

Car Pool To Frosty on Race Day

I'm looking to do the 25k or 50k as a one dayer, leaving from North Van early am. The 25k looks attractive to allow leaving at a reasonable time, but twist my rubber arm and I could be convinced to leave at an obscene hour and do the 50k.


Shoot me an email me at rchore@my.bcit.ca if you are looking for a ride or are interested in car pooling.


11:36am: Call my crew, Rob Ruff and discreetly inquire to his whereabouts as we are less than 25 minutes away from the start of Stormy (Squamish Test Of Running Mettle, Yeah!) 100 miler and he is nowhere to be found. 11:54am: All my bottles of gatorade, electrolyte water, flat Pepsi, hydration packs and everything that I'm going to need to get me through the next 27-30 hours of trails are sitting into a plastic milk crate in front of my car.

Cascade Crest

Well, a few fat asses successfully ran the 2008 Cascade Crest 100 miler. David Crear did exceptionally well and came in 16th overall in 25 :34. Then John and Karl had an Olympic photo finish in 25:50 (if you look at the race results, there is an error). Daniel Probst, Al Harman, Gille Barbeau and others all had a good finish.

2008/08 Storming the JDFT

So the course record has now been lowered to 6:15:xx! Not by me, I hasten to add. This superhuman accomplishment was achieved by Shawn Nelson, the younger of the two Nelson boys. Both are elite athletes.

Frosty training run

Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to this Web stuff so don`t laugh at me if I do something stupid , but if you really want to go ahead...

You may have heard I am organizing this great race Frosty mountain 50k ultra and 25k. I just want to get the message out, not just for the race but also two training runs that are scheduled for Saturday August 30th and Saturday September 6th. We are meeting in Manning Park at the Lightning Lake day parking lot at 10:00 or some of us should car pool from a yet to be determined location from Vancouver at 7:30

Should Ultrarunners Take Drugs?

As the closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics approach, I was reading Sylvie's report of her adventures at the STORMY 100-miler. She made mention of Advil, a brand of ibuprofen, also commonly known as "Vitamin I" to endurance athletes. A couple of the more experienced 100-mile runners I know shared their thoughts with Sylvie in the comments section. Since doping is in the news with the Olympics and the Tour de France, I figured the subject was worth taking a look at from the distance running perspective.

South Chilcotin Mountains

After finishing Stormy 2 person relay the next adventure was the South Chilcotin Mountains.


Below is my race report. The long version is long. It was a 100miler after all. The short version: I trained. I ran. I finished. Have fun reading!

Three Fat Asses go for the Leadville 100: The Race Across the Sky

Giddy Up!! That's how we roll in Leadville!!

The boys get ready for their race in the morning by doning on the traditional Western attire. The hat will come in handy with the thunderstorms and snow that they're predicting. Don't know how the jacket could help, except scaring away some mountain beasts.

I will try to update this posts regularly pending wi-fi access


My Stormy 2008 run report

This course was very,very well flagged, thanks Wendy! The volunteers were awesome and some of the views were captivating. Notable the tantalizing Tantilus Mts.,the Chief and Howe sound.

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