1480m) (DAV) &&&
- Mount Harvey (1652m) (HAR)
- Brunswick Mountain (1788m) (BRU)
- Hat Mountain (1644 m) (HAT)
- Wettin Peak (1538m) ** (WET)
- Mount Hanover (1748 m) ** (HAN)
- Mount Windsor (1689 m) (WIN)
- Deeks Peak (1672 m) (DEE)
- Gotha Peak (1641m) ** (GOT)
- Capilano Mountain (1685 m) (CAP)
Cypress Group
- Black Mountain (1217m) (BLA)
- Hollyburn Mountain (1325m) (HOL)
- Mount Strachan (1454m) (STR)
Grouse Area
- Mount Fromme (1185m) (FRO)
- Grouse Mountain (1231m) (GRO)
- Dam Mountain (1349m) (DAM)
- Goat Mountain (1401m) (GOA)
- Little Goat Mountain (1323m) (LIL)
- Crown Mountain (1504m) (CRO)
- West Crown / Sleeping Beauty Mountain (1400m) (WCR)
Lynn/Cathedral Range
- Lynn Peak (1015m) (LYN)
- The Needles (1258m) ** (NEE) (nb South Needle at 1163m qualifies for a bag -- see below)
- Coliseum Mountain (1441m) (COL)
- Mount Burwell (1541m) (BUR)
- Cathedral Mountain (1737m) ** (CAT)
Fannin Range
- Mount Seymour (1449m) (SEY)
- Runner Peak (1370 m) ** (RUN)
- Mount Elsay (1419m) (ELS)
- Rector Peak (1270m) ** (REC)
- Curate Peak (1266m) ** (CUR)
- Vicar Peak (1247m) ** (VIC)
- Mount Bishop (1509m) ** (BIS)
- Deacon Peak (1495m) ** (DEA)
- Presbyter Peak (1487m) ** (PRE)
- Mount Dickens (1288m) ** (DIC)
FINAL STANDINGS (October 22nd) [of 44 peaks in total] [Peaks and totals in square brackets = total 2009 bags from official list (including those outside Baggers Challenge time period]
David Crerar: 41(40) [44/44] : ART, BLA, SEY, BRU, HAR, LIO, UNN, MAR, HOL, STR, GRO, DAM, LIL, CRO, WCR, GOA, FRO, LYN, NEE, COL, CAP, GAR, RUN, ELS, REC, CUR, VIC, BIS, DEA, PRE, DIC, HAT, JAS, DAV, GOT, WIN, DEE, LEA, HAN, WET, [BUR, CAT, KIL, LID], Middle Needle, Fat Ass Peak
Neil Ambrose: 20(18): BLA, COL, BUR, GRO, FRO, DAM, CRO, LIL, GOA, HOL, STR, GAR, LYN, SEY, ELS, MAR, UNN, NEE, Golden Ears, Fat Ass Peak
Carolyn King: 16(13): GRO, HOL, STR, BLA, GAR, LYN, SEY, ELS, MAR, DAM, GOA, LIL, NEE, Golden Ears, Burnaby Mountain, Fat Ass Peak
Wendy Montgomery: 14(13): DAM, LIL, CRO, WCR, STR, LYN, FRO, GRO, ART, BLA, NEE, MAR, UNN, Fat Ass Peak
Mike Wardas: 11: SEY, LYN, COL, BUR, GRO, DAM, LIL, CRO, GOA, FRO, DEA
Ryan Conroy: 11(8): BLA, DAM, LIL, CRO, COL, LYN, NEE, COL, Gate, Middle Needle, North Needle
Paul Cubbon: 8(7): BLA, STR, GRO, DAM, GOA, HAT, DEE, Fat Ass Peak
Monty Watts: 7: BLA, LYN, HOL, GRO, SEY, BRU, HAR
James Clarke: 6: GRO, CRO, ELS, DAM, COL, BUR
Harry Crerar: 5: SEY, ART, GAR, STR, DAM
Rick Arikado: 5: BLA, GRO, LYN, SEY, RUN
Jason Oliver: 5(4): MAR, UNN, LIO, GRO, Golden Ears
Pippa Crerar: 4: SEY, ART, STR, DAM
Heather Urquhart: 4: MAR, UNN, LYN, NEE
Meggan Oliver: 4(3): MAR, UNN, LIO, Golden Ears
Janice Vallis: 4(3): BLA, GRO, SEY, Burnaby Mountain
Sibylle Tinsel: 3: STR, LYN, BLA
Kirsten Ramage: 3: BLA, GRO, LIL
Curb Ivanic: 3: BLA, HOL, STR
EJPowderhound Jackson: 3(2): STR, LYN, Fat Ass Peak
Glenn Dorey: 2: ART, LEA
Doug Keir: 2: LYN, GRO
Kathryn Webb: 2: LYN, GRO
Simon Cowell: 2: BRU, BLA
Donald Golob: 2: HOL, STR
Jojocheesepig Jackson: 2(1): STR, Fat Ass Peak
Rob McDonald: 1: DEA
Olav Brusletto: 1: NEE
