
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

The Full Monty - 18 August

18 Aug 2007 07:00

Can you do the Full Monty?

Please find detailed event information through the links below:

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night's Dream

18 Aug 2007 20:00

Please find detailed event information and registration through the links below:


Was out today checking the official course for tomorrows third running of the Monty.

Looks like the Full is getting most of the votes this year.

Got my new camera and I'm stoaked.


Stage Two, The Connector and Juan De Fuca (55km)

So I ended up having to wait twenty minutes for the Gordon River water taxi. During which time I managed to down some vitamin I (Ibuprofen) and stretch my legs for five minutes. By the time I reached the opposite side of the water, and was greeted by Carlos and Roxy I was feeling 100% better than an hour earlier, buoyed onwards by the knowledge that I had at least made my only cut-off for my run. No matter what occurred after this point in time, I was sure I would at least crawl to the 'finish line'.

Cowichan trail Marathon done.

Dan and I have just had another bash at this wonderful, very runable trail.
It is a measured trail with kilometre markes all the way, from the Cowichan Fish and Game Association Clubhouse Trailhead to Skutz falls.
42K in 5.5.
Very nice!
Dan, I have your KK coffee mug!

Stormy Photos

Just got a very brief phone call from Dom Repta and Lucinda Barbeau with an update from the Stormy 100 Miler.  Ryne Melcher is in the lead by about 45 min. Unfortunately, John Machray pulled out.

07/08 Club Fat Ass Portrait in Swiss Fit For Life Magazine

Club Fat Ass was recently featured in the July edition of the German language Fit For Life magazine in Switzerland.  The article is featured here.

Stage One, The 75km West Coast Trail

Let me just start by saying one thing, Carlos Castillo is THE MAN, and none of this would have been possible without him!

The idea was hatched over a few beers in September 2006. A group of us had just run the 47km Juan De Fuca Trail, with times ranging from 7.5-9 hours. We unanimously agreed that the JDFT was a killer...and yet we all discussed what we could do to make it tougher?
How about an out and back? Boring.
What about linking it to another trail?

07/08 Fat Ass Gary Robbins featured in the Province Newspaper

Gary Robbins feat of running the West Coast Trail and the Juan De Fuca Marine Trail back to back in under 24h made it into the Province newspaper.  Please read the full article here.

Slideshow And Video On My Blog, Story To Follow In Coming Days

Hey, for anyone who is interested there is a small article in today's Province Newspaper. I have also uploaded my photos and video to my blog www.garyrobbins.blogspot.com


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