
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

2010 - Year 8 - Ann's Get Your Fat Ass Off the Couch - Results

Starter Photo - 16 October 2010: 35 Starters

Seawall 100

23 Oct 2010 08:00
24 Oct 2010 14:00
West Vancouver, BC Canada

Please find more info and registration through the links below:

The Word is Out, Technique Counts

Sorry I've been out of touch for a while; I've been busy with clinics and updating the website. If it's been a while since you've seen it check out the new look of www.corerunning.com.

I was at a lecture last night presented by Dr. Jack Taunton, one of Canada's premier sports medicine doctors and a runner himself.

Morat Fribourg Feedback


Finally, we ran that really famous swiss run called Morat-Fribourg. It was the 77th edition (old Europe eh?) with 8721 people taking part of it.

Found - Very Nice Wool Hat

Washington Run-about

Finally back at the computer and the forgotten cable for my camera.
Photos from my run in the Alpine Lakes area above Leavenworth WA are at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34231648@N00/sets/72157625027046425/show/ This is an area I definitely want to get back to and explore some more. Unfortunately this trip was limited to one night as Oktoberfest started the 2nd day I was there and no accommodation was to be had for miles.

And one for good measure ...

Neil, Carolyn, Heather and I squeezed in one last Bag today for good measure (Depencier Bluffs), the very last day of the 2010 Bagger Challenge. We worked it, toured it, scrambled it, bloodied it, loved it, and conquered it. I'm sure we hold the record now for the longest and strangest route to the top of perhaps the easiest peak. And in the nick of time too as we witnessed the first light flakes of snow for the winter season at the peak!

Congratulations to all my fellow Baggers (way to go Ean! and Carolyn!). I'll be dreaming up new ways of making it interesting for 2011.

Bagger Challenge: Quaich Winners

And reflect it from the mountains so all souls can see it

The Bagger Challenge Champion of 2010 and recipient of the Munro Quaich is Ean Jackson.

Kidbag with son on 10-10-10 -- Memorable day, no cowboys!

With 11am sunny weather overhead and an enthusiastic 4-year-old son at my side, the encouragement from my wife to disappear until dinner was all we needed to head straight to North Van for some impromptu baggery.

We left the house with all the right provisions but without a specific distination - I'd figure that out on the drive there.

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