
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

2007 Results - Squamish B2B

23 June 2007 - 7 Starter (Wendy, Tracy and Ryan are missing on the starter photo)

In 2007 the Stormy Brick was not yet established as a scheduled event.  Please find below the results of the Beyond Nine Mile event, which morphed into The Brick in 2008.

Flash - Yet another bash at the JDFT coming up!

23 Jun 2007 10:00
23 Jun 2007 15:00

Are you able to get off work and get over here for Saturday morning?

Dear Trail runners,
I am organizing yet another trail run on Saturday June 23rd, this time I want to run the stretch of the trail from Port Renfrew South.

The plan is to meet at the Botanical Beach Trailhead @ 10 am and run for 2.5 hours out then turn and return.
There will be fast people and slower trailers so the out and back format ensures that no-one get left for the bears ( just kidding!)

I have a pair of walkie-talkies which were a lot of fun last time, and could be real handy should someone get injured. Bring snacks and drinks. There is no water on the trail unless you want to dip into the creeks.

Bring a camera and your most optimistic frame of mind. Obviously if you want to hike, instead of run, you will cover way less distance and you could always turn before the half way point. It's all good. Be there or be square. Jackal

Photos of last years JFT run

Pacing Wader - The Road Trip


2007 Slack Ass

Big Horn race update

Check regularly for updates from John Machray and Gilles Barbeau doing the Big Horn 100 mile race.

John and Gilles have been working on the pre-race mental preparation with a brewski or 2 ....

Only a few iceberg blue women's club shirts left!

The ever popular iceberg blue women's club shirts are almost sold out.  I have only a few S sized left.  If you have been thinking of getting another one, best to do it now!

You can order here!

14'000ft was just the begining

Here's Tina's acount of our 27 hour run around northern California.

Check out what it's like at - 40c this Sunday 6/17

This sunday on the history channel you can check out what it was like at the Rock and Ice ultra I competed this last March.  watch the show Ice Road truckers and you'll see what it's like at -40 and below. here's a link the the web page.  http://www.history.com/minisites/iceroadtruckers 


Anybody doing Niagara 50k?

If anyone coming from the Ottawa or Montreal area going to the Niagara 50k run June 23rd( I'm from Brockville), I would split the cost  for a ride up there and back. It sounds like an amazingly beautiful run!

2007 - Year 5 - XTC Results

XTC 2007 Starter Photo

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