

Hell's out and back!

Next weekend will be the start to my tour of hell. It all starts with a 13hr motorcycle ride to Bozeman Montana on Friday to meet up with my HURT teammate Tina Ure. Then a 5:30am start of the "Devil's backbone 50 miler" a 25 mile out and back with one aid station at the turnaround, No trail markings, lots of snow and 11,400ft of climb. After the race it's back on the bike for a three or four hour ride back to my friends house in Postfalls ID. Get a few winks of sleep and a ride to the airport on Sunday. Jump on a plane for a nonstop flight to LasVegas.

Skiing to the Bitter, Bony End

Today was a gorgeous Canada Day. (If you're not from Canada, Canada Day is Canada's birthday... a national holiday and an opportunity to wave the maple leaf and celebrate in the great outdoors.)


The North Shore Mountain Bike Association is alway working with the Distict on trail useage.  The NSMBA has alerted its member about the up coming changes to the Fromme mountain trails. If you run on Fromme mountain you might be interested in the changes to the trail usage on the mountain.  I took a quick look at the report by the district and found it interesting.  There is lots of maps in the report and details about all the trail on Fromme mountain.  

The following is from the NSMBA newsletter. 

The Squamish "B2B"

This past week-end Ms.J and I, went to Squamish to take part in a training camp over two days. This kind of back-to-back session is know as a "Brick". A group of "fatassers" had planned to run. The first part one day , and the second part the next. This would be on a 50 mile course of an up coming race , the "Stormy 50 mile and 100 mile Ultra marathon". I am registered to run the 100 miler so I figured that it would be an ideal chance to familiarise myself with the terrain. That it was! I ended up running my 10 hours per week of running in two days. ILTS!

Big Horn 100 Miler - Update on the Fools

The fools catch some ZZzs before race day

I last saw the fools last night at the 30 mile marker and probably will not be able to see them until the finish. I have loads more pictures that can be seen at

I will be updating this page regulary. The internet is a bit slow so the pictures may be slow in coming.

Karl was in the lead. He looked great and was having a really great race.

John was also looking good and was in good spirits.

Trail running names in the news: Pace, Smith & Ladner

Three ultrarunners in our neighbourhood were also featured prominently in the news over the past few weeks:


1. Go, Glenn, Go: support Glenn Pace's very worthy cause and watch him run as a solo team in the 24 Hour Relay: http://www.canada.com/northshorenews/news/live/story.html?id=e39dc5fd-2b...

2. Perhaps not so good for the training: sometime-CFA participant Dave Smith is managing Everything Wine, the huge new wine store at Marine & Mackay: http://www.bclocalnews.com/business/19541369.html

Trail Work Invitation - Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 09:00

I am going to do six hours of trail work on the Sea-to-Sky Trail in North Vancouver. This is the trail that follows the Dirty Duo course from the start to the junction with the Baden-Powell trail. If anyone wants to join me please let me know so I can arrange to have enough tools and materials available.

The Great Walk 2008

So I did it again, Brad Holmes of Namaimo won it in 6:00:00 I was second in 6:18:00, faster than last year for me by 18 minutes. I'm happy with that, but sad that there were so few of us out there... The conditions of the road and the weather were ideal this year. The organizers should get their act together and add the words .....and Ultramarathon" to their name and then maybe more runners would do it. The Great Lake Walk & Ultramarathon did this and their numbers keep on rising. Brad was waering his CFA Black shirt.

Running the North Coast Trail

Running the North Coast Trail


Completely posed photo charging upland from Shushartie Bay, about 1K


Just opened, this at-times leg-pulverizing trail leads through old growth forests and across countless beaches, with spectacular views of surf, headlands, and mountains

David Crerar


May 2008

Running the Flores Island Wild Side Trail

Running the Flores Island Wild Side Trail

Runnable shell-strewn beaches alongside old growth forest and past bloody battlesites

Cow Bay

David Crerar

June 2008

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