
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Foolish Gerbil 12 Hour Results

2009 - Year 6 - Fall Mountain Highway Madness

Starter Photo: 13 September 2009 - 17 Starters

Flash - Foolish Gerbil Twelve Hour Run - September Version

12 Sep 2009 07:00
12 Sep 2009 19:00
Pacific Spirit Park, Vancouver, BC

What: A twelve hour run on the trails in Pacific Spirit Park.

Why:  To see if running twelve hours is twice as much fun as running six hours.

Who:  The Fools and anyone who wants to join in the fun.

Where: Meet at the Park Centre on Sixteenth Avenue 

When: Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 07:00

Harebrained Running Adventures - My Walk in the Park

One of my favorite hidden gem trail races is the Walk in the Park (WITP) in Kamloops, BC.  I ran it this past weekend under unusual circumstances and figured I'd share the story before my dirty running gear goes through the wash.

The Club of 100 - Canadian Edition

The Club of 100

(Canadians Who Have Run 100 Ultras... or More!)

** Note:  This list is mostly from memory and a few phone calls and emails.  Pls send me a note to let me know who I've missed or if my numbers are way off! 

Here (I think) are the members of the Canadian Club of 100 as of 18 June 2010:

Musings on Ultrarunning

I ran my first ultramarathon run (a run longer than the 42.2K marathon distance) in late November 1990. 

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night's Dream

21 Aug 2010 20:00
North Vancouver, BC Canada

Details and registration through the links below.

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Sunshine in September - 2009

Starter Photo: 5 September 2009 - 13 Starters

Report: Thank you to everyone who braved the early start and fall weather for the third Sunshine in September. 12 starters (and finishers!) made the trip over to Langdale. After introductions and a bit of a wet start, it was off to the trails. Well, they went to the trails. I stayed behind drinking coffee while waiting.

Had a chance to see almost everyone pass through the 3k mark, although Sibylle, Steve and Monty appear to have found a better route for future years. By the time folks came past, the weather had changed two or three times but was enthusiastically raining again, although the jackets had been stowed by this point. But you'll be glad to know that the car was toasty warm and dry.

After my temporary panic wondering if I'd sent everyone off to never be seen again at 2h 45m, it was great to see a crowd of runners come around the bend on the Port Mellon Highway. The remaining runners came along soon after and although it was a bit rushed before the ferry sailed back to Horseshoe Bay, we did have time to eat some treats and award prizes.

I'm looking forward to a springtime running of the course with Sibylle to fine turn the directions and the 2010 Sunshine in September!

(Thank you to everyone for your help and patience as I sorted out Event Hosting details!). Jackie

Despite Jackie being worried about her flock getting lost on the vast trail system beyond Langdale, we all made it back in one piece.  A few of us did add a few creative kms to the course and Steve and Sibylle got stung by aggressive wasps, but the trails were beautiful and the weather much better than what we prepared for. 

Core Running Performance Clinic - Special Member Offer

A big, fat CFA welcome to Curb Ivanic and Core Running as our newest CFA business member!

To those who don't know Curb, he's a very experienced trail runner, long standing member of our Club and a professional trainer with many years of experience helping people achieve their personal athletic goals.  

September 2009 Newsletter

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