

2007/07/19 My Juan De Fuca Marine Adventure

Beach ZenAfter wrapping up the Cleveland Dam aid station at the Kneeknacker, welcoming an exuberant husband at his 15th KK finish and packing the car for a 5 day camping trip, said husband and offspring were off to a secret location on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

Finishing HARD ROCK!!!!!!!!

So, heard of the little race called Hard rock 100. Well I can say I have lived to tell you about it. On Sunday the 15th at 4:40 am after running for 46 hours and 40 minutes I crossed the line and kissed the rock to finish my first Hard rock 100! I’m still in need of much sleep and so this will be short. In fact it all still seems like a dream. An absolutely incredible dream. I dreamed of huge mountains, brilliant wild flowers, cascading waterfalls, endless streams, 14,000 ft sunsets and kissing a rock. Was it really real?

Training Plans

Unlike last year, when a nasty bout of bronchitis reduced most of my runs to pitiful shuffles of questionable distance, my training this year is going very well.  So well, that I have been sniffling around for training goals....

Stroke Yourselves ...

.. said the coiach to the big fish wriggling impaiently in front of him.

A Rain Forest Run

Running west on the BP from Cleveland Dam is not my favorite trail...talk about a nasty hill.  However, last Saturday, Pat and I ventured up past the British Properties and followed the Brother's Creek Fire Road.  I hiked there before, but had forgotten how magical the area is.  Crossover Trail and Brother's Creek Trail are out of this world.  Here is a short video of our run.  Enjoy!

Pacing Wader - The Conspiracy Theories


My friends Wade, Dom and Ryne are without a doubt among the best long distance runners in Canada.  They had trained very hard and very smart.  They were all very ready for the Western States 100-mile endurance run.  And yet all 3 failed to complete the 100-mile distance on race day.  There had to be a conspiracy! 

Pacing Wader - Race Day


The alarm went off at 3:00 am...

JDF trail preview run


Pacing Wader - The Road Trip


14'000ft was just the begining

Here's Tina's acount of our 27 hour run around northern California.

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