

Stein Valley - The Long Way

Today was a great day for a trail run! While out doing Mike and Melissa's Fun Run this morning, the topic of conversation turned to the Stein Valley and a Club Flash event some of us did in the fall of 2007. Sure, we got our asses kicked, but it was a blast. In the words of Colin Freeland, "We've got some unfinished business" with the Stein.

Buy Nothing Day - Friday 23rd November

Hey, that's an easy one!  Buy Nothing Day.  Who wants to be stuck in a stuffy store, Christmas tunes jingling in the background, cranky people whacking their shopping carts into you, stressed cashiers trying to be friendly (or trying hard not to be snarly).  Go for a run during lunch or after work instead. 

Go Home, where else would I go....?

Well, uphill for one...The first part of the Go Home course winds it's way from sleepy Deep Cove at sealevel up to the Lookout Parking Lot off Mt. Seymour Road.  A calf busting climb on the best of days. 

I had started with the hope to be able to hang on to the slower ladies, but had to let them go once we reached Indian Arm Rd.  I've been training a lot and have worked on my speed, but lately, there just isn't any "umph" in those legs. 

Mike and Melissa's Fun Run - Saturday Nov. 24th- Bean Around the World Mt. Seymour Pkwy.

Come join us for our funnest run of the year! Starting with a coffee and running around in the mountains with your friends -  is there a better way to spend the day?!  Please note the changed start/finish location and time.  We meet at Bean Around the World on Mt. Seymour Parkway in North Vancouver at 8:00 on Saturday and start at 8:30.

Ryan's 2008 Fitness Resolution List

In this upcoming year, 2008, I want to focus on overcoming the injuries I have suffered through over the last couple of years.

To accomplish this my goal is daily practise of pelvic aligment, core stabilisation and stretching, especially of chronically tight hamstrings and hips. Also use of the Indo Board and balance drills to improve alignment and balance.

In addition one of my main goals is to fully incorporate cross training into my weekly workout schedule. The main activities being

The Chili Dilemma (continued)

I went to shop for some of my chili ingredients today.  Jackson accepted my challenge to concoct his own "authentic" chili.  He found a rattlesnake meat supplier, but the rattlesnake got stopped at the border.  I am not kidding.  Instead of rattlesnake I got beef for Jackson, not the ground kind...apparently he is chopping the meat up to desired bite size pieces.

Club Fat Ass Wear - A Sneak Preview

Excitement is in the air. I got my hands on the first mock-up ClubFatAssWear shirts. Vanessa has been busily designing the pattern, running the fabric and mock shirts through the oven at the screener, calculating shrinkage and driving patterns and fabric to and fro.

The Grand Canyon "weekend" run

A Club Fat Ass adventure to the Grand Canyon


A Real Texas Chili, Eh!

I have been researching chili recipes, cook off traditions and scoring etiquette in preparation for next Sundays bash at the T/J's.

New Year Day 50km Training Update

Week 10 of my 18 week training schedule for the Vancouver New Year's Day Fat Ass 50km is coming to an end. Time to look at what has been accomplished and what's lacking.

I have never (ever!) followed a training plan, so this has been an interesting experience. I found it very motivating to look at the suggested km and chalk the days off.

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