
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Ellie Greenwood WON the women's 2010 IAU 100K World Championship race this morning!

A quick update for any of us not on Facebook...

This will come as no surprize to anyone who has competed against or watched Ellie running over the past couple of years, but she won the World 100k championship in Gibralter this morning.

Congratulations Ellie! Looking forward to running with (behind!) you again when you are back in Vancouver.


Help Me Support the Canadian Diabetes Association

... Thank-you if you have already donated.

I have joined Team Diabetes, a team of people from across Canada who will be crossing the finish line together and who have raised funds to support the more than 9 million Canadians living with diabetes or pre-diabetes.  I will be on the course of the 2011 Test Of Metal-Squamish, BC.

It takes dedication to be part of Team Diabetes, but I am committed to making a big difference in my life, and in the fight against type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Introducing INCA RUNNERS - Trail running & hiking tours in the Inca Trail - Peru


Hello fellow trail runners and hikers!

New Running Camp - includes video taping each runner

I wanted to let you know about a new Core Running Camp that I'll be holding on Nov. 20 & 27 in North Vancouver. This two-day camp will include video taping each runner on a treadmill to highlight common running errors. Watching yourself and other runners is a great way to learn how to run better. 

A day in the life on the Seawall -- Seawall 100 a.k.a Seawall 'go as far and for as long as you can'

GOAL: To "run" at least 80 km and at least 12 hours at the October 2010 Seawall '100'

LEADING UP TO THE DAY: I'm new to ultras having only started January 1st with the CFA New Year's day run.

Fat Ass Film Festival of Outdoor Adventures - Year 1

3 Nov 2010 19:00
3 Nov 2010 21:00
Kintec - 975 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, BC Canada

Kick-off the holiday season with a celebration of another great year of outdoor adventures with Club Fat Ass!

What:  A special gala evening where we'll share the outdoor adventures we've enjoyed during 2010 with photos and video.

2010 Seawall 100 - Results

23 October 2010 - Rachel, Sibylle and Reagan ready to start.

A4K and the Fitness Freaks

Hello my friends,

Female runner needed! Pay in cash and clothes.

We’re looking for a female runner with outdoor beauty in her late 30s/early 40s for a trail running shoot in Whistler! Athlete needs to be very TALL (around 5’10" - 6') to fit the clothing and should look her age. Laugh lines are beautiful.   

What she’ll get:

Cowardly Lion

I did a post-Challenge bag of West Lion yesterday.  As glorious as the views and day were, the climb is not recommended for casual baggers without climbing experience and/or ropes and psychological fortitude. It would be crazy to attempt it in anything less than perfect weather conditions: a hint of rain or ice would make the traverse very unpleasant and dangerous.

The scariest part of the climb is at the base, where one must traverse east along a series of 75 cm-wide shelves that slope gently towards a near-certain deadly fall on the rock slopes 45 metres below.

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