
A Ticket to Injury-free Running?

My calf muscle first went "boing!" on a 30-minute run around the neighborhood before dinner one Saturday evening in late January.  There was no "pop", just what seemed like a low level cramp in the muscle between my heel and my calf.  (I think the technical name is soleus muscle.)  I ran through it, but it got worse, so I hobbled home.  No pain the next day, but I figured it would be good to give it some rest. 

Two weeks later, same thing.  I gave it a month.  Ditto while snowshoeing.  I did a lot of research. I caved in and went to the doctor.  She told me the muscle would tear, bleed and scar and I had to give it a couple of months so when I put stress on it (running), it would be strong enough to give.  OK.  Two months later... rip! 

I went to the physio.  The first one zapped the sucker with a laser.  Rip.  The next one gave me exercises.  I also started to massage the sucker with my thumbs and jam it with a stick. (Deep tissue massage.)  It got better!  I ran the Knee Knacker 50K, but a week later while on a 30-minute run with the kids, it ripped again.  I figure the thing has ripped eight (8) times. My wife tells me it has been more than that.

Sigh.  All of the best-made plans for races and adventures during 2008 down the tubes

Last week, Adam Janke at Active Orthopaedic set me up with a thing called TriggerPoint.  These balls and rollers provide a way to give yourself deep tissue massage.   It sure hurts like after a physio does deep tissue massage.  Good hurt, if you know what I mean.  I'm no physio, though.  Makes me kind of wonder if I'm making more of a mess of myself?

Here are a few articles I could find that I hope will help you if you have the same problem:


Physio Bob

Has anyone used the TriggerPoint system?  Any thoughts?  Any general thoughts on how to overcome a soleus tear?


Ryan Conroy's picture

Maybe Sibylle can give you 'active release'?

After the 1/2 iron tri I did in July I got a free massage and it helped more than anything I have ever had. The trigger points and foam rollers (actually there is a great article from Curb on the resources page on the KK website) are great to keep you going, and especially loosen you up before a run, but I find when I have tight calves, usually my hamstrings are also tight and it pulls through the leg. Try this sometime: 1. Lie on your back with both legs out straight 2. Have Sibylle (or anyone, or you could use a rope over your foot) lift one leg up while keeping it straight 3. At the same time slowly push up with your leg muscles to assist in getting the leg as far up as possible 4. Hold for only a couple seconds then release 5. Do it about 8-10 times on each side. I find my leg muscles release very easily using this technique and I like you am not much of a stretcher.

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