

My man Van.

Thought I'd share something inspirational. This is what a client of mine is doing. His name is Van Barbre from Corona, CA and he started marathoning in 1999 at the age of 55. His aim for 2008 is to run a marathon a month. http://vanbarbre.blogspot.com/ Last Sunday he finished the San Francisco Marathon in 4:34:04 at 63 yrs young.

Runners to Storm the JdF Trail next week!!!

I (Jeff Hunt) will be posting the details for our JdF Trail Run here.http://trailadventurer.blogspot.com/ If you have anything to add, or any questions, just email me at jeff.hunt@smus.bc.ca Feel free to invite anyone you want for this run. The more, the merrier. Date: August 23rd, 2008.

Success all around at the Badwater 135 mile ultra marathon

In case no was following this years race. I'll bring you up to speed. Jen Segger of Squamish BC finished 9th overall and was the youngest female to ever finish the race. you can read all about it hear on her blog http://challenge-by-choice.blogspot.com/ Now I didn't get to see any of her race but I did get to spend a few hours out on the course. Exactly 45:34 of them crewing and pacing for my Arrowhead friend Sarah lowell who received her badwater buckle for finishing under 48hrs.

Python Man - or Duathlon Fat Ass style in Germany

2008 - Year 4 - Full Monty

Vermont 100 - Going Solo - without the other fools

Well, it's time for another 100 mile race!! This is the second in the grand slam series that Gilles was supposed to be doing this year. We all know what happened to Western States. So, instead he will continue with the other grand slam races and a few others for good measure.

Good luck to all the CFA'ers at Tahoe Rim!

50K: Rhonda Schuller!

50 miler: Marla Weinheimer, Carolyn King, Cheryl Johnson and Philip Waters!

100 miler: Neil Ambrose, Randy Rankin and the Fools: Karl and John! 

Have a scorching hot time on the TRT! Better you than me....

Gordon Head Walk

The Monty 2008 (directions to the start.)

For those of you that haven't done the trip over before, these are the directions from the Ferry to the start of the event. http://www.usatf.org/routes/view.asp?rID=60848

Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay Outcome

I've been trying to hammer out a race report, but as usual, it's going to be as long as the event for which it's written.....so far I'm thinking that it'll be 6 or 7 pages.

I know, I know...another Shogun.

For those who've asked for immediate gratification (albeit 3 weeks late), here's the Reader's Digest version:

The weather was stellar.

Logistically, it was more like a Fat Ass event...I had to supply my own grub (I never realized the close similarity that an aid station has to a Superbowl party until the Safeway clerk pointed it out).

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