
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

12 Resons Why I Love Spring Skiing

  1. It's warm and sunny
  2. You can wear your Hawaii shirt instead of 3 layers and a Goretex jacket
  3. You can wear your shades instead of goggles
  4. You can ski right on to the lift
  5. Everyone who is sliding is in a good mood
  6. The bumps explode if you hit them right
  7. You've got enough days in your legs that you don't have to stop and catch your breath
  8. You can point your skis straight down without having to write a will
  9. Mashed potatoes are actually fun to ski if you go fast enough

This is what a spin-a-ton looks like

Thanks to all supports.  Club Fat Ass team raised about $1,300 out of the $110,000 raised during the entire event.

E/B 2009 news

I will be sending this off to all participants soon so you can proof read this for me...

Elk Beaver letter to all participants.

In an effort to make this year's Elk Beaver Ultras run even more smoothly than in the past and to offer runners the best experience possible, please note the following guidelines:

2009 - Year 4 - Burnaby Mountain Run

Spring Bunny Hop 2009. One day to go.

As I sit hear listening to the rain outside, wondering what will it be like tomorrow? I ran the 10k loop of the Hop yesterday and found that there is still lots of snow in sections, mud, and some very large puddles. Overall the course is runable, by tomorrow though, expect to get wet and muddy, but what else would you want from a trail run, isn't there points for getting the dirtiest.  See you at the  Spring Bunny Hop, I be the dirty one.

Jason Just Got His New CFA Shirt

Cyclebetes Spin-a-Thon

Only 4 day to go until Cyclebetes 24 hour spin-a-ton.  

Sunday short run

Run To the Clouds 2009 Results

Flash - Dam Foolish 50K

29 Mar 2009 09:00
Deep Cove, North Vancouver, BC

What:  A 50K run on the Baden Powell Trail between Deep Cove and Cleveland Dam.  Since this is a Fat Ass event you may, of course, do whatever distance like. 

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