
And reflect it from the mountains so all souls can see it

The Bagger Challenge Champion of 2010 and recipient of the Munro Quaich is Ean Jackson.

Mr Jackson also set a Bagger Challenge record and likely a world record for most North Shore peaks bagged in a single season: the staggering total of 48. In his lifetime, the only peaks that have eluded him are PER and HAN, and the two northern Needles.

This man raises mountains with his energy and enthusiasm: bravo.


Final standings of all of the brave, plucky baggers for 2010: http://www.clubfatass.com/events/BaggerChallenge/NorthShore/results/2010

Other Bagger Challenge Quaich winners: http://www.clubfatass.com/blog/david-crerar/bagger-challenge-quaich-winners



Jason Eads's picture

Good on you, Mr. Action Jackson!

Wow, Ean! You really proved out the "Action" in Action Jackson with the Bagger Challenge this year. CONGRATULATIONS! You're a bagging fool. Very impressed, and definitely feel privileged to snag one of your 48 with you late this summer.

Well deserved victory, to be sure. Don't bask TOO long in the tasty flow of the Quaich's bounty & enjoy the Bagger's Banquet.  

Sorry I couldn't join you all for the Bagger's Banquet this weekend.



Ean Jackson's picture

Free Sambuca!

In the cairn on top of Coliseum Mountain.  Get it while it lasts!

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