
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Grouse near sweep

After missing Bill's run yesterday, because of a last minute leak in my (water) bladder, I decided to go today for an extended variation. With a new bladder. (The MSR model that look like it's made with a piece of a Zodiac boat.)

        "Prepare your bag the day before, and you will see the future"

Foolish Plunge 100 Mile Results - July 2011

2011 - Year 8 - Bills Great Peak Results

Starter photo - 24 July 2011 - 20 Starters


This week

The week started out with Ama's six month birthday. We hiked all three peaks of the chief monday. Loved the climbing portion with chains and latters... And the views were amazing! Today we hiked with daddy and friend, Tamar, up black and then strachan. Black was a good warmup for the snowy ascent up strachan. As I ate my cheese and crackers roaming about so as to appease Ama, I felt fully in my role of mule, trying to get some grass in as my master pressed me on. Where can one purchase a tiny whip for tiny hands to really get the look?

How to remove a toenail

The bond between a person and his big toenail can be a beautiful thing, offering warmth, protection, and companionship. But all things must pass. If the time arises to part with one’s toenail, here are some tips on how to make the parting less painful. I caution that I am not a medical doctor; nor do I play one on television.


1. After the race, gently insert a sterilized needle under the toenail, to pop and drain the blisters under the nail. This will relieve pressure on the nail, and restore considerable sensation to the big toe underneath.

2. Wait two or three weeks.

3. The new nail will bud under the nail, and the old nail will gradually loosen.

Highly recommended 13k brother's creek loop

I finally got to Brother's Creek for the first time last weekend and stumbled, navigated, and mostly ran a fantastic 13k loop starting and ending at 1119 Millstream St. in West Van.

The course had a bit of everything but it was mostly technical singletrack.  The Skyline section was overgrown to above my head and to the point where I could barely see the trail at my feet, so was a bit of a death by 1000 blackberry thorn scrapes all over my arms and legs, but other than that it ROCKED! 

Flash - Foolish Plunge 100 Mile

23 Jul 2011 09:00
Powerhouse Aid Station, Squamish, BC


2011 - Year 7 - Full Monty

 Finishers Photo - 16 July 2011


This was the first year that rain was a significant feature.

I was confused by the numbers of entrant this year, having check the website a couple of weeks back I though that I was going to get most, if not all the runners from last year plus four more.

South Lynn Peak - Water Bag / Rob's first RUN

 I originally had big plans with my housemate Rob to go climb the N ridge or Roach this past weekend, but with a 100% chance of showers on Saturday and a deteriorating Sunday forecast for Lytton we stayed home and slept in Saturday.   But waking up in the city after planning to escape it made me antsy, so I managed to convince Rob to come on a run with me.
Rob had previously told me that he "didn't like running"
I told him he just didn't like running in Ontario on roads... BC is different.

The Monty 2011

Video links to 2011 Monty and last week's preview run.(with the views that we were denied today!)


So once again the Monty has gone into the the books as done.

This year, what with at least three local events. the turnout was rather sparce!(3)

The Full Monty guy dropped out before the event with a hamstring injury.

I did the 12K Joselyn Jaunt, first then waited to see who would show for the main event at 11:00.

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