
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

One Week Until Fluffy Bunny

In seven days the thrid annual Fluffy Bunny Trail Run will be held at Buntzen Lake.  The question is:  Are you tough enough for the Fluffy Bunny? 

Here are some comments from last year's running: 

Flash - WCT & JDFT (Back to Back)

4 Aug 2007 04:00
5 Aug 2007 04:00
Hey all,

Flash - Garibaldi Trail Run

28 Jul 2007 07:00

Chris Benn and I are heading up to Garibaldi park to run the rubble creek course this Saturday, July 28.

Flash - Hollyburn Hurtle

28 Jul 2007 08:00

A point to point run (down) from Cypress Bowl to Edgemont Village following the Baden Powell Trail to Cleveland Dam then on quiet residential roads another 15-20 min to back to my house.

Grouse Plane Crash

Grouse Plane CrashI've lived in North Vancouver, Canada for just over 7 years.  Now and then I've heard the rumor of a plane that crashed into Grouse Mountain not far from my house.  The other day my buddy John McGrath and I decided to go for a run on some obscure back trails and find the wreckage.

Tahoe Rim Trail Endurance Run - Fat Ass boys do the 100miler


Well, good news folks. The boys are doing fantastic! The weather cooperated superbly. Warm during the day and then it started to cool off. Linda and I went to see them at Mt Rose and then at Spooner (the half way mark). They are in great spirits and are looking great albeit a little stinky. Luckily, the high altitude did not seem to bother any of them. Woohoo!!

2007 - Year 4 - Bill's Great Peak - Results

2007-07-21 Bill's Great Peak Ascent 001

More photos are posted here. If you have photos of the day you'd like to share please post them to Flickr, tag with BillsGreatPeakAscent and BillsGreatPeakAscent2007.  If you also add them to the Club Fat Ass Flickr Group your photo will automatically show int he "Members in Action" section to the left.

Thanks to Tim Wiens who recorded the GPS data and made a map available here and a  profile here.

Please also take a moment to complete the post event survey here.
First Name Last Name City/Town Event Time to top
Total time
Tim Wiens Vancouver 32 km 1:55 3:23   2
John Neels Vancouver 32 km 1:56 3:23   2
Desmond Mott n.van 32 km 2:01 3:38   2
Stephen Blyth north vancouver 32 km 2:05 3:40   1
Rea Blyth north vancouver 32 km 2:05 3:40   1
Jodi Isenor Halifax 32 km 2:23 3:51   1
Carlos Castillo Victoria 32 km 2:24 4:19 1 pt for garbage 3
Doug MacKay North Vancouver 32 km 2:24 4:19   2
Kathy Banks Vancouver 32 km 3:00 4:50   1
Sibylle Tinsel North Vancouver 32 km 3:07 5:08   2
Cheryl Johnson Pitt Meadows 32 km 3:07 5:08   2
Dave Crerar North Vancouver
28 km 1:58 3:21 returned via St.George's 1
Curb Ivanic Vancouver 28 km 1:553:29 returned via St.George's 2
Maureen Wiens Vancouver 16 km   2:55   2
Rob Jones North Vancouver 15 km 1:56   one way to top 2
Bill Dagg Vancouver quarry   2:15   3
Laddie Hannam North Vancouver quarry 1:22 2:23   1
Berglind Hafsteinsdottir North Vancouver quarry 1:22 2:23   2

Well, as noted by Sibylle, the 4th edition of Bill’s Great Peak Ascent turned out to be a soggy affair.   Nevertheless, that didn’t stop 18 runners from giving it a go under very un-July-like weather.   Dave Crerar even commented on how nice it was to run in the rain and the surreal effect running up Mountain Highway not being able to see 2 metres in front of you.  Glad you enjoyed it Dave, my sentiments weren't quite the same. 

2007/07/19 My Juan De Fuca Marine Adventure

Beach ZenAfter wrapping up the Cleveland Dam aid station at the Kneeknacker, welcoming an exuberant husband at his 15th KK finish and packing the car for a 5 day camping trip, said husband and offspring were off to a secret location on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

STORMY Relay anyone?

STORMY is offering a 50-mile relay option this year.   Is anyone intrested in forming a CFA relay team?  Relay teams can have 2-7 runners, so there is lots of flexibility in terms of the distance each person will run.  See www.s2srun.com for details.

Free Beer -- Two Days to Go (Bill's Great Peak Ascent)

The Mosquito Creek Grill is good to go for this Saturday, 12 pm.  Come out and run Bill's Great Peak Ascent and then
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