
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

How Some Club Members Will be Holding Up Their Pants

A great big "congrats!" to the following Club members who completed the Western States 100-mile run this weekend:

- Ellie Greenwood - 17:55:00

- David Papineau - 20:37:00

- Mike Palichuk - 20:42:00

- Chad Hyson- 23:08:00

- David Crerar - 23:32:00

They will all soon be wearing the coveted silver belt buckle for completing the course in under 24 hours:

Lynn and Needle Peaks

The full trip report including photos for the 2011-07-05 trip is here:


There are a total of 5 peaks along the Needles / Lynn Ridge with the most direct approach for all being from Hydraulic Creek. The generally recognized main summit of Lynn Peak is the one immediately south of the Hydraulic Creek drainage (the north peak). The one immediately beyond the viewpoint at the top of the Lynn Pk trail is referred to as "South Lynn Peak" on bivouac.com.

Flash - Run with the Sun

21 Jun 2011 05:35
21 Jun 2011 20:56
City Hall, Barrie, Ontario then run down Yonge Street until you reach Lake Ontario

Imagine running close to 100 km on the longest day of the year along the »

2011 - Lord of the Loop(s) - Run Report

After last year's construction & the replacement of the historic Capilano River pipe bridge, the Lord of the Loops finally made it's return!

Fluffy Bunny 2011 - Results

18 June 2011 Starter Photo

L to R Standing: James, Jackie, Becky, Adam, Alan

L to R Squatting: Dave, Stenson the dog (sp?), Bill, and myself (Jess)


Let the Bagging Begin

Wednesday June 22nd marks the start of the main Bagging Season, after the Howe Sound preamble for hyperkinetic baggers.

Bagger Central, as well as information on a new peak, and other innovations for this year's Bagger Challenge: www.clubfatass.com/calendar/baggerchallenge/2011

Fluffy Bunny this SAT (not Sun)

Hi everyone,

Hoping to get a few more participants for this weekends Fluffy Bunny run! It is not on Sunday anymore. New date is Saturday June 18th.

For those of you who are thinking of the original Fluffy Bunny routes, they don't exist anymore :-)  We have two much more tame around the lake runs (with the lovely Lakeview trail on the west as an alternative to the basic buntzen lake trail) and a harder 27km up and over Diez Vista + if you want a bit more of a challenge.


Jess Dagg

Got a Couch for a KneeKnacker Trainee?

I volunteered to help a fellow runner... now in a bit of a pickle.  Maybe you can help? 

Jeremy is hoping to come from Vancouver Island to this Sunday's (19 June) KneeKnacker training run.  I offered to put him up for the night in my spare bedroom, but have learned I will be out of town.

If you have a couch you could spare on Saturday evening, please call me (604-904-6554) and I'll hook you up with Jeremy.



2011 Slack Ass

12 June 2011 - Slack Ass Start

Croom Fools Run 50k - Brooksville, FL - April 2011

So this report is SLIGHTLY past due...reminds me of High School. 

Much like Club Fat Ass and my friends, St. Louis Ultrarunner's Group, Florida has the Florida Ultrarunner's Group. FLURs as we like to refer to them. Fun loving bunch, with a few great Ultrarunning events around Florida.

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