
Speaker Event

FEAT Canada Talks

8 Mar 2013 18:30
Rio Theatre, 1660 E Broadway Vancouver, BC

FEAT, Fascinating Expedition & Adventure Talks, is an annual evening of time-limited presentations. Each presenter speaks for seven minutes; no more, no less. With images. Although the speakers are invited because of their achievements, presentation themes focus on an aspect of their expedition – not the entire extended expedition. With stories of adventures on land, water and in the air, you will be enthralled.

Speakers including Ellie Greenwood and Jen Segger

Vancouver Mountain Film Festival - Trail Running

10 Feb 2013 19:00
North Vancouver, BC

Since 1998, the the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival Society (VIMFF) has aimed to bring together communities of filmmakers, interesting speakers and outdoor enthusiasts for a celebration of things outdoors.  Over the past 15 years, the VIMFF has mostly looked at the outdoors through the eyes of climbers and skiers.

A Dream Of Giants - Book Launch Extravaganza

18 Apr 2012 19:00
Distance RunWear - 4800 Main Street Vancouver, BC



Flash - Unbreakable: Western States 100 Screening

2 Dec 2011 18:00
Centre for Digital Media, 577 Great Northern Way, Vancouver BC

Speaker Event - Backcountry Preparation

26 May 2011 18:30
26 May 2011 20:00
Kintec - 975 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, BC Canada

Speaker Event - Tales from the Trails: 50 Hints and Tips on Running the Ultramarathon

5 Apr 2011 18:30
5 Apr 2011 20:30
Kintec - 975 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, BC Canada

Fat Ass Film Festival of Outdoor Adventures - Year 1

3 Nov 2010 19:00
3 Nov 2010 21:00
Kintec - 975 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, BC Canada

Kick-off the holiday season with a celebration of another great year of outdoor adventures with Club Fat Ass!

What:  A special gala evening where we'll share the outdoor adventures we've enjoyed during 2010 with photos and video.

An Evening with Ellie Greenwood

7 Jul 2010 18:00
7 Jul 2010 20:30
Kintec - Port Moody

 Hey folks,

On Wednesday July 7th Ellie Greenwood from Team Montrail will be out at the Kintec in Port Moody giving a talk about her recent achievements in the running world.  There will be some draw prizes from Montrail and light snacks & drinks.  Doors open at 6pm and Ellie's talk will commence at 7pm.  

If you've been hiding under a rock you haven't heard the news about Ellie breaking the World 100k record on trail at Elk Beaver last month and then 4 weeks later shattering the Calgary Marathon women's record by 10 minutes!

Speaker Event - Slideshow and Year End Social

4 Nov 2009 19:00
4 Nov 2009 21:00
975 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, BC Canada

What: Join Business Member Kintec and Club Fat Ass for a slideshow of outdoor adventures and a Club social wrap-up of the year.

Mix and mingle with some old running friends and make some new ones.  There will be a slideshow of images from past CFA events running in the background.

The focus of the evening will be a slideshow and tales from CFA members and their big adventure runs.  These will include Dave Smith's Iceland Ultra, the incredible adventures of the Fools and the Baggers Challenge.

Speaker Event - GPS Seminar

24 Jun 2009 18:30
Kintec Footlabs store, 975 Marine Drive (Between the Capilano Mall and Chapters), North Vancouver, BC Canada


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