
Mt Slesse: An adventure to consider

It's been a fun couple of weeks seeing new trails! Dilly Dally yesterday at Butzen and Mt Slesse in Chilliwack the weekend before. Nice to mix things up a bit. Mt Slesse is the sight of a famous plane crash many years ago. The plane carrying some professional football players as well as regular folks crashed into Mt Slesse, but no one knew this or where the plane went down, until a climber came upon the plane. When we went there was still alot of snow, but in the summer you can see alot of remnants from the plane as no one is allowed to take anything out. There's actually a propeller stuck in the rock somewhere.

Check it out:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/23584423@N02/sets/72157620093105110/





Ean Jackson's picture

Morbid Runs

Hey Jess,

Thx for a great run on Saturday.  The Fluffy Bunny has a bite, doesn't it? 

On the topic of Mr. Sleese, I have always wanted to explore the crash site.  My understanding is that it's tough to reach and you need to be roped-in, helmets, etc.  Count me in as part of the team!

BTW, I am organizing a much less aggressive run this summer to a crash site on Grouse Mountain.  If I get back into the run again, would like to find the sites on Seymour and Cypress, as well.  Did you know that CFA member Doug Keir discovered the crash site on Seymour?  He'd be a good guide!



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