
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Knee Knacker 2008

The 20th annual Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run was yesterday. What a nice day for a run. What a great event!

Full Monty good to go...

Flash - Kintec Scavenger Run! - POSTPONED!

20 Jul 2008 11:00
20 Jul 2008 12:00

Looks like everyone has a very busy summer so we will try again for this event in the fall hopefully.

Happy trails!


Holy Smokes, Honey, The Knee Knacker is 20!

I should know this, but it just sank in that the Knee Knacker is going to be held for the 20th time on Saturday!

The Monty 2008 (directions to the start.)

For those of you that haven't done the trip over before, these are the directions from the Ferry to the start of the event. http://www.usatf.org/routes/view.asp?rID=60848

Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay Outcome

I've been trying to hammer out a race report, but as usual, it's going to be as long as the event for which it's written.....so far I'm thinking that it'll be 6 or 7 pages.

I know, I know...another Shogun.

For those who've asked for immediate gratification (albeit 3 weeks late), here's the Reader's Digest version:

The weather was stellar.

Logistically, it was more like a Fat Ass event...I had to supply my own grub (I never realized the close similarity that an aid station has to a Superbowl party until the Safeway clerk pointed it out).

Hell's out and back!

Next weekend will be the start to my tour of hell. It all starts with a 13hr motorcycle ride to Bozeman Montana on Friday to meet up with my HURT teammate Tina Ure. Then a 5:30am start of the "Devil's backbone 50 miler" a 25 mile out and back with one aid station at the turnaround, No trail markings, lots of snow and 11,400ft of climb. After the race it's back on the bike for a three or four hour ride back to my friends house in Postfalls ID. Get a few winks of sleep and a ride to the airport on Sunday. Jump on a plane for a nonstop flight to LasVegas.

It's going to be a snowy Knee Knacker

On Canada Day I ran with a few guys on the BP from Nelson Canyon to the Cleveland Dam. There is still a lot of snow up there and not a hope in hell most if it will melt by race day. We started seeing snow right after the Donut lookout it didn't let up until the Hollyburn Chute. It was a mess up above Cypress and then heading towards Hollyburn even when there was a bare spot there is tons of debris as it has just freshly melted. Then my hand held water bottle flew out of my hand when I lost my balance with my key in the pocket, and landed in Cypress Creek.

Skiing to the Bitter, Bony End

Today was a gorgeous Canada Day. (If you're not from Canada, Canada Day is Canada's birthday... a national holiday and an opportunity to wave the maple leaf and celebrate in the great outdoors.)

FLASH - Grouse - Bridal - Old Buck Return via BP

5 Jul 2008 12:00
5 Jul 2008 19:00
A Stormy training run - hence the 12:00 noon start - with some good running and some good hills. We will meet at Grouse Mountain shortly before 12:00 noon on Saturday July 5, 2008 and head out to Lynn Headwaters on the BP.
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