
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Foolish Plunge 100 Mile Results - August 2011

There were no takers for the 100 mile option. Five people with various goals were at the 7 AM start, with others starting at various times. The first loop was cloudy and cool, but the later loops were sunny and hot.
It was a pleasure to meet Wendy Montgomery and a few other elite athletes on Nine Mile Hill. They were running Stormy #11 o

Cool UBC ultra running study/ free race/run: August 20th & August 21st 7am

UBC Cardiovascular Physiology and Rehabilitation Lab is conducting an interesting study of long distance runners by holding a free 75K run/race through Pacific Spirit Park/ UBC Endowment lands.

I've volunteered to be a guinea pig and you should too!


Hollyburn water bag on Sunday

Anyone interested in joining me for a water bag of Hollyburn on Sunday?   I was thinking of starting at Ambleside at 8 am, heading up Cap Pacific to the BP, up the BP and then up Hollyburn.   I'm estimating round trip would be between 4 & 5 hours.

Spousal Hiking Partner for Frosty Mountain Race Day

Hello all,

Do any of you that are racing the Frosty Mountain race @ Manning have spouses or SOs that would be up for a day hike that day (Sept 17th)?

My wife is looking for a hiking buddy to join her for a day hike, while the race is on.



Glorious Gambier: newly added Bagger Peak: Burt’s Peak

Gambier Island’s fourth peak, Burt's Peak (GBU), is located in the northeast quadrant of Gambier Island, above Brigade Bay, to the north of Mt Artaban.  It is a decent 525 metres tall, with a prominence of 485m from Mt Artaban.


Although a lightly-flagged trail exists, the peak is little visited or known. But it is a worthy and enjoyable climb.


Glorious Gambier Island trail clearing: Liddell/Gambier and Burt's

On the 2011 theme of not letting the bummer summer and deep snow pack put a damper on bagging, Ken Legg, Mike Wardas, and I spent a frenzied day on Gambier Island clearing and marking trails, armed with shocking pink tape, signs, folding Japanese pruning saws and secateurs.


Mt. Liddell, and, before it on the ridge, Gambier Peak, the latter the highest peak on Gambier, and one well worth visiting, suffered from several bewilderingly overgrown areas where the undergrowth and lack of flagging left unfamiliar hikers wandering in circles. Mr Ean Jackson had particularly unkind words to say about the peak. It left me personally lost and bloodied.

5Peaks Mount Seymour Warm Up 2011 Event Report

Still on for this Sunday, some snow remains however: Flash - 5Peaks Mount Seymour Warm Up 2011

Ryan Conroy and I completed some reconnaissance of the Sport and Enduro courses in the past few days and deem them suitable for an orientation run/walk on Sunday.  If you are interested, please join us per the details on the event page.

Keep in mind that sections of both courses are still under snow.  Where necessary those sections will be walked.  In general, we will stick together and go slowly.

Hope to see you there and happy trails! 


Flash - North Van Night Run

30 Jul 2011 01:00
North Vancouver- End of the Line General Store



Why?  In preparing for an upcoming 100 mile race, thought it might be a good idea for a long night run. Thought we would start late/early, since how often do you get to see the sunrise when you are running?


Where?  Meeting place is End of the Line General Store, at the top of Lynn Valley Road. Meeting time is 1:00AM (Saturday morning).  The rough route from there is –

Flash - 5Peaks Mount Seymour Warm Up 2011

31 Jul 2011 09:00
North Vancouver, BC Canada


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