
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Website Update

Over the last two days your Club Fat Ass website has been moved to a different server and the platform it uses was updated from Drupal 4.6 to Drupal 5.1 (for those geeks among you). 

The site is now live on the new server and you should - again -  be able to blog, comment or post flash events.

Grand Tetons 100 mile ultra

Gilles is in the midst of running this incredibly beautiful race. Check out the blog: http://lucygilles.wordpress.com/2007/09/01/grand-tetons-100-miler/ Track his pace: http://grandtetonraces.com/individualTd.php?e=4

Nelson Creek to Cleveland Dam

I was very happy to learn from Cheryl last week that she was planning to do the first half of the Baden Powell Trail from Nelson Creek to Cleveland Dam as I wanted to run this stretch of the BP earlier in the summer and never made it.

Flash - 1st Half Kneeknacker Course

1 Sep 2007 07:00

Flash - Fluffy Bunny Take 2

1 Sep 2007 08:00

Who:  Anyone who can cover a very difficult 35km in 8 - 10 hours (I am a 3:30 marathon runner and this will take me between 7 and 9 hours).  The run is 100% self sufficient, and yo

My Go Deep

The run started with a relentless uphill from Deep Cove all the way to  the Mushroom Parking lot.  While it was a cold day for late August, we soon were hot and sweaty and I was happy not to have brought my jacket along.  Lorraine and I soon fell into a nice rhythm and every once in a while we caught up with the group around Cynnimon, Craig and Carrie.  Once past the parking lot we soon found ourselves on the very steep and technical Dirty Diaper trail.

Website Downtime Announcement

The Club Fat Ass website will move to a different server and undergo a major upgrade.

During the move there may be some downtime.  Posting, registration, commenting and new account set up will not be possible starting sometime Thursday, 30 August until at least Monday 3 September 2007.  Users attempting to add new content will receive a "access denied" message.  We hope to keep disruptions to a minimum and apologize for any inconvenience.

Speaker Event - Injury Prevention for Runners

23 Aug 2007 17:30
23 Aug 2007 20:00


Join Kintec and Club Fat Ass for a 45 minute fun run in the jungle and followed by a 45 minute seminar on injury prevention for runners and how to keep healthy in training. There will be pizza, maybe a prize on the run and lots of opportunity for questions and answers. 

2007 - Year 3 - Full Monty

2007 - Year 6 - Capilano Midsummer Night Run

2007-08-18 Capilano Canyon Night Run 003
18 August 2007 - 37 Starters

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