

Jackson's List - A Handy-Dandy Pre-Race Checklist

I know a guy who forgot to pack his shoes before a running race...not once, but twice!  How often do you freak out the morning of your big event because you can't remember if you packed this thing or that? Well, save the butterflies for the start line!  Here's a little checklist that has served me well and I hope will serve you well, too.

Feel free to comment about this.  Surely you have some suggestions for improvement or questions (e.g. Why pack duct tape?)

First Bagger Bragging Rights

I spent the better part of Sunday evening and Monday morning sitting on the deck with my buddy Gary Robbins laughing, tipping back a few cool ones and trading war stories.  Top of our agenda was first bagger bragging rights.

Beating the Odds: Tahoe Rim 100 Mile Endurance Run

Hanes Valley, North Vancouver

My brother (that Jurgen guy) and I ran this course on Sunday, July 29th.

Hanes Valley, North Vancouver, BC Canada
Start time 7 am PST Lynn Valley Headwaters
18.5 miles (29.8 km)
5 hours 35 minutes
Total Ascent 12,580 ft (3,834 m)
Total Descent 12.520 ft (3,816 m)
Elevation Gain 3,727 ft (1,129 m)

Ean Jackson's 2008 Fitness Resolutions

One of my BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals) is to run my 100th ultramarathon during my first year in the 50+ age group. That would be 2008. Given that I'm now on track with 94 ultras under my belt, I'm soon going to have to pick the run I celebrate as my 100th.

For nobody other than myself, here are my draft 2008 fitness resolutions:

Running events:

Sibylle's 2008 Fitness Goals

I know, I know...it's a bit early to post New Year's Resolutions... but with the rain a nd fog we've had lately it almost feels like it is November and time to get ready ;-) 

I foolishly posted my musings about 2008 a while ago including some lofty goals.  Since we actually have a contest going for New Year's Resolutions Ean has bugged me ever since to post my goals in the contest...So here I go:

Back From The Beach

28 July 2007

So we are all done. 5 souls started 5 finished.
Bob Wall, Isao Hirayama,Jeff Hunt,Caroline Goluza ,and I.

Hollyburn Hurtle

Three eager runners drove up Cypress this morning to tackle the Hollyburn Hurtle. 

Grouse Plane Crash

Grouse Plane CrashI've lived in North Vancouver, Canada for just over 7 years.  Now and then I've heard the rumor of a plane that crashed into Grouse Mountain not far from my house.  The other day my buddy John McGrath and I decided to go for a run on some obscure back trails and find the wreckage.

Bear Alert

 Trail runners beware!  Click on the image to read this is a bear warning sign .  Thanks to Rick Arikado.  
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