Jill Warland: 1: BLA
Marilyn Tschirhart: 1: GAR
Ron Tschirhart: 1: GAR
Peter Rietveld: 1: GAR
Top 12 Highest North Shore Peaks
1. BRU Brunswick Mountain (1788m#1) (P: 1294m) {H1}
2. HAN Mount Hanover (1748 m#2) (P: 238m) {H!!!&&1}
3. CAT Cathedral Mountain (1737m#3)(P:832m){H!!!&&2}
4. WIN Mount Windsor (1689 m#4) (P: 264m) {m2}
5. CAP Capilano Mountain (1685 m#5) (P: 603m) {m1}
7. LIO West Lion (1654m#8) (P: 369m) {H!!!1}
8. HAR Mount Harvey (1652m#7) (P: 207m) {m1}
9. COB Coburg Peak (1645m#10) (P:152m) {H!!!2}
10. HAT Hat Mountain (1644 m#9) (P: 144m) {m2}
11. GOT Gotha Peak (1641m#11) (P: 111m) {m2}
12. CFA Fat Ass Peak (1619m#12) (P: 50m) {m3}
Mountain blueberry/huckleberry bagging top 15
Top-6 Best fungi bagging runs
1. Capilano Mountain (1685 m)
2. Mount Windsor (1689 m)
3. Mount Fromme (1185m)
4. Mt. Liddell (Gambier Island)
5. The Needles (1258m)
6. Vicar Peak (1247m)
Best bagging adventures with kids
Combining views, sense of adventure, other highlights (lakes, tarns, berries), safety, reasonable distance and steepness and variety
Trail-tested by a kindergartener.
1. Hollyburn
2. Black
3. Seymour
4. Gardner
5. Strachan
6. Dam
7. Goat
8. Artaban
9. Little Goat
10. Grouse
Bagger Challenge: Top 15 most runnable bagging adventures
Other views?
Bagger Challenge Top 10 Peak Adventures
Series of Dreams: LID, KIL
On return, miss the last Gambier-Langdale ferry for evening by 5 minutes. On dying cell-phone ask wonderful wife to locate and dispatch water-taxi. Return to Langdale triumphantly across water. Wash blood, mud, and sweat off legs in waiting room washroom at ferry terminal. Alarm group of travelling schoolchildren by eating $16 of chips, juice, and pop in 10 minutes. Contemplate the fortuitous glory of living in Southwest British Columbia.
How many hours did this take and what was the distance? Could a mountain bike be used on the lower trails / roads?
It's about 30K in total (wild estimate).
The Liddell trail is a bit nasty & confusing towards the end: check out trip reports and speak to a bagger for hints on not getting lost. Key point: when you punch out of the firest onto an old overgrown logging road, go left, up the hill, to the crest of the hill, and then cut right, up, towards the Apodaca Peak. The Peak is the northern peak, not the southern one mismarked on the Garmin base maps.
Killam is easy-peasy and pleasing.
I did it on the shortest day of the year: it took about 9 hours of hiking/running, including getting lost several times.
The central trail and main length is a gravel road, which becomes a decommissioned road, then a mountain-bikeable trail to Gambier Lake. You wouldn't want to bike beyond that central trail/road for either peak.
BTW, Craig Moore et al. did all three Gambier peaks in a day: http://www.clubfatass.com/blog/craig-moore/gambier-island-masochistic-ubermensch-challenge
Winner of the Munro Quaich for the 2009 Baggers' Challenge
Ken Legg
Winner of the Munro Quaich for the inaugural 2009 Baggers' Challenge
If dogs run free, then why not we
Across the swooping plain?
