

The Spring Bunny Hop.

My training partner and now fellow fat asser, Peter McQuillan skied half the course of the Spring Bunny Hop today to find there is a base of at least 2 feet of snow and 19 days to melt it. For Ontario this is unusually for this time of year. Normally I am able to run these trails year around, but this year we've been skiing a solid two months, I don't know if my running shoes still fit. Tomorrow I guess I have go back to road running.(dirt roads that is.) Is anybody interested in x-country skiing it? That might be the only way around. We're still expecting more snow.

JDFT 2008 Flash report

So, we made it through! Huge thanks to Brad Holmes.(CFA member) Seven of us started six of us did the whole thing,he did an out and back from BOTH ends plus all the driving! Jeff,Bob,Ludo,Carolyn,Stas,Brad and I, set off as planned at 7:30 from China Beach. Not knowing what to expect, we were happy to see most of the classic trail,plus some creative blowdown bypassing, plus a huge amount of bonus mud! The weather couldn't have been better, and hats off to Jeff for making the tidal calculations, so vital on this trail.

Thoughts on a First Bagger Opportunity

My buddy Steve Deller sent me this link yesterday. A new 60K trail that has probably never been run. http://www.wildcoastmagazine.com/NorthCoastTrail.htm

First bagger bragging rights are special.  Anyone interested in bagging this with me?

I've hiked the Cape Scott trail. It's flat as a pancake. The beach is awesome... I found a really cool blue glass Japanese fish float there.


What do *you* do when you break your ribs?

Why, go out and buy skis that are guaranteed to get you even deeper into the pow, of course!

It's been quite a few years since I hit a telephone pole in a dual slalom race in Park City, Utah, and broke 7 ribs. I'd almost forgotten how much it hurts to laugh with a messed-up rib cage. If I've not seen you on the trails lately, now you know why. Shit happens in 3s. Next what?

Congratulations to Kneeknacker Lottery Winners

Congratulations to all of you whose names were drawn in the Knee Knacker lottery last night.... and condolonces to those who didn't make it (quite a few). 

If you are curious, here is a link to the 2008 Entrants and here to the ones that missed out.

Shirt Packing Party


Back On The Trails?

Today is the last day to register for Kneeknacker.  If you have been sitting on the fence and contemplating... better get your FA into gear...

Crown Mountain Snowshoe Adventure

On Sunday, I woke up with the sun shining in my face. The Capilano Canyon Night run party went fairly late. It had been a tough work week. It had rained almost constantly for over 2 months. I rarely sleep in past 8:30, but I had no plans and it felt great to do nothing but soak in the rays. I could tell it was going to be a good day.


This past Sunday was THE day.

By 10:00 am, I must have received a dozen calls or emails from my buddies informing me that "today was THE day". I have no idea what "THE day" means, but I knew when I looked outside that my buddies were right and that I'd better get my butt out the door.

I will share the details of what I did on THE day in another post, but I thought it was worthwhile to look at what defines THE day so you will know one when you wake up to one.

Here are a few thoughts:

Congratulations Matt

Congratulations to Matt Sessions who ran Rocky Raccoon in 18:34 and then followed up with First Half 1/2 Marathon in 1:20 something. Great job, Fat Ass!!

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