
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Seymour Sweep

Seymour Sweep route map



Bill's Great Peak Ascent

24 Jul 2011 07:30
North Vancouver, BC Canada


Ruminations on an 100-mile Race

As Jason Eades has already done a commendable job describing our Western States adventures, this note will be brief.  On that day, strategy and discipline and luck converged, and we were able to achieve a pleasing result, despite my nasty chest cold, and despite »

Host needed for "Bill's Great Peak Ascent"

Can anyone cover for me for my event on Sunday, July 24th?  There’s not much to do. I can call the Mozzie Creek Grill to make sure we have a spot there. Just need someone to show up, sign in, and send off the troops.  Please contact me if you're able to help.   Very much appreciated.



Full Monty

16 Jul 2011 07:00
Victoria, BC Canada

Good Luck Knee Knackerers!

At the Club Fat Ass Steering Committee meeting last night, we noticed that 75% of the people in attendance were either running in the Knee Knackering North Shore Trail run or volunteering for the race. 

Baggin' Black

To repeat a 2010 Bagger Challenge ruling, all Kneeknackerers who get there qualify for a Black Bag.

You need not bowl over the hapless aid station volunteers and gain the extra 2 metres to the summit BLA proper to qualify.

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. Protect your kidneys.

Lynn peak

The hike up to Lynn peak was of a fairly gental grade and easy to follow trail. We parked at Lynn headwaters lot, headed toward rice lake and up the trail to the peak from the loop trail. I would think most could manage it in three hours walking, maybe two running? Ama, the bagging baby enjoyed the trip and spent most of it squealing... Presumably to ward off bears.

Swash-BUCKLERS, Band of Thieves: 2011 Western States Endurance Run

I had the distinct pleasure of being invited to help pace & crew Mr. David Crerar, a highly capable and experienced ultra runner, at the 2011 Western States 100-miler. What an honor! Here's a little bit about the journey before and during the event.

Competitive + Tech savvy athletes only!

Recon Instruments, a local Vancouver company (www.reconinstruments.com), is looking for competitive cyclists, triathletes and runners who are technology/gadget savvy to be part of our product development team for 2011/12.
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