
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Adidas Kanadia - anybody seen 'em in real life in a store in Vancouver?

Hello fat-asses,

Hard copy entries for E/B @ DV

Dear all,

I understand that some of you mainlander are holding back on your possible entry to the E/B, till after the Diez Vista.

I am hoping that we all get through that uninjured.

I will bring 4 entry forms that I can process on my return to Victoria on Sunday.(cheques or cash will work.)

Otherwise do it on line.That option will close at the end of this month.

Hope to see you all soon.


Baden Powell Trail Speed Record

I know this might open a can of worms and cause some debate but I am curious to know what the actual speed record would be for the Baden Powell Trail (I know KK is essentially the same bu

Flash - Dam Foolish 33 1/3 Mile Trail Run

13 Apr 2009 07:00
Deep Cove, North Vancouver, BC

What:  A 33 1/3 mile run on the Baden Powell Trail between Deep Cove and St Andrews Rd (west of Cleveland Dam).  This is the course used for Hyson's Hiatus.&nbs

A few BC 2008 top times

Ultrarunning Magazine is hardly comprehensive (few BC races sent in results, it seems) but it is the journal of record for the ultrarunning ultraobsessed crowd.

Their last issue was their annual Book of Lists issue, with several superb smokin'-fast BC performances among the top North America performances over the year. Woo-hoo!


#21 Gary Robbins 17:30 Stormy

#42 Matt Sessions 18:34 Rocky Raccoon


Flash - Oh Canada

11 Apr 2009 07:30
Trans Canada Trail

Celebrate the Easter (or, if you prefer, ancient Rite of Spring) long weekend and the 29th anniversary of the start of Terry Fox's run (actually the next day) by running as far as you can go east on the Trans-Canada Trail, starting at the Vancouver-Burnaby border.

START: north end of Boundary Road (north of Edinburgh Street); just to the east of Ironworkers/Second Narrows Bridge: http://www.trailsbc.ca/southwest_region/burnaby.asp

Package pick up for the E/B

  After my visit with our sponsor Phill Nichols at "Island Runner",the plan will be for package pickup from 16:30-18:30 at Fairfield Plaza followed by drinks and food at the "Ross Bay Pub", for any of the out-of-towners that night want an early supper before they go back to their Hotel for an early night.

Take The Trails Back Run in Memory of Wendy Ladner-Beaudry

Plans for a run to take back the trails in Pacific Spirit Park seem to be taking shape.  A memorial Run for Wendy Ladner-Beaudry is planned for Friday (tomorrow) at 9:15am at the Ranger station, at 16th Avenue about 500 metres west of Blanca http://ow.ly/2uhH


Are you ready for the hardest run anywhere?

The 2009 Vancouver 100 is revving up.  Are you ready for a weekend of bliss in the outdoors and way too much fun?  You hardly have to travel to get there and you won't be bothered by mosquitos. Submit your application here.

All types of Fools are welcome. Tall, short, slow, fast, even the kind that simply want to keep us company for little bits at a time. We're ready for you. Are you ready for us?


Party Saturday night @ Billy Bishop Hall (Laburnum near Cornwall)

Featuring my band Santa Lucia and some great speakers.  Admission by donation to Damian Kettlewell's campaign.  Come out if you can!


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