
Flash - Core Workout Party at Jackson's

31 May 2009 09:00
31 May 2009 15:00
North Vancouver, BC Canada

What:  A good, olde tyme core workout.    

Why: Ignoring your core is not good for you.  A core workout is good medicine for active people.

Who: Runners, cyclists, triathletes, climbers, kayakers, hikers, nordic walkers... heck, everyone needs a good core workout to help their sports competitiveness and overall well being.

When: Sunday 31 May 09.  From 9:00 to 15:00 or so. 

More: This core workout is not only good for you, it is a great way to spend your day after a 3-hour KneeKnacker training run!  Perform your core exercise for an hour and you earn a beer.  Two hours and you get another one.  Three hours another and so on until the beer is all gone or you expire.  I will make sure there are also burgers or tube steaks to eat with your beers.  Bring work gloves and a shovel.  Bonus beer if you also bring a wheelbarrow.  Credit to Tom Sawyer for the inspiration! 

Entry: There is no fee and you don't need to be a member of Club Fat Ass to participate in a Flash event, however whining is not allowed. No registration is required but please indicate your participation via the comment form below. You are responsible for your own well being and safety and should be self sufficient.

Please read the Release of All Claims. By participating in this event you agree to the terms of the Release of All Claims.


Sibylle's picture

ActionJackson is still

ActionJackson is still working his core.  Thanks to Des, Glenn, Wendy, Josh and Ken who spent all or part of the day shovelling dirt....photos: http://www.flickr.com/search/groups/show/?q=Coreworkout&m=pool&s=rec&w=9...

I'll drop by for an hour or 2

I'll drop by for an hour or 2 after my  3 hour run. See you around 12 ish








Duse sorry I'm moving....

Hey Ean,

Sorry bro but I'l be doing the Knee knacker afetr doing my core workout of moving my stuff Friday and Saturday.  Core will he exhausted by then.  Thanks for the invite!


Good luck bro!


Cheers, mike



Sibylle's picture

I'll be there! See you all

I'll be there!

See you all with shovels, workgloves and wheelbarrow in tow.  Don't forget the sunscreen!

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