

Miwok 100k...Sold out!

Hard part is done, I got in to Miwok, now comes the fun part, training and running for a sub 14 hour finish.

Looking at some of the blogs, registration appeared to be closed by 8:30am.....it opens at 8am! I don't know if it was due to the West Coast Storm that's affecting NorCal or disgruntled WS 100 entrants who didn't get in for 2008. Hopefully there'll be some additional Canadian content.

50km on Willpower

Late last summer I foolishly pronounced I would line up for the Vancouver New Years Day 50Km again. Training was going well until life got in the way, my daughter got sick, my friends took a break from long runs and to top it of my right hip started to be very painful.

I eventually resigned to run the 25km yesterday and try the 50km another year. Deep inside, though, I didn't want to run the 25km. I wanted to do the 50km.

Baldy's 2008 resolutions

For 2008, I want to (in no particular order):

PB a marathon.  Portland October 5, 2008 - 3:57:40, Portland October 2005 - 4:13:36, 16 minute PB!

PB a 50K. - Diez Vista 50K April 5, 2008 - 6:36:12, Diez Vista 50K April 2004, 7:38. 1 hour PB!

PB a 50 miler - Mt Si 50 miler April 13, 2008, 8:39, previous best, Elk Beaver 10:16!

Complete a 100K - Miwok 100k May 3, 2008, 15:20 I completed despite severe electrolyte depletion.

PB a 100 miler- Stormy 100 miler August 8-9, 2008. 29:30ish. About 4.5 hour PR! Good enough!  

Pippi makes some plans


Complete at least 15 Club Fat Ass events in 2008.

Complete 2008 kneeknacker.

Survive 2008 kneeknacker.

Run one international marathon.

Tone my fat ass.



Running Lab Rat Challenge

Today I got my ass kicked.

Now, my Mama always taught me that a good sportsman is one who accepts defeat graciously and respects the one that whoop'd 'ya. What if I kicked my own ass?

Today I did a full-on $185 lactate, VO2 Max and Energy Usage analysis at Peak Center for Human Performance in Burnaby, BC. It involved running on a treadmill in a lab for about half an hour. I also had my finger poked from time to time with a little needle thingie. (Yes, my adventure drew blood!)

Jesper wins again!

hey did anybody notice that Jesper Olsen won the international 6 day race ... again?

Check out his picture. He's in a light blue shirt with the word "Ecco" on the front. You'll need to scroll through the pictures to find him but there are a few there. 


And his next world run begins July 1, 2008: http://www.worldrun.org

Running in the Wild

Run for your life:

Congrats to Western States lottery winners

Congratulations to the ones who were drawn: Gilles, Chad, Andy, Dom, Wade, Jeff and Marie. Disappointing for quite a few others but, hey, but it just means different challenges. Make a personal slam with any 4 "100's" of your choice. Don't forget STORMY!!

How to best not prepare for a trail run

After missing the club run on Saturday due to being sick, Sunday I was feeling quite a bit better and decided to head out for a run. I like to pack light so I stuffed some dog poo pickup bags into the pockets on my hand helds and my drivers license and car keys into my pants pocket. I decided I didn't have the space in my pocket for my usual array of safety gear when heading up into the mountains; a lighter. At least that way I can start a fire if I get stranded for some reason. I pulled my compass, which was hanging off the door handle, out of the way of the door as I closed it.

Running the West Coast Trail in One Day

Attachment past the bottom of this post is my article in the February 2006  North West Runner.  It may be useful for anybody planning a run or a speed-hike on the West Coast Trail, in one day or otherwise.


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