
The Monty 2011

Video links to 2011 Monty and last week's preview run.(with the views that we were denied today!)


So once again the Monty has gone into the the books as done.

This year, what with at least three local events. the turnout was rather sparce!(3)

The Full Monty guy dropped out before the event with a hamstring injury.

I did the 12K Joselyn Jaunt, first then waited to see who would show for the main event at 11:00.

We were all pretty evenly paced so we all managed to knock off 20+ minutes from last week-end's preview run.

I have added last week's link so that you can see the views.


We were all done in 3:24:xx, Alan took a two minute lead on as on the "Flat" part at the end.

Although he insisted, quite vociferously when I mentioned this, that "It's Not Flat!"

The bushes were so laden with rain that they all sagged over the otherwise open trails to give us quite a few full body washes.

Very refreshing!

Till next year's race.

I will post the results tomorrow...


Ean Jackson's picture

Did you wear that helmet for the Full Monty?

Interesting start to the video.  Makes one wonder...


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