
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Indian Summer Abounds

For October, and for being up at Cypress Bowl, the weather was undeniably fantastic - warm, clear, sunny with some clouds, and the number of hikers was plentiful. I've been up there in early September some years as the weather turns to winter in the blink of an eye, but, this Bagging season mother nature has kept the door wide open quite late.

Ann's Get Your Fat Ass Off The Couch

16 Oct 2010 08:30
North Vancouver, BC Canada


Mutha's Nature Trail Run - 2010


3 October 2010 - 11 Starters

Report: This year's running of Mutha's Nature saw overcast conditions, but luckily despite there being not a sky in the cloud, the rain held off.  Perfect running conditions, especially at these low elevations, while for those who skipped it to go bagging, not so much.  A good day for a 'shit-bag' I guesss though.

Charles Perrault’s back door to Grouse

Having read the Judge’s fine report of his thrashing good adventure on Mt Perrault, I was determined to see if there was another way. The Judge had followed the Burning Boot and attacked from the South, I’d try from the East.&n

FREE Intro Water Polo Fitness Workout for Adults - Sat., October 16

Want to learn new skills, improve your endurance and stamina for other sports/activities/life in general?  Water polo is a fantastic way to get fit and have fun doing it!

The Choirboy Circuit

 During our 10.5 hour baggage expedition yesterday, David Crerar, Simon Cowell and I had lots of time to ponder things. The route we had chosen was new to the Bagger Challenge. "What will we call it?" I asked, assuming that, if we were successful, this route would become a classic. 
Many names were p

Mutha's Nature Trail Run

3 Oct 2010 09:00
East Vancouver, BC Canada

Please find details for this run through the links below:


And then there were three..........

The Dickens Detour

The Seymour Sweep involves bagging all of the named peaks in the Fannin Range in one day.  This takes some doing.  Few have been successful.  Those who have experienced hardship.

Morat Fribourg run

Hey my canadian friends,

After spending some days through Switzerland with my bike (pictures are on their way), running some little runs in Geneva, I am on my way to run the Morat Fribourg run next sunday!

It's a 17km run starting from Morat and going till Fribourg. It's a really famous run here in Switzerland, where more than 8000people are taking part of it.

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