Fat Asses are a sociable lot. As your Club Manager, I frequently get asked "How do I best stay on top of what's going on in the Club?" This brief note is intended to highlight some of the many ways to keep your finger on the pulse of your Club.
A Survey:
We're always trying to serve you better. Before you go further, please take one minute to tell me how YOU currently stay in touch with the Club by taking this brief poll.
New information is always displayed on the front page of our "Online Clubhouse". Check-in frequently to not miss out on upcoming events, exciting adventure stories and contests.
Website Subscriptions:
If you are only interested in specific types of information, such as upcoming events or adventure stories, you can subscribe to that specific category on our website. Look for the "subscribe" link at the bottom of selected posts or go to your user account, select "Subscriptions" from the tabs menu and select your subscriptions. You will receive email notifications whenever there is a new post.
We send out a monthly newsletter with upcoming events, event reports and other news. You can subscribe/unsubscribe to the newsletter here.
ActivePorker iPhone App:
Got an iPhone? The ActivePorker is a free iPhone app you can use to make sure you're never out of the loop with what's going on in the Club!
RSS feeds:
Place our RSS feed into your favorite reader to keep up-to-date with new content. Look for the RSS or Add to Google icon in the left lower side column.
You can follow us on Twitter. Our Twitter ID is @ClubFatAss. We tweet about upcoming events, member news, interesting blog posts and other running related news. If tweeting about a Club Fat Ass Event please use the hashtag #EventName, i.e. #Vancouver100.
You can follow the Club on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/clubfatass. Feel free to chime in on the wall, post photos and links. You can also share posts, events and links with your friends.
User Profiles:
Did you know you can share a bit about yourself and your interests with a user profile on the Club website? A quick check with the user profile can save you the potential embarrassment of having to ask, "Sorry, what's your name again?" at the next Club event. While anybody can set up a user profile, only current members of Club Fat Ass can access other user profiles. You can find a list of current members here.