
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

A Ticket to Injury-free Running?

My calf muscle first went "boing!" on a 30-minute run around the neighborhood before dinner one Saturday evening in late January.  There was no "pop", just what seemed like a low level cramp in the muscle between my heel and my calf.  (I think the technical name is soleus muscle.)  I ran through it, but it got worse, so I hobbled home.  No pain the next day, but I figured it would be good to give it some rest. 

My Strength Training Program

Full Body Strength Routine for Running/Triathlon

- this is a strength training program I have been working on for myself and have found it really beneficial so though I would share

- do as many reps of each exercise as you can, one set is fine

- focus on improving the quality (form and posture, and going deeper into each exercise as you progress), before focusing on increasing the quantity of reps

Wasatch 100: Three Canadians get hammered

This is how the race ended for me and Shannon. Someone from the aids station way up in the Wasatch mountain, mile 28, gave us a ride back back to McDo in the town of Bountiful. We didn't have any money with us and were desperate for a shake. It was a bit of a battle but they finally agreed to let us consume their fine products on credit like any other restaurant. Lucinda picked us up 45 minutes later and that was it for us and the 2008 Wasatch 100 edition.

Sunshine in September - 2008

2008-09-06 Sunshine In September (1)

For only it's second year as a CFA event, Sunshine in September for 2008 was a huge success! The weather was perfect, the trails were dry, the ferry was on time, and the number of participants was up... alot!!

Car Pool To Frosty on Race Day

I'm looking to do the 25k or 50k as a one dayer, leaving from North Van early am. The 25k looks attractive to allow leaving at a reasonable time, but twist my rubber arm and I could be convinced to leave at an obscene hour and do the 50k.


Shoot me an email me at rchore@my.bcit.ca if you are looking for a ride or are interested in car pooling.


11:36am: Call my crew, Rob Ruff and discreetly inquire to his whereabouts as we are less than 25 minutes away from the start of Stormy (Squamish Test Of Running Mettle, Yeah!) 100 miler and he is nowhere to be found. 11:54am: All my bottles of gatorade, electrolyte water, flat Pepsi, hydration packs and everything that I'm going to need to get me through the next 27-30 hours of trails are sitting into a plastic milk crate in front of my car.

The Human Race Book Project

Are there any Club Fat Ass members that are participating in the Nike/Running Room "Human Race" this Sunday?  Mike McKenzie is a freelance writer, working on a book project for Nike (multiple writers contributing) centering on this event. He would like to contact you if you are participating. 

Please either respond via a comment below or email me.

Cascade Crest

Well, a few fat asses successfully ran the 2008 Cascade Crest 100 miler. David Crear did exceptionally well and came in 16th overall in 25 :34. Then John and Karl had an Olympic photo finish in 25:50 (if you look at the race results, there is an error). Daniel Probst, Al Harman, Gille Barbeau and others all had a good finish.

2008/08 Storming the JDFT

So the course record has now been lowered to 6:15:xx! Not by me, I hasten to add. This superhuman accomplishment was achieved by Shawn Nelson, the younger of the two Nelson boys. Both are elite athletes.

Flash - Tour de Fat Ass

24 Aug 2008 09:00
24 Aug 2008 13:00

What? A 125 km road ride from Stanley Park up Cypress, Seymour, then out to Indian Arm and back to Stanley Park

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