
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Foolish Gerbil 6 Hour Run

Running in circles is not necessarily my kind of thing, but when the motley Fools posted the Flash Foolish Gerbil 6 Hour run, proposing a 10km loop 6h run in Pacific Spirit Park, it fit nicely into my plans to run a longish stretch on the Vancouver New Year's Day 50 course.  Others seemed to think along the same line, as pre-event saw a flurry of online activity: Rick posted a map, old timers mused about the opportunity and newbies committed to join us for a loop or two.

2008 November - Foolish Gerbil Six Hour Trail Run - Results

Fat Asses in the News

Just got my brand spankin' new November copy of Utrarunning magazine & it is chock full of our own Club members.

It's a little like playing Where's Waldo every month as I scan the results for familiar names, but this month we were treated to a whole'nother level.

For those who prefer to play find-it-for-themselves, then stop reading here, because here come the spoilers...

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1-Mike Wardas wrote a one page article on Plain 100...complete with a photo of him.

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run

29 Nov 2008 08:30
Please find more info and registration for this event through the links below:

Flash - Foolish Gerbil Six Hour Trail Run

23 Nov 2008 08:00
23 Nov 2008 14:00
Pacific Spirit Park, Vancouver, BC

What:  A six hour run on the trails in Pacific Spirit Park.

Why:  To kick off the Fools' winter training schedule.

Who:  The Fools and anyone who wants to join in the fun.

Go Deep Results - 2008

15 November 2008 - Starter photo

Survey:  Please take a moment to fill out this Post Event Survey to help us improve this and other CFA events.

Go Home Report

November 2008 Newsletter

Talk about a weird run!

I had the weirdest run this afternoon.

It all started harmless enough.  The sun was shining and I made the decision to go for a longer loop through Capilano Canyon, down Cap Pacific, along Bowser, MacKay Creek and then back home via Mosquito Creek.  A modified Night Run loop with a few twists and turns thrown in to get my distance up.  There were lots of people on the trails including a lost Japanese tourist, a semi lost group with small children, other Fat Asses (Paul, Action Jackson and Penny) and then the weird ones...

North Shore Orienteering Nov 16th

  The Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club (GVOC )is putting on a event this coming Sunday in the lower Seymour . This could be a chance for  some good training for those people who are planning back country adventures in the new year. It's always good to know how to navigate and this is a chance to do it close to home without paying a high price if you get it wrong. There are 3 courses .

Travelling Colours Contest Needs Your Vote

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