My ears hear a symphony
Of two mules, trains and rain.
The best is always yet to come,
That's what they explain to me.
Just do your thing, you'll be king,
If dogs run free.
Well done, indeed!
Congrats to all the baggers, but especially to Ken - AMAZING, in a word.
Nice work Ken...
....congratulations on a stellar effort & many personal thanks for being my partner in crime for some truly memorable outings!
Sir Hugh Munro of Lindertis, Angus, Scotland
As the only true Scot amongst the Baggers (born & raised) and having climbed 65 Munros, I close with some parting words about the man himself, Sir Hugh Munro who, in 1891 first published his Tables of Heights of Scottish Mountains over 3000ft. The Reverend A.E. Robertson became the first "Bagger" who stooped to kiss the cairn on the summit of Meall Dearg of the Aonach Eagach ridge in Glen Coe and then to kiss his wife (remember to kiss your significant other in thanks for their patience while you were out bagging!). Since the Reverend, there have been close to 2000 people who have summitted all 284 peaks over 3000ft in Scotland. Perhaps a small number in a land of ~ 65million people! However, this shows the challenge that climbing mountains can be and all those participants of the 2009 Bagger Challenge should feel rightfully proud of their individual achievements. Remember though that it is not the the ticking off of mountains on a list that is important, but the "being there" which really matters. Even if you don't reach the true summit (Hat!), the mountains will always be there for another day. Congratulations Ken, Tundra & All Participants!
The strategic genius of Mr Legg...
...was something to behold.
We thought that this contest just took sturdy thighs, but it really took a heady fusion of Machiavelli and Kasparov.
While we were picking off low-hanging fruit, Ken went for the difficult stuff, allowing an easy clean sweep of local peaks STR and FRO at the end.
Even Tundra outwitted us.
Well done.
Now, the real question remains: who will be able to bag all of the peaks within a calendar year (perhaps the first fool in history to do so)?
Atta go, brother!
I hope I gave you at least some intestinal distress today
congratulations Ken
An amazing feat with amazing feet deserves a fantastic fete! And how about that dog Tundra? Wow!
Ain't it just like the night to play tricks
A Dam fine final bagging adventure:
a night hike up Dam Mountain.
Met by a black-tailed buck on the way home.
Fun for all.
A good season at an end.
Honor Amongst Thieves
Stories of pirates and plunder sparked my interest in this concept when I was but a boy. Recent events have caused me to ponder on it again. What constitutes honor? Is it a myth or the stuff upon which legends are built?
The clock ticks down to the conclusion of the 2009 Baggers Challenge...
Cypress Backcountry Warning!!!
It has come to my attention that recent monsoons have caused serious slope instability in and around Strachan Peak in Cypress Provincial park. All official personnel are recommending very strongly that right-minded individuals avoid this area until at least Friday of the current week.
Separate independent sources have confirmed that the relatively warm temperatures in the alpine area have confounded the resident wildlife. A herd of rabid grizzly bears was spotted in the area last night just beyond the Cypress Provincial Park parking area... site of the 2010 Olympic games. Furthermore, cougars have been attacking hikers and dog-walkers. It is recommended that anyone foolish enough to risk venturing into the back-country in the area carry automatic weapons to protect themselves.
The H1N1 vaccine is now available. Government authorities are recommending that all otherwise healthy trail runners, hikers and climbers may be at risk if they venture outdoors in humid weather before receiving their shots.
Baggers take note: Representatives from PETA and other animal protection agencies are currently harassing dog owners who appear to be taking their hounds on rough trails. They cite that it is cruel and unusual punishment to do so. Please refer to YouTube for recent videos of dog-loving back-country enthusiasts being drubbed by protesters.
Enjoy the trails... and remember to be responsible at all times by not venturing into the back-country without having completed all household responsibilities including, but not limited to, folding your socks, vacuuming the playroom, cleaning the eves-troughs, cutting and trimming the grass, cleaning up the garden, putting away all garden hoses and other yard chores.
Some photos of Mt Strachan, taken just this morning
Beware: objects in images are likely larger than they appear.
Bagging Pirates Moore and Jackson Claim KIL
Still stinging from a nasty spanking on LID a week earlier, Moore and Jackson tempted fate in an attempt to be the first baggers in the 2009 Bagger Challenge to bag Mount Killam on Gambier Island.
