
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Deeks Lake Double-Bag

Great Weather, The Rock of Love, and a Ball-Bag

If you were lucky enough to be out on the mountains today (Sunday, October 10) then you managed to snag what could be the very last incredibly gorgeous day for Bagging in the whole 2010 competition. And I was lucky enough to join Carolyn, Neil and Ean for my first Bagging expedition to Deeks Lake and beyond.

Mutha's Nature Trail Run

2 Oct 2011 09:00
East Vancouver, BC Canada

Please find details for this run through the links below:


Top 5 best duffy slalom bagger descents

Nothing more glorious than returning from a triumphant bagging adventure down a steep slope that is a bit technical, but not too technical, on a surface that consists primarily not of rocks and roots, but of wonderful duffy decayed cedar.  Gravity and duff combine to emulate a slalom descent.

Speaker Series North Vancouver - Jen Segger!

 Tuesday October 19th we have the pleasure of having ultra runner, adventure athlete and coach extraordinaire Jen Segger coming to the North Vancouver Kintec.

The talk will commence at 7pm and will feature a slideshow presentation from expeditions like the Vancouver Island i2P and Badwater.

Please RSVP at rynemelcher@gmail.com  We will have light snacks and refreshments available and some draw prizes for those in attendance.

For those not aware Kintec is located at 975 Marine Drive in North Vancouver (just behind the Hurricane Grill).

The Missouri "Trailogy" Series - Episode #4 - S.I.U.E. near Edwardsville, IL

The S.I.U.E. trail (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is (predictably) on the college campus of Southern Illinois Univerity in Edwardsville, IL. This puts the trail slightly north and well east of St. Louis, MO.

Cathedral Epic Bag




15 Oct 2010 18:00
Baggermeister David's House, North Vancouver, BC


Top 10 List - The Bizarre World of Mutha's Nature Trail Run 2010

Mutha's Nature 2010

Without fail, I experience something unexpected at every Club Fat Ass event.  Today was no exception. 

Here are the top 10 unexpected things I experienced today in the bizarre world that is Mutha's Nature Trail Run

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