
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Running Skills Clinic Fundraiser

Our member Kristin Ohm-Pedersen was recently invited to run for Team Canada at the upcoming Commonwealth Running Championships! It is a 54km trail race in Northern Wales this September 25. Kristin is planning a fundraiser and writes:

Buntzen Lake Warm Up Run - Report

Despite teagirl's mess-up (more details below!) a fun time was had by the 4 run leaders and 4 participants who showed up to the 5Peaks Buntzen Warm-Up on a beautiful Saturday-of-the-long-weekend morning.

Teagirl (Katie) arrived at 8.30a only to realize the parking lot was *already* getting full and she hadn't specified a meeting place & time. Luckily people in running gear stick out like a sore thumb, and Eric was wearing his bright orange 5Peaks vest, so we gathered our group.

Fall Mountain Highway Madness

11 Sep 2011 07:30
North Vancouver, BC Canada

Reflections on Texada's "Run The Rock" Half/Full Marathon

Hey guys,


Ran my first half-marathon, on Texada, and was blown away by the positive experience. Actually training for running now, and looking forward to the Victoria in October! As for Run The Rock, they did an excellent job of hosting what is hopefully an annual event; tonnes of volunteers (over 65), shuttle to-and-from event and ferries, motivational people and signs all over the place (my fave was "Pain is just weakness leaving your body!"), and a tuff, tuff course to boot...keep this one on your radars!!

Flash - 5Peaks Buntzen Lake WarmUp 2011

3 Sep 2011 09:00
Buntzen Lake, Port Coquitlam, BC Canada

Lone Duck Frosty

Running any of the distances at Frosty? Have you camped at Lightning Lakes and been caught in the rain/sleet/things that go bump in the night and wished for shelter? Are you a Fatass looking for fun and games?


Several of us have reserved the group campsite (Lone Duck 2) for the weekend of Frosty (Sept 16 and 17th, 2011) which boasts among other amenities.


Stove for warming of frosty Frosty participants

Mary Leliveld's Happy Trails Run - 2011

Seymour snow

Lovely sunday morning Seymour bag - pretty easy hike up. Bit snowy and slick near the top as well as a short but not too harrowing scramble to the peak. The trail was about 9k total. Ended up falling and landing in the reverse plank position (rather than flat on baby) while discussing what might occur should I fall backwards. Ama didn't even wake up from her nap but it sure gave me a jolt! Thankfully, I am happy with the outcome of what might happen should I fall backward. Somehow rolling, throwing myself forward, etc had occurred to me but the assumed position had not.

The Fat Ass Fondo - Summer Edition

The 7 "official" starters of the Fat Ass Fondo, Summer 2011 edition, on Saturday 13 August.   From left to right:  Reza Ghazizadeh, Rob Jones, Ean Jackson, William Jans, Paul Burns, Eric Derbez and Ron Adams.

2011 Results - Go Home (not) Via The Hanes Valley

August 2011 - 7 Starters

Report.    Coming soon

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