Results: positive
Recommendation: Avoid at all costs this week! Detailed report to follow...
Bagger photos
Upload your photos by Thursday night -- in additional to other curiosities and conviviality, we'll have a slideshow at the Baggers' Banquet.
Fat Ass Peak
The twin gluteal peaks of Fat Ass Peak (1619m), on the trail from the Howe Sound Crest Trail to Hat Mountain.
It will be included on the Bagger List 2010.
Beyond Here Lies Nothin': HAN and WET
My final day of bagging during the contest, before the strategic genius Mr Legg swoops in to claim the quaich, was a gloriously exhausting one. I tasted bitter irony once again, slogging to two peaks that I might well have left off the baggers' list: Hanover, because it marks the border line of my comfort zone; and Wettin, because it is obscure and practically bereft of trails and trip reports.
Mount Hanover (left, above): Hanover is easily the scariest, most difficult and potentially dangerous peak on the list (although a seasoned alpinist like Mr Legg will mock my knocking knees). It is also the second highest peak on the Baggers' List, after Brunswick, which looms to the south. See the Matt Gunn Scrambles book for a further route description.
Wettin Peak (right, above): Wettin is the second significant peak on a ridge below and to the north of Hat Mountain. There is no trail per se to Wettin, although at times one can see a route of sorts along the ridge. Ken Legg was correct when he said that Wettin, despite its obscurity, was a pleasant surprise and a pleasant ridge-walk along gentle meadows and heather.
On return, I hauled my fat ass up Hat and Fat Ass Peak (making it a superfluous triple bag of each for the season) and then back along the HSCT to the Brunswick ascent/descent route and down to Lion's Bay: a great and glorious end for me to the 2009 Baggers' Challenge.
Last peak bagged before the deadline?
Hello David et al,
Put myself down and my friend Rob McDonald for 'Deacon peak' (DEA). Through my masterful navigating we did Deacon when we were intending to do Bishop via Gerry's escape. Truth be told we didn't know we were on thewrong peak till we summited. Anyhow now I know where Bishop and Presbeter are for next year .
We had a blast and enjoyed a very pleasent (all be it chilly) Thanksgiving Monday.
See you Friday!
ART and LEA Fall to Bagging Pirates
Twas a cold and blustery day as the jolly roger was hoisted up the mast of the Evergreen II early Sunday morning. Pirates-in-training Glenn(1), Glenn(2), Ken, David and Jackson set sail shortly after 7:00 am for a full day of baggage up and down Howe Sound.
After a couple of days of heavy fall monsoons, the rain mercifully stopped. To the tune of "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" and with visions of misty, remote peaks, the motley crew motored under the Lions Gate bridge in darkness.
First stop was Gambier's Mount Artaban (ART). A relatively easy trail, we started off by getting lost and bushwhacking up a cliff. Beautiful trail, though. (I will take a stab at describing it in detail elsewhere.) Total time from sea level to the peak and back: about 2:45.
Next stop was Leading Peak (LEA) on Anvil Island. Some logistics were involved with getting to the trail, but we managed to do so without getting lost. Wonderful, steep trail up beside a waterfall that was bursting from recent rains. The bagging gods were with us this day, as immediately upon arriving at the peak, the clouds parted and we could see most of Howe Sound below. (I will take a stab at describing it in detail elsewhere.) Total time from sea level to the peak and back: about 3:00, including some dilly-dallying at the peak.
I hope the other pirates will add their 2-cents below. Here are some of my highlights of the day:
When The Ship Comes In
A superb, eternally memorable day.
We all thought that Leading Peak (left), the gloriously pointy peak on the island, would be an exercise in going through the motions to score a bag.
In fact, it is a fantastic hike, with nice spongey runnable soil, and stunning views.
Add to that a lake, a few waterfalls, and a creek, and this obscure hike becomes a highly-recommended one.
Artaban (far bottom map) is also heartily recommended as a run.
Thanks again, Captain Ken, for the great adventure.
South Needle
Today Wendy, Neil and Carolyn bagged the South Needle. We rode our bikes from LSCR to the trail at Hydraulic Creek - stashed the bikes in the bushes and went straight up and then down! It was foggy but we think that was a good thing - it helped disquise the steep drop offs below us. Ean's comment about a 1 km fall without a bounce went through my head a few times. So...any of you out there who don't like the steep drop offs - try it in the fog! ;-)
Might have been a good thing
Might have been a good thing that I couldn't join you...I hate drop offs and exposed stuff, visible or otherwise...
