
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Sunshine in September - New OFF HIGHWAY (!) start and finish!

The Bagger's Essential Companion


A few weeks ago while running the STORMY 50-miler, I got to chatting with my pals Rick and Ken to pass the time.  The Bagger Challenge and our experiences to date were top of mind.

5Peaks Buntzen Lake Warm Up - Results

Club Fat Ass Events - 5Peaks Buntzen Lake Warm Up Starter Photo

Fellow Ultra Runner Needs some help

 I met Erik Skaggs at the Transrockies Race in 2007. He is one of the nicest dudes I have met. He just set a course record at Where's Waldo. SInce then, he has been in the hospital due to kidney issues. He is in need of some financial assistance. Please check this out


Anyone Lost a Running Shirt?

Blue tech shirt found on the upper part of the trail to Lynn Peak on Sunday 23 August.  I think it belongs to a woman, but I confess I didn't see any topless women on my peak bagging expedition.

Any idea who it might belong to?  Pls call 604-904-6554


Climb Every Mountain

David Crerar's Bagger Challenge is creating a stir beyond the membership of Club Fat Ass.  Check out todays article in the North Shore News: http://www2.canada.com/northshorenews/news/sports/story.html?id=25acc20b-48a7-43c0-a458-90d113bc6569

Loving Lynn 33K Run Report: 2009

5 Peaks/CFA Trail Running Race Orientation Run Leader Opportunity

JDFT 2009 Flash assault.

Club Fat Ass Events - Juan De Fuca Marine Trail Run Starter Photo

Once again a brave group of adventurers strapped up their hydration packs, took one, possibly, final look at their vehicles and punched the start of their chrono's and headed into the deep dark woods of the west coast rainforest.

The start was delayed by about 30 minutes as Jeff, our play leader, made arrangements as to who was doing what with which cars at which end!

2009 Results - Go Home Via The Hanes Valley

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