
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

2009 - Squamish B2B

Saturday, 27 June -  Starter Photo

Sunday - 28 June - Starter Photo

Speaker Event - GPS Seminar

24 Jun 2009 18:30
Kintec Footlabs store, 975 Marine Drive (Between the Capilano Mall and Chapters), North Vancouver, BC Canada


West Highland Way Race, Scotland, June 20th, 2009

Just to let fellow Fat Assers know that Neil Ambrose, Carolyn King and David Crerar successfully completed the West Highland Way Race this past weekend.  David had a great performance and so did we with Carolyn completing her first "almost 100 miler"!  It was a fantastic experience set amongest stunning scenery - yes, I am biased because I am Scottish!  Please see Carolyn's blog for full gritty details!  It should be noted that the course record holder for West Highland Way, Jez Bragg, is competing this weekend at Western States so that should be a good st

Good Luck, Western States Runners!

Rossland Run - Seven Summits Plus

18 Jul 2009
Rossland, BC Canada

You are invited to the inaugural Rossland Run on July 18th, 2009. Distance options (approximate) are 55 km and 25 km. The course will be 95% singletrack with lots of climbing - and what goes up must come down. The starting point would be the Seven Summit trail-head (by Nancy Greene lake) and the ending point would be our place - 1817 Planer Crescent. Cold beverages and a bbq will follow the event. 

Long Version

Squamish B2B

27 Jun 2009 08:30
28 Jun 2009 15:00
Squamish, BC Canada


Mt Slesse: An adventure to consider

It's been a fun couple of weeks seeing new trails! Dilly Dally yesterday at Butzen and Mt Slesse in Chilliwack the weekend before. Nice to mix things up a bit. Mt Slesse is the sight of a famous plane crash many years ago. The plane carrying some professional football players as well as regular folks crashed into Mt Slesse, but no one knew this or where the plane went down, until a climber came upon the plane. When we went there was still alot of snow, but in the summer you can see alot of remnants from the plane as no one is allowed to take anything out.

2009 Fluffy Bunny - Year 5

20 June 2009  Starter Photo - 12 Starters, 12 Finishers

Cougar (the animal not the female human) Warning in Squamish

Come run the Fluffy Bunny!

New date and time! This sat June 20th, 0900. Come for coffee and light breaky items at 0800 when the park opens. Prizes to be drawn at 0830. Must be present to win. I'm planning on the full 35km along with a fellow fat asser Krys. Never been up on the Dilly Dally trail and am looking foward to it. Looks like Claudia will be joining us. yay! hope to see you out there. plenty of distances!



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