

Grouse to Deep Cove - Night Training

Having volunteered my services as a pacer for Jess for the last quarter of V100, it had occurred to me that we'd be doing this section in the dark.

What hadn't occurred to me was that while I have run from Cleveland to Deep Cove in various sections I had only run them during the daytime. Given that Miwok 100k was my last bit of night trail running (May 3rd) and that V100 was coming up the next weekend, my training window was becoming exceedingly smaller.

Mt shasta three peaks adventure run

This past weekend I traveled down to mt shasta for the 2nd annual three peaks adventure run. the goal was to climb mt shasta run to and up black butte and then over to the summit of mt eddie. covering 50 miles and more elevation gain and loss then seems humanly possible. this years run was a success! you can read more about it on my blog http://extremeultrarunner.blogspot.com/ should have a full report up this weekend

Bonkfest Report

Well, that was an interesting experience.

I learned a few things from the Host's perspective which I'll get into detail a little later.

6:54am: I get a call from Rob wondering where I am (as I'm doing 70km/h on the Mamquam FSR) Note to self: Make sure your family knows to call 911 instead of calling you in case of emergency and try to maintain some sense of self control when going to a BBQ the night before an event, especially if you're the event Host.

Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay


Well...I did it....I signed up for the 24 hour Relay at Swangard Stadium this coming June 14th & 15th. With a little help from 95 Crave FM, I managed to secure an entry into this event for a great cause. I've always wondered about running in a 24 hour event, but the thought of circling the same 400m track like a hamster has always been the proverbial "line-in-the-sand" as far as protecting my (limited) sanity went. This event gives a bit more variety in that it covers a 4.5km stretch of pathway, track, & trail...it's also pretty darn close to home.

This kid will go far

You have got to love this one!

North Coast Trail Run

Jeff Hunt and Rob Wall ran the trail in 11 hours. We now have a first day PR. This note was posted on the PIH Chatline bt Jeff. "We made it. It took a little longer than expected - exactly 11 hours. The beaches were totally non-runnable, and we got lost once. Overall difficulty is definitely harder than the JdF, but slightly easier than the WCT. No injuries. All is good. I will post a full report with tonnes of pictures in the next couple of days."

Miwok 100K: Knocked down but not out

So it's 5:32am and I'm huddling in the handicapped stall at Rodeo Beach for warmth because the normal race start of 5:40am is being delayed because there is a humungous lineup of cars still trying to find parking so Miwok runners can check in. This is a little weird for me cause I thought the race limit was only 250. Unbeknownst to me, the RD had let and additional 100 runners off the waiting list on the condition that they would all carpool. Judging by the overflowed parking lots, this was not the case.

Marathon Shuffle 2008

Congrats to Shay, Vanessa, Angus and John who kicked some serious butt and came home with the hardware in the 15th annual Marathon Shuffle in Powell River, BC this past weekend!

Here's an article on the Marathon Shuffle from the Powell River Peak.

This ~35K run is one of the most fun, low key events I've ever participated in.  It's in a beautiful part of the world and the people of Powell River really take care of you.

E/B the Movie

PS, Did anyone get a picture of the sponsors banners? Just a thought...

Elk Beaver Ultras 2008 the story

http://jackal100.blogspot.com/ Lots of good friends and family.(who said we don't do stuff together any more). Huge thank to Norma and Carlos Jr.on timing and megaphone and timing.Zaryn the card player-student,more timing, Judy Brads wife, me for staying sane and happy and awake . Glenn is the Man!!!,Geoff,Cheryl...its all too much,WoW. What a blast see it all happen. Like Field of dreams. ILTS! Now the official story:- Elk Beaver 2008 Race report This year race, the 21st year that the Prairie Inn Harriers, saw a over 40 athletes start their four separate races.

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