
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!


This week end while all you guys were "Storming", I was running up to Duncan from Victoria.

The main reason I went up there was to see my pal Al Howie.

Instead of staying in a Motel,I decided to take a Chariot BB-Jogger.

Once again I made a movie and I post you the link.

PLUS a very cool link to an article that a blogger did last year on the "legend"!

The Bagging of Runners Peak

Sunday 2 August 2009... a date that will go down in the record books for my buddy Rick and me.

It started innocently enough.  With just under a week to go before the STORMY ultras, we thought we'd get in a final shakedown run and bag a peak or two for credit in the 2009 Bagger Challenge.

Gaiters - locally made..... Giveaway

If you are doing any serious trail running, you have either used gaiters or have seen other runners with gaiters. Have you tried to buy some and have them shipped to Canada only to find out it costs more to ship than the actual costs of the gaiters? Would you like to have a local alternative?

The Canadian Death Race

##$&^#&*^$*@&#$  it's hard!!!! but it opened up the possibilities of what I'm capable of, and I certainly surprised myself.

I finished, but I found the cut-offs quite harsh and put alot of pressure on me, which I didn't find very enjoyable. And you might wonder if that distance it is ever enjoyable, but yes, I do find it fun when I can take my time, enjoy the views, take pictures, eat properly, not feel sick for hours on end, etc etc    :) 

JDFT 2009 Flash assault.

So we have a couple of weeks to figure out the logistic of this.

To make it easier than me trying to explain what is going to happen please go to Jeff's blog for all the details.

I, as always offer overnight yard space.




Many runners looking for night pacers for Stormy 100. Anyone who can help please contact myself or just show up at start finish line Friday night.

I too would love a night pacer. It's great night running practice for all you ultra guys and gals.

Thanks tons


July 2009 Newsletter

Looking for Running / hill Partner any days August 2-12


I am going to be in North Van from this Sunday (Aug.2) to Aug.12th, and looking for people who want to get out for some vertical or even just a longer trail run.

I am not a fast runner but can keep a decent pace and managed okay in my last race by hiking the ups and running the downs.

I need to train for a 125km mountain trail run (will be my first one of that distance) early October and so wanted to get past the normal shorter trails which I can do on my own and prefer to go with somebody in case of injury / bears, etc... 

Double dip 50/50

31 Jul 2009 17:00
1 Aug 2009 08:00
Cosens Bay Kal Park Vernon BC

The smoke has cleared so it's a go. double 50 milers or choose you distance 17k loops from the parking lot of Cosen Bay.

Race will start Friday night to beat the heat!

Meet at my place and car pool to race start. Car will be aid stations. Bring what you need for you distance. Don't forget a towel for the swim. It's the lake of many colors.

Please contact me directly. cabc_chick@hotmail.com

Wednesday Morning Adventure Run

Last night, I was inspired by stories of barfing runners.

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