
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Have you ever had an animal encounter during a run?

Have you ever had an animal encounter during a run? Did you stop long enough to snap a photo or shoot some video?

If so, we want to see it. Join the Running Preservation Society and post your photo in our new “Animal Encounters” album or upload your video to our video section. We’ll give away $250 worth of Pearl Izumi gear or a 1 year PRO membership (= 50% off) to the most-viewed/top-rated photo or video.

Check out the details at saverun.org!

You must post your photo or video by June 15. Voting will continue through June 30.

Fluffy Bunny Trail Run

New date and time! June 20th 0900, Buntzen Lake.

Lots of distances for all runners.

For those who have attended before, there will be no pre run breaky this year. I have just updated the "Agenda" page to reflect "light snacks" and COFFEE pre run at 0800 when the park opens. Prizes will be awarded at 0830 for all those who are present. Due to the variety of finish times, this seems to be the way to go as a post run get to gether wouldn't work.

Flash - Core Workout Party at Jackson's - Results

Several CFA members and friends benefited from a carefully-choreographed core workout this past weekend.

Lord of the Loop(s) - 2009 Results


Race Director, Max, gets a victory soak.

Photos: A slideshow of photos can be found here. Photos added to the Flickr CFA group and tagged with LordofTheLoops2009 and LordoftheLoops will automatically be added to this slideshow.

Black Mountain Anyone?

 The KK training run tomorrow goes from Cleveland Dam to Cypress and back, but I'm looking for company/volunteers to continue up over Black and down to Nelson Canyon (KK start).

Lord of the Loop(s) - 1km Fun Run/Picnic

30 May 2009 11:30
30 May 2009 13:30
Capilano Salmon Hatchery Picnic Area, Capilano Canyon, North Vancouver, BC

My name is Max & I am 7 years old.

Flash - Core Workout Party at Jackson's

31 May 2009 09:00
31 May 2009 15:00
North Vancouver, BC Canada

What:  A good, olde tyme core workout.    

Why: Ignoring your core is not good for you.  A core workout is good medicine for active people.

Video of the Dam Foolish Trail Run

Here it is:

Glenn & 24 Hr Relay

I heard a rumor that Glenn was running the 24 hr relay this year again.  He has the shoes broken in now :)  Such a tough challenge for such a good cause.  Could we have a link for donations, please?

Flash - Foolish Plunge 100 Mile

23 May 2009 10:00
Powerhouse Aid Station, Squamish, BC


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