

Tahoe Rim Trail 100

Car Pool for Rubble Creek Classic

Is anyone else doing this race?  Right now, we have two vehicles heading up for two people...not exactly ideal.  I would sure like to here from anyone who wants to work out a car pool or can give me some advice on handling the shutlle between the start and finish (in particular, what is the driving time between the two?).

You can email me at: rchore@my.bcit.ca .  Please refer to Rubble Creek in the title of your note (or it will get lost in the junkmail).



Walk In The Park 54 err 36

This fatass sure had his ass handed to him by Kenna Cartwright Park in Kamloops last Sunday. Walk In The Park?! That's what they call it. 3 laps of a steep 18 km course. Let me tell you for me it was no Walk In The Park. Actually on second thought that's what it turned into. At the 30 km mark I was walking and after the last lengthy downhill I basically walked to the start/finish. Congrats to the other fatasses who did well. It was great to see fimilar faces out there and I guess participating is what it's all about. Next year I plan to avenge this DNF.

Grand Tetons 100 mile ultra

Gilles is in the midst of running this incredibly beautiful race. Check out the blog: http://lucygilles.wordpress.com/2007/09/01/grand-tetons-100-miler/ Track his pace: http://grandtetonraces.com/individualTd.php?e=4

Nelson Creek to Cleveland Dam

I was very happy to learn from Cheryl last week that she was planning to do the first half of the Baden Powell Trail from Nelson Creek to Cleveland Dam as I wanted to run this stretch of the BP earlier in the summer and never made it.


This year was not to be.

My Go Deep

The run started with a relentless uphill from Deep Cove all the way to  the Mushroom Parking lot.  While it was a cold day for late August, we soon were hot and sweaty and I was happy not to have brought my jacket along.  Lorraine and I soon fell into a nice rhythm and every once in a while we caught up with the group around Cynnimon, Craig and Carrie.  Once past the parking lot we soon found ourselves on the very steep and technical Dirty Diaper trail.

STORMY 2007 Pictures on flickr

see my pictures of STORMY 2007 at:


Ethelyn took some of these too.  enjoy!



Was out today checking the official course for tomorrows third running of the Monty.

Looks like the Full is getting most of the votes this year.

Got my new camera and I'm stoaked.


How to Run a 100-Miler -- for Dummies

How to Run a 100-Miler – for Dummies[1]

(like anyone else would try to run a 100-miler)

Leading up to my first 100-miler, I had a number of people[2] say to me “I’d like to run a 100-miler too but I don’t know how to go about it. What should I do?”

Well, now that I've successfully DNF'd / completed my first 100-miler, I thought I’d pass along some tips on how not to/to prepare for and complete a 100 mile race yourself.

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