One Week Countdown
Sad to report that the Bagger Challenge will wrap up one week from today, on Thursday, October 22, at sundown.
I am not sure what we (or our companions) will do with ourselves.
Submit those peaks, and make sure that your tallies above are complete and accurate.
Happy frantic last bagging.
Snowshoe Bagging
might need to sign a waiver for that!
Harvey - Just as good the 2nd time.
Last week I received a call from an old friend Mike T. (see picture) who is on the Canadian Ski Mountaineering Race team and he wanted to check out Mt. Harvey. The main reason is to scope out a number of backcountry ski lines which Harvey provides a great vantage point. So we set this up for Monday at noon. We knew we didn't have too much time so it was a quick ascent of Mt. Harvey from Lions Bay in 2 hrs 20 minutes. At the summit we were in some wind and the temp dropped quickly for a few minutes. We were able to check out a few promising lines; a coulior off of Unnecessary which might be a first bagger, a line just short Mt. Harvey's summit down into the Harvey/Lions basin and numerous lines of the Harvey col above Mag Meadows. Since there was little snow we descended the steep NE trail down to show Mike the hut.
We didn't want to go back over Harvey so we jumped on the HSCT eastbound till an intersection that had signage showing instructions to Harvey to the west, the Lions to the East and Lions Bay to the south. I thought I had good info on this Lions Bay return as it would be good to know if attempting a ski in this area. The trail is somewhat evident but is mainly bushwacking for the first 30 minutes until we hit an old logging road. The logging road headed south traversing below the Harvey col. At the end of this logging road which is mainly rock is a large cairn with little trail marking. We checked out every angle and finally settled on a trail that headed back in the opposite direction and you are in heavy brush. Does anyone have any further info on this trail from this point?
There are some faint yellow and some orange flagging but we mainly headed down this on instinct. What was worrying is that the trail traversed back toward the end of this bowl opposite from the direction we needed. After another 10 minutes of bushwacking on this remote trail we finally hit a main trail heading southwest in the right direction and so we picked up our hiking pace. Neither of us really wanted to run as our legs were hurting form the previous day's mountain bike rides. In a short time we made it to the intersection towards the Lions and we made it back to the Lions Bay parking lot in 5 hrs 30 minutes. Lets pray for a good snow season. Can't wait to get up there with the boards.
Chimes of freedom flashing
An ideal, if slightly chilly, day along the Howe Sound Crest Trail and up the steep slopes to the North (higher), and then the South peaks of Mount Strachan (which a proper Scot would surely pronounce somewhere between the Trinity College Toronto "Strawn" and the Vancouver "Strackan", to half-rhyme with "lochan"). Spectacular views. A descent past the 1963 plane crash remnants back to the parking lot. And not late for turkey dinner.
This is a perfect climb for sturdy and adventurous kids.
Pippa claims first-bagger kindergarten bragging rights.
Thanksgiving indeed.
NEE and a Newbie
Olav Brusletto joins the Baggers Challenge. On a crisp, sunny Thanksgiving Day, we bagged the South Needle. In a first for yours truly, we actually accomplished the goal in less time than anticipated, thereby insuring that I did not ruin our family Thanksgiving dinner. Bonus points!
Here's a brief overview:
In summary, a very pleasant surprise! Jackson gives it 5 stars for a sunny day. I'd take my kids on it.
South Needle Via Hydraulic Creek
For the benefit of those who follow, I thought I'd share some thoughts and directions here. A tip of the hat to "U.N. Randonneur" who wrote up some very detailed instructions in July 2009 and put them in a baggie on a tree near the start. I understand North Shore Rescue and other volunteers did a lot of work on this trail in 2007, so donate generously and donate often.
These instructions are for accessing the South Needle. To my knowledge, you can access the South Needle either:
Use these instructions for an out-and-back via the shorter, direct route to the South Needle. There are several small peaks along the ridge, but they require a higher skill level to access. It's a good hike, but nothing I'd be afraid to take my 11-year old on.
The Trail
The Needles Trails...
are a wholly unexpected delight: both the chute down to Hydraulic Creek, as well as the trail from Lynn Peak to South Needle. Well marked and a trail-runner's dream underfoot.
Now for an extension from South Needle all the way to Coliseum!
Montgomery, Warland and Tinsel claim Baggage
Light baggage, but nonetheless a peak... Wendy, Jill and I had been emailing and facebooking on unrelated threads over getting out the past two days and this morning I decided to pick up the phone and get serious. Sorry for waking you up, Jill!
We scooted up Black Mtn. in record speed for this slow FA and were back before lunch. Beautiful views and warmer temps than yesterday made for a wonderful hike with friends. Jill got some peak photos...as my camera was out peaking with ActionJackson on the Needles ;-)
Please mark Wendy Montgomery, Jill Warland and myself down for BLA.
Giving Thanks to Bagging on this Glorious Weekend!
Neil and Carolyn have spent a few days on the North Shore Mountains!
Please add for Neil: LYN, SEY, ELS, MAR, UNN
Please add for Carolyn: LYN, SEY, ELS, MAR, DAM, GOA, LIL
We really enjoyed seeing many new trails and Peaks. The weather was so awesome we couldn't resist going out 3 days in a row. However, today we declined Ean's invitation for the Needles - the house/barn/school chores were calling! If it is OK conditions next Saturday Neil and I would be interested in the South Needle...any takers?
Happy Thanksgiving! - we should be on time for dinner. ;-)
Hi Caroline and Neil
Wendy and I had planned to book Wednesday off to bag The South Needle via Hydrolic Creek, but alas the weather looks less than favorable, so we better spent time at the office ;-) Would be interested on the weekend - Saturday is Ann's run, can't miss that..but maybe Sunday???
EJPowderhound and I claim Lynn Peak
Too nice a day to not be in the mountains. The little Jackson and I bagged Lynn Peak yesterday. Slow on the uphill, flying on the downhill. Views and sunshine were perfect, but the air sure was chilly.
BTW, Caroline, Wendy, Neil, EJ Powderhound and Jackson havn't gotten a point for Fat Ass Mountain/Hat1...Has a decision been reached on this topic ;-)
The Judge Must Still Be in His Chambers!
Thanks for the plug Sibylle!
Fingers crossed for a fair judgement.
David, I see you did award
David, I see you did award unofficial points for Fat Ass Mountain...but I can't claim that one...I was realistic and didn't think I could make the real peak given the snow...I played mom and cooked dinner instead ;-) (and despite all the effort of hiking up from sealevel with a heavy pack, didn't get a single point for the 2 day adventure...
Point should go to EJPowderhound, Wendy, Jackson, Neil and Caroline.
I'm in for the banquet!
Wouldn't miss it!
Can't wait to hear all of the stories!
The Needles via Hydraulic Creek
And the weather holds...
Word has it it's possible to ride your bike up the LSCR trail to Hydraulic Creek and bag this peak in under 4 hours. Hey, why not add another couple hours and bag Cathedral?
Anyone in for some late-season baggage? My place at 8:45 Monday for a 9:00 departure. Bring your bike.
Back for Cubbon's Turkey?
...and you will guaranteed back in time to eat Cubbon's turkey, I hope.
Moore and Jackson Put a LID on It
It's 8:30 am on a glorious Saturday morning. The air is crisp. The leaves are turning. Buddy Steve is making one last trip to Gambier Island before hauling his boat out of the water. Time to make some quick decisions...
I wake Craig. "Let's bag a couple of peaks on Gambier today. Boat leaves in a half hour", I say. "Back in time for dinner?", asks Craig. "Never been there, but according to the maps and the water taxi schedule, should be no problems", I respond.
We arrived home at 20:00, a good 2.5 hours late. We bagged 1/2 peaks we were hoping to bag. Here are the highlights:
Craig gives this a 7/10 for the adventure, I give it a 3/10 because my expectations were not met. (I expected a "trail" and to be able to bag both Liddell and Killam peaks, although I have to acknowledge it was an adventure!)
Note: I am game to bag Killam one day this week. My expectations are minimal. (Read: "I know how to get to the base of the mountain, but expect a 4-hour bushwhack to the peak and about the same back down, at least a couple of puncture wounds, possibly a broken bone or 2. Cell reception spotty at best, so whiny calls to SAR may go unheard and i/we may die a miserable death of exposure.")
BAGGERS' BANQUET: To cap off the bagging season, we will be hosting a feast for all bagger participants and their significant others.
Bagger lasagne (meaty and veggy), bagger cake, and other carb-rich foods will be served.
The Bagger Quaich will be awarded to great fanfare.
Please please please please RSVP ASAP: my wife will be surly and angry at me if there is not enough food.
Date: Friday, October 23rd. From 6pm.
Place: 1368 West 21st Street (near Capilano Elementary School, in Pemberton Heights).
Map: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1368+west+21st+street+north+vancouver&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=41.516812,106.962891&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1368+21st+St+W,+North+Vancouver,+Greater+Vancouver+Regional+District,+British+Columbia&z=16
RSVP jeldac "at" shaw "dot" ca
I'm In
Should I live so long....
We'll be there. I'll bring roasted veggies and a mediterrean baked eggplant dish.
The Chic Deeks Peak & Creek Freak & Geek Clique Report
Another glorious day to be alive in Southwest British Columbia as GP & I hiked the three peaks that tower above Deeks Lake: Gotha (aka Peak 5400), Windsor, and Deeks. Perfect weather, stunning views.
The route was relatively easy, although it must be emphasized that it is a route, rather than a trail, and route-finding and occasional bushwhacking are likely necessary. They were for us. Happily the bushes to whack are not so bad. You'll have to use your hands, especially for Gotha, but you'd have to make an effort to put yourself in real danger. Good weather and a GPS recommended.
All three are accessible via the HSCT from Porteau Cove. There is a new parking lot slope-side at the laid-out Porteau Cove residential development (south of Porteau Cove Provincial Park). A vehicle with decent power and clearance can bypass most of the dull ex-logging road approach road, saving about 3 steep kilometres, and there is enough space for parking at the third wooden HSCT post.
At Deeks Lake, instead of continuing along the HSCT (right; counterclockwise), turn left onto a well-trod lakeside trail. At the SW quadrant of the lake, slightly upslope there is a sturdy red plastic sign indicating the trail up the Windsor-Deeks col. After some steady climbing one comes to another sturdy red plastic sign marking a junction between the Windsor and Gotha routes (we must have overlooked the Windsor/Gotha - Deeks junction sign).
GOTHA: The southernmost peak, Gotha was the first destination. From the sign, the route becomes sparsely flagged. Go up and over the tarned meadows. Gotha is on a ridge of peaks leading to the backside of Hanover. The lowest peak rises to your SW. In order to avoid the bluffs and cliffs, veer down to the east, towards a pleasant small lake. Gotha Peak, with an under-rated and pleasing craggy point, rises up to the south, with an obvious boulder-hopping scramble up. Up and over a few false peaks to the summit, with amazing views of Howe Sound, Brunswick, Hanover, Hat, and Deeks Lake, a very swift drop straight down.
WINDSOR: Instead of returning to the subalpine junction with the sturdy red plastic sign, we hiked back down into the meadow that separated Windsor from Gotha, and then straight up Windsor's southern slope. Not flagged, but some humans or other animals had tromped this route recently. After some steep whacking of (low) bushes, and much tugging and abuse of heather, one punches out into clear ramp heading up W. This intersects the (flagged) route to the summit of Windsor, another pleasingly pointy peak with amazing views.
DEEKS: west of Windsor is an obvious rocky slope: descend to a tarny area, where there is some flagging leading to the base of the col between Windsor and Deeks. Here we lost the trail, but bushwhacked and scrambled in a traverse to the two peaks of Deek Peak. The western, lower peak is drudgery to get to, but affords one of the finest views of Howe Sound and the Tantalus Range. From here, it looks as if you can reach out and touch Black Tusk. A well-flagged route leads back, east to the main Deeks Peak, again with superb views. We discovered and filled out a peak register in a black tube under the summit cairn: Fat Assers dominate recent entries. We also discovered that there is a superb echo if one yells to the east, as we did to the two figures of hikers on distant Windsor. What began as a friendly exchange ended when I yelled out "Fat Ass?," a query perhaps misinterpretted and met with silence.
Return: It was now about 1:30. Given the rapdily-approaching darkness, and the lure of Mountain Woman hamburgers and poutine at Britannia Beach (oh so good), we pulled the plug on a planned ascent of Wettin and Hat and descended via an improvised steep bushwhack leading back down to the main Windsor-Deeks col trail.