
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Point Series Poll Results

A big, fat "Thank you!" for voicing your opinion regarding the proposed changes to our point series.  The verdict is in. Your feedback overwhelmingly supported  the proposed refinements and your creative suggestions made a few more.  Here are the amendments: 

Monty Mania

I must be suffering from a mild form of schizophrenia... the voices are telling me to do the Full Monty this year.

I am going to run the Javelina Hundred once again and doing the Full Monty will be a good build up trail run. I will be practicing my sport in Kelowna, Manning park and Victoria. You are all welcome to join me in this fun.  The Monty is scheduled for July 18th and you can find out more about this great ultra at http://www.clubfatass.com/events/FullMonty

Watching some stellar performances this past weekend has motivated me to get busy... ILTS!

NIce to see some friendly faces at yesterday's Vancouver Marathon

Just wanted to say thanks to all the Club Fat Asser's who were either in the race or on the sidelines cheering us on.  It definitely helped push me into a personal best of 3:36:29! Now let's see if this translates to better trail race times....A report may be in the works, compared to my epic ultrarace stories, there's not much that happens in 3.5 hours. 

E/B wrap up

Race report.
Hosted by Prairie Inn Harriers Running Club - Victoria, BC, Canada - May 2, 2009

The weather, although a little blustery and damp did not detract from a glorious event that virtually ran itself.
There were some stellar performances on the classic 10K lake trail.

Notably Hassan Lotfi-Pour of North Vancouver, our fastest runner at the Lake.

ENDURO Volunteers

Anyone still in need of volunteer hours for their summer 100 miler, you're more than welcome to help out next Saturday at the 6-hour Enduro. The Enduro runs from 8am-2pm, Saturday May 9th.

More info about the Enduro through the links below:

Powell River Peak - Coverage of the Marathon Shuffle

Kevin Sigouin pounds marathon shuffle record: 



Radio Interview with Jason Eads about his MO-AR Trek Run

Some of you might enjoy this interview with Jason Eads, a Club Fat Ass member from Missouri, who just finished a 509.94 kilometer run to raise funds and awareness for childhood obesity and an organization called: "Girls on the Run"


North Shore Enduro

9 May 2009 08:00
North Vancouver, BC Canada

Results - Marathon Shuffle - 2009

Club Fat Ass Event: Marathon Shuffle 2009 - Starter Photo

 Starter Photo: 75 Starters

Report: Published: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 12:04 PM CDT Powell River Peak

Flash - Hyson's Hiatus

25 Apr 2009 04:00
26 Apr 2009 16:00
Panorama Park, Deep Cove
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