
Club Fat Ass is a grassroots sports club with a worldwide vision. Our members host trail running, triathlon, cycling and other "active lifestyle" events for fellow members. Club events are fun, physically challenging, environmentally friendly and emphasize camaraderie as much as competition. Each event is a reflection of the unique personality of the Event Host. All Club events are free to Club members. Membership is open to anyone who enjoys playing outdoors. Join us!

February Update on the "Classic"

I have been doing some writing on my "other" blog. http://jackal100.blogspot.com/ please enter my survey on "feet taping"... (Ultratalk)

What's Growing In Your Hydration System?

I dug out my hydration pack today to get packed up for the Squamish Scrambler tomorrow.  To my disgust I found the thing was overgrown with specks of mold....Yuck.

I have been taking great care to dry out the bladder, tube and mouth piece after each use... but after Mike and Melissa's run in November I was so bushed that I must have just dumped the water and lovely Action Jackson packed the thing away.   It's been rotting quietly in the basement storage ever since. 

Stuff I Have Found on My Runs

Today, while out running, I found a YakTrak.  Did you lose one, by chance?

Last week I found one, too.  (Dho!  Different make and different size.)  A few weeks before that, Colin found one, as well!  How can you lose one of these and not notice?

Carpooling to The Capilano Canyon Night Run

Please use this thread if you need a ride or have place available in your car to get to the start of the Capilano Canyon Night Mardigras on 21 February 2009.

Interested in Online Marketing?

We are looking for a few volunteers to submit scheduled CFA events to online calendars.  To help out you'll need a computer, Internet access, basic computer skills and a couple of hours (more if you like).

The task is fairly straight forward. You will be working from a mastersheet containing all event information, like date, name, distance and description.  Let me know if you can spare a couple of hours and I'll discuss details with you.


Squamish Scrambler on this Sunday

So the Squamish Scrambler is on for this Sunday.  For those who have done it before the only real difference is that you will have to rent your own snowshoes (NSA $10, or Cove or Deakin).

Hopefully I can arrange for a clear day and some spectaculra views (see Flikr page of previous years) but it will be great to get up on snow shoes none the less. 

Any newbies contact me with any questions you may have regarding the event or Sibylle with any club registration questions.

CFA Steering Committee Update

I am happy to announce that Vanessa Fors has taken on the role of Event Host Chair for the CFA Steering Committee.

Vanessa has been on the Steering Committee since the fall of 2007 and has been the driving force behind the design and production of the Fat Ass Wear no stink shirts.  Her role as the Event Host Chair will be to help Event Hosts put on a safe and successful Club Fat Ass events.

Outdoor Safety, Weather and The Lie Line

Outdoor Safety

Living in the shadow of the mountains, I try to take full advantage of the amazing opportunities the backcountry offers. Trail running is up there at the top of the list.  I also love alpine activities such as snowshoe running, snowboarding, backcountry and downhill skiing. 

Dirty Duo Volunteers Needed

This just in from Heather for Dirty Duo racers and potential volunteers:

Online reg or mail in reg has early bird rates till Feb 9.


Yukon Arctic Ultra Feb 15, 2009

Hello my ultra running friends!


As some of you may or may not know I've been training for approximately 8 months for the Yukon Arctic Ultra www.arcticultra.de . Basically since the Vancouver 100 is when I put my mind to this ominous challenge.  To be honest I picked it because it freaked the HECK out of me!

Now it's less than 2 weeks before I leave to Whitehorse and I've got a case of bronchitis I'm trying to eradicate.

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