
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

Major Loss to Our Community-Remembering Denis and Richard

Very sad news today, devastating. Denis Fontaine and Richard Juryn lost their lives in a kayaking accident yesterday in Howe Sound.

Flash - Mutha's Nature Trail Run

14 Oct 2007 08:00
This is the preliminary running of an event I will host annually, and I am running it to finalise the course, and sorry to say, perfect the directions.

GPS Distance Measuring Devices and Altitude

I'd like to pick up the recent debate on the length of the Mountain Highway Madness course.  It's been measured in the past (bike?) at 7.5km to the quarry/15km in total per lap.  At this years runni

Flash - Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim (R2R2R Grand Canyon)

18 Oct 2007 07:00
21 Oct 2007 23:59

A classic running road trip. Join Geoff Palmer, "Rain no Train" Jackson and friends for an attempt at conquering the Grand Canyon in Arizona before the snow flies.

Capilano Canyon Night Run - A Midsummer Night's Dream

16 Aug 2008 20:00
17 Aug 2008 01:00
Don't miss this classic summer run, Saturday 16th August. Details and registration throught the links below.

Hard Rock from the Pacer who lived to tell about it

HARDROCK 100 aka the H.U.R.T. buddies team up again for Daniel’s success in the world’s hardest 100…

Squamish Night Run

19 Jul 2008 19:00
A night run on the Stormy course as preparation for the Stormy 100 Mile runners. Details to be confirmed.

Cleveland Pacific Special

Transrockies All Stages Reports

Stage 1-16 miles
Well, day 1 is done and I am humbled.  Two thing: my fitness is not where it needs to be (not a huge surprise) and pushing it at 10 000 feet hurts! Phil was an all star today!! The bad news was my calf was excruciating for the first 20 km, where it was relatively flat. But we hit the climb and then my fitness (or lack of) was maxed.

Flash - Rainforest To Sea And Back

22 Sep 2007 07:30
Run from the rainforest down to the shores of the Pacific and back and be back in time for lunch.

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