
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Oak Bay 1/2 marathon

Today as part of my training for the Scourched Sole 50Mi, I took in a local Half M and made a movie.

Actually there is a lot of Fat Ass stuff in it.

We saw a new gal today from Vancouver win the 1st.Place femail, didn't catch her name...she was very swift today.

I'm still banging away at my super simple training programn for any distance from 5K-180K.

Have a great season, and see you at the Monty.

Camping anybody?


MACS Spin-a-thon for Diabetes

23 May 2009 09:00
23 May 2009 21:00

Flash - Bonkfest

16 May 2009 08:00
Powerhouse Aid Station, Squamish

What: 1 to 7 loops of the infamous Bonk Hill section on the STORMY course starting and ending at Powerhouse Aid Station.

Why: Need to transition from road running to trail running to prepare for future events like Knee Knacker and Cascade Crest.

Awesome running video, with some familar faces

May 2009 Newsletter

The 2009 Vancouver 100

We're getting very close to the date for the Vancouver 100. Our list of participants is very small so far. I don't understand why. Who wouldn't want to spend up to 24 hours or more on the Baden Powell Trail? You'll be surrounded by spectacular scenery, rugged terrain, wildlife, treacherous snow conditions, ever changing weather, potential darkness, and endless challenges. Included with that comes a complete lack of mosquitoes and a generous amount of time to spend contemplating life.

2009 T-Shirt (the "navy" and "blue bell" long-sleeve year)

The 2009 Club Colors

Edge2Edge Marathon

How about some beach running fun? Anyone want to car pool to the edge to edge marathon in tofino on Sunday June 14th? I'd like to share costs on the trip with a couple people.


michael_spagnut at yahoo.com


Many thanks to the forty-two participants, including Missouri runners, Jason and Lauren Eads, who took part in the 7th running of the Enduro 6-hour run on the Lynn Loop Trail in the Seymour Demonstation Forest. Conditions were ideal on the intense 7.8 km course, featuring exposed roots, boulders, loose gravel, and steep grades where runners have 6-hours to complete as many loops of the course that they can handle.

2009 - Enduro Year 7

Club Fat Ass Events, running trailrunning, ultrarunning, North Shore Endure, Vancovuer, BC, Canada


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