
Christina Prati's blog

Morat Fribourg Feedback


Finally, we ran that really famous swiss run called Morat-Fribourg. It was the 77th edition (old Europe eh?) with 8721 people taking part of it.

Morat Fribourg run

Hey my canadian friends,

After spending some days through Switzerland with my bike (pictures are on their way), running some little runs in Geneva, I am on my way to run the Morat Fribourg run next sunday!

It's a 17km run starting from Morat and going till Fribourg. It's a really famous run here in Switzerland, where more than 8000people are taking part of it.

La Course de l'Escalade

The most popular run in Switzerland took part yesterday in Geneva.

Around 27'000 persons ran it (it's not the Sun run, but compare to Swiss population is not bad) from 6 years old till 89yo.

It's a pretty fun run and short one (4,8km for women and 7.3km for men), which egals with a fast run. Usually after the run we all say "Oh my God, I ran it too fast" but the atmosphere is so great that you forget about the pain!

Lausanne half marathon feedback

Well, I did it!

I really didn't know how it would go with my lack of training and energy, but I did it!

A really nice race, with a wonderful landscape with one side our beautiful lake and the other all the vynards with their beautiful fall colours.

As soon as I have pictures, I will post them.

Very happy with that race...even if I cannot walk today, but motivated to do other 20km.

Thanks to my wonderful husband who could have ran it faster than yesterday and stayed with me to motivate me.


Lausanne Marathon

Hello everybody!

Here is my big run in 2 days. I will run the half-marathon with my husband. I don't know how it will go as we are both tired...but  "l'important c'est de participer" (you should understand that one after allll your years of French at school ;-)    )

Here is the link : http://www.lausanne-marathon.com


Demi de Jussy feedback

Salut to everyone!

Here is a little feedback of my 10km run of last sunday!

After a pretty short night (got sick and my stomach didn't want to keep all the nice food I had for supper) I decided to run that race. It's a nice and soft one passing through forest in the countryside of Geneva. Last year they did it by night and they should do it for next year.

So I finally finish it, feeling not so bad, in 56mn and 64th on 189 women.

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