
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

2011 - Year 9 - XTC Results

11 June 2011 - 12 Starters/12 Finishers

Gardner, Collins, and Apodaca (Bowen Island) in a day

With millions of dollars of satellite technology at my disposal I decided that these peaks would be safe and feasible to do as a solo triple day bag.

Distance: 39.5km, Time: 9:06:00, Elevation Gain: 1550m








Steps required for success:

2011 Vancouver 100 starter photo

Thanks to all that participated in the 2011 Vancouver 100. Results and run report to come.

2011 Vancouver 100

4 June 2011 - Starter Photo in Deep Cove

2011 Vancouver 100 Event Report 

Vancouver 100

4 Jun 2011 05:00
5 Jun 2011 05:00
North Vancouver, BC Canada


2011 - Chuckanut Calf Cramper

Report: Ah...the Chuckanuts! You just never know what the weather will do in the Spring here, but we got lucky! The temperature was perfect for running (50 something?) as a handful of hearty souls headed up the trail to Raptor Ridge. There were a few random, light showers, just enough to keep us cool. We got lucky up on Raptor Ridge, with a nice view of the mountains to the south that wasn't totally obstructed by clouds. It wasn't clear enough to see all the way to the Skagit flatlands, but still a pleasant view.

Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks: Trail Running Logistical Notes

Many of us have enjoyed the glorious trail running in the Grand Canyon. Further sublime running adventures await nearby, at the cost of a cheap flight to Vegas. They are closer to Vegas, and also more runnable than the Grand Canyon.

First bag - gardner

My first bag of the year actually took two goes. The first time we followed the 103 hike book (ok attempted) and found ourselves at the tower below the top with not quite enough time to make it to the peak. Sad start given the fact this one is rated one of the easiest... But nevertheless we chalked the initial trip up to an exploration hike and a chance to put on our hiking boots (ok old trail runners). From our experience, I would ignore Matt hill trail and follow mount Gardner trail north and then continue left at the handloggers fork.

Grand Opening of the Manzanita Hut on the Sunshine Coast Trail

You are invited!

Come join us to celebrate the GRAND OPENING of Manzanita Hut on the Sunshine Coast Trail on Sunday, June 12.

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