
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

North Idaho Kick Ass 50/25 Run

21 Jul 2007 07:00

Please join Event Host Keith on an exploration of some of North Idaho's Trails.
Follow the links below for detailed event information and registration:

Bill's Great Peak Ascent -- 1 Week to Go!

One week to go until the 4th running of Bill's Great Peak Ascent.

This run is perfect for those planning on running STORMY (pretty much why the event exists); those wanting to keep in top trail form after running Kneeknacker; or just wanting to do something different than the boring old Grind.
You don't have to run the full 30 km either!  Make a custom route:

Tonights Speaker Event Cancelled - Baby on the Way

Due to unforeseen circumstances (Graham's wife is having a baby as we speak) tonight's seminar is cancelled.  We apologize for any inconvenience and wish Graham and his wife all the be

Training Plans

Unlike last year, when a nasty bout of bronchitis reduced most of my runs to pitiful shuffles of questionable distance, my training this year is going very well.  So well, that I have been sniffling around for training goals....

Injury Advice

I"m looking for some advice from either the experienced or the clumsy members (or both) in the Club.  My foot had an unfortunate meeting with an imaginary root while I was out on a training run the weekend before last.

A Rain Forest Run

Running west on the BP from Cleveland Dam is not my favorite trail...talk about a nasty hill.  However, last Saturday, Pat and I ventured up past the British Properties and followed the Brother's Creek Fire Road.  I hiked there before, but had forgotten how magical the area is.  Crossover Trail and Brother's Creek Trail are out of this world.  Here is a short video of our run.  Enjoy!

Flash - STORMY Brick

7 Jul 2007 07:30
8 Jul 2007 07:30

    * Two back-to-back trail running days from Hell on the STORMY 50/100-mile course
    * most 100-mile runners will agree that bricks (back-to-back long runs) build character and stamina.  This little jog in the woods ought to do that

Pacing Wader - The Conspiracy Theories


My friends Wade, Dom and Ryne are without a doubt among the best long distance runners in Canada.  They had trained very hard and very smart.  They were all very ready for the Western States 100-mile endurance run.  And yet all 3 failed to complete the 100-mile distance on race day.  There had to be a conspiracy! 

Pacing Wader - Race Day


The alarm went off at 3:00 am...

JDF trail preview run


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