
Host an Event

Club Fat Ass Events

Club Fat Ass (“CFA") was formed to promote free, low-key endurance sports events and a healthy, outdoor lifestyle. The concept is based on bringing together like-minded people at endurance sport "parties."  Club events can be about as informal as a training run with a couple of friends, or range to being almost as structured as an expensive, organized race.

A Scheduled event is hosted by a Club member for their fellow members.  Scheduled events are held every year at the same time.  

A Flash event is hosted by anyone for members or non-members.  Flash events are one time affairs.  There is not much to prepare, other than setting a date and a course.  Anyone with a user account can post a Flash Event on this website at http://www.clubfatass.com/node/add/event.

More information on the differences between Flash and Scheduled  Events can be found here.


Club Fat Ass Event Host

In keeping with the party analogy, we call members who host Club events ‘Event Hosts’ and those who attend events ‘Guests’.

We hope that everyone who enjoys playing in the outdoors will host a Club event at some time or another. We believe that if we can make it easy for community-minded folks like you to have fun hosting an event, you'll go to the trouble... and the world will be a better place for it. 

Why go to the trouble? You want to make a contribution to your community. A lot of friends share your passion for endurance sports (running, biking, snowshoeing, adventure racing, etc.), so you're looking at hosting a Club event as if it were a party for old friends and an opportunity to make a few new friends. You understand that putting on an event is going to take some of your valuable time and cause you some grief. You know you will make lots of mistakes and no matter what you do, some people will complain. You may be the only person to toe the start line. With bull-headed determination, you want to host an event anyway. 

Event Hosts will tell you that it’s very rewarding to host an event as well as a great learning experience. They’ll also tell you that hosting your first event will take some time to organize, so we strongly recommend you start with a Flash event.  Successful Event Hosts will tell you that if you invest time into planning and preparing your first event, hosting it a second and subsequent time can be as simple as changing the date on your free Event website!

We don’t ask for much, but we do ask that an Event Host commit to hosting their Scheduled event for at least 3 years. We want to see the event develop a popular following over time and see you, the Event Host, enjoy your own party. The Club will provide a consistent, structured framework for Club events, and coach members on how to host a safe, successful and fun event for the benefit of Club members and members-to-be.

Scheduled Event Host Application

If you are a current Club member, all you need to do to host a Scheduled Event is complete an application. This application clarifies what coaching and assistance you can expect from Club Fat Ass and the commitment we ask in return.

Other than your time, there doesn't have to be any cost to you. Once approved, you will receive a welcome note, our "Planning a Successful Club Fat Ass Event" manual and you will be given access to our website development template. (No experience required!)

Apply to become a CFA Event Host now!


Please check the FAQ for answers to many Frequently Asked Questions about how to get started as a Club Fat Ass Event Host.

If we've not answered your question, please contact Sibylle Tinsel, Chief Executive Fat